Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 480: shock

Five rescue boats appeared on the other side of the coastline.

Amidst the roar of the engine, the speedboat rode the wind and waves, galloping on the sea, passing by, leaving long lasting white marks.

That is a rolling wave.

From far and near, until completely reflected in the eyes of the mobilized soldiers on the tops of the mountains on both sides of the bay.

"It's the rescue boat on the Emperor!!"

The mobilizer on the top of the mountain is observing the speedboat galloping over the sea.

Under the gaze of the mobilized soldiers on both sides of the mountain, five speedboats sailed into the bay from under their noses.

Along the way, the water is rippling, and the white waves are rolling in for a long time.

"Sergeant Chief! I saw a fleet of boats entering the bay. It is a rescue boat on the "Emperor". They are docking!"

The mobilized soldiers on the top of the mountain reported their findings to the port.

"Received! Please continue to monitor the open sea!"


In the sparse day, in the bay, the color of the sea did not completely dissipate, and there was a slight greenish color.

The huge dock was close at hand, and the speedboat galloping on the sea slowed down.

The water surface was rippling gently, and five speedboats slowly cut through the water surface and leaned toward the coast.

As the speedboat docked, a team of mobilizers appeared on the beach. They stepped on the soft sand and were approaching the coast where the speedboat was planning to dock.


Slight vibration.

The speedboat with deep draft ran aground.

The bow has reached the sand in the shallow water area.

Fortunately, it is very close to the shore, less than ten meters away.

Five speedboats formed a row and docked in shallow water.

At this time, the hatch opened, and a mobilized soldier came out of the boat and onto the deck.

"Call! The boat is loaded with accessories for the giant portal. I need enough manpower!"

The number of mobilized troops in the speedboat is not large, most of them are some people on board, there are less than ten, and the rest are engineers who carry out the assembly of portals, and the number is not large, only more than twenty.

Although the goods in the speedboat are not too big parts, if you want to unload the goods quickly, you need the help of the guards in the port.

The mobilized soldiers who came to the deck used public channels to call comrades in the port for help.

"Received! Please wait a moment! Comrades are coming!"

Maybe it was some order.

The mobilizers coming from here on the beach obviously accelerated their pace.


When approaching the water, the mobilized soldiers on the beach stepped directly into the water.

When dozens of people stepped on the sea, the shallow water suddenly became turbid.

With the help of the port guard, the cargo was quickly unloaded from the boat.

"Sakuya... General?"

When a black "figure" appeared on the deck of a speedboat, Yeromanfu, who had been observing the fleet below on the dock platform, was obviously taken aback.

Yeromanfu didn't expect General Sakuya to be in the speedboat.

Since leaving the temple last night, Yeromanv has become the 5th-level Sergeant under the appointment of Yevrich, and then, at the order of Sergeant Yevrich, led 1,600 soldiers and 15 sickle machines. A, came to the port and garrisoned the port.

Quickly opened the public channel, Yeromanfu said: "Call! Call! Comrades on the speedboat, please tell General Sakiya, ask her to wait, the fifth-level sergeant "Yeromanfu" will arrive immediately!"

What a surprise.

Yeromanfu never expected General Sakiya to follow the speedboat to the port.

I thought General Sakiya would follow the big army.

But I didn't expect to come early.

"Received! I will tell Sakiya-shogun immediately!"

Yeluomanfu got a response.

At this time, a mobilized soldier on the deck of the speedboat walked quickly to Sakuya who was standing on the side of the deck.

"General Sakuya! There was a message from Sergeant Yeroman just now. Please wait for General Sakuya, Sergeant Sergeant will be there soon!"

Sakiya looked around the beach and then at the tall dock not far away.

"Where is he?"

Sakuya asked the mobilizer beside him.

Looking up, the mobilized soldiers looked at the platform above the dock and said, "It should be on the platform of the dock!"


Raising her head slightly, Sakuya looked at the place where the mobilizers were watching.

Is there?

It's not very far.

With her legs bent slightly, Sakiya made a jumping pose.

"General! Please..."


The speedboat sank sharply.

The figure flashed, and Sakuya on the deck rose into the sky.

It turned into a black shadow and cut through the sky, and landed firmly on the platform in a beautiful arc.

Due to the impact of the force, the water surface was disturbed, and the speedboat was swaying violently.

The mobilized soldiers carrying the goods looked at the figure that had disappeared into the sky in amazement.

Is this something humans can do?

The distance between the speedboat and the dock platform is nearly fifty meters.

How can humans achieve that kind of jumping height?


Sakuya's figure landed on the dock platform.

With her legs bent slightly, Sakiya released the momentum with her skill.

The ground is not cracked. After all, when the force of the upward thrust disappears, the speed of falling to the dock platform is very slow. That kind of force cannot make the ground crack.

However, under the impact of the iron shoes, several pieces of rubble were also overturned.

The mobilized soldiers on the dock platform stared at "Sakuya" in a daze.

I looked at Sakuya and then at the speedboat unloading below.

Such a high, such a long distance, just one jump?

This is more incredible than the superpowers of the Rising Sun Empire.

Yeroumanfu was about to leave the dock platform, but the strong "voice" behind him made Yeroumanfu stop.

When Yeroumanfu turned and looked around, he saw Daoyuan himself on the speedboat deck.

Although he didn't see Sakiya's jumping gesture, he saw General Sakiya who appeared on the platform, and Yeromanfu understood what was going on.

Standing straight, Sakiya glanced at the platform.

Sakiya didn't care about the many surprised eyes.

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