Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 384: sleep

Sakuya straightened up anxiously, her Highness didn't care, but that didn't mean she didn't care, she cared about His Highness's body more than anyone, even more than His Highness himself.

"Your Highness! Would you like to have a meal?"

Sakuya asked softly.

His Royal Highness has been asleep for a long time, and I don't know where the palace went, but he has been away for such a long time.

Sakiya knew about his other identity.

Just like the real "God", it is invisible and intangible, but it does exist, and it is precisely because of the existence of "It" that makes His Highness very dishonest. Whenever His Highness sleeps very heavily, Sakiya knows , Your Highness is no longer there, the body is there, but the consciousness has gone elsewhere.

"no need!"

Li Meng said softly.

The belly is not hungry, there is no hunger in the belly, and there is no appetite.

The consumption of this body is not strong.


With a soft breath, Li Meng looked at the garden outside the pavilion unconsciously.

Watching quietly, that kind of intent gaze made Saya on the side unable to help but keep quiet, waiting for His Royal Highness to stay quietly.

In the pavilion, her few slender figures were also affected by the atmosphere, silent, and even their breathing became much lighter.

Looking at the flowers in the garden outside the pavilion dumbly, Li Meng was thinking wildly.

Ever since the First Army occupied Qingcheng, life seems to have become very leisurely.

Li Meng also understands that as the size of the team grows, some things don't need his personal attention, and they can be handed over to trusted subordinates.

No need to do anything, no need to think about anything, this is probably the current situation of Li Meng.

Qingcheng is on the right track, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the only thing Li Meng needs to do is to watch the changes in Qingcheng quietly.

"It seems to be very bald!"

In his heart, Li Meng couldn't help but muttered.

Although staying leisurely in the "Emperor" every day, there are many lovely people to accompany him, this kind of blessing, not anyone can enjoy.

But Li Meng was a little concerned about whether this kind of leisure can continue.

Stretching slightly, Li Meng subconsciously said: "Sakuya! Come on, give your Highness me a rub!"

After speaking, Li Meng's expression was taken aback, and he felt rather helpless.

I was really spoiled by the girl beside me.

Sakuya didn't know what your Highness was doing at this moment, she just smiled and said softly: "Okay! Your Highness!"

As soon as the words fell, his petite body squatted beside Li Meng, and his little white hands were placed on Li Meng's legs and kneaded gently.

But Li Meng was a look of careless enjoyment.

While kneading his hands, Sakuya motioned to the slender figures in the pavilion.

They were taken aback for a moment, and then they understood, stepped to the other side of the seat with small steps, squatted down like Sakuya, and stretched out their white hands to knead the other leg.

In the pavilion, in addition to Sakiya, there are four girls, four girls, two on each side, one on the side with Sakiya, and the other gently came behind Li Meng and placed two little hands gently on Li Meng. Kneading on his forehead.

At this moment, Li Meng was enjoying the service of the girls like an "emperor", and his aura was a bit degenerate, but Li Meng was unaware of it and enjoyed it for granted.

If this scene is seen by others, I don't know how much jealousy and indignation it will cause.

Looking sideways at the girls beside him, a hint of fragrance floated in the air, filling his nose.

The mixture of various body scents forms a unique fragrance, which makes people want to move around.

His Highness's gaze made them a little bit shy. Whenever their gaze was swept away, they would always lower their heads shyly. Only Sakiya would smile sweetly at Li Meng's gaze, which looked very cute.

Surrounded by beauty, Li Meng was at ease.

"Sakuya! How is that girl in Muling recently?"

Li Meng suddenly thought of Mu Ling.

That girl is getting more and more able to sleep, sometimes I can't see her all day.

There is no need to worry about the body. Her body is very good, but there are some abnormalities in the spirit. Even Li Meng can't find the source of that abnormality.

While massaging for His Royal Highness, Sakuya whispered: "She is fine. Although she falls asleep most of the time every day, she still eats three meals a day normally."

"is it!"

Li Meng let go, as long as he can eat normally and ensure the health of his body, there is no need to worry too much.

Mu Ling's condition was not normal, and Li Meng knew this of course, but the place that could solve Mu Ling's abnormal condition was still 100,000 miles away.

Even the First Legion could not reach that far away place in a short time.

Therefore, Li Meng can only wait until the first legion's ability is sufficient before heading to that far place.

In his mind, Li Meng already had a relevant plan. This plan may not be able to implement it yet, but Li Meng believed that the First Army would not let him wait too long.


With a soft breath, Li Meng said softly: "Thanks for your hard work! Sakuya!"

Sakiya felt very heartwarming for His Highness's words.

Looking up at His Royal Highness, Sakuya smiled and said softly: "Nothing! This is what I should do!"

After speaking, he lowered his head slightly and continued to knead.

What a reassuring girl!

Looking slightly, Li Meng secretly looked at Sakuya.

Since this girl came to him, it seemed that she had never refused any request from him.

Among the women Li Meng knew, it was Sakuya who was the most gentle.

Although Li Meng knew that Sakuya was indifferent to her bones. When she turned into a cold murder tool, she was more fierce and ruthless than anyone else.

But it is precisely because of this that the gentleness that is unique to oneself is even more precious.

Ever since she appeared next to him, Li Meng has always cherished her, more than anyone else, and only when facing her, will Li Meng show his true side unscrupulously.


Looking at Sakuya, Li Meng shouted.

Raising her head slightly, Sakuya stared at that gaze, and responded softly: "Your Highness! I'm here!"

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