Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 423: evidence~

hazy night

Just west of Braithwaite Manor, on the Lana Hedge River.

There is a small house here, and if you ask people in town, this house belongs to a fishing enthusiast. As far as he knew the guy was called Jackson.

He basically looked for various river beasts all over the west, and he was not in the house all the year round.

At ten o'clock that night, John came here, and he broke into Jackson's house without consent. Unsurprisingly, he found tools for fishing in the river, as well as some possibly expired bait.

But it's okay, the fish in the river will not dislike it if it has expired.

John skillfully pulled two chairs, walked to the front pier, set up the stools, and started fishing.

He actually didn't know what these expired things could catch, but it was boring to wait here.

But luckily he was lucky, and in a short while he had a few red trout.

Just after he threw the fishing rod again, the sound of footsteps came from behind.

"You're in good spirits." Garrett walked over to him, glanced at the harvest in the bucket, and added, "Good luck too."

"Are you interested?" John glanced at him and motioned for him to sit down.

Garrett didn't say much. Instead, he pulled the stool and sat on the chair, and also picked up a fishing rod.

"I used to come with my father when I was a kid, but when I was an adult, he drank too much into a ditch and drowned. It was a suffocating way to die." Garrett tossed the fishing rod and started Talking about his father's past.

"Loving drinking will always go wrong, so I rarely trust people who love to drink, especially people who love to be drunk."

"Haha, I thought we had nothing in common, it seems that you and I agree on this." John smiled and pulled up the fourth fish.

"Why come so late at this time? Don't you know it's already early winter?" Garrett said puzzled.

"I think the cold air by the lake will keep you and I sane." John smiled and turned his head to look at Garret, half joking and half serious, "To be honest, I'm a little afraid that you will kill me."

"Why do you think so? Am I that scary? I think we get along fairly well, we are still friends, aren't we." Garrett said without emotion.

"Of course, but I think I should be happier, after all, I swallowed your bootleg business in Rhodes Town." John continued to joke.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I also want to cut off such a big business. It's just right for you to take over. In my opinion, this thing will affect my reputation in Rhodes Town, if I still have it in the town." Leiter generously dismissed this unhappy statement.

"There may be more people in the town who know you than you think. After all, you are the patriarch of the Braithwaite family. Many of your decisions affect the development of Rhodes Town, and many of them are watching your family eat." John quietly touted Garrett.

"Does it include you?" Garrett turned his head and asked seriously.

"Of course, if you take any drastic actions, it will indeed affect my business to a certain extent. You should not doubt the influence of the two of you in the town." John really thought so in his heart. If the people of the two families stabilized, then the town would People who go up will have more time to enjoy.

In this age without mobile phones, the place they miss the most is the tavern. The better the business of the tavern, the more things he buys and the more he earns.

"Haha" Garrett, who was answered, chuckled lightly without saying anything more.

The two fell silent for a short time.

About ten minutes passed.

The temperature on the lake was cooler, a temperature that seemed to make Garrett, who had escaped from the fire, a little unwell.

He turned around and waved his hand, and his men not far away immediately brought him a fur coat.

After he put it on, he let his men stand behind them.

"Looks like those injuries affected you a little bit," John said after watching him put on his coat.

"Yes, I hate the environment where the temperature is too low, which makes some parts of my body ache." Garrett said without denying.

He then sighed, "What a disgusting time, John my friend, tell me why you called me here this time?"

"Recently, the Gray's farce has become more and more intense, and they seem to be in some kind of chaos." John did not answer his question, but talked about the Gray's farce.

Garrett looked at the buoy on the lake without any change in his expression.

He said in a sullen tone, "I've heard that they made the whole Gray Manor a mess. But I've been so busy lately that I don't have time to pay attention to these trivial matters that don't affect the family business."

John wasn't much surprised by his response. "Yeah, but as I said before, part of the reason for my business's success is whether your two families are stable or not. If either of your families is in turmoil, it will be more or less. affect my business."

When Garret heard this, he turned to look at him again, and he said inexplicably, "So what?"

John also turned to look at him, "So I asked someone to investigate the source of the turmoil in the Grays."

Garrett chuckled and asked curiously, "So did you find it?"

John looked at him and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"It hasn't been determined yet, but I can boldly guess that all of this seems to be deliberately controlled by someone."

Garrett listened to this, and looked at John's eyes gradually inexplicable.

The two just stared at each other, and there was silence for several minutes.

Then Garret shook his head and laughed wantonly, "Hahahahahahahahaha"

After laughing for a while, Garrett said to him, "It's really a bold guess. I know you've been busy building your base on the ranch recently. Who is going to help you get these false leads? Is he? What's his name?"

Garrett said and turned to look at the figure smoking not far away. He didn't hide himself from the beginning, but leaned against the tree and smoked a cigarette. He didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked now.

"His name is Nick, a very good subordinate." John also turned around and introduced the man by the tree.

"Hehe, why don't you let him come over, I like this kind of capable person, maybe I can introduce him one or two favorite girls." Garrett joked.

"Ah, that's great. Although he looks like the handsome protagonist in an opera performance, he still doesn't seem to have a fixed partner. If you introduce me, I think he will be very happy. His character is actually very good." John also agreed. joking about Garrett's topic.

Nick was smoking a cigarette in the distance, his nose suddenly itchy, and then he sneezed a few times.

He put the cigarette into the corner of his mouth again and said inexplicably, "It's not so cold, why are you sneezing?"

Then he saw John waving at him, and although he didn't understand, he still walked over with a cigarette.

"John?" Nick asked after taking a look at Garrett.

"This is the head of the Braithwaite family, Mr. Garrett." John introduced Nick.

Nick extended his hand to Garrett. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Garrett."

"Well, as expected, I'm also happy to meet you, Nick." Garrett extended his hand and said with a smile, then he turned his head to look at him.

"John, so are you planning to mediate this farce of the Grays? For your stable business?" Garrett asked again, turning his head.

John frowned and seemed to think for a while about this question, and then said, "The two brothers did make Rhodes Town a little messy, so that people in the town didn't dare to speak freely. They were even afraid of saying the wrong thing when they were drunk. What gets killed. If necessary I think I'll get it, but I'm a man of his word."

"Huh" Garrett was obviously a little disdainful of this statement and a little curious.

"What's another word for that?"

"I remember that I once promised you that I would not participate in anything between the two of you." John said of the promise that day.

"Ah, do you remember this happening?" Garrett said in surprise.

"Of course I consider myself a businessman. Reputation is our sign of making money. I am a very honest person." He confidently showed his eight white teeth.

"I think I sense your sincerity." Garrett responded with a smile.

"I think you feel it too, but to be honest, I have a problem that has been bothering me recently." John asked Garrett earnestly.

"Hehe, well, tell me what is the problem that's difficult for you." Garrett asked patiently.

"My business should have developed in Rhodes Town. There should not be many competitors for cheap and excellent quality. I have this confidence in my products." John first touted his products and then said, "But in my Asking my men to go into town to try and sell our merchandise was thwarted."

John exaggerated the difficulty of this encounter, "This obstacle has never been seen before."

"Can't you believe that my product can't be sold?" John rambled about the situation he encountered. UU reading

"They'd rather drink a low-quality wine at a price point, one that has no aroma, tastes so bad, and they even pour water into it. But even then they wouldn't buy me a bottle that sells all over the West. Product. It shouldn't, I've been thinking about it for days and I can't get an answer."

John said very sincerely, with a tone and attitude like asking for help.

Garrett listened quietly. After listening, his expression became cold. He looked at John seriously and said, "Are you threatening me with something entirely based on guesswork?"

John shook his head in surprise and denied, "No, I'm asking my friends for help."

Garrett frowned at him, as if thinking about something, and was silent for a long time.

Just when John thought he was about to speak, Garrett got up and tightened his clothes again. He looked at the river and said, "I really hate this cold weather. I should go back. In this environment, I miss my study even more. Goodbye, my friend."

After finishing speaking, Garrett took the people away from here and headed for the road they came from.

After Garrett disappeared completely, Nick checked that no one was around and sat down on Garrett's chair.

Lighted another cigarette and handed one to John.

Watch John light a cigarette.

Nick asked inexplicably, "Why did you think of running over to threaten him? We have no evidence."

John shrugged and said, "There is no difference between threatening someone like Garret with evidence or no evidence. And the Grays don't need evidence except Wilson, ah, Jack and the Grays."

John took two-thirds of the puff, and after breathing out a thick smoke, he said, "They all only need an excuse, so they don't need evidence at all."