Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 626: punishment

Although there is no confirmation, Natasha knows that the master is coming in all likelihood.

"Prepare a speedboat, I'm going to see "Master"!"

Yevrich nodded and replied: "Yes! I'm going to prepare now!"

If the "Emperor" is really the commander, it is necessary for General Natasha to meet the commander.

At least explain the reason for the change to the commander.

Less than a nautical mile northwest of the fleet, the huge "Emperor" stopped and moored above the sea.

When the "Emperor" was parked soon, a speedboat sailed out of the dark green fleet, riding the wind and waves on the sea, approaching the "Emperor" like a sharp arrow.

Less than a nautical mile away, Natasha boarded the tail platform of the tail with a jump in the huge shadow of the "Emperor".

"General Natasha! Welcome!"

As soon as the black figure fell, it fell on the deck with a "step!", and Viev, who had been waiting on the platform for a long time, greeted him quickly.

When the speedboat approached, Viev found it and left the driver's cab, waiting on the tail deck platform.

As a direct subordinate of General Natasha, Viev must of course give the greatest respect.

"Hmm! The master is here?"

Responding softly, Natasha asked.

Of course Viev knew who the "master" Natasha said was.

Viev said: "Yes, the commander has always stayed on the top deck. This trip was also requested by the commander!"

Sure enough...

The answer was not beyond what Natasha expected.

"Since it is the owner's request, before the end of this trip, you must guard the "Emperor" and do your own thing! I want to see the owner!"


Leaving the tail deck platform, the two separated in the cabin, Viev went to the cab, and Natasha took the elevator to the top deck.

When you stepped out of the elevator and came to the top deck, the scenery in front of you was the same as before.

The space on the top deck is still luxurious, the garden is still beautiful and extraordinary, and the blooming flowers seem to never wither.

They were lucky, and did not turn into the "flower of death" like in the temple.

However, things have two sides. Being a "flower of death" is not only beautiful and extraordinary, it can also bloom forever.

Although genetic modification prolongs the blooming time of flowers, it is not long-lasting and will wither one day.

Luckily, this answer is a bit vague.

Walking in the aisle, although the ears are quiet, black figures are not uncommon. In my eyes, from time to time, a nun wearing a black nun's dress walks by. Their steps are gentle and there is no sound.

Unknowingly, the garden was approaching, and the pavilion in the garden came into view.

In the pavilion, the familiar figure did not unexpectedly exist. He was lying on the seat with a slim figure standing beside him.

Looking into the pavilion, you can still see the straight figures standing upright.

Lifting the hood, revealing the brown shoulder-length hair and the white face, Natasha strode into the pavilion, kneeled halfway in front of the black figure, and lowered her head.

"Master! Natasha has something to report to you!"

How could Li Meng know that such a big person enters the pavilion?

When Natasha entered the pavilion, Li Meng set his eyes on Natasha.

Seeing Natasha who was kneeling on the ground, Li Meng knew what she said to Natasha.

If he didn't encounter the returning fleet halfway, Li Meng might not know the plan change.

Now that he knew it in advance, Li Meng could no longer blame Natasha at this time.

"What you want to report is about the failed "First Shot" plan? I already know the thing. You are not at fault. You did a good job!"

Natasha's expression was slightly stunned, and she seemed a little surprised.

How did the master know about this?

Seeing Natasha's expression, Li Meng knew what Natasha was wondering.

Li Meng explained to Natasha: "On the way back, the Emperor encountered the returning fleet."

The master's words made Natasha startled. So, it seems that the master learned the news from Tanya and Sakiya.

"Master! The responsibility lies with me, please also your punishment!"

In any case, Natasha knew that she had violated her master's order.

Before the fleet left the port, the owner had instructed, but she confused the things that the owner was concerned about.

Looking at Natasha, Li Meng's expression was indifferent: "I really should punish you, because your decision made the First Army lose the "opportunity" to stand on the moral side. Because of your decision, the current First Army has already I have completely become an invader who violated the territory of another country. All of this is because of you. You said, how should I punish you?"

Natasha was speechless and did not explain, just whispered: "Please punish the master!"

Leaning back, finding a more comfortable posture on the seat, looking at Natasha who was kneeling on the ground, Li Meng said: "I will punish you, but not now, I have committed the fault. You must make up for it yourself. Before all human forces come to the door, you must occupy the entire territory of Bentley to block their tongues."

For many countries, Bentley is a very fat piece of meat, no one wants to take a bite, just because of face, no one wants to be the first to expose the ugly appearance.

Once the First Legion takes the first bite, those countries that have long coveted Bentley will definitely take action. Military conflicts may not occur, but they have to use their tongues to negotiate. The negotiation fails, and the final is When using force.

Before making a move, the First Legion must occupy the entire territory of Bentley. Only in this way can countries that are ugly and ugly shut their mouths and let them weigh the value of the First Army’s use of force.

"Yes! Once the landing troops arrive, I will speed up the progress of the war against Bentley!"

Natasha has been waiting for the arrival of the landing troops. As soon as the landing troops arrive, they will immediately launch an attack on "Turner Island."

"Get up! Sit down and tell me what happened recently!"

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