Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 55: Guardian

After thinking for a while, Li Meng made a decision to be on the safe side.

As soon as the mind moved, the power of the mind came out, and the invisible power of the mind formed a magnetic field that enveloped the "primitive spirit".

In this case, the energy fluctuations of the original elf will not be detected by humans, and the magnetic field surrounding the original elf will not have any effect on the original elf. This is a layer of insurance and a perfect solution.

After finishing all this, Li Meng turned and walked towards Broken Bridge, his figure disappeared in the thick fog.

No matter what, it's always right to leave here.

Li Meng never thought that it was because of his caution that he avoided a lot of things from happening.

At this moment, it is more than 3,000 kilometers northwest of Broken Bridge.

Lin Hai was shrouded in darkness, roaring in the deep forest, and occasionally a figure would flash past the darkness.

The moonlight tonight is very bright. Under the shining of silver light, the polluting beasts become active. Races at all levels in the biological chain are killing, fighting, and devouring each other.

The forest sea in the night has become a paradise for killing and eating.

High altitude is a very dangerous area for humans. Whether it is a flying polluting beast or an erratic "apostle", no matter which one, it can pose a fatal threat to human fragile aircraft.

However, there is a type of machinery that is not in this category, and that is the guardian **** of mankind.

The "God of Guard" is powerful enough to be beyond the reach of ordinary polluting beasts. Because the energy required to activate the "God of Guard" is huge, even the "Primitive Elf" as the core energy device of the "God of Guard" cannot support the "God" fights at full capacity for a long time.

The main target of the Guardian is the "Apostle." Generally speaking, in the battle against ordinary polluting beasts, it is not a last resort.

For that huge war machine, once it is dispatched, when it causes devastating damage to the enemy, the right side will also suffer the same damage. After all, the body is too large, just moving it will cause catastrophic damage to the ground.

In the quiet night sky, a huge roar suddenly sounded. It came from a distance, mighty and approaching.

Not long after, in the night sky, more than a dozen light spots of various colors gradually appeared, and the roar became louder and louder.

Not long after, they are clearly visible.

When the huge silhouette appeared, a giant, a metal giant a hundred meters tall, suddenly appeared, streamlined metal armor, reflecting golden light, humanoid body, standing upright, like the legendary Titan, the whole world seems small. A lot.

The huge head has two well-balanced water chestnut horns. On the forehead, there is also a huge "North" inscription. The overall painting is biased towards earthy color, giving people a heavy and thick feeling.

There is no jet port behind, and no auxiliary power engine device in every part of the body. It just floats high in the air, and it seems to move slowly. It is just an illusion of high-altitude vision, and this illusion is even more so in the cloudless night sky. obvious.

This is the "God of Guard", the "God of Guard" with the posture of a Titan and absolute power.


Of course it’s not slow. Its real speed has surpassed Mach 1, and it has broken the sound barrier. This is not its limit. It can also be faster, but for some reason, it cannot fly at full speed.

It is not alone. There are seven petite bodies around it. They have the same human body shape, have streamlined armor, and a uniform silver-gray paint. They are military-standard weapons.

Humans call them "multipurpose humanoid mobile armor", collectively called "guards."

The height of the guard is between 12 meters and 14 meters. The main structure is made of alloy materials. The shell armor is generally made of mixed gold with good toughness. The power structure is generally a wheel-shaft power furnace. The original crystal is used as the fuel. The combat duration is 3 hours.

Due to the aerodynamic shape, the Guards are not good at flying and are purely ground combat units.

But when necessary, it can also be equipped with an external jet power furnace to gain the ability to fly.

Seven guards, carrying external jet-powered furnaces, rely on the orange flames from the tail nozzles on the back to obtain enough thrust to enable them to **** the "God of Guards".

Since the flying height of the huge team is not very high, it is only more than two thousand meters above the ground. When the huge team passes by the night sky, the multiple tails like meteors can be clearly seen from the ground. Flame, and the huge silhouette in the middle of the tail flame.

The mighty team flew aggressively in the night sky, traversing unimpeded all the way, and even the flying polluting beasts in the forest sea remained silent.

Suddenly, the "God of Guard" who was in flight gave a violent stop, and went from moving to still, almost instantaneously, which completely violated the laws of physics.

The **** guards did not have the ability of the Guardian God. The Guardian suddenly stopped and the pilots who controlled the Guardian could not expect it. The seven Guardian Gods rushed out a long distance before returning to the "Guardian" again.

The aviation power furnace was roaring, returning to the guard beside the **** of guard, the jet nozzle sprayed an orange flame several meters long. Although the thrust of the power furnace was strong, it was a little difficult to keep the guard in suspension. The body swayed like a drunk old man. , Very unstable.

"Captain Li Chengwu! Why stop?"

In front of the Guardian God, the guards who are huge enough to be called by humans are also very small. The guardian next to the Guardian God is like a baby, looking so weak.

Hovering quietly in the air, at this moment, in this airspace, the Guardian and the seven guards are the only ones in control.

In the head of the **** of guard, under the thick armor, there is a space. This space is not wide, but extremely small. In a small pool full of green liquid, a transparent glass cabin stands upright like a coffin.

The glass cabin is also filled with green liquid, the only difference is that there is a person in the liquid in the glass cabin.

A man, naked man.

He lay quietly in the glass cabin, closed his eyes, as if asleep.

If the "primal spirit" is the energy core of the **** of guard, then the naked man in the glass cabin is the brain of the **** of guard, who controls the **** of guard.

"The energy fluctuations are gone!"

In the cramped cockpit, there were a dazzling array of mechanical devices, both hands holding the limb sensing devices, and both feet lightly stepping on the accelerator, slightly difficult to adjust the guard's floating posture. Zhu Youlang was slightly taken aback by the response from the communicator .

Frowning slightly, Zhu Youlang asked with doubts: "How many times is this?"

"the third time!"

Li Chengwu’s answer is sure ####Welcome to join the reader group of the Red Police Disaster Era, group number: 176793741

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