Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 887: in progress

"This is a good way, I know what to do!"

After speaking, Harandi turned and walked outside the courtyard with Lance who was waiting.

A pilgrimage is about to be held. The north gate of the "Royal Palace", which had always been peaceful in the past, is bustling today. Various vehicles rushed to the gate, and cars stopped on the square outside the north gate. Ministers Get together in twos and threes, enter the palace on foot from the north gate, and head straight to the king's hall.

"Today is quite lively, I don't know what the "Royal Family" plans."

"It’s hard to say that the only descendant of the first king is Princess Catherine. If Princess Catherine inherits the throne, it would be acceptable to me. However, Princess Catherine is still young and it is not appropriate to inherit the throne now. Also, today Although the bell rings, it doesn't mean anything. Now this country is controlled by Prime Minister Harandi. If Prime Minister Harlandi has other ideas, it would be difficult for even the "royal family" to make a difference."

"Hey! Now that foreign enemies are under the city, the kingdom's internal affairs are so messed up, where is the future of the kingdom?"

On the way to the King’s Hall, the ministers discussed and expressed their concerns about the future of the Danlan Kingdom.

In the Danlan Kingdom, ministers are just an official title, because the management of a country requires a large number of divisions of labor, and the departments have strict hierarchies, and the officials at the leadership level of each department are collectively called "the ministers."

In the past, although the ministers did not go to court, they were still faithfully performing their duties.

Otherwise, only Prime Minister Harandi would not be able to make this country run effectively.

In the eyes of the ministers, today's court meeting was somewhat confused and somewhat surprised, but it was more of anticipation.

Expect what the "Royal Family" will do.

At a certain moment, the originally lively "Royal Palace" suddenly became quiet.

In the king's hall, it was noisy at this time.

The king's hall, which was originally quiet and empty, was now filled with many figures.

The ministers wearing uniform light purple robes lined up neatly in the hall, divided into two teams, with a passage in the middle. On the left are the ministers with the largest number of people, and on the right are the generals in brown leather uniforms. Go, the figures in the hall are densely packed, with half a hundred people.

On both sides of the ministers and generals, there are guards standing guard. They are commanded by Diels and are responsible for the security and order of the king's hall.

The Prime Minister Harandi hadn't arrived yet, and the ministers and generals in the hall were whispering and talking, which made the hall like thousands of bees flying and noisy.

"The Prime Minister is here!"

At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded from outside the hall.

The Prime Minister is here!

The voice reverberated in the hall and entered the ears of the ministers.

This made the "humming" discussion abruptly stopped, so people looked at the entrance of the hall.

Five hours later...

Outside the port of Melorca, in the flagship command room of the First Army Fleet.

"General! That's the general situation!"

After a good night's sleep, after waking up, after enjoying a delicious lunch, Davis rushed to the command room in the first time.

Although the mission last night has been completed, there are still many things to do.

Reporting the progress of the mission to General Tanya is just one of them. Davis still needs to transmit the detailed report of the mission to the data terminal.

After listening to Davis' report, if Tanya is not surprised, it is false.

In Tanya's expectation, the royal family of Danlan Kingdom, with the assistance of the First Legion, should be in the city of Melorca for a few days.

Unexpectedly, in one night, the situation suddenly reversed. Not only did the battle fail to start, but the "royal family", the target of the First Army's assistance, unexpectedly won the victory.

At the same time of the accident, Tan Ya was also deeply aware of the political chaos in the Danlan Kingdom.

At this time, Davis said again: "Now the internal struggle in the Danlan Kingdom has not completely subsided. Waiting for Princess Catherine to inherit the throne will hold a formal agreement signing ceremony with the First Legion. This will take time, Karin Na's reply will give us an answer within ten days."

Ten days?

It didn't take long, and Tan Ya didn't care about the "ten days" after such a long time.

After all, if you don't rule a country by fighting, let alone ten days, Tanya can afford to wait even a month.

Although the Danlan Kingdom is only a weak country, its territory is not small.

Because Austria is a small continent outside of Austria, the territory of each of the three countries is only slightly smaller than that of Bentley.

You must know that the territory of Bentley is not small. If all the large and small islands are added together, the territory of Bentley is also quite large. Although it is not comparable to ASEAN, the gap is not very large.

The only thing lacking in the three countries is "population." Although the three countries have vast territories, the population has always been very sparse.

Due to inadequate medical care, the birth rate of babies in the three countries has been very low. Even if they are lucky enough to be born, the survival rate is also extremely low. This has caused the population of the three countries to grow extremely slowly in the past half century.

Until now, the total population of the three countries is only more than three million.

More than three million?

Of course not many. You have to know that the acropolis of "Kyoto" has a population of tens of millions, while the population of "Kyoto" is even tens of millions. You can know the difference between the two.

In the hood, Tan Ya spoke slightly, saying: "Repair in place, and strengthen the intelligence collection of the Dengsha Kingdom and the Yasi Kingdom, and send warships to block the capitals and ports of the two countries and interrupt their maritime trade."

"General! Do you need to block the sky? In the past few days, you can often see floating ships flying high in the sky. The flying altitude is within range. It should be able to be shot down with anti-aircraft shells."

Floating boat?

After thinking about Tanya, he understood what Davis was talking about.

It is a kind of ship that can fly in the sky in human society.

Because of its unique floating mode, this allowed the First Army to understand it.

how to say……

That is not pure technology, but involves magic, which is generally regarded as a mixture of technology and magic.

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