Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 613: Strange sound

Scenes like this are now flooding the city of Marani.

Both civilians and distinguished persons from all walks of life were no longer peaceful due to the invasion of the First Army.

Some are running everywhere, seeking to know the authenticity of the invasion.

And some are thinking about how the war will affect them.

The war hasn't really happened yet, Marani City looks calm on the surface, but undercurrents are surging in the dark.

Why did the war happen?

What was the reason for the First Army to invade Bentley?

Apart from the military, the only thing the people of Bentley want to know is this.

The appearance of the First Army was too sudden, because they had never heard of the First Army before.

The occurrence of a war must have a factor, an event that triggered the war.

What is this incident?

Is it a diplomatic contradiction?

Or is it a conflict of "interests"?

Or is it territorial violation?

Who is the moral party?

With insufficient information, it is impossible for anyone to know the truth except the insider.

Time passed slowly under the tense situation in Bentley.

The night is beautiful, the half moon is high in the sky, and the silver moonlight splashes the sky and the earth, bringing a ray of light to the darkness.

In the open sea of ​​Marani Bay, the sea surface was shimmering, and the outline of Turner Island was looming in the faint light.

Farther away, a soft light flickered. In addition to the moonlight, the lights on the ship also slightly dissipated the darkness.

It makes the surrounding sea area where the fleet is a bit bright.

The silence of the enemy fleet, to the defenders on Turner Island, is like a mountain suspended overhead. This mountain may be suppressed at any time, and it is uncomfortable to be on guard at all times.

However, no matter how uncomfortable they are, they must always be vigilant and prepare for battle.

Night is the best sleeping pill, especially for humans, no matter how much you resist, sleepiness will always strike.

In the night, the wind and waves were calm, everything fell into silence.

No words for a night!

The sea is vast and boundless.

After several days of plundering, the storm finally left.

When the dark clouds in the sky disappear, the sky has never been blue, and the sea has never been calm.

Last night, the storm had gone, and when the light enveloped the earth, the sea had become peaceful.

Receiving material assistance from the "Emperor", the Broken Sword Pirate Group hurriedly left at dawn.

At the same time, the "Emperor" also continued its journey.

In the sparkling sea, there is no wind or waves. The huge "Emperor" tears the sea surface, pushes the sea, and is sailing at high speed.

The roar of the "rumbling" engine reverberated across the world, leaving long white traces on the sea.

The sea was calm at first, but at some unknown time, a faint noise appeared, and I don't know where it came from.

"Woo! Woo!"

The sound seems to come from underwater, it is a short sound wave, one after another, without rhythm, but there seems to be a rhythm.

The sound is extremely penetrating, and even the rumble of the "Emperor" engine can't cover up the unknown sound.

The strange sound attracted the attention of the mobilized soldiers on the "Emperor", but when they looked at the surrounding sea, the empty sea was empty.

"Unable to determine where the sound came from, nothing was discovered! The sound cannot be directed from underwater! Is it necessary to increase the search range?"

On the ship's side, the mobilized soldiers who searched the sea reported to their superiors.

When the strange sound appeared, the mobilized soldiers who had been patrolling on the deck stopped, scattered all over the deck, and explored the sea around the "Emperor".

The strange sound transmitted from afar obviously belongs to aquatic life.

Whether it is a harmless aquatic creature or a sea beast, no one can know until the detection result appears.

"There is no need to increase the scope of exploration. The "Emperor" will continue to follow the current channel and pay close attention to the movement of the surrounding sea!"

In the communicator, Viev's voice rang, and the mobilizers who were exploring the surrounding waters were given clear orders.

"Roger that!"

After the call was over, the mobilizers on the side of the ship continued to use visual methods to monitor the sea around the "Emperor".

The sea is vast, and there are countless aquatic creatures. In addition to the sea beasts that are the "overlords" in the sea, there are also various aquatic creatures. The owner of the strange sound may be the "sea beast" or other harmless aquatic creatures. .

But no matter what it is, the "Emperor" cannot stop its progress.

In the "different sounds", the "Emperor" continued to sail.

"The Emperor" on the top deck.

As the "dead", both nuns and guards are much more sensitive than mobilizing soldiers.

The "different sound" from afar, the existence on the top deck of the "Emperor", has a deeper feeling.

"The sound is transmitted underwater, and the location cannot be determined. Master, do you need further attention?"

In the pavilion, Wendy bent over slightly, leaned against Li Meng's ear, and said softly.

The cold face is a little soft, waist-length black hair, even more sets off her cold beauty.

Wendy's words whispered in her ear, the expression on Li Meng's face was still calm.

As soon as the "different voice" appeared, Li Meng had already detected the location of the voice owner.

After returning from the world of Adras, Li Meng's mental power has increased substantially in the past few months.

After changing the body, the mental power is greatly increased, and the rate of mental power increase is also much faster.

Today, the scope of Li Meng's spiritual exploration has reached a radius of 50 kilometers.

Within the scope of the spiritual exploration, nothing can be hidden from Li Meng.

Even if it is the floating of microorganisms on the seabed of 10,000 meters, Li Meng can clearly detect it if he wants to.

However, as before, once the mental power radiates outward, there will be a large amount of information impacting the brain within the radiation range. If there is no super computing power and the ability to withstand pressure, it will be huge. The information can burst a person’s brain.

Even Li Meng can't open the mode of full information exploration for a long time.

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