Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 381: Medical treatment

Regarding the gathering of the crowd, the security team did not drive them away, just watching from the edge.

Looking around, Jevrich saw the familiar figure in a raised place beside the road.

Beside that figure, there are some civilians who also stand on the spot where the crowd gathers.

Taking a step forward, Jevrich approached the figure.

After passing through countless figures, when Yevrich came to the back of that figure, and was about to say something, a word came into Yevrich's ear.

"Don't say anything, don't do anything, just watch it quietly!"

Li Meng looked ahead and said lightly in his mouth.

Of course Li Meng was aware of the approach of Jevrich behind him.

The words he was about to say were swallowed by Shengsheng. Beside Li Meng, the tall and majestic Jevrich was watching the crowds not far away.

People, many people, there are old people, there are young people, most of them are women, at a glance, the number is over 100.

Not far from the forest, there is a pile of timber in a square. The pile of timber is huge, as high as one person.

Some women held something wrapped in sackcloth in their hands, one after another, with a sad face and put the things in their arms on the pyre.

When he left, his eyes were filled with dismay, that kind of eyes made people feel compassionate.

In a short while, the gray parcels were placed on the pyre, overlapping one after another, no less than a hundred.

From the crowd, the women holding the packages still kept walking out, as if endless.

"The recent mortality rate is very high! I don't know how many lucky babies there are!"

"Isn't it! Thinking about how I survived when I was a kid, that's the blessing of death!"

"Baby is born every day in Qingcheng, I don't know how many there will be on the next death sacrifice day..."

The discussion of the civilians beside him made Li Meng quite concerned.

From those comments, it is not difficult to get the information Li Meng wants.

It turned out to be a funeral, a funeral for a newborn child.

The world is flooded with pollutants. Although human beings have been resistant to pollutants for hundreds of years, the human body itself is fragile, and babies born are even more vulnerable.

Due to the weakness of the body, babies who have not yet fully adapted to the unfamiliar world are easily attacked by contaminated substances, and their lives are slowly taken away.

In this world, the survival rate of human babies is very low, and the low level makes humans fear it.

The pyre was lit, and a raging fire burst into the sky.

The packages on the pyre slowly disappeared in the fire.

Along with the crackling sound of "cracking", Ruoyoruowu's whispering voice echoed.

The flame exudes warmth, and the numerous figures beside the fire did not show a comfortable expression, but looked at the burning fire with heavy eyes.

Seeing this scene, Yevrich remained speechless. He also heard what the commander heard. Yevrich knew what was in the burned package.

This is something that makes everyone sad.

In a way, the soldiers of the First Army are also humans, and Jevrich will also feel a little sad about this.

Looking at the blazing fire, Li Meng said faintly: "I sensed the breath of death and the cry of grief in my soul, so I came here!"

"Do you know why I came?"

The commander's question made Jevrich a little puzzled.

He could hear a lot of hidden meanings from the commander's words, but too much information brought Jevrich's confusion and ignorance.

Yevrich said: "Please also ask the commander to make it clear!"

Looking at the crowd not far away, Li Meng said, "It is for their prayers and for their hope!"

"They pray that the grief is not coming, they hope that life can be better, I came to listen to their wishes, but also to realize their wishes!"

There are some words that Yevrich didn't understand the deep meaning of the commander's words, but from the commander's words, Yevrich heard something.

That is to make some changes to Qingcheng, not only people, but also many things.

Withdrawing his eyes from the burning fire, Li Meng turned and walked towards the city gate.

Jevric followed close behind.

On the way, Li Meng said: "There should be a medical center in Qingcheng. Not only that, but also food, clothing, and housing should also develop simultaneously with the military!"

"Qingcheng needs a new look, and you must pay attention to dressing. If it is still the worn-out commoner, how can it be ushered in a new era?"

For a long time, Li Meng always felt that Qingcheng lacked something.

Until today, Li Meng discovered that what Qingcheng lacks is fashionable clothing. How can the worn-out commoner make Qingcheng look new?

People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. Without good fashion clothes, their mental outlook will never be reformed.

For a long time, this basic material was ignored by the First Army.

Now that this point has been discovered, of course we must proceed to solve it.

Of course, the medical center is the top priority.

This is not only for the Qingcheng civilians, but also for the long-term benefits of the First Army.

Increasing the survival rate of newborn babies can not only strengthen the prestige of the First Army among civilians, but also gain popular support.

Yevrich said: "Yes! I will order it immediately. If things go well, the commander's "target" should be reached in half a month!"


Li Meng let out a soft voice, with a slightly surprised expression.

Yevrich is so confident?

Not to mention changing the clothes of civilians in Qingcheng, just building a medical center requires a lot of energy points to support, after all, medical equipment is not cheap.

Now, with the financial difficulties of the First Army, it is impossible for Li Meng to give out a sum of energy points to make Jevrich be willful once.

As if perceiving the commander’s doubts, Yevrich said: "Commander! We found a strange type of polluting beast in the forest in the west of the city. They are petite, but they have a strong attack, and their saliva is corrosive. Breeding a yellow quality "rough stone", there is no chance problem, every one has it!"

"If it is eliminated, the financial problems that plagued the First Army can be resolved!"

It turned out to be so!

The source of Jevric's self-confidence originally came from here.

Indeed, if the finances of the First Army are sufficiently wealthy, everything Li Meng wants to see can be achieved in a short time.

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