Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 411: Gray's situation

Late at night in Rhodes Town, John took a carriage back to the hotel and took a shower again.

He lay on the sofa lighting a cigarette, thinking about what happened at Grey Manor.

"Wonderful." After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help saying immediately.

There will definitely be a very serious and exciting interrogation in Gray Manor now, but the process of which is certainly unknown to outsiders.

And he won't know the content until at least the next day, and it may not be very complete.

After thinking about it for a while and waiting for the hair to dry, I went to bed and rested.

The next morning, Nick was in his room just after seven in the morning.

He is eating steak at the table. He eats a lot every day. On the table are three large steaks weighing two kilograms, a roasted deer leg, a kilogram of fresh fruit, a warm milk and a white bread.

He can really eat as much as he wants, and there is basically no excrement. This kind of food intake is basically three days before the last big one, and his body can really squeeze all the nutrients out of the ingredients.

When I saw Nick coming so early, I asked him to come and eat together.

Nick has been with him for a long time and has become immune to his amazing appetite.

He did run over without eating, so he was not polite.

As they ate and discussed, John gave Nick a steak, a glass of warm milk and white bread.

"How was Gray Manor last night?" John asked, eating his steak.

"What happened is that Whitson is Ajak's son, and he bullies Wilson's son on a daily basis. At the manor last night, Whitson probably drank some wine and continued to bully Hans with his servants. During the bullying process, Hans The resistance was fierce, and he punched Wittesen, and the servant controlled Hans, and then was bewitched by the dead servant, and Witteson stabbed Hans." Nick briefly told the grievances of the two children.

John listened and nodded. He seemed to have seen a similar scene. Whitson bullied Hans, who was younger and thinner than him, because of his height.

"Where's Vegem? Why did you shoot the servant?" asked.

"Vegem said that he hated the so-called banquet and walked around with a bottle of wine, and then saw this scene. He raised a gun and yelled at the two, and then the servant was afraid that the matter would be exposed and wanted to attack Vegem. Vegem saw Hans was injured and impulsively killed the servant directly. And Witson was also frightened by the use of the barrel to hurt Hans, and froze in place, and because of Witson's identity, Witson did not continue to do anything to Witson , this statement has also been confirmed by Whitson." Nick took a sip of warm milk while speaking.

"Servant's bewitchment?" John repeated the word.

Nick nodded and said affirmatively again, "This statement was learned from Whitson's mouth."

"Well," John thought for a moment and then said incredulously, "So this matter, in general, is the fault of an accident and the dead servant?"

"It's true from the statement of the incident." Nick nodded in disapproval.

Aware of Nick's tone, John chuckled and said, "What's Wilson's attitude to normal operations?"

"Wilson, of course, only believed Vegem's statement. He didn't make any demands, saying that the issue would not be discussed until his son Hans woke up."

"That child is still in a coma?" He continued to ask.

"Well, I heard that it seems that the wound is too deep, the internal organs are injured, and there is too much blood loss. The wound has been disinfected and treated, but the situation has not improved. It seems that he still has a fever." Nick told the clues he learned from the maid of Gray Manor.

"Interesting, what happened to that servant? Have you checked it?" John put down the roasted deer leg that had been eaten clean, and began to eat fresh fruit.

Nick shook his head when he heard it, and then asked, "Do you need it? Do you think that servant really bewitched Ajak's son Whitson?"

No one believes this kind of rhetoric of putting the blame on the dead. It's just a common excuse for wanting to make big things small.

"Are there enough people to go out to investigate?" John asked.

"Enough, since the inside of the manor was successfully bought, it's easy to just keep an eye on one or two people who go out." Nick has enough people.

"Then go and find out who the dead servant is, and see if he has anything to do with him recently, and if he has been in contact with anyone." John gave an order after hearing that there were enough people.

"Is Whitson out now?" John asked again.

"Also kept in the basement, guarded by Vegem and Ajak's servants."

After Nick reported the manor information, he left the hotel again.

John, on the other hand, wrote a letter to the old gentleman William in Saint Denis. He first wrote some simple greetings between friends, and then asked him to introduce a base house design company with a lot of experience to him. He asked the company team to go to Compson Farm in Rhodes Town to help design a base design that he was satisfied with. In his letter, he emphasized that money was not a problem, and he wanted the best.

After writing, he signed his name, then got up and went to the post office to send the letter.

Then he went to Compson Farm to see the progress.

It's not bad, Zhao An easily moved people around. Apart from a large circle of open space around the villa, many simple wooden houses have been built in the open space, followed by a group of professional account managers. and accounting. They are responsible for connecting with Zhao An, and they will discuss with Zhao An what they need to buy. That night he gave Zhao An $3,000 as working capital for the preliminary purchase, and after spending it, he would continue to give it to the next one.

John worked in the ranch until the afternoon before returning to Rhodes for dinner with Zhao An.

After determining the manager, Zhao An would only be at the ranch on the first night and during the day, and John asked him to return to Rhodes Town for a rest at night.

The two ends of the story were in Gray Manor, five hours ago.

Wilson stared gloomily at his sleeping son on the bed in a large, luxurious room.

Seeing the abnormal blush on his son Hans' face, his heart burned with anger.

The doctor invited next to him had finished the examination. He looked at Wilson's gloomy face and hesitated before saying, "Mr. Wilson, I suggest you take Hans to the big hospital in Saint Denis, where are the best doctors and medical equipment. , can better cope with various situations.”

Wilson turned his head to look at the doctor and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

The doctor was startled by Wilson's gloomy tone, but then the doctor's duty made him say calmly, "Hans' condition seems stable, but the situation may not be optimistic. His specific condition needs more professional equipment to test. I suggest you Set off now to get him to St. Mary's Hospital in St. Denis and fast."

Hearing this suggestion, Wilson's face instantly contorted with anger.

He turned to look at his son on the bed and whispered, "If you have any questions, I want that brat to be buried for you."

Then he said to the servant beside him, "Give ten dollars to Mr. Watson."

"And to prepare the carriage, let's go to the station."

After a while, Wilson took Hans and took the most luxurious carriage of the manor to Rhodes Railway Station.

On the second floor of the villa, Ajak stood at the window and watched Wilson leave with Hans in his arms, with a very irritated expression on his face.

He thought about it for a while, turned his head and said to his confidant, "Call someone to follow and report Hans' situation to me at all times. If Hans really has any problems, report it to me as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Saying that, the confidant also followed the horse and left the Gray Manor.