Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 515: negotiation?

"You are very loyal!"

Sakuya was cold, temporarily ignoring the pair of loyal masters and servants under her feet.

Looking around again, Sakiya focused on business.

In the eyes of everyone, Sakuya said: "At 12 o'clock noon, the First Army will land. Any resistance, the First Army will be regarded as a failure of negotiation. At that time! The First Army will attack Yelin Island with all its strength!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sakiya didn't give everyone a chance to inquire.

Coldly turned around and walked to the Thunder Transport Vehicle.

When turning around, a cold voice came from the hood.

"Kill them!"

Sakiya didn't plan to let the two on the beach go.

Since threatening the First Army, it is the enemy.

Sakiya doesn't know what kindness is when dealing with enemies.

For mobilized soldiers, this is an order, the general's order.

Turning around, several mobilizers aimed their guns at the two people on the beach, and the rest returned to the Thunder Transport Vehicle.

"Da da!"

The flame sprayed and the gunfire "rumbling".

At this moment, amidst the flash of gunfire, a figure shot up from the beach, avoiding the bullet attack, jumping a full ten meters high, passing over the heads of the mobilizers, and facing towards the back of the beach. Washed away in the forest.

When he fell from the sky, he ran wildly on the beach like a monkey, very fast.

Along the way, the crowd quickly avoided.

"Let him go!"

Ruoss is dead, and the dead can't die. Numerous blood holes appeared on his body. The blood penetrated the yellow sand and stained a dazzling red.

But his slave escaped.

There are traces of him in the crowd.

When the mobilized soldier who was incarcerated turned to chase, but was stopped by Sakiya.

A loyal person should never die.

Sakiya didn't care about sparing his life.

At this time, the slaves who fled on the beach had disappeared in the forest.

When everyone returned to the Thunder Transport Vehicle, amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine and the eyes of everyone on the beach, the Thunder Transport Vehicle slowly lifted into the sky.

Turning, moving, faster and faster, coming and going in a hurry.

When the Thunder transport vehicle went away, everyone on the beach looked at each other.

Looking at the corpse on the sand, the beach fell into a strange silence.

So people are frowning.

At this moment, a group of guards dressed in leather armor and gray robes squeezed out the crowd and ran to the corpse on the beach.

When they came to the corpse, the guards looked at the corpse in front of them, obviously at a loss.

"What should I do? Master is dead, I am afraid it will be a dead end if we go back like this!"

"Master Nuliang fled into the forest, shall we find him?"

"Yes! Yes! Let's go find him!"

"What about the brothers on the boat?"

"Now that the ship can't move, it will be attacked when it leaves, and there is nothing we can do!"

"No matter! Bury the young master's corpse first, you can't just be so violent in the wilderness!"

"Yes, yes, we carried the young master's body into the forest and buried it!"

The guards began to move, carrying the corpse, and flocking towards the forest.

When the guards carrying the corpse left, the crowd on the beach rang out with "tweeting".

12 o'clock noon is very close.

There are less than two hours left.

After two hours, the First Army will land on Yelin Island.

At that time! Where should they go?

"It's no way to go on like this!"

Looking at the people on the beach, Zhu Rui said inwardly.

Although he was a businessman, he didn't need to be afraid of anything, but when the First Army landed on the island for a while, if they encountered Er Lengzi and shot to resist, once a battle broke out, the bullets on the battlefield would not have eyes and would be easily affected.

No way!

This possibility must be avoided.

Zhu Rui's expression changed rapidly.

After a while, Zhu Rui seemed to think of something and narrowed his eyes.

No longer hesitating, Zhu Rui raised his hands.

Loudly: "Quiet! Everyone listen to me!"

Someone has come forward?

The speed of silence on the beach was far beyond Zhu Rui's expectations.

When he raised his hands and shouted in his mouth, the voice on the beach suddenly became quiet, and thousands of pairs looked at him in unison.

The surrounding crowd also made room for him.

Under the gaze of many gazes, Zhu Rui's expression was quite indifferent and loudly said: "Even if our merchants and pirates can fight together, they will not be the opponents of the First Army. Once a battle occurs, we will only be slaughtered!"

"You have seen the situation just now. Once a battle occurs, the First Army will not be merciful!"

After a short speech, Zhu Rui continued: "We can't control who this "South China Sea" belongs to, but now, we can only compromise. I propose that before the 1st Legion landed at 12 o'clock, the pirates and merchants would each send a representative to make peace. The first legion held talks."

"After this, the black market of Yelin Island should have disappeared. So, whether you are a pirate or a businessman, you should give up what you should give away. Don't lose your life for the money of things outside your body!"

The fat man was very pertinent, and this is also a way to avoid war.

The chattering on the beach rang again.

"It’s easy for you merchants to get out, so what about us pirates? In the eyes of others, we are wicked and evil. Once caught, we will lose our heads. The First Legion might take advantage of this opportunity. Our pirates have it all!"

"Yeah! That's right!"

"Either go together or work hard together, you businessmen don't want to leave!"


The pirate unilaterally rejected the Fatty's proposal.

And the reaction was quite intense.

Wiping a cold sweat from his forehead, the fat man chuckled.

Fatty did have the idea of ​​separating pirates from merchants.

Because this is of great benefit to their businessmen.

Their businessman wants to get away, all he needs to pay is a sum of money.

The pirates are not so easy, maybe they have nothing, and eventually they have to lose their lives.

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