Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 198: legendary stuff

Valentine is located on the border of New Hanover near Ambarino State, and it is also the fastest and most flat road to the Snow Mountains.

This is a large pasture town. Except for the north, the entire town is surrounded by countless pastures. This also causes the whole town to be filled with the smell of horse and cow dung, which is still fresh.

After getting off the train, John felt that he lit a cigarette to eliminate the pungent smell.

With a cigarette in his mouth, John scanned the train station. Since this is the most traded town in the vicinity, there are many people, and most of them are ranchers and his servants.

Last night, after making relevant arrangements for everyone, John came here by train alone. The weather here is not bad, and May 8th just entered the beginning of summer.

But John was still wearing thick winter clothes, because the place he was going to was always windy and snowy, and there were no springs, summers, autumns and winters at all.

Just walked out of the station.

John heard the complaint that his voice was very weak due to prolonged hunger.

"That's not okay, no one cares about a veteran who gave everything for your land."

"Can't you pity me, I have participated in many defense battles."

"I have defended your property, and I have lost this arm for it."

John bit his cigarette and looked at the defeated tramp sitting in the corner of the hotel, hiding from the sun.

As if sensing John's gaze, the homeless man looked up at John, and then his eyes lit up.

"Hey Mr. Gentleman, can you give me a few cents for lunch, I haven't eaten anything all day."

The **** had gray hair and a big beard, and he was wearing a Civil War uniform he had gotten from somewhere that looked old but fitted him well. His right arm was empty, as if he was a soldier and fought in many wars, as he said.

"Sir, can we be friends, I'm too old and I can't find a job." The homeless man stood up and wanted to go to John.

"What's your name?" John asked aloud when the homeless man walked up to him.

"My name is Mickey, and I used to be a soldier." Mickey looked to be sixty years old, and it was unlikely that an old man without a right arm would find a suitable job.

"Do you smoke?" John looked at the weak fat man in front of him and gave him a cigarette.

"Thank you, sir, can I be your friend?" Mickey asked friendly and tentatively when he saw John.

"My name is John, nice to be your friend." John responded with a smile, "Do you want a hug?"

"Oh~ of course, can I?" Mickey was excited and seemed not expecting John to be so friendly.

John smiled and hugged him.

"My friend, I don't know your name yet, friend." Mickey said excitedly to John.

"My name is John Wick." After John finished his name, he continued, "Mickey, do you know who the most famous hunter around here is, and where can I find him?"

"Hunter, yes, I know, John, I will take you to find him. I just saw him walk into Valentine's butcher shop. John, follow me. Old Mickey will find him for you." Mickey He was very happy to hear that he could help his friend and motioned for John to follow.

John smiled and followed him.

"He is the most famous hunter in this area. Many people know him. He is in his prime. He is as strong as a bear." Mickey talked about the information he had heard.

The two walked for a while, and then John saw a butcher's shop not far from Valentine's entrance. There were a lot of fresh animal meat hanging from it.

A tall man in animal clothes was standing in front of the butcher, bargaining. In front of the butcher was a jungle deer whose internal organs had been processed. After several months of recuperation, these forest deer had regained their volume. It's no longer the skinny early spring that only has twenty or thirty catties left.

"It's him. His name is Andrew. My friend." Mickey pointed at the tall fur hunter as if taking credit.

"Thank you, Mickey, you really helped me a lot." John praised.

"We are friends, as it should be, and I am very happy to help my friends." Mickey said excitedly.

"Here Mickey, this is the reward. You can take it to eat a good meal and take a bath, and maybe you can ask a cute and enthusiastic girl to accompany you once." John took out ten one-dollar bills and stuffed them into the said in his pocket.

Seeing what Mickey wanted to say, John continued, "Don't say no, this is what you deserve, and I won't be happy if you say no. Do you understand?"

Seeing that John spoke very seriously, Mickey stopped insisting and he was indeed very hungry, so Mickey didn't say anything.

"Very good, let's have lunch." John patted him on the shoulder and then walked towards the tall Andrew.

"This is the jungle deer I hunted four hours ago. Its meat is still steaming. Ten dollars is too little." Andrew said to the butcher.

"Andrew is the price now. You and I are old friends, and you know that I didn't lie to you." The butcher shook his head and said that he only offered so much.

"Okay, you old bastard." The hunter also knew that his price was fair, he just wanted to see if he could raise it, and if he agreed, he would make money.

Before the delivery was finished, when Andrew was about to have a drink, a gentle voice came from the side.

"Hey~ friend, my name is John. I heard that you are the best hunter in this area." The man walking towards him was taller than him, handsome and slender. Dressed in expensive custom clothes.

"If you're talking about the best one in this area, then it must be me." Andrew said with great confidence after looking around.

"Why, what do you want?" Andrew asked.

"Can I buy you a drink?" John smiled. Andrew is a big man in his forties, about 183 in height, with a stout figure.

"Of course." Andrew also smiled.

The two came to the Blue Lizard Tavern, and John ordered a bottle of high vodka.

Gu "Speak, handsome British guy, for the sake of this good bottle of wine, as long as I know." Andrew sat down and drank three or four glasses and said.

"Have you ever been to the Snow Mountain?" John asked.

"I moved here from there. I have lived there for about eight years." Andrew said.

"Then you must know where Lidao Village in Daxue Mountain is."

"Of course, why did you ask about that place?" Andrew asked curiously.

"Is there a problem?" John asked.

"It's a temporary camp in an abandoned mine, which was abandoned many years ago. What are you doing there, looking for treasure?" Andrew asked curiously.

"What do you think?" John asked back.

"Ghost knows. Do you want me to take you there?" Andrew shook his head and filled his glass again, taking a sip with his head raised.

"Can you?"

"No, no, I have something very important to do." Andrew shook his head, expressing that he didn't have time to take John there.

"However, I have a map drawn by myself, which describes in detail the various shelters on Daxue Mountain, as well as the places where various animals often appear. If you want, I can sell them to you." Andrew said. He took out a map from his animal bag.

"Mind if I take a look?" John said and reached for it.

Andrew nodded, and handed it over.

Spreading it out, the map is very large, depicting one-third of the Daxue Mountain, and the routes and shelters are marked with special marks. All kinds of ground and canyons are marked, and even some trails that ordinary people don't know are marked, and the maps are very detailed.

"How much?" John was not polite.

"Ten dollars. It took me days." Andrew said bluntly.

"Very good." John gave the money directly even more bluntly.

"Hahaha! Come on, handsome boy, I'm telling you some news. In the past month or so, a very handsome horse appeared near Lake Isabella." Seeing that John was very happy, Andrew happily told Got some news from John.

"A very handsome horse?"

"Yes, I've only seen it once. I swear I've never seen such a beautiful guy. It comes and goes like the wind. It's worth at least two thousand dollars." Andrew's expression and tone were very deceptive.

"Then why didn't you catch it?" John retorted.

"I've been squatting on it for more than a month, and I only saw it twice in a month at Lake Isabella. I saw it three hundred meters away, and I ran away as soon as I got close to it. I have a feeling, It didn't let me get close, it seemed to know that it didn't belong to me." Andrew said very mysteriously.

"So you told me this news because you have given up the possibility of catching it?" John smiled and expressed Andrew's inner thoughts.

"There is a part, but I think you may have a chance. Because you give me the same feeling as it, which is very unusual." Andrew said seriously, there was no compliment in his tone, and he was just stating a very ordinary fact.

"Thank you for your kindness." John raised his glass to him.

"Hahaha~ Goodbye handsome boy, I hope you can catch it." Andrew said after picking up the whole bottle of vodka and drinking it in one gulp.

"That legendary white horse?" John murmured to himself as he watched Andrew leave.

It was an Arabian white horse that suddenly appeared near Lake Isabella in Daxue Mountain. It was top-notch in terms of appearance and core attributes. Its sudden appearance seemed tailor-made for the protagonist of this story. The protagonist of the story in this world is called "Arthur Morgan." He himself is a horse lover.

Carefully looking at the map in his hand, John went to a nearby stable to buy a blood stallion with good stamina, and then began to follow the route on the map towards the Snow Mountain.

On the other side, Dach is leading the gang members across the glacier and up the snowy mountain trying to get rid of Detective Pinkerton who is gnawing behind him.

He miscalculated, which was one of the few major mistakes in his life.

The mistake three days ago resulted in the death of several members and their whereabouts are unknown.

The two Callander brothers, the elder brother Mike died, and the younger brother David was also shot twice. Although not fatal, if they do not receive effective treatment for a long time, there may be a high risk of death.

Charles was severely burned on his entire right hand, Sean's whereabouts were unknown, and Jenny was hit on the thigh, but fortunately it only penetrated the thigh and did not hurt the leg bone.

Although Pinkerton's detectives were repelled temporarily, Dach's expression was still not good. This escape had lasted for three days.

The injuries of all the members have Except David is still suffering from high fever.

They made a wide circle from western Ambarino State back to northern Ambarino.

It is hoped that the harsh environment of Daxue Mountain will prevent the group of hyenas from chasing.

Looking at the vast snow-capped mountains, Daqi couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

But he knew he couldn't stop.

"Everyone follow! I will definitely find a suitable foothold before tonight! Everyone follow!" Daqi infected the members of the gang with his deep voice.

Trying to make everyone believe that he can lead everyone out of a sunny road.

But since this morning, there have been strong winds and light snowfall. It seems that this kind of weather has no possibility of stopping in the past two days.

We must find a foothold tonight, otherwise the group of people who have come to them day and night may be frozen into ice sculptures. Dach thought so.

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