Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 207: Arthur's confusion

The latest website: Charles is chatting with John in the camp in the Snowy Mountains, and Micah and Arthur have already started their hands.

Don't say, the two big men are not ambiguous at all, they just punch their fists when they come up.

Compared to the first two games, Arthur and Micah's performances are definitely much better.

Many people's emotions were mobilized, and basically everyone was cheering for Arthur,

There's no way, whoever makes Mika look like her nostrils are upside down all day, everyone is a hobby, and her mouth is still stinky.

Arthur and Micah are both very good defensively and offensively. Although they are not as entertaining as the boxing matches they watched in their previous lives, they are still very exciting.

He took a closer look and found that both Micah and Arthur's punches were heavy, and their physical endurance was very strong.

For example, professional heavyweight boxers generally have 10 to 12 rounds. Each round is three minutes, but they basically rest for a minute at the end of the round. If they keep punching and defending, they will resolve the fight within ten minutes.

The confrontation between Arthur and Micah has been close to more than six minutes.

Both of them had some tints on them.

"Both of them seem to have some personal grudges." John observed for a while and said.

"Micah didn't really care about anyone in the gang, and Arthur just couldn't get used to him," Charles explained.

"It's normal for them to have a little personal grudge in this campaign."

Then Charles turned his head to look at John "Why are you scared? Didn't you feel confident just now?"

"No, neither of them is to the point where I'm afraid." John shook his head and said that the two were still not as good as him.

Although he has not studied boxing systematically, he can still do basic punches and dodges.

In the field, Micah gritted his teeth and took Arthur's left fist, and then rudely responded with a punch.

He guessed that Arthur was a good puncher, but Arthur's boxing skills still exceeded his expectations.

He couldn't hold it anymore, he always felt that this guy Arthur brought a little personal grudge in this game.

Although he has.

"Micah can't take it anymore," said Charles, staring for a while.

"Well, the defensive action is slow, and the offensive action is also to test the superfluous essence." John agreed on the side.

Not long after the discussion between the two, Arthur caught Mika's defensive emptiness and gave Mika a liver-breaking punch.

Then the classic hook-up uppercut smashes Micah into the snow.

"Good fight, don't fight next time." Arthur spat out the **** spit in his mouth and said to Micah.

Micah was in a trance of being ok, and after lying on the snow for more than ten seconds, he slowly became afraid.

"You guy must have some personal grudges." Mika covered her liver and walked to the nearest chair with a bad look on her face.

"Take a good rest." Dutch stepped out and patted Micah on the shoulder, and said to Arthur, "Fantastic play."

"Then we welcome the wonderful game brought by Mr. Wake and Bill." Dutch invited John to enter with a smile.

"Are you having fun?" John asked Arthur, who was approaching.

"It's okay, if only he stayed for a while." Arthur said happily as he took the clothes.

"I'm going down, remember to press me to win." John turned his head and said to Charles.

"I think about it." Charles responded with a smile.

There were not too many surprises in the game after John came off the court. With his extraordinary reaction speed and strength, John always dealt with the opponent within a minute.

Even the end of Arthur didn't change that number.

The person who is stunned will be questioned by others, but the answer is the same.

"His speed and strength increased, it felt like he was hit by a train."

The game ended without any suspense, but the party continued, everyone should eat and drink.

Played until about ten o'clock.

Everyone went back to the room to rest, while the drunk guy was resisted by the others who were still sober.

John lay in his cot looking over the boxing prizes.

It really is a map, not too long ago, just like decades ago, there are three portraits in total.

The first one draws a tribe, and the chief of the tribe is leading the tribe to sacrifice to their god, on a mountain.

The sacrifices are cattle and sheep and a pile of gold and silver.

The second picture shows three officers in military uniforms slaughtering the tribe with their subordinates, and then transporting all the gold and silver away.

There are three chests of gold and silver.

The third picture shows three officers sharing a treasure map.

And this treasure map is on the back of the three portraits.

The treasure is not complete.

"A **** treasure." John studied the treasure map carefully. He couldn't see where it was on the map, and it was incomplete.

After thinking about it for a while, he put away the third treasure map after he didn't get anything useful.

Then he took out the red note that was intercepted on the train today.

Today the train belongs to the first capitalist of the West, Cornwall.

Every once in a while it escorts a shipment of bonds to companies in Cornwall. The bonds have been robbed by Dutch today, and their value should be in the range of $20,000 to $30,000.

The red note along with the bond was selectively forgotten by Dutch.

A note locked in a box with tens of thousands of bonds could never be worth less than those bonds.

But Dutch and the others were used to being robbers at all, and they didn't have the slightest desire to check these seemingly worthless notes.

John opened the notebook and it was all densely packed with numbers.

He can't read it, but it doesn't matter, he can take this thing back and show it to someone who can understand.

Just as he was about to rest, he heard footsteps.

"Rest?" Arthur's voice.

"No, I'm looking at the map." John said and opened the door.

Arthur was standing in the doorway with some Micah slaps on his face.

John pointed to a chair not far away for him to sit down.

Arthur didn't say much, just sat on the chair.

"So, you came to me suddenly tonight, is there something to talk to me about?" John took out a cigarette and handed him one.

Arthur got the cigarette to light, then handed the fire to John, who took a puff before answering.

"Actually, I've been thinking about it these days."

"Thinking about what?"

"our future."

"Arthur, your future?" John said jokingly.

"Hehe~ Of course, we~ robbers." Arthur nodded.

"What came to mind?"

"Maybe we will all die on the road." Arthur said calmly.

"Why so pessimistic." John must be puzzled.

"Hosea told me this evening, and we'll be out of here the next morning." Arthur took a deep breath of his cigarette and continued, "East."

"What's wrong? I heard them say that you have other big troubles in the west besides Blackwater."

"I don't know, but I haven't slept very well in recent days. Although our situation is improving, I know this is temporary." Arthur's tone was a little worried.

"Because of Pinkerton's detective?"

"I thought so at first." Arthur thought for a while, smoking a cigarette and then glancing at John.

"So now you've changed your mind?" John asked rhetorically with some doubts.

"At one point, I just got lost."

I don't know if John's feeling was wrong. John felt that Arthur's tone was a little disappointed, so he said with doubts.


Arthur sighed deeply. He didn't speak for the first time, but continued to smoke.

John didn't speak either and was smoking.

There is not much space in the house, Arthur's smoking frequency is very high, and the hut is filled with smoke after a while, but from the frequency of Arthur's smoking, it can be seen that he has many doubts in his heart.

John might be able to guess a little, but he wasn't fit to speak.

There are some things that you can see through yourself better than others can tell you through.

"We have more fighting spirit." Arthur threw the cigarette **** on his heel and stomped it out. He looked at the cigarette **** being stomped out and said in a deep voice.

The tone of this sentence is definitely not excited, but with obvious loss.

"Isn't this something to be happy about?" John said seriously and with some doubts.

"In many cases, this is a good thing to be excited about." Arthur reached out and took the cigarette that John put aside, and lit it again.

"But after so many things, this shouldn't be in our group," Arthur said after taking a breath of smoke.

"Why do you say that? Arthur, I think your state is a little pessimistic." John continued.

"Did something or someone let you down?"

"No, but I am indeed a little confused." Arthur shook his head.

"Confused about what? Say it and I may be able to help you analyze it." John offered a very normal suggestion.

Listening to John's suggestion, Arthur did not speak for the first time, but looked at the handsome and elegant young man in front of him.

"John, how long have we known each other?" Arthur asked suddenly.

"How many months? I forgot, I think we've known each other for quite a long time." John said with his right hand touching his chin and tilting his head for a while.

"Well, it really feels like a long time, do you still remember the first time you saw me?"

"Of course I remember. I also invited you to drink at that time, and that wine is really expensive." John joked, and then he seemed to remember something, so he turned around and fumbled from behind.

Then he pulled out a bottle of whiskey. "Come on? My last bottle."

Arthur looked at John with the wine in his hand and smiled, then nodded.

John unscrewed the cap and picked up his water glass, filled it up, and put the bottle on Arthur.

Arthur took it with a smile, and the two touched a glass.

After taking a sip, Arthur said

"I remember you told me a story at the time."

John nodded. "The friend who taught me horsemanship and marksmanship."

"Yeah, that's the story. Remember you told me, he's a lot like me." Arthur handed him the bottle and touched him again.

After raising his head and taking a sip, Arthur continued, "You know what, I actually think that the person you said is very similar to me."

John was naturally stunned for a moment. "Oh? You've never met him, and he's much older than you, probably about the same as Hosea."

"From the things you said, to tell you the truth, we, En~Dutch." Arthur seemed a little hesitant to talk about this person.

"What happened to Dutch?" John asked.

Arthur hesitated, then sighed softly. "Dutch is also planning the last vote. The last."

Arthur repeated those three words once.

"So~ Do you think Dutch is the same as my friend's boss? There will always be a last vote?" John slowly said what Arthur wanted to tell himself after hearing it.

"I'm not sure, that's why I'm lost, but I've been very uneasy lately, although my reason tells me that Dutch won't be like the friend in your story. He said he wanted to retire, and he was old. But ~ he did Young people still have fighting spirit, and his fighting spirit is higher than Lenny, who is only eighteen years old." Arthur frowned and said with a bewildered face.

John looked at Arthur's appearance, thought for a while, and then spoke.

"Perhaps this will lead you out of your recent misfortune. But I also have some doubts." He first said a good word for Dutch, and then expressed his own doubts.

"I learned from the News Times of Heishui Town that your Heishui Town's payment for goods, excluding the remuneration paid to me, seems to be as high as $100,000. Isn't that enough for all of you to retire? That's a lot of money."

"It's enough, but Dutch hid it in Blackwater Town. He told us that sometimes we might encounter enemies on the way to escape, and it's not safe to travel with money." Arthur nodded in response.

"So, you are not short of money. After getting rid of those detectives, he should think about how to get the money back, right?" John nodded and said to Arthur along the normal line of thinking.

"That's the problem, Dutch doesn't seem to want to get it back so quickly." Arthur frowned and then lost his face for a flash, then he shook his head again "Maybe he just thinks that we are not safe enough now, it should be like this ."

"Well, I think so too, maybe he'll find a way to get the money back after going down the mountain." John nodded in agreement.

"I'll go down the mountain the day after tomorrow, and when you're in a safe place, you can tell Daqi. I still have some strength in Heishui Town, and I can let one or two of you who have not been exposed to enter and leave Heishui Town silently. I can make some arrangements at that time." John pointed out that he has some influence in Blackwater Town, and he can help if he wants to withdraw money.

"Thank you so I'll talk to Dutch then." Arthur said and touched John again.

"We're friends, and you want to catch a horse with me in the next day." John was obsessed with the white dragon horse that showed a lot of anthropomorphic expressions.

A horse that can show doubt, surprise, surprise and dull expressions. Anyone who has seen it can never forget it.

I'm not qualified to catch, so let Arthur come.

The two talked for a while until Arthur had finished the half bottle of whisky.

Arthur staggered back to his room.

Looking at the back of Arthur leaving, John felt a little pitiful. Arthur felt right, Dutch couldn't come back to get the money, he just wanted to continue to lead this group of people as his little king.

Continue to run in this wild west that has almost been eliminated by civilized society.
