Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 240: I'm the one who sees farthest

Micah and Lenny are crossing the Dakota River west of Horseshoe Lookout.

The two have walked from the Horseshoe Lookout for quite a while now.

But Micah walked very slowly.

Lenny looked a little displeased at Micah behind him.

With a bottle of spirits in hand, Micah rode staggeringly across the river.

Po Tongluo's voice also sang a song that he thought was very pleasant.

Shortly after this guy came out of Horseshoe Lookout camp, he started drinking spirits from his saddle.

He didn't care about the task that Dutch gave him at all. Dutch's most important explanation was to let the two investigate the movements of Detective Pinkerton's team and find out whether they were coming for the gang.

From Dutch's slightly solemn tone, Lenny knew that Dutch needed the fastest and most accurate message reply.

And Mika's attitude is simply to investigate the news.

"Micah, Dutch let us quickly investigate the movement of that team, you~" Lenny looked at Micah and said helplessly, "You can't get yourself drunk and go to town to investigate."

"Hahaha~ You're worrying too much, kid. We'll get the job done, I have a complete plan, hahaha~" Micah said nonchalantly compared to Lenny's eagerness.

"Even if I'm drunk, I'm the strongest in the camp, hahaha~" Mika said boldly.

"I don't see any plans you have, let's hurry up, or I suspect we won't be able to get to Strawberry Town in the dark," Lenny urged.

"OK~OK~ I really can't do anything about you, don't worry~ We will find them, and then we will kill them easily. We can complete the task perfectly. This little thing is easy to handle, trust me~ I am the best gang. The best gunman and the most powerful man~hehe~" Micah sped up some steps at Lenny's urging, but it was a long way from what Lenny imagined.

"Hopefully, if it was Arthur, he would never look like you." Lenny reluctantly slowed down his progress.

"Ha~ You mean Arthur Morgan? He's a fool, not stupid in my eyes. The only thing he deserves is his marksmanship that is worse than mine. But he has all the muscles in his brain, and I'm not the same as him, My friend. I can see farther and more accurately than him." Speaking of Arthur, Micah instinctively turned his head and said to Lenny.

He pointed to his brain with the finger holding the wine bottle, to show that Arthur and him had a IQ gap.

Lenny looked at the big cake face in front of him, with a long mustache, which had been left untreated for a long time, resulting in a lot of dirt on it.

Because of drinking a lot of alcohol, it was also stained on it.

It made Lenny feel a little sick.

So he said lightly, "You said that Arthur's marksmanship is worse than yours? I don't think so, but I think your marksmanship is much worse than that of Arthur."

"Oh~ someone in the camp questioned the fact that I was better than him~" Micah heard Lenny's words and did not refute.

Instead, he looked towards a tree not far away.

"Child, did you see that tree?" Micah said drunkenly.

Lenny looked in the direction Mika said. It was more than 30 meters away. There were many kinds of birds resting on the relatively bare tree.

"I see, so what?" Lenny said indifferently.

But Lenny's voice just fell, 'Bang~bang~bang~bang~bang! ’

Five gunshots rang out instantly.

On the other side of the big tree, four birds fell along with the sound of gunfire.

"Oh~ Shet! It seems that I drank a bit too much, and only hit four." Micah said exaggeratedly.

There was a very surprised expression on Lenny's face, and the five gunshots were more than a second and less than two seconds.

And the bird in that position is not much bigger than a matchbox.

Four hits out of five, and Micah's astonishing rate of fire, surprised Lenny.

The last time I competed with John in Snow Mountain was not so difficult.

And Micah was very satisfied to see Lenny's surprised look.

"Hey~ boy, did you see it? I drank too much, sorry~ hahahaha~" Mika took out the wine bottle and poured it into her mouth, then passed Lenny and walked forward.

Looking at Mika's arrogant back, Lenny's eyes were complicated, "Shet!"

The horses were then urged to follow behind Micah.

As far as Micah's performance just now, he really can't say whether Micah's marksmanship is better than Arthur's, or Arthur's marksmanship is better than Micah's, but what is certain is that both of them let themselves put the gun first and then The ability to take out a gun and kill yourself.

Micah and Arthur were both so deadly to him.

The two walked for a while, and Micah also finished the bottle of spirits in his hand.

He threw the wine bottle away, burped, then pulled an apple out of his pocket and started nibbling.

After the drunken performance just now, Lenny put away a lot of contempt for Micah.

He's defiant, he's arrogant, he's crazy, but he's equally deadly.

"Micah~ you know." Lenny caught up with Micah and said, "You and Arthur can actually get along very well, you are the two of us with the best marksmanship. In this way, our cooperation in the future will be smoother. ."

"Hehehe~ boy, it's a wonderful idea." Mika said with a smile after listening to Then you know what? A gang doesn't need two men who are equally strong, and despite my prejudice against that idiot, his marksmanship is on par with mine. But I'm smarter than her, and like I said, can't you see that his brain is full of muscles? He doesn't even have a brain, it's all those **** muscles. "Maybe Micah really drank too much, he admitted that Arthur and himself should be about the same strength.

"A person without a brain can't become the most powerful one. His only advantage is that he came to this gang before me. My strength is not only reflected in the marksmanship." Mika said frivolously.

"Maybe~ I don't understand what you're doing, but you're crazy, which makes others consciously dismiss your proposal." Lenny didn't want to argue with Micah about who was stronger between him and Arthur.

"Hehe~ boy, the whole gang, I like you the most, there is no one you dare not join, and there is no one you dare not kill. You are not like those weak cowards, I appreciate you~ Maybe you can go with me in the future. Robbery, it's much better than following that guy with big limbs, they don't know how far you can do it." Micah said with a smile.

"I'm not as crazy as you~ I think it's good to follow him." Lenny refused directly.

"Ha~ you'll know later, I'm the farthest and smartest one in the gang." Seeing that Lenny refused without the slightest hesitation, Micah didn't say much.

Instead, focus on the food in your hands.

But the speed is indeed much faster than before.

Lenny didn't say anything more, but followed Micah to concentrate on the journey.

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