Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 289: awkward encounter

Blackwater Town, by the dock of Edwin Manor.

John and Steve have fishing rods and are about to go fishing on the lake.

"Your revenge action seems to have caused a lot of impact." Steve cheerfully said to the revengeful young man in front of him.

"It can have any influence, but it's just some gossip." John didn't care.

"You made the business of the Shilan Trading Station a lot better. How much did the bandits cost this time?" Steve asked another question.

This question made John's face not very good. The retaliatory actions of dozens of people were indeed majestic enough, and the process was really cool enough.

But when it was settled later, the thousands of dollars in the water made John feel distressed for a while.

Firearms, ammunition, beef jerky, water mixed with low alcohol wine.

All in all, it cost four or five thousand dollars.

This is all wasted money. No wonder it is said that fighting is to burn money. His army of dozens of people spent so much in three days. Although his food standards are high, it is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"It's a few thousand, it's still within the acceptable range, to be honest. I should go and discuss with Baylor, let him talk to the government, give me some money, and I help New Eliza State solve such a problem ." John said in pain.

While the two were talking, the boat was already a few hundred meters away from the shore, and it was almost there.

"Haha~ I guess he will let the people above give you the Good State Medal." Steve said cheerfully.

The two of them were blowing the cool breeze and the lake breeze on the boat, drinking brewed tea, smoking expensive cigars, and eating good desserts.

A few people in the hands help them sprinkle some shredded cheese or crumbled bread on the side of the boat.

When the school of fish gathered, the two began to cast their poles.

He does not resist this kind of enjoyment of fishing.

He doesn't make so much money for watching.

Just as John was relaxing on the iron lake, on the other side of the lake, inside the camp of the Van der Linde gang.

Dutch found Arthur who was sitting by the river.

"How are you, old friend~" Dutch greeted Arthur.

"It's okay." Arthur responded politely.

"It's funny that we're back here. Did I tell you that my father died on the battlefield in Pennsylvania? He was a veteran and fought a lot of battles," Dutch greeted.

"Many times," Arthur said.

"I know I'm boring you. Arthur, you don't have to hide what I can feel." Dutch said, looking at Arthur's absent-mindedness.

"I'm just worried, we've lost a few brothers."

"We have big goals ~ Arthur." Dutch began his preaching again. "We are trying to reform the world, make it more tolerant, more real and better."

"Arthur, casualties at this stage are inevitable."

Arthur looked at him impatiently, he was really tired of Dutch's almost brainwashing remarks.

"We're a bunch of robbers in a world that doesn't need us, Dutch," he said in a low voice.

"Arthur, in this boring and oppressive world, we are dreamers. I admit that you are right, but now is not the time to say this. Come with me~" Daqi saw that his remarks were not imaginary. effect, so Dutch skipped this stage of instilling ideals.

Arthur took a deep breath and looked at the people in the camp.

The people in the camp start a new day and a new life, as they always do, whenever they don't get to a new place, they look forward to tomorrow.

It seemed that as long as they got through these days, Dutch would take them to the Tahiti of their dreams.

However, the truth is far more cruel than they expected.

Arthur followed behind Dutch and asked, "Where are we going?"

"The weather is good today, and we are free. Hosea said he knew a small river, so I invited him to go fishing. I think you should also come with us."

The two walked past the camp, where Pearson exclaimed, "Gentlemen and ladies. Listen to me."

When everyone noticed him, Cook Pearson exclaimed, "I need more ingredients or you're going to starve, you slackers. Do you understand?"

Dutch and Arthur walked past the camp, towards the place where the horses were stored.

"Hey, old guy, come here and take us to the small river you mentioned." Dutch smiled and said to Hosea who was preparing fishing tackle in the distance.

"Hey~ old friend, your face is not good, what's the matter? I thought this warm weather would make you look better." Dutch said looking at Hosea.

"It's been many years since I looked good, Dutch." Hosea responded in a moderate tone, and then he glanced at Arthur who was following him.

"Are you going with me too?"

"Of course, what's wrong?" Before Arthur could speak, Dutch responded.

"Of course not, let's go." Hosea took the fishing tackle and mounted his silver Turkmen horse.

"Hehe~ He is always so disappointing and unpleasant, come on, let's go fishing together." Dutch said to Arthur.

The three walked out of the forest on horseback.

"Why don't we fish here? This lake is full of fish." Arthur asked as he walked in the middle.

"Because I wanted to hang out with my old friends and partners," Dutch said.

"Before they joined us, there were only a few of us in this gang." Dutch mentioned the time of the former three

"Yeah, at that time, there were only the two of us and the naughty boy Arthur." Hosea also said with emotion.

"It feels really good, Arthur, you've found the best place." Dutch said sincerely behind.

"Then you should go thank Charles, it's actually where he was looking." Arthur responded.

"Hehe~ I feel like this place makes me breathe again, what a thick and fresh air." Dutch still sighed to himself, "Maybe this place is very helpful for your asthma, Hosea." "I used to Been here with Bessie (Hosea's wife). It feels like a previous life." Hosea also seemed to be infected by Dutch's state and said a few more words.

"It's really something from a previous life. Our life was really colorful at that time, and those battles were really beautiful, especially the two of you." Dutch said later.

"Perhaps." Arthur didn't feel too much.

"Yes, but now it's an emergency and we have to go with the plan. When we regain our confidence and our unity. When the limelight on these things passes, we'll go back and get the money. Then we'll go to a place where no one knows us. so that we no longer need to hide from XZ." Dutch talked about his plan with great interest.

Arthur was noncommittal about this, and Hosea asked aloud, "Heh~ For example, where do you think it is suitable?"

"I have some plans now, but I hope you stand firm on our side and don't go against me, you two," said Dutch.

"Of course, I have no opinion." Arthur said.

"We have to keep a low profile here, especially when we are in town, and after what happened to Valentine, I hope you can keep a low profile and not cause any trouble." Dutch then said.

"But we don't have a lot of money on hand right now, and we also need to look for opportunities to make money."

"Dutch~ Let's be careful, if we have enough money to live on, then we don't need to look for any opportunities. We just need to wait for the wind to pass, and the detectives from Pinkerton are not watching us." What Dutch said about opportunity simply disagreed.

"Oh no, Hosea, think about it, how many bumbling idiots are waiting for you in this big town? Go and put their money in your pocket, that's what you're good at." Qi said confidently.

It seems that in Dutch's eyes, no one in this country place is worthy of his attention.

"Of course I wouldn't mind at other times, but ~we~" Hosea was interrupted by Dutch when he was about to refute.

"No but, Hosea~ That's all we're talking about today, we're out fishing today." Dutch said rudely.

The two who were riding in front of them looked at each other tacitly, Hosea looked and Arthur looked indifferent.

The three rode their horses to a train aisle, and in front of them a prison car was already parked in front of them, waiting for the stopped train in front of them to start again.

"There are police in front of us, we try not to make any noise, so as not to attract their attention." Dutch whispered to the two of them.

The three of them came to the prison van without changing their faces.

Then one of the inmates in the van saw the three of them and his eyes lit up.

"Hey~ gentlemen." The prisoner was well-dressed, and even in the prison van, he kept his hair and beard very smooth.

Everything about him was out of tune with the three desolate prisoners around him.

"Oh~ look who this is?" The three of Dutch also discovered this guy.

The man said helplessly, "I seem to have gotten myself into some kind of trouble."

This person is one of the intelligence officers of the Van der Linde gang, a wandering liar, Josiah Trelawney.

The gentleman who disappeared after the last rescue of Sean with Arthur, Javier and Charles.

The last time Trelawney had mentioned Arthur, asked him to go back and tell Dutch that the limelight was tight recently, and told Dutch to let the whole gang keep a low profile.

Arthur also agreed to him, but what happened after that backfired.

Unexpectedly, the three of them were on vacation, but he was on the prison van.

"Be quiet." A detective in front of the van said to Trelawney.

"Hehe~ Let's see what we can do for you." Dutch chuckled lightly, then sorted out his clothes, and then walked towards the two detectives in front of the prison van.

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