Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 601: meeting

Small forces?

Thinking of this, Genov was stunned.

How can it be a small power, and a small power can have the strength to defeat the sea power of Bentley? How can the small forces have such a powerful fleet?

There is nothing trivial about this, Kenov can not believe it.

This First Legion might be a dog released by a powerful country, a dog that specializes in biting people.

And Bentley is the meat in the eyes of a powerful country, a piece of meat that must be bitten.

If this is the case, then Bentley's situation is not good.

Looking up at Nu Liang, Kenofer said solemnly: "The situation is now blurred. Before getting the exact information, you can only take the necessary precautions. Stay by my side! You are a martial artist, with ordinary people who cannot Comparable power, if there is a war, I need your protection! Prevent people from falling into trouble!"

Bentley is not stable. Because the military is in power, the iron-blooded policy has left a lot of talk. Although the military's political system has been stabilized under military repression, there are many anti-government organizations hidden among the people. They are good at inciting ignorant people. This has brought a lot of trouble to the military regime.

Normally, due to the high-pressure policy, they can only hide, but once Bentley is interfered by external forces, they are likely to take some action.

Any action is possible, I have to guard against it!


Nodded, Nu Liang responded.

Of course Nu Liang knew what Genov was worried about.

Although he is now a sinner, as a martial artist, he is now of great use to Commander Kinof.

At the same time, Nu Liang also knew that it was precisely because of his identity as a "martial artist" that Genover had ignored his past mistakes at this time.

As Nu Liang was worried, when he led the fleet back to Voda City in panic.

At this time in Opo Alon City and Marani City, the two fleets have returned to their respective ports. The storm did not cause much loss to the fleet, but their failure caused panic among the two commanders.

The turbulence is surging in the dark. On the surface, Bentley is business as usual, but secretly, Bentley has already begun to act.

Soon after the fleet returned, whether it was Opo Alon or Marani, the city wall facing the sea increased a lot of troops. On the harbor wall, all the coastal defense turrets were fully staffed. For a time, the abnormal movement on the city wall and the tense atmosphere made the people in the port very curious.

Almost at the same time, multiple armies left from the gates in other directions, not knowing where they went.

Although there are more than ten cities in Bentley, there are only three that are actually called Metropolis, namely Voda City, Opo Alon City, and Marani City. These three cities are not only large in number, but also three commanders. Barracks.

Although the total number of Bentleys is only more than three million, the number of soldiers has reached more than 300,000, each controlled by three commanders.

The undercurrent is surging, and the threat is coming. In Opo Alon City, the two commanders of Manila City each launched an emergency meeting.

Marani City, in the meeting room of the Chief’s Mansion.

The huge conference room has lost the quietness of the past. There will be no people in the usual conference room. Important people will only be called to participate in the decision-making process. At that time, the conference room will show it. effect.

At an oval round table, people were sitting at this time.

They were dressed in uniform grey military uniforms, ages of different ages, and badges that looked like the national flag of Bentley on their shoulders.

At this moment, they were sitting upright, looking at Messeg, who was speaking angrily on the main seat.

"His Kinov is really happy. The fault is caused by his son. He is the cause of the trouble. But let us take the blame. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

In the main seat, Messeg was roaring, his expression and words were full of anger.

"Commander! We have heard some news. The First Army has not yet appeared. It has invaded Bentley's homeland. This is Jivey's guess. There is no basis to indicate that the First Army will invade Bentley's homeland!"

One of you present here uttered the question in his mind.

"Yeah! This is something that hasn't been determined yet, the army commander dropped the two ten thousand chiefs away from Marani City. Is this a bit anxious?"

The other person here agreed.

Perceiving the many puzzled gazes, Messeg said in a deep voice: "There is indeed no basis, but this is not an excuse for slack. We must be prepared to fight, and if this basis exists, it should be soon. It has appeared, so the necessary precautions must be made in advance to avoid hurriedly delaying the fighter plane!"

"Commander! If the news is true, it is indeed necessary to prepare in advance. However, should we give more consideration to the redeployment of soldiers? There are 6 cities in our defense zone. Marani is heavily guarded, and only by the tall walls. It can block the peeping of some interested people, but the other five cities do not have as strong defenses as Marani, especially the coastal cities of Amway and Bali. One of the two cities sits on topaz mines and the other is the only defense zone. The salt-producing land is also a manufacturing base for seasoning food. If any city is breached, it will be a loss for us, so I suggest that even if we take precautions, these two cities must be focused on!"

"Yes, these two cities cannot be lost. We must strengthen our defenses. It is best to send two captains to each city. Only in this way can we be foolproof."

"Two? Isn't it too much? We only have eight ten thousand captains in total, and four of these two cities have been sent. Are the other cities not defending?"

"Yes! If you concentrate on guarding the two cities, there is no guarantee for the other cities. These two cities are important. Isn't the other cities important?"

There was a lot of discussion, the opinions were not unified, and they were caught in a dispute.

All of a sudden, the meeting room was noisy.

"Why do you all think about defense? If the First Army does come, why don't we keep them above the sea?"

At this time, one person suddenly put forward a rather peculiar opinion, which caused the noisy voice in the conference room to stop and plunge into silence.

Everyone looked at one person.

It's Jivi.

As the commander of the fleet, Jivi is certainly eligible to participate in this meeting.

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