Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 451: simple and suitable person

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Red Dead Redemption: Dawn!

In Lisa White State, Strawberry Town.

Abigail is comforting Jack in a room, telling him to have a good breakfast.

"Jack, don't worry, Dad will come to us soon, and then he will take us to a new place and start a new life." Abigail said.

Jack looked at the rare food in front of him and didn't eat it right away, even though he had never eaten these things when he was a child. He asked Abigail, "Mom, are we leaving Hosea and Aunt Susan?"

Hearing Jack's question, Abigail didn't know how to answer for a while. She thought for a while and said, "Jack, we want to live a new life. And they want to live their own lives. Maybe you can go and see them yourself when you grow up." , or when we settle down you can invite them over and we can throw you a party."

Abigail tried to use this white lie to trick Jack, who was under five years old.

"Isn't Uncle Arthur with us?" Jack asked who he cared about most.

Hearing him talk about Arthur, Abigail fell silent again.

Seeing the disappointment gradually appearing on Jack's face, Abigail quickly said, "Arthur told me that he will come to see us after we finish building the house. He will bring his birthday present with him then. So you Don't worry, Jack, be obedient and eat well."

Hearing that Arthur would come to see him with a birthday present, Jack had a look of anticipation on his face.

Then, at Abigail's request, he ate big mouthfuls, the beef stew with potatoes that Pearson couldn't make, and sandwich bread, and drank milk.

Compared to Jack's hearty breakfast, Abigail only had a plate of potatoes and beef.

She ate breakfast in twos, and then took out a map that he bought from a nearby land agency. It was a map of recently sold ranches in the state of Austin, most with prices.

Arthur gave her a lot of money, nine thousand four hundred dollars in all. After deducting the $5,500 for canceling the reward, there is still a balance of $3,900.

She has planned all the money, waiting for the reward to be withdrawn. She asked Marston to take their family of three, oh~ and Kieran, to Austin to buy a ranch.

She asked people nearby that the land in Austin State is very cheap, even if it is close to West Yin Elizabeth State, grass pastures will not be so expensive there.

It should be enough to buy two hundred acres. At that time, they will borrow some money from a nearby bank, and they will live a good life near the border of Yinlisha Baizhou.

Kieran took the letter to the meeting point in the town of Blackwater this morning. Abigail bought him a ticket and gave him ten dollars for the carriage.

After he took the letter to find someone who could help Marston revoke the reward and explained the situation, they wouldn't mind coming to Strawberry Town.

Around Heishui Town on the other side~

Kieran got off at the station. He looked around, found a carriage, explained the address, and went to a small building in Heishui Town.

He looked at the prosperity of Heishui Town, a little nervous and a little hasty.

While he was in a daze, the carriage stopped.

"It's here, sir." The groom said to him as a treat.

Kieran looked at the building in front of him, he hesitated a little, but he still walked in under the strange gaze of the groom.

As soon as he entered, someone said to him, "Hey, friend, who are you looking for?"

Kieran followed the source of the sound, and a man who was playing with coins leaned on a chair and looked at him.

"Friend, who are you looking for?" Seeing that Kieran was silent, he asked again.

After asking again, Kieran came to his senses and said nervously, "I'm looking for Mr. Kane, and the letter says that you can come here to find Mr. Kane. I have something to tell him."

"Kane?" The man thought for a while after hearing the name, and then looked Kieran up and down, not to mention that Kieran looks weak now, and has **** feet.

"Take out the letter and let me have a look." So Kieran handed the letter to him without much hesitation.

The man took the letter and glanced at the address, then put down his guard and said to him, "Come up."

Kieran followed the man up the stairs cautiously, and then he stood in front of a door and said to Kieran, "Stand here."

Then he knocked on the door.

"Who?" A very young voice came out from inside.

"I, Doron. Mr. Kane, someone wants to see you, and they say they have your address and letter." Doron responded after glancing at Kieran.

"come in."

Doron didn't open the door but turned around to search Kieran's body.

Kieran didn't resist either. Doron took out the pistol that Arthur gave Kieran and confirmed that he had no other weapons on him, then pushed the door open.

"go in."

Kieran limped into the room, where there were three people, two of whom were sitting on the sofa. Behind a desk teases a smooth-haired dog.

The two people who saw him coming in and sitting on the sofa locked their eyes on him, and the young man who teased the dog also sat up.

He looked Kieran up and down and asked, "Who are you?"

Hearing his voice, Kieran recognized the voice just now, so he said respectfully, "Mr. Kane, my name is Kieran. It was Arthur who told me to come to you at the address on the letter, but I don't know the specifics. clear."

Kieran answered honestly.

"Oh~ Arthur, where is he? Did you bring the money?" Kane asked casually.

"The money is in Strawberry Town, not with me. We are all afraid of the money being stolen, so I want to ask Mr. to send someone with me to Strawberry Town to get it." Kieran said what Abigail told him.

"The Great Era of Rebirth"

The money has always been tied under Abegail's chest, close to the body, she has never taken so much money in her life, and he is not at ease wherever she puts it.

Kane probably knew what was going on when he heard it.

So he also nodded, took out two envelopes from the drawer and handed them to the person on the sofa and said, "Monkdo, pay the balance to Captain Prio and tell him to arrest the 'prisoner' at noon today. Give a copy to Lai'an Sheriff, let him quickly close the case."

Monkdo took the two heavy envelopes and put them away in his coat, "I'll deal with them right away."

Kane then said to another person, "Dasco, let's go, let's go get the money with this Mr. Kieran, and just take a look at what kind of person that guy is."

Dasco nodded, turned around and picked up the coat and hat hanging on the hanger, then walked out of the room, looked around, and said to the two people who were finishing cards, "Hey~ put on your clothes."

When the two heard Dasco's shout, they put down the cards in their hands, then took their respective equipment and coats, and followed behind Kane.

Kieran limped behind the four of them.

Immediately afterwards, Kane said to a person who was processing the documents, "I'll go out for a while. If there is anything I can't decide, I will go to Lambert to deal with it."

"Okay sir." The man raised his head and pushed his glasses and said to Kane.

Then the three of them took Kieran and set off towards the station.

Kieran was still sorting out the current situation along the way, but he couldn't guess what he was going to do with Kane, and he didn't know what Abigail was going to do.

But he knew that the young man in front of him who might be younger than him must be a big shot.

So he behaved cautiously.

Although he was a bandit before, but with his small role, no bounty hunter would pay attention to him. Even he can't even compare with those thieves, let alone be on the list in Heishui Town.

The three once took a train to Strawberry.

"Your name is Kieran, right?" Kane asked on the train looking at Kieran, a weak chicken visible to the naked eye.

"Yes, Mr. Kane." Kieran took the opportunity to observe Kane closely, and he found that there were many scars on Kane's face.

It should be a very powerful and ruthless character, Kieran thought to himself.

But he didn't see Kane's gun.

"Would you mind telling me about your situation?" Kane took out a cigar and enthusiastically handed one to Kieran.

But Kieran shook his head and refused, "Mr. Kane, I'm not in good health, so I quit smoking."

Kane nodded in understanding, looking like a dying cripple, but it was impossible for him to say it.

At the same time, after receiving the final payment, Prio Squadron counted the money in the envelope and said to Monkdo with satisfaction, "Don't worry, my dear friend, I'm going to take the gangster 'Marston' to the police right now." The Bureau accepts the reward. Hahaha~ Happy cooperation, if there is another opportunity for this kind of cooperation in the future, please come to me, I have a good reputation. Haha~"

Pulio laughed in his heart, and even hoped to maintain a long-term cooperation with the other party.

"There's a chance." Although Monkdo hated the other party's greed, he naturally wouldn't show it.

After the two said goodbye, Monkdo went to the police station to find Laian.

"Lai'an Sheriff, Mr. Kane hopes that the prisoner will be 'closed' quickly after being brought to the police station." Monkdo handed the envelope to Lai'an.

Lai An didn't read the envelope after receiving it, but put the envelope into his coat.

"Don't worry, people will be thrown into the dungeon as soon as they arrive, and they will be hanged on the gallows this afternoon. There will be no accidents, and the eucalyptus will disappear." Lai'an said in a casual and normal tone.

"Thank you, Sergeant Lai'an, then I won't bother you." After finishing the matter, Monkdo left the police station.

The Prio Squadron came to an abandoned hut with two men.

There was one of his team members inside. After entering the room, Prio said to him, "He is still alive."

"Of course, it's just that I ate less recently, lost a little weight, and am still alive." The team member said solemnly.

Prio said, "Bring him out."

Then the team members went down and pulled him up.

This person has pale blond hair and disheveled hair, but is tall and has shackles on his feet.

Prio pinched the man's chin to watch carefully, and took out Marston's reward order to look at.

After observing for a while, Prio said, "Seven to eight parts, it's rare for you to find such a similar He has no family, right?"

"No, he's a miner in a nearby factory. He's a gambler, a lecher, and an alcoholic. He's already passed his body, so he can't live long. If he's missing, people think he's sick and dead." The team members answered as usual.

Immediately afterwards, he said to them, "Dye his hair black, break his jaw, and make him speechless. Then take him to the police station to receive the reward. After getting the money, five of you will pay two hundred dollars each, and the rest of the money Take it to my love."

Several members of the team are used to this kind of assignment, "Yes ~ Captain."

"En~" Prion let out a sigh and then said to them, "Tell them to drink at the Ecstasy Bar tonight, I invite you."

After speaking, he left the hut on his horse.

It is not too easy for Prio to frame someone. If he has family members, it will be more troublesome. He needs to send someone to inform his family members that he was shot dead by the robbers he and others were chasing, and his body was eaten by wild wolves. But he didn't, and that's only fitting.