Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 859: Catherine

Seeing the look of Prime Minister Harandi looked very ugly, Yago comforted: "You don't need to worry too much, you still have a little understanding of the subordinates of the "First Army". In the South China Sea, the First Army is attacking Bentley. In Bentley, the First Army should have deployed the main force. In addition, the subordinates learned from a certain channel that the Heroes’ Association has a great chance to intervene in the war in the South China Sea. Once the Heroes’ Association intervenes, the First Army To win in the South China Sea, I’m afraid it’s not an easy task. The South China Sea is the main battlefield of the First Army. Even if the First Army wants to open up a second battlefield, it will not invest too much power in a place far away from the South China Sea. With the strength of Melorca, with the tall walls of Melorca, it should be no problem to resist the attack of the First Army."

After his words paused, Yago continued: "The only thing we can do right now is to step up time to prepare for war, mobilize the power in the hands of the adults, and let the military power of the royal capital operate to resist the coming enemy."

Only so.

As the prime minister of a country, with great power in his hand, Harandi understood very well what he should do at this moment.

With the passing of the king, Prime Minister Harandi took control of the power, which was a matter of course for the citizens of the Danlan Kingdom.

Because the position of the prime minister was originally the greatest authority under the king, when the king dies, all rights are of course vested in the prime minister before the new heir has made a decision.

Of course, this is only temporary, and power will return to the royal family one day.

In the hearts of the people of the Danlan Kingdom, the royal family is the orthodox holder of power. Anyone who seizes power is a rebel and is unacceptable to the people.

The people love the royal family, and in the hearts of the people, the royal family undoubtedly possesses absolute authority.

This kind of authority may not be able to obtain rights, but it can gain the hearts of the people, and the hearts of the people can be transformed into absolute rights.

Melorka, the outer hall of the palace.

In the center of Melorka, there is a magnificent building.

It is surrounded by towering trees, among the green branches and leaves, tall spires rise from the ground, mixed with dense branches and leaves, making it look like a dream castle.

This magnificent castle in the forest is the residence of the royal family and a symbol of "royal power".

At this time, in the library of the palace, a small figure was looking at the thick stack of books in front of him in every possible way.

She wears a black and white princess dress, her small face is white and flawless, with a soft facial curve.

Looking at the books in front of her, her little face was slightly wrinkled, with a very reluctant look. Under the background of the exquisite dress, she looked very cute while sitting quietly.

There is no doubt that when she grows up, she will undoubtedly be a beauty.

"His Royal Highness! Knowledge will increase your knowledge. As the only heir to the throne, Your Royal Highness needs more effort so as to govern this country well and qualify for the throne."

She was dressed in a purple dress, although not gorgeous, she had the breath of a maid.

Compared to Catherine's petiteness, she is undoubtedly tall and mature.

Under the slightly tight dress, the towering mountains and the feminine curves are slightly revealed.

The long black hair made her look a little cold. This is not the cold on the face, but the cold on the temperament.

Karina, this is her name.

As a royal clerk, she has the responsibility to teach the young princess Catherine.

Looking at the book in front of the gods, Catherine's expression suddenly became very calm. The previous reluctance seemed to disappear in an instant. While looking at the book in her hand, she said faintly: "This country is enough to have Prime Minister Harandy. Without a "king", Prime Minister Harandi can govern this country well."

After an unexpected glance at Catherine, Karina vetoed: "Prime Minister Harlandi only holds the right of "king" temporarily, waiting for the princess to become an adult, and he will return the right to the royal family."

"Oh, I see?"

Turning a page of the book in front of her, Catherine said in a declarative tone while looking at it: "My father said to me when he was still alive that power will corrupt people's hearts, destroy all morals in their hearts, and make people a right. The puppet of a man will turn a good person into a terrible person! Sister Karina, do you think Uncle Harandy will become that kind of person?"

Catherine's whispers silenced Karina.

She silently looked at Catherine beside her, not knowing what to say.

Since the death of the king, she has been a vain name as a house officer.

Although the royal family is still in her hands, the generals of the guards have been replaced by strangers to her.

Even the royal family's expenses have been cut in half.

Karina understands all the changes, and only Prime Minister "Harandi" can change all of them.

What is the meaning?

Obviously, this is a warning and a deterrent to her.

Although she had never seen Harandi since the death of the king, Karina knew very well that she would see him again soon.

The book is really annoying...

Looking at the disturbing content in the book, Catherine thought to herself.

Although books can bring knowledge to people, they are still too heavy for Catherine.

In any case, she is still only a child, a nine-year-old child, this time is the time of fun.

It was not easy for Catherine to sit down and read a book.

With a slight movement in her heart, Catherine remembered something.

She spoke slightly, and said softly: "Tell me about the First Army. People in the palace seem to be talking about this recently. Does Sister Karina know what's going on?"

The first legion?

Catherine's inquiry made Karina frowned. Although she knew about it, she didn't know the specific situation.

Now she can't make too many conclusions.

She could only answer to Catherine: "Now the kingdom’s affairs are handled by the Prime Minister "Harandi". I don’t know the specifics. I only know that three days ago, the Prime Minister Harandi received the envoy from the First Legion. Then the First Army declared war on our country."

"So this is ah!"

Karina's answer made Catherine slightly aware of's expression is not afraid or apprehensive, she is still calm, as if she has no awareness of the coming of the war.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured, although Danlan Kingdom is not a powerful country, not everyone can shake the foundation of the kingdom. This crisis kingdom will surely survive this crisis."

Karina thought that Princess Catherine was worried about the coming war, so she comforted her.

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