Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 516: Good fit good scattered

At this moment, a **** figure came out from the crowd.

It is Chen Nannan, Chen Nannan of Broken Sword Pirates.

Surrounded by many gazes, Chen Nannan smiled gracefully and said: "Who I am should be very clear in your hearts. I won't introduce myself again. I have a suggestion. You can consider it!"

It's Broken Sword Pirates!

The Broken Sword Pirate Group has come out!

"Head Chen! Just talk about it! Broken Sword Pirate Group is famous, we pirates are willing to listen to you!"

"Yes! We listen to you!"

The pirates boiled over and expressed their support for Chen Nannan.

Having a backbone is a reassuring thing for any pirate.

"Then I won't be hypocritical!"

Looking at Zhu Rui, Chen Nannan smiled lazily: "Fatty! We pirates are not stupid. How can we fail to see your plan? Now everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. Get together, or don’t blame us for pulling your merchants into the water!"

The fat man chuckled, and said awkwardly: "It's easy to talk about! Then what's the advice of Head Chen?"

Chen Nannan said indifferently: "It's not difficult for me to do it for you. How about you and me as a representative to meet with the First Army? During the discussion, I just hope you don't fall into the water!"

"This one……"

Zhu Rui looked around awkwardly, and said loudly, "I don't know who is interested in going there? If not, then Zhu will not let it go!"

For a long time, the merchants had no objections.

Someone has done this early bird, they don't need to lie down in this muddy water.

Seeing that there was no objection, Zhu Rui said to Chen Nannan: "It should not be too late! Then let's go!"

Chen Nannan nodded.

The two walked to the dock.

"and many more!"

Then another voice rang.

Three figures came out from the crowd.

One big, two small, one woman, two children.

Chen Nannan's expression was slightly bright when he saw Gu Niya.

Constantly looking at Gu Niya.

Looking at the two, in the eyes of everyone, Gu Niya said: "Should we have a representative who is not a pirate or a businessman?"

Chen Nannan smiled slightly, but did not refuse, she just said lazily: "If you go, take the two younger sisters around you too! Although it is a bit ugly, if there are two lovely girls, Our chips have also increased a lot?"


Zhu Rui glanced at the woman beside him strangely.

Although this woman is **** and beautiful, how can her vision be so bad?

Those two little guys were all dirty, especially their faces, they couldn't match "cute" at all.

"They will go!"

The voice was very cold. Gu Niya didn't like to hear Chen Nannan's words.

How dare to use her sisters as a tool to please others.

However, the younger sisters still have to bring them, and Gunya is not relieved to stay on the beach.

"Let's go! It's getting late!"

Zhu Rui didn't have any comments, just urged.

"Let's go!

Chen Nannan nodded.

The five people walked together and boarded the boat on the pier under the gaze of everyone.

Under the paddles of the two crew members, the boat sailed slowly on the sea, heading for the far sea fleet.

"His Royal Highness! A small boat is coming from the forward fleet from Yelin Island. There are seven people on board, three men, two women, and two children. Do you need to stop them?"

Because of Yamada Jiro's words, Li Meng raised his head slightly, his gaze penetrated the window and looked towards Nanlin Island.

In the direction of Nanlin Island, a small boat was slowly moving forward on the sea, and its bow pointed straight at the fleet.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Meng said calmly: "There is no need to stop, they should have come to discuss, this is a good thing!"

Turning his head slightly, Li Meng looked at Sakuya next to him, and said, "Will you go or me about this discussion?"

A cold voice came from the hood.

"I go!"

Li Meng: "Then go to prepare the venue for negotiation!"


Sakuya responded softly.

He immediately looked up at Yamada Jiro in front of the window, and said, "Yamada Jiro! Take them to the rear deck!"


Yamada Jiro responded.

Looking down at His Royal Highness, Sakuya said: "Your Royal Highness! Then I will go to prepare!"


Without words, Sakiya turned and left the command room.


"Sister Gunia! What a big boat!"

The closer you get to the fleet, the more you can feel the size of the ship.

When the small wooden ship sails into the shadow of the cruiser's hull, the hull is even more like a steel mountain.

Little Dinessa couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is the biggest ship I have ever seen!"

After finishing speaking, Dinessa looked at Zhu Rui and said, "Big fat man! How about you! Have you ever seen a bigger ship?"

The little girl made Zhu Rui a little embarrassed by the big fat man.

Although he is really fat, he doesn't want to be told, and he is still a dirty girl.

Touching his nose, Zhu Rui rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "Of course! I have been to Kyoto once. In the ports of Kyoto, there are many ships of this size. However, they are all merchant ships. This is the first time I have seen a warship!"

Dinesha looked back at Gunia again.

Of course, Gunia interrupted in advance until Dinesha was about to say something: "Okay Dinesha! Just be quiet for a while, look, the person who picked us up is here!"

A very fast ship emerged from the shadow of the hull and approached their small wooden ship.

On the deck, Gunia could see those dark green figures.

When approaching the wooden boat, the mobilizers on the deck said to the people on the boat: "Come on! The general is waiting for you on the deck!"


It's really an old name.

Everyone was speechless and left from the boat and boarded the speedboat.

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