Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 383: Body abnormalities

Li Meng lightly shook his head: "I am very relieved that I will leave the temple to you. I will not let you do other things until the temple is built. This time I will come to see you on the one hand, and at the same time. Come and see the progress of the temple's construction!"

Tan Ya said: "Is the commander satisfied?"

Li Meng said: "The finances of the First Army are not rich, and certain necessary conditions cannot be met. You and I understand this, you have done your best!"

There was no satisfaction or dissatisfaction, but in Tan Ya's view, the commander's meaning was very clear, that is, he was very dissatisfied with the progress of the construction of the temple.

"I understand! I will work hard to speed up the construction of the temple!"

The tone is a bit hard.

There are many reasons for the explanation, but Tan Ya does not want to explain. There are many factors contributing to the slow construction of the temple. Many factors do not lie with Tan Ya, but Tan Ya does not want to put aside responsibility.

Perceiving the little awkwardness in Tan Ya's words, Li Meng smiled to himself, and glanced at Tan Ya's whole body. His sharp eyes seemed to have pierced the armor of the power suit and looked at the delicate body inside.

Under those eyes, Tan Ya was quite uncomfortable.

The commander's gaze was too aggressive.

In Tan Ya's anxiety, Li Meng said quietly: "Tan Ya! A woman's awkwardness is an irresistible temptation for a man, so be careful to get the upper body on fire!"

When the commander was slightly threatening, Tan Ya was stunned for a moment, and then thought of something, and her face turned ruddy.

However, after Li Meng's molesting, Tan Ya's heart became slightly happy.

The previous grievances have long been left behind.

In the helmet, Tan Ya gave the commander a white look, and said angrily: "Commander! I will speed up the construction of the temple as much as possible, but if the prerequisite is sufficient and timely supply of building materials, there is nothing I can do without building materials!"

Li Meng understood this. The efficiency of the quarry was too low to provide sufficient building materials for the construction of Qingcheng.

However, this aspect should be resolved soon.

Li Meng said: "You don't need to worry about this. If Jevric's operation this time goes well, the lack of finances of the First Army will be resolved. By then, more funds will be invested in construction and everything will be resolved!"


Tan Ya was a little surprised!

If the financial problems that the First Army lacks can be resolved, what can't be done for the First Army?

"Did Jevrich found the original crystal mine?"

Tan Ya asked curiously.

Tan Ya can only solve the problem of the financial shortage of the First Army.

Otherwise, how can the First Army get a large amount of energy points in a short time?

Li Meng shook his head and said: "It is not the discovery of the original crystal mine, but a strange and weak polluting beast, from which we can obtain what our First Army needs!"

It turned out to be so!

Tan Ya understands a bit!

It turned out to be a hunting operation!

It's time to leave!

Thinking like this, Li Meng glanced sideways at Tan Ya next to him again, and said the last sentence indifferently: "Don't be stressed, just let things happen in the temple!"

When the voice entered Tan Ya's ears, Li Meng's figure was disappearing!

When Tan Ya noticed something and looked back at the person beside her, there was no one else there, and the familiar figure was no longer there.

Just as he appeared silently and silently, so silently when he left.

Tan Ya's expression was weakened, and Tan Ya returned to normal.

It was not a dream, he existed for real, but just left.

After talking with the commander, Tan Ya's heart relaxed a lot.

Putting away his wild thoughts, Tan Ya turned and left.

In order to ensure a good mental state tomorrow, one must sleep well at night. Only enough sleep can ensure the body's energy.

Leaving the top of the mountain, Li Meng soared into the sky in the emptiness, sprinting all the way to the "Emperor".

For a few breaths, the brightly lit "Emperor" on the sea was already in front of him.

Like a ghost, it passed through that layer of glass and then through the roof of the garden pavilion. The "spiritual body" poured into the subject lying on the seat with closed eyes, and the main consciousness returned at the same time.

Li Meng's eyelids moved slightly on the seat, and Sakiya opened his eyes under the nervous gaze beside him.

Seeing His Royal Highness waking up, Sakuya stooped down, leaned forward slightly and said next to Li Meng: "Your Royal Highness! Is there any discomfort?"

Li Meng shook his head and said softly: "I'm fine!"

Looking sideways at Sakuya, Li Meng asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Seeing Sakuya's expression, something seemed to have happened during his absence.

Sakuya looked worried, and said weakly: "Not long ago, His Highness's heart suddenly stopped beating for a full thirty seconds before it continued beating again!"

"Your Highness! Didn't you really feel any discomfort?"

Hearing what Sakuya said, Li Meng groaned.

There is no feeling, chest tightness has always existed, perhaps because the change is slow, the heart adapts to the dull feeling, and Li Meng ignores some subtle changes.

The heart stopped beating, which was obviously abnormal.

The heart is the most important organ of human beings, and it is also fragile. Once the heart stops beating, all organs of the human body will be severely affected, and the owner of the heart will lose his life.

Could it be that the limit of this body has come?

When the mind moved, a bunch of mental power leaned toward the heart.

After a long time, Li Meng withdrew his mental power and his face was contemplative.

Although the vitality of the heart is worrying, there is still a lot of time before the end.

Shouldn't there be a "heart stop beating" situation?

Is there anything else you haven't thought of?

Li Meng had to doubt this.

But where did you not think of it?

Li Meng thought hard!

No clue, no clue.

Patting the little white hand on the guard, Li Meng gently shook his head and said, "It's okay! It's okay!"

Perhaps it was just an accident, Li Meng did not care too much.

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