Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 291: He is not

"Hey, brother." Hosea leaned against the door of the police station with a wine glass in his hand and greeted Arthur.

Also at the entrance of the police station was a young man with more outstanding appearance and some scholarly temperament. He sat on a bench at the entrance of the police station with an uneasy expression on his face.

"Sheriff~ we got him." Archibald shouted to the police station after letting down prisoner Anderson.

Then Dutch and Sheriff Gray came out.

"As I said, Arthur never disappoints." Dutch came out and looked at the people on the ground and said to Sheriff Gray.

"Haha~ Of course, your friend obviously conquered my little assistant." Gray said.

"Then my magician friend~" Dutch gestured to Rollslet, who was still silent on the prison van.

"He can go." Gray also took out the key and opened the prison car.

"Don't get in trouble, my friend," Gray said to Rollslett as he got out of the van.

"I promise it was a misunderstanding, and it won't happen again," Rollslit said as he got out of the car. "But I still want to thank you, Mr. Sheriff, for giving me my innocence."

"Hehe~ Okay, Mr. McIntosh, it's my honor to meet you. On behalf of this town, I sincerely welcome you." Gray turned his head and said to Dutch.

"We are honored to be here." Dutch responded enthusiastically.

"Remember to take care of your friends, sir, the local residents have brought a lot of trouble to our police station. The older generation is getting old, and many people in the town have forgotten the respect and majesty they used to have." Gray's expression was serious. said.

"That's too bad, I'll take care of it." Dutch said to a few people around him, "Friends, let's go."

"Goodbye Mr. Grey."

"When you have time, come to the town more often, there are still a lot of good things." Gray turned around and said to the handsome young man with long hair sitting at the door.

"Bao~ You'd better expect that vicious rumor to be a rumor. Someone told me that you actually talked to that blond, Penello Jin Braithwaite, and it seemed that you were still very happy?"

"Come in, you idiot who looks down on the situation." Gray yelled at Bao, who was full of unease.

The two walked into the police station immediately.

Outside the police station, Rollslett said to Dutch, "Thank you, my friend. Without you, I might have been squatting for a while."

"Where have you been recently?" Dutch asked.

"Near here," Rollslit replied.

"Where do you live?" Dutch asked again.

"Well, I have a caravan behind the church, and it sucks. But no one pays attention," Rollslit then added.

"I heard that your bounty has been increased again."

"My head has been rewarded for 30 years, but he has never caught me." Dutch said disdainfully, "and it seems that it may take them a few months to catch up here, depending on the situation I can still It's been a long time."

"Hehe~ Arthur, didn't I tell you to keep this guy Dutch low-key?" Rollslit said to Arthur beside him.

"Things will always change." Arthur said helplessly.

"That's right," said Rollslitt, nodding.

"Is there any news from this town?" Dutch asked.

"What news? The whole town is caught in the endless battle between the two families." Rollslit began to introduce his town of Rhodes.

"Two old-fashioned families have been fighting for a hundred years. From the beginning of the Tiantian gunfire to the silent commercial struggle, they seem to be enjoying this matter. The Gray family, the sheriff's family just now. The Braithwaite family, two old-fashioned plantings. The Yuan family's century-old feud is for the legendary treasure of the southern rebels, and there are various reasons."

"That's really interesting." Dutch eyes flickered and then said to the two people around him, "Hosea, Arthur, you go and find out about their situation and see if anyone has obtained the legendary treasure."

"Ah~ Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, I want to kill you. But I still want to remind you that your bounty has spread from west to north, and bars within a radius of 500 miles have spread." Rolls Ritter said to several people.

"It seems that our reputation spreads far and wide." Dutch said still disdainfully.

"I heard that there are still a group of detectives who have been chasing you." After saying this, Rollslit was almost out of Rhodes Town.

"Detective~? I really want to see and see." Dutch was still so disdainful of these rumors.

"It's time for me to go." Rollslit turned and said to the three who were sent to the entrance of Rhodes Town.

"Take care of yourself, old friend," said Dutch.

Rollslit waved and strode forward.

But after walking a few meters, Rollslet turned back to Dutch and said, "Dutch, the two of them may have gold, but I'd better give you some advice."

"What?" Dutch asked curiously.

"You can take the gold from the Grey family, or the gold from the Braithwaite family, but don't take the gold from both families." Rollslit said half-jokingly.

"Haha~ I will have a detailed plan. In these things, I always win." Dutch said very confidently.

"Maybe~ but don't choose to regret it after it happened~" Rothrit looked at Hosea and Arthur when he said this. He winked at the two of them, then turned and strode away.

"This guy is always worried about us **** things up," Dutch joked, turning to the two.

"The big families of the two plantations, it sounds like they have a lot to share with us." Dutch said to the two people beside him as he walked.

"Arthur, you go and see the Grey family plantation. Hosea, go to the Braithwaite family when you have time and see if you can get anything."

"Okay." Arthur and Hosea responded together.

"It's really exciting that we have a fishing trip today," Arthur said suddenly.

"Of course, we still have time, are you still going? Or do you want to hang out here?" Hosea asked Arthur. Arthur looked at Dutch and then at Hosea, then shook his head, "I'll look around here to see what news I can get."

"Okay, let's go, Dutch. Let's go to the river." Hosea was actually relieved when he heard Arthur's words.

He beckoned Dutch to follow him to the river, and Dutch naturally had no opinion.

Arthur stayed in the town and watched the two leave.

Dutch and Hosea rode together toward the river.

"Terry Laus, I always think I'm going to screw things up. It seems like the whole gang is not as smart as him, even if we just rescued him from the prison car." special.

Hosea remained silent.

The two came to the little river that Hosea had been talking about while Dutch had been nagging.

"I have to say that this place is really nice, Hosea." Dutch said to Hosea in a relaxed mood.

"Yes, it's still the same." Hosea stood by the river and looked at the surrounding scenery.

"There seems to be a ship over there, let's go over there." Dutch looked around and walked towards the ship that was docked on the shore.

The two took the boat all the way to the center of the river.

"Hosea, have you heard some rumors about the gang recently?" Dutch took out the good bait on the fishing rod and threw it to the river and then asked Hosea who was sitting on the other side.

"What rumors?" He Xi'a responded lightly.

"It is rumored that you are leaving again." Dutch's tone was also very flat.

"Hehe~ It's really some gossip." He Xia said with a chuckle.

"I think so too." Dutch also chuckled.

"But~ Dutch, I got some news from a friend." Hosea changed the subject.

"Really, what's the news?" Dutch continued to put on the bait and then continued to cast the rod without looking back.

"About Micah."

"Micah?" The Dutch rocker's hand stopped for a moment, and then he said, "What about him?"

"Dutch, has he told you about his origins?"

"It's easy to understand."

"He was rescued on the way to prison 10 months ago." Hosea turned his head and glanced at Dutch, who still had no change in his expression.

"That proves he has some good friends, doesn't it."

"Yes, he does have a lot of friends. When he was in Heishui Town, he also met a very mysterious Hosea continued.

Dutch heard this and turned his head to look at Hosea in the stern, "You investigate him?"

Dutch's tone was questioning.

"Yes, after I escaped from Blackwater Town, I always felt that something was wrong, so I asked him to check it." Hosea nodded and said.

"Dutch, has he told you about this?"

"So who did he go to see?" Dutch asked.

"He's very mysterious and hasn't been around since he met Micah. Did he tell you about it, Dutch?" Hosea asked again.

This question made Dutch silent.

Without hearing Dutch's response the first time, Hosea's hand clenching the fishing rod suddenly trembled.

But this scene was not seen by Dutch in the bow.

"Hosea~ what do you want to express?" Dutch asked after a moment of silence.

"Micah, Micah may be a traitor." Hosea said calmly, tightening his grip on the fishing rod.

"Hosea~ Micah, Micah may be a bit annoying, but he's not a traitor. I know him, and I forgot about Hosea." Dach's voice just fell.

Hosea felt that Dutch did not know when he came behind him.

"Hosea, we can't handle the turmoil now, we still need Micah. He's not a traitor, at least not yet, you understand?" Dutch put his hands on Hosea's shoulders and whispered in his ear said.

Above the boat, a burly man put his hands on the shoulders of the other man, bent down and whispered in his ear.

If the object is a beautiful woman or girl, then this must be the beginning of a wonderful love.

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