Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 625: Message's response

Human nature is complicated. Human beings are group creatures, divided into independent groups. No matter how disharmonious and full of contradictions in this group, once foreign enemies invade, this contradictory group will no longer be contradictory and will unite. Consistent and resist foreign enemies.

I have to say that the First Army underestimated human nature, or that Li Meng underestimated human nature.

It is believed that the Bentley military government implements a high-pressure policy, the people should have a mentality of resistance, will not reject the rule of the First Army, and may welcome the arrival of the First Army.

Facts have proved that in this matter, Li Meng still took it for granted.

Bentley is a small country, but it is not a persimmon. The potential for military mobilization is not small.

The First Army did not know that the soft persimmon in their eyes was a soft persimmon that made it difficult to swear.

A tough battle awaits the First Army.

Marani City, Commander's Mansion.

A military meeting is unfolding.

Compared with the previous comprehensive conference, this military conference attended very few people.

Only a few captains with command of the army attended the meeting.

Plus several directors and deputy ministers of the logistics department.

Five captains led the army to leave the city of Marani and garrison in the designated city. Now there are only three captains in Marani.

In the huge conference room, the figures on the seats seem a little sparse.

In the main seat, Messeg sat upright, looking at everyone in front of him with solemn expression.

"The other two commanders' support troops are on their way. The size is expected to reach a 100,000-strong team, and it will take about five days for all of them to reach Marani City. Everyone! We are running short!"

After a short speech, Messeg continued: "The "Turner Island" outside is still under siege. We don't know when the First Army will take action, but this time will not be too long, so we must be vigilant! "

"Once the battle begins, Turner Island will endure the test of powerful artillery fire. Before the support troops arrive, Turner Island cannot be lost. We must find a way to support "Turner Island."

Support Turner Island?

Everyone was silent. For several logistics officers, they didn't understand the matters of war, but of course they knew the things of common sense.

With the current situation in Marani City, how can you support Turner Island?

And for several captains with good military qualities, they are also not optimistic about supporting Turner Island.

At this time, a general manager said: "Turner Island is located in the open sea, at the entrance and exit of Marani Bay. To support Turner Island, you must use the fleet under Commander Jivi, but on the sea The combat power of ours is far from the enemy. Once our fleet goes out to sea, it may be sunk in the waters of Marani Bay. Commander! If you want to support Turner Island, you need to be on land. Think of ways to."

"Yes, you must find a way on land. Although Turner Island is located at the exit of Marani Bay, it is closer to the northern coastline, less than ten kilometers away. The reason why the First Army chose "Turner" "Island" is the main direction of attack, and I am afraid that this is also the consideration. It is close enough to the coastline!"

The words were paused, and the speaking captain looked at Messeg, and said, "My lord! We can set up an artillery position on the coastline north of Turner Island. Once the enemy launches a landing operation, we can fight Turner Island provides fire support."

Shelling positions?

This method is not bad.

The eyes of everyone present were shining, and the words of the ten thousand chieftain were undoubtedly a good way.

After thinking for a moment, Messeger did not reject the proposal.

Perhaps this is not the best way, but for today's Messag, this is a way to move faster.

Looking at the captain who made the proposal, Messeg said: "Jigol! You came up with this method, you can implement it, it's okay!"

Jigor looked straight, nodded lightly and said, "No problem! However, enough artillery is needed to establish a bombardment position. The power of this artillery needs to be strong enough. It must be a caliber of 100 mm or more. , Although there are cannons with a caliber of more than 100 millimeters, but the number is too scarce, do you think..."

Seeing the look of Jigor Naxiyi, Messegh certainly knew what Jigor was thinking.

However, this artillery position is the top priority. Without enough heavy artillery, it is of course unable to effectively provide fire support to the "Turner Island", and Tigor's demand is not excessive.

Messeger did not refuse, saying: "After the meeting, I will notify the Quartermaster Department, and you can get it! The soldiers are very fast, and no one knows when the First Army will launch an attack. I will hear from you within two days. Good news!"

Jigor looked straight and said: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Two days are enough, it is not difficult to establish a bombardment position, after all, the destination is not far away.

Withdrawing his gaze from Tigor, Messeg looked around at everyone and said: "This is the end of the meeting, everyone! For the future of Bentley, you must keep your duty!"

Under Messeg's aggressive gaze, everyone nodded silently.

Standing up, everyone walked outside the meeting room.


The wind was blowing, making the blue sea slightly turbulent, and the sea shimmering.

In the sparkling sea, at the edge of the horizon, at the junction of the sky and the sea, a black spot is approaching.

As it approached, the huge figure of the "Emperor" gradually became clear.

The destination has finally arrived...

The "Turner Island" in the distance has entered the eyes.

The dark green fleet besieging "Turner Island" can of course be seen.

The approach of the "Emperor" was certainly noticed by the fleet besieging "Turner Island".

"The master is here?"

In the heavy cruiser bridge command room, Natasha was quite surprised to hear Yev's bizarre report.

This has been confirmed, and Jevric said: "I don't know if the commander has come, but the "Emperor" is approaching!"

What's the difference?

The "Emperor" is the owner's car. Apart from the owner, who is eligible to come here on the "Emperor"?

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