Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 980: problem

But the power in the crystal ring is different. Although the characteristics and attributes are the same, it is a higher level of "power." Li Meng dare not confirm whether Emore can adapt.

If Li Meng's mental power can be used at will, even if there is a problem, Li Meng will be able to correct it well.

But now the mental power can no longer be "used", Li Meng can't take risks.

The master's words made Ai Moore anxious.

She hurriedly said: "Master! I am not afraid of danger, just let me have a try. In this war, I want to contribute too."

Love Moore's begging, Li Meng did not relent.

Putting the crystal ring back into the sleeves, facing Ai Moore's pitiful gaze, Li Meng said very firmly: "This thing cannot be risked. I don't want to see you turn to ashes before my eyes."

"Queen! Just listen to the master. We are enough in this war. The queen does not need to take risks for this."

Golan on the deputy also opened his mouth to persuade Ai Moore.

From the master's words, Golan heard it.

That crystal ring has a stronger "power", which the owner specially prepared for the queen. Although this power is stronger, it is full of danger.

"Yes, Queen! Now that we have the "power" bestowed by our master, we will definitely be able to win this war."

The sisters' persuasion, and the master's last words of most concern, eventually Ai Moore gave up.

She was rather discouraged: "Well, I don't want to wear it."

Ai Moore's giving up made Li Meng breathe a sigh of relief, and the pain in his mind seemed to weaken a lot.

Looking around the banshees in the camp, Li Meng whispered: "Although this "power" is powerful, don't be underestimated when confronting the enemy. No matter how powerful it is, there are limitations. When you can handle the limit, you will also be in danger of life. You are very beautiful. You are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. I don't want to see any accidents happen to any of you."

The banshees would be extremely happy if they were so concerned and praised for their master.

Even Golan, looking at the master beside the queen, his eyes softened.

With a light wave of his hand, Li Meng said to Golan: "Go, take you sisters to familiarize yourself with "power", go outside, the holy place is still too small for you."


What the owner said was exactly what Golan expected.

She had already had the urge to vent the newly acquired power in the body.

Not only her, all the banshees, when they heard Li Meng's words, their eyes lit up and they were about to move.

"Sisters! Let's go."

Under the leadership of Golan, the banshees walked out of the camp in excitement.

When the golden figures left, calm was restored in the huge camp.

After the banshees left, Li Meng, who was in the main seat, looked thoughtful and seemed to be thinking about something.

Amore, who was on the side, remained silent, not disturbing the master's thoughts.

Let the banshees gain strength to deal with this war, and also for the long-term plan in the future.

After this war is over, Li Meng will leave sooner or later. He cannot stay underground forever to protect the Banshee Wing Human Race.

Leaving a strong "power" is also for the banshees to have the capital to "self-protect".

Now Li Meng is not thinking about things after the war, but about the current problems.

Although the banshees have gained "power", they cannot win this battle alone.

No matter how strong an individual is, it is difficult to play an effective role when faced with thousands of troops.

War is a battle between groups. No matter how strong the individual is, how many enemies can be eliminated in the war? When all the companions around him fell and there was only one person left, the war was over.

From beginning to end, Li Meng never thought that relying on the banshees would be able to win this battle.

In the previous prediction, Li Meng originally wanted to rely on the powerful energy contained in the "sacred tree" and use spiritual power to forcefully create a powerful energy impact.

But now, this expectation has been difficult to realize.

Because of the excessive consumption of Li Meng's mental power, a state of "weakness" appeared. Now Li Meng's mind can no longer move things weighing a hundred kilograms.

You know, in his heyday, if Li Meng wanted to, he could hold a heavy cruiser weighing tens of thousands of tons with his mind.

The so-called mental power is a kind of control, which can control everything. It is the mind, which is the so-called "mind power." If it can reach a certain height, it can even control the structure of all matter, elements, and energy.

Of course, although Li Meng's mental power is strong, he is still far away from controlling everything.

Although Li Meng can analyze the elements, energy, and matter, and make some minor changes, it can only be "driven" at this level, and it is far from reaching the level of "manipulation".

The compression of golden gems may seem simple, but it is actually very complicated.

To forcibly change the density of the "elements", it is necessary to use mental power to forcibly suppress the riots between the elements. With its subtle operation, Li Meng will perform countless calculations in an instant, and the amount of calculation is extremely amazing.

The state of mental "weakness" made Li Meng's previously anticipated plan impossible to implement.

Today, if you want to win the war, you must find another way.

In the "Holy Land", the tribe of Banshee Wingmen has about 60,000 members, and only 40,000 can fight.

Although the Golden Wings are all soldiers, they are also divided into old and weak.

Although Jin Wing people are very strong from birth, they will go through mature to old age in their lifetime.

The life span of the Golden Wings is as high as 150 years. Before the age of 100, it is the strongest time in their life. After the age of 100, the body will slowly age until they die of old age.

Among the tribe of Banshee Wings, there are not a few Golden Wings over a hundred years old. These tens of thousands of old and weak are not suitable for fighting. Even if they barely take up weapons to fight, they will only be "slaughtered."

Forty thousand soldiers is far from enough. Facing the huge army of the Golden Wing Saint King, this force will only be swallowed by the enemy in an instant.

What should I do?

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

The big gap made Li Meng feel a little headache.

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