Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 753: underground space

After taking a look at his battery, and checking the equipment in his pocket, everything was correct.

Looking at the exploration team in front of him, Vanya ordered: "Go!"

With an order, Vanya took the lead and came to the rope equipment.

During the operation in Vanya, other mobilizers also took action, hanging ropes at several other rope-skiing equipment vendors.

Looking at the endless darkness, Wanya took steps towards the void, and his figure jumped off the platform.

Seeing this, the exploration team followed closely and jumped out of the platform one by one.

The rubbing sound of "hissing" reverberated in the darkness suddenly, reaching far, far away.

The black shadow shook, and more than twenty figures flashed past in the darkness, heading deeper into the tiankeng.

This time, beside him is no longer a cliff, but a void, located in the middle of the cylindrical space.

Looking at the darkness beneath his feet, Vanya was silent.

Only the "hissing" friction sounded in his ears, and Vanya felt the sense of weightlessness in the sound.

Looking to the sides, the rope was swaying, and not far above, the exploration team was closely behind him.

With the help of night vision goggles, their figures are clearly visible.

The presence of them in this vast space gave Vanya a little comfort.

The rock walls on both sides are rising rapidly, and the exploration team is rapidly descending.

"More than ten thousand meters?"

At this time, on the ground, in the temporary command room next to the tiankeng, when he heard the report from the low, Luo Luomanfu was stunned, his expression extremely shocked.

This is more than 10,000 meters, how deep is this sinkhole?

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

At this time, the correspondent in front of the communication device said: "Sergeant Vanya has gone down with the exploratory team. About half an hour later, we will learn the specifics of this sinkhole."

Half an hour?

Luo Ruomanfu looked forward to it.

What is there in such a deep tiankeng?

Is it a simple underground space or a den of polluted beasts?

No matter what the result is, Luo Luomanfu wants to know.

Underground, the tiankeng is nearly 10,000 meters underground.

Amid the "hissing" rubbing sound, the exploratory team continued to descend, and various figures, blue gloomy lights, flashed past the dark sinkhole.

Half an hour has passed.

All members of the exploration team knew that they would reach the bottom of the sinkhole soon.

They gathered all their eyes at their feet, in the deep darkness.

The situation remains the same, and I don't know how long it will take.

Suddenly, in the numb eyes of the exploration team, a little light appeared in the darkness below the soles of the feet.

The light is very dim, just like the dim stars in the night sky.

This discovery made the whereabouts of the exploring team look straight, the numb look no longer, and it became tense.

As it fell, the light grew brighter.

As he approached, Vanya also understood.

The light in the dark must be the light from something at the bottom of the tiankeng.

However, in such a deep underground, what can emit light?

With doubts, Vanya watched the brightening light intently.

"Is it water?"

When the distance was close enough, Vanya saw water at the end of his line of sight.

The turbulent water surface reflected various colors.

"Pay attention to each team and immediately reduce the falling speed!"

When giving orders to the exploration team above, Vanya also slightly tightened the restraint device around his waist.

With the harsh "hissing" sound, the falling Vanya gave a violent body, and the falling speed suddenly slowed down.

In the darkness above, a harsh "hiss" sound immediately sounded, and the exploratory team that was rapidly descending followed Vanya, reducing the speed of its descent.

In the slow descending speed, the exploration team slowly slid towards the bottom of the tiankeng.

With the fall, the rock walls on both sides disappeared at some point, and the line of sight in front of him suddenly became broad.

"this is……"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Vanya's face showed an expression of disbelief.

Looking around, Wanya saw a huge space with no edge in sight.

Countless huge stone pillars stand in the water, connecting hundreds of meters in the sky, like pillars supporting this huge space.

The darkness has disappeared, and there seems to be something glowing in the clear water, illuminating the dark space.

The light is colorful, making the endless water surface look extremely gorgeous.

Under the brilliance of all colors, the huge underground space is like a scene that can only appear in fairy tales.

Seeing this scene in front of him, the exploration team that followed Vanya into the huge space was also stunned, with an unbelievable look.

The falling figure stopped at some point. At a height of 100 meters above the water, Wanya locked the restraint device around his waist and stopped his body from falling.

Looking up, the huge tiankeng is just an insignificant hole in this huge space.

The blue gloom was silent, and Vanya turned off the night vision function.

The picture in the helmet is clearer.

The turbulent water surface, the stone pillars standing on top of the earth, and the brilliance transmitted from the water make the huge underground space form an indescribable scenery.

Very quiet, very quiet.

The surrounding environment was very quiet, and all that could be heard was the faint sound of splashes.

"Sergeant Chief? What should I do now, this place...seems very magical."

On the rope not far away, a mobilizer approached Vanya and asked.

It's really amazing.

As for how to do it?

Vanya is still thinking about this.

Although this place is beautiful and quiet, Vanya also knows that the more beautiful and quieter the place, the more dangerous it is.

They may be safe at an altitude of 100 meters, but not necessarily near the water.

Before making a decision, Vaniya checked the environmental indicators again.

When the screen in the helmet showed various indicators in the air, Vanya was stunned.

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