Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 373: cold night

In the dark, on a road outside Valentine~

A tired-looking riding horse carried a man with a bleak back.

John held the map in his hand and looked at the next stronghold.

This place is more than half an hour away, but because my horse has been running all day, it is no longer able to run at a high speed.

I can only walk towards the next stronghold, and the time has come to nine o'clock in the evening.

It might have been past ten o'clock by the time we got there.

Putting away the pocket watch in his hand, he took out a carrot to feed the panting horse, and then gave it a bottle of fruit wine to replenish energy.

Because he was afraid that it would have an accident, he slowed down his progress.

The time advanced to half past ten.

He came to the agreed approximate observation point at this location, and then in the moonlight he found several coyotes eating with their heads lowered at a position more than 30 meters away.

When several coyotes saw the intruder, they lowered their heads and roared threateningly at him.

The horses began to panic when they heard this call, and began to neigh in panic.

The expression on his face changed slightly, and then he got off the horse and drove away the frightened horse.

Then he took out the big white dog-leg machete, which was very useful for chopping, to the three coyotes.

Then he walked towards the three wolves step by step.

Seeing that the threat could not drive away the invaders, the three wolves also made a gesture of attack.

The wolf is a creature with a strong sense of teamwork, so the three-headed wolf surrounds him in an encircling angle.

And he was in a particularly bad mood tonight when he was surrounded.

On the other side of the cliff, Oledo was eating while looking at the figure at the position of Dida with a telescope.

In the binoculars, the man didn't seem to have the idea of ​​shooting to scare the wolves away. He watched the man walking towards the wolves with a large machete like a sickle.

Immediately afterwards, the wolves took the lead in attacking, but the man's swordsmanship was excellent and his skills were very agile.

I saw that in the telescope, the man killed two wolves with three strokes and five by two, but the last one hissed on his arm.

The man's left hand seemed to be injured, so he was a little flustered, but he lived up to expectations.

The wolf only tore it twice, and was killed by the man with one knife.

"Wow~ is this a move out of anger? It's a lot of strength." Oledo watched with relish from the other side of the cliff.

"Damn~" John spit at the last wolf after finishing it, and cursed. Immediately after, he stepped forward to examine the corpse he had guessed.

Looking at the unrecognizable corpse that was being eaten in front of him, he recalled the face of this **** with good memory.

A very young gangster, John remembers how he looked like a fool after he took over the task.

He stood in front of the corpse and mourned for ten seconds.

But the next moment~ He felt like he was on his back, and the gunshot sounded a second before he fell forward~


The sound of gunfire reverberated in the valley~ It could be heard from the sound that it was a long-barreled sniper rifle.

Immediately after John fell to the ground, he crawled towards the jungle ~ he moved quickly.

On the other side of the cliff, Oledo pulled the trigger and picked up the binoculars from the gangster to check his movements.

Seeing him crawling very quickly, Oledo also lost the desire to fill a shot.

"Is it really fast enough to climb, returning to the light?" Oledo whispered to himself. "Tsk tsk~ It's really tenacious. In the next life, remember not to be uncertain about the safe place again, and pray to the corpse, young man."

Oledo said nonchalantly.

He was sure that his shot had hit, and the flesh that flew out of the scope couldn't deceive anyone.

After speaking, he shook his head and then turned to leave. Oledo did not have the desire to explore **** in the past.

He didn't believe that the person hit by such a shot could still live. But if he survives, let him live, he's not interested in this man who peeks into his stronghold.

He wasn't even interested in knowing what he looked like, whether he was a man.

He also has to deal with other kidnapped hostages, and he has to arrange for someone to take the ransom.

On the other side of the cliff, John was hiding behind a big tree with an extremely pale face.

With gauze in his hand, he covered his right abdomen, which was bleeding continuously, and the bullet pierced through his abdomen.

The expression on his face was extremely painful. The moment he was hit, the right half of his body was completely paralyzed. This momentary breakdown was much more effective than anesthesia, and the nerves in half of his body were instantly paralyzed.

With his injured left hand, he struggled to climb to the nearest big tree.

After the paralysis, there was endless pain. He took out the medicine and poured three bottles into his mouth.

The piercing pain was relieved, but half of his body was still in constant pain as if he was being pressed against iron. The belly that was penetrated was still bleeding, but the blood appeared a little slower.

He discarded the soaked gauze, took out a few more bottles of hemostatic, and used his mouth to open the mouth of the bottle with difficulty, and then kept going up to the wound.

After pouring out three bottles of hemostatic powder, he took out a new gauze and covered it.

He lowered his head and looked at the wound whose blood had been stopped.

The temperature of the jungle at night became very low, but he was sweating profusely while lying under the big tree.

After sitting quietly for about 20 minutes, the injury made him hungry and lethargic, so he had to keep opening cans for himself and eating.

After eating more than a dozen cans in a row, his sleepiness began to invade his head.

He was afraid that he would be eaten by carnivores that haunted at night when he fell asleep, so he whistled and called the horse. When the horse approached, he grabbed the reins and clenched tightly.

Then he finally couldn't resist the surging tiredness.

She fell asleep with her eyes closed.

And not far from the bottom of the cliff, an old red brick house was quietly waiting below, as if waiting for someone to open it.

And in the room.

Hosea looked at the key not far and at the closed door.

He wasn't sure if the bunch of keys on the table had been thrown to him on purpose.

The robbers didn't bring him dinner tonight.

He only ate a little food in the morning today. More than ten days of captivity and a small amount of food left him with no extra energy to do anything.

Looking at the key not far away, he suppressed the urge to get it.

Hunger eroded him, so he simply closed his eyes and began to rest.

But the desire to survive made Hosea unable to sleep. He looked at the key not far away, and then looked out the door.

"Hey~ gentlemen, you forgot to bring the food tonight."

No one responded.

"Hey~ gentlemen, this joke is not funny, I'm very hungry."

"Give me my food tonight!"

"You bastards~~"

Hosea scolded one after another for a while until he stopped out of breath, but there was still silence outside.

He looked at the key not far away, and finally he walked over to the bed and started to open the wooden bed.

The moment he picked up the bed board, he instantly collapsed.

The bed was not big, but being starved for so many days, coupled with the psychological torture, made him very weak.

He didn't even lift up the bed board to retrieve the key on the table not far away.


He whispered, he looked at the key and then at the plank in his hand, then he abandoned the bed plank in his hand and went to sleep wrapped in hay and bedding.

It was a cold night, at least Hosea thought so.