Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 58: Spiritual body clone?

The main brain has said a lot, and Li Meng has also learned a lot about his own state.

It seems that the liberation of the mysterious brain is not entirely a good thing. Everything that exists has its own meaning. The existence of the barrier of the gods is a limitation and a safety device.

It's difficult to take this step, but once you take it, you will gain strength while also worrying about the strength that will grow over time.

Mental power is a very peculiar and illusory power. It exists in the human brain. The unique characteristics of mental power make it grow every minute, every second, all the time.

Although the human body is said to have endless potential, it also has limits. Once the limit comes, the powerful force becomes a reminder.

In the current situation, if there is no way to solve it, and the liberated mental power is allowed to grow, Li Meng will only have one end.

That is death.

Li Meng was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to just die so meaninglessly.

There was no fear or panic, Li Meng was calm, and did not act too drastically about the possible death.

"What is your opinion?"

The main brain has always had a reason to do things, and every appearance has its purpose. This time, Li Meng believes, it is to solve his own situation.

"Human science and technology and the knowledge we possess can't explain the "spirit" too much, and don't know much about it. Although the human brain is mysterious and unpredictable, the spiritual power is as magical as the "creator". In fact, it is not difficult to understand it!"

"Awareness, as long as you have a basic understanding of mental power, you can solve the owner's current crisis!"

"The master is now able to control the power of the "mind" and has some knowledge of the use of spiritual power. The next master should be able to do it easily!"

Li Meng asked curiously: "What should I do?"

"It's very simple. Now that the container has reached the limit, release the water that exceeds the limit, and then cut off its connection with the container!"

Cut off?

Mental power is not water, it can’t be cut off if you want to cut it, and mental power is too important. It is related to people’s memory, consciousness, and emotion. It's not a memory blank to start again.

"Because of the characteristics of mental power, it is impossible to really cut off the connection with the brain. It is only the separation method to separate the overflowing mental power from the brain and let it stay in the outside world. This method is to divide the consciousness into two parts, one master, One, the main consciousness controls the body, and the secondary consciousness uses the world as a container to accommodate the spiritual power that grows and overflows all the time!"

"After calculation, this method has a success rate of 90%, and the secondary consciousness is also of great benefit to the owner. It is not only a full-scale coverage of the eye of a few miles, the greater the range and the greater the distance. The farther it is, when it is strong to a certain extent, it can even act as a clone, resembling a mental projection!"

Li Meng cares the least about the abilities and benefits obtained by dividing consciousness. What Li Meng cares about is, will dividing consciousness cause mental confusion? Although the mental power is strong, the human brain is very fragile.

Li Meng doesn't want to be a crazy person!

And there is one more thing to consider, will two consciousnesses cause a split in personality?

This is what Li Meng cares most about.

Li Meng's thoughts and worries seemed to be known to his master.

It also said: "Master! Don’t worry, it’s subconsciousness. It is actually just a blank consciousness split from the main consciousness. It will not have an independent consciousness or personality. It is just a container core. An external individual connected with the main consciousness, its only function is to store the spiritual power overflowing from the subject, and its ability is only incidental!"

"It can also be understood that it is another body of the main consciousness!"

With this explanation, Li Meng finally understood the idea of ​​the mastermind somewhat.

There is no more choice!

Li Meng understands this very well.

There may be other ways, but this is the only way that can be implemented quickly and effectively.

The body can no longer wait.

Li Meng could feel this.

The mental power to untie the **** is like a flood dragon breaking through the seal, full of irritability and madness.

With just one thought, the violent mental power tore several living people to pieces. That was not what Li Meng wanted. At the beginning, Li Meng just wanted to catch them, restrain them, and get the information they wanted from their mouths. .

However, the power of the mind is not controlled and directly shatters the enemy.

Uncontrolled power is a double-edged sword, which hurts the enemy while also hurting itself.

This kind of power is not what Li Meng wants.

"what should I do?"

There is still no change in the white space, everything here seems to be still, and even time seems to have stopped passing.

The mastermind's words sounded in his mind again.

"It's easy! The master only needs to do this..."


"Mengmeng! Is it better?"

A soft call came from his ears, and when he opened his eyes, Li Meng first saw Alris's small face.

Alris leaned on the seat and stared at Li Meng's eyes intently, as if there was something in Li Meng's eyes that caught her attention.

Compared to before, Li Meng's face looked much better. Although his face was still pale, his mental head was not as tired as before.

Li Meng smiled, raised his hand and touched Alris' head, and said: "It's okay!"

Alris looked at Li Meng with bowing eyes and kept staring at Li Meng's eyes.

"Mengmeng! Your eyes are so beautiful!"

Alris said this suddenly.

"is it!"

Embracing Alris's small waist, with a slight force, Li Meng took Alris into his arms.

Alris was very obedient, sitting obediently in Li Meng's arms, and seemed very satisfied with this exclusive position that belonged to her.

On the seat, Li Meng could feel the shaking of the speedboat.

It was dawn, and the outside of the windshield was no longer shrouded in dense fog, but a beautiful scene, a winding river, and bushes of trees.

The scenery on the shore kept passing backwards, and the speedboat was sailing fast.

It seems that the time for this sleep is not short.

"When is it now?"

Li Meng asked while teasing Alris.

"We set off soon after daybreak, and it's about three hours from now!"

Morgan's answer made Li Meng nod his head.

Fortunately, it seems that I haven't slept for too long. #####

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