Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 463: you are nothing

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In the second half of the night, John invited Zheng Guotian and Nick to discuss the future pattern of Saint Denis.

Of course it's just the bootlegger part.

"Guotian, you can stay in Saint Denis in the future and help Nick with some things. In the future, our business will be very big, and you can cooperate with each other." John said that he had already decided on the distribution.

"Guotian, you should be familiar with it in Saint Denis all these years, and the Hometown Association is also a very powerful organization, and you can have certain cooperation when necessary."

Zheng Guotian nodded, "I will cooperate with Captain Nick."

He used to work in the ranch, and he was usually called Captain Nick, and Nick was friendly to this new partner, so there was basically no problem with the ranch.

"Zheng's work is indeed more reliable." Nick also praised Zheng Guotian with a smile.

"I'm glad you think so, and I'll be at ease with you in Saint Denis.

The three were drinking tea on the balcony and chatting about some future layouts and changes.

the other side.

Dutch and others also came to the backyard of Bronte's house by boat.

Several people crept to the backyard wall. Dutch looked around for a while, and after confirming that it was safe, he looked up at the situation inside the wall.

The lights inside are still transparent, and there are people patrolling, but it is still some distance from here.

Dutch motioned everyone to climb over the wall and go in.

None of them carried a bag of bullets mixed with cotton to avoid making too much noise when they moved.

Dutch and Arthur turned over first and then the rest followed.

After a few people gathered, Dutch looked up at the layout again, and then began to lay out tactics and offensive routes.

"Bill, Lenny, you two follow me, Arthur, Marston, Javier, you go over there, and shoot as soon as you see the opportunity, we have to act fast."

Several people nodded to Dutch, and then Dutch walked forward with the cat on his waist.

The three of Arthur also crouched down and slowly approached.

After the teams on both sides were close enough, Marston glanced at Arthur and signaled his horn to attack.

Arthur was not polite. After confirming the number of people, he immediately got up and aimed at the three people in the field of vision, locked at an extremely fast speed, and then pulled the trigger of the rifle one after another.

'bang bang bang~'

As soon as the gunshots came, the three of them arrived.

It was Dutch who followed Arthur's gunshots for the first time. At the moment when the gunshots sounded, Dutch also fired several shots in succession.

Then, the six people shot at all the guards in the backyard with intensive firepower.

The enemy's response was also extremely fast. After several people were knocked down, many people stuck their guns out of the villa to fight back at them.

Bronte's backyard instantly burst into flames.

Brontë, who was awakened, shouted at the guard at the door, "What the **** is going on?!

"There are enemies, in the backyard." The guard responded loudly to Bronte after pulling out his spear.

"That fool dared to come to my manor to make trouble after eating a bear's heart and a leopard? Get them!" Brontë roared at the guard angrily.

"Where's Quito Mattelli?"

Bronte called out Mattley's name.

At this time, Mattley also ran to support with the people in the front yard.

"It's fighting back, sir," one of the guards continued.

Backyard Mattley took the front yard guards to the backyard with the same angry expression. He walked over and over and told the two around him to go to Bronte's room to strengthen the defense.

"You go to protect Mr. Bronte, and the rest come with me to deal with this group of bastards!"

After speaking, Mattley rushed to the backyard with the rest of his hands.

"I'll find you, you despicable, shameless villain," Dutch said as he shot the guards again, but the sound of gunfire clearly overshadowed his voice.

The subordinates that Mattley brought are also considered elites, and they also played a certain suppressing effect in the first place, but when Dutch and Arthur's attention was attracted by them, the subordinates led by Mattley saw the horror of the two Strength.

Compared with Arthur's operation of only hitting his limbs, Dutch almost shot at the torso and heads of the guards.

Once hit, there is no chance of surviving.

Mattley's dozen of his men were quickly killed and wounded under the attack of two sharpshooters, Dutch and Arthur, and Mattley also found a partner who quickly perished.

"Return to the villa!" Mattley could only instruct them to enter the house for defense.

This group of robbers is too strong, and now he just wants to leave the villa with Bronte.

But just as he turned to leave, Arthur had his eye on the guy who gave orders.

I saw Arthur raised his hand and focused on Mattley's thigh, and Mattley's intention to turn back to the villa was shattered.

He screamed and rolled down the steps, then slammed his head into the stone pillar and passed out.

The remaining guards also returned to the villa and closed the door.

"Wrap it up, Bill Javier, you two go to the front to prevent this scumbag from escaping." Dutch ordered immediately.

Dutch then tossed Arthur a double-barreled shotgun.

After Arthur took it, he also shot two shots at the door lock.

'bang bang~'

The door lock was shot down.

After Arthur changed his rifle, he kicked the door open with a big kick.

Then quickly sideways into the bunker.

Marston, who was already equipped, lifted his gun and instantly killed the two guys who were going to shoot at the door.

Several people entered the villa quickly and methodically.

Along the way, several guards who tried to ambush were killed by Dutch's double guns without exception.

After the four of them checked all the guards on the first floor, they opened the doors one by one. After that, they still didn't see Bronte, so Dutch motioned Arthur to attack the second floor.

And the others headed up to other stairwells.

On the second floor, Brontë looked very nervous and said to the guards beside him, "What's the matter? We have fifty people! Are you all rubbish? I'm leaving here! Damn, Mattley went there?"

"He stayed in the backyard," one of the guards responded.

"Oh~ Fake! Fake! Who are these people! Get me out of here!" Brontë said to the only five guards beside him

The guards looked nervous and didn't know what to do, and one of them said to Bronte, "The front has been blocked, we can only hold on here until the police dispatch the police force, sir."

"Then let them come quickly! I give them so much money every year, why are they so slow?!" Brontë said, flustered and angry.

When several people saw this, they ignored Bronte and stood on both sides with their guns nervously, ready to kill those who tried to enter the room.

Downstairs, Arthur did not shirk, loaded the spear, then backed up, holding the spear high to aim at the possible enemies on the second floor.

As soon as Arthur walked to the corner, an enemy immediately appeared on the left side of the second floor, but Arthur also locked him instantly.


Another guard arrives.

Then Arthur continued to go upstairs. With Arthur's fighting intuition, he dealt with the three guards without exception during the process of ascending the stairs.

Then began to open the rooms on the second floor one by one.

Gunfire continued from elsewhere.

The study room ~ the collection room, the huge pool bathroom, after seeing the luxury of the Bronte Villa in succession, Arthur opened a luxurious and huge room.

There were still two guards in the room, and after Arthur shot them again without hesitation, he saw around the corner, the big bed full of extravagance and a hat hiding behind the bed, if he remembered correctly.

This hat he had seen on a man's head.

And the almost idiotic hiding skills made Arthur conclude that this guy was Bronte.

"Marston, he's here." Arthur pointed his gun at the head and said to Marston.

With Arthur's voice, Brontë knew that he couldn't escape, so he immediately got up and took out his golden automatic pistol, Mauser m1896.

Aim at Arthur and prepare to pull the trigger.

But the funny thing is that the gun actually jammed.

This situation made Arthur happy, and Arthur was ready to hide behind the bunker.

Brontë was also angrily scolded in Italian by this situation, "Damn!"

At this time, Marston also rushed over.

Seeing this, Brontë angrily threw the pistol at the two of them, just hitting Marston.

"Oh~" Marston covered his smashed face.

Brontë hurriedly said to the two of them, "Okay, okay~ I'm sorry, my friend, my fault, my fault, it's all my fault, I apologize."

Bronte walked out with a smile on his face, and opened his hands to indicate that he did not have any weapons on his body.

He continued nervously, "It's all ~ oh ~ no, let's make a price, everyone has a value, you all have it, we can make a deal, a deal that makes you satisfied."

Bronte tried to bribe the men with money after he was sure he could not conquer by force.

But when he was about to say his price, Marston, who rubbed his face, stepped forward aggressively and waved to Bronte.

Brontë, who had never been beaten in most of his life, couldn't stand Marston's angry punch. Brontë, who was still healthy, fell straight to the ground in an instant.

"You son of a bitch." Marston scolded Bronte, who passed out.

"Doing him now?" Marston asked Arthur what to do with the guy.

"Bring him to Daqi, let Daqi deal with him, and carry him up." Arthur ordered.

"Fake~ I don't want to carry this despicable villain." Marston left here after saying that.

Arthur looked helplessly at Marston who was leaving, then he squatted down and searched his body habitually.

Unsurprisingly, $500 was found on Bronte.

"You bastard, do you carry that much money to bed?" Arthur said in surprise, and then he noticed his golden Mauser, with Bronte's initials engraved on it.

"Real luxury bastard, come on, old Dutch said he wanted to talk to you." Arthur put away the gun rudely, then picked him up and walked towards the backyard.

As soon as they reached the first floor, gunshots came from outside the villa.

Bill's voice came.

"Come on, Arthur~ let's get out of this **** hell."

Then Arthur saw many people in police uniforms rushing into the villa.

Marston, Dutch, and Lenny also responded quickly.

The strength of this group of support personnel was uneven, and the first wave of people who charged soon fell under the guns of Dutch, Bill, Marston and Javier.

Such fierce firepower also frightened the police who came to support them, and they did not organize a second attack for a while.

This also misses the chance to rescue Bronte.

And Arthur took Bronte to the pier in the backyard again. After Bill, Javier and Lenny broke up, the three of them set up three explosives in front of them, ignited the leads and quickly ran towards the pier.

A few people carried them onto the boat, and then quickly sailed towards the swamp outside the city under Thomas' experienced operation.

The police who were about to attack again had just entered the manor, and three explosives detonated instantly.

The huge impact pushed the police back again.

But after Yu Wei passed, Daqi and the others had already flown down the river and left the city of Saint Denis by boat.

The entire decapitation action was very quick, from Arthur's first shot to the final explosion, it took no more than twenty-five minutes.

So much so that the sheriff who was supporting at the first time did not even have time to organize all the people to come, nor did he arrange for a police boat to block the river at the first time.

"Fake! Shet!" The sheriff on duty yelled at the corpses all over the place, and this time he might be fired.

Because Bronte is arrogant and a well-known gang leader, his manor house is twenty acres, and it is also quite a distance from the police station.

However, there are no villas around, and no one dares to build a villa next to his manor.

So if it wasn't for the final explosion, maybe this twenty-five-minute shootout wouldn't have stunned anyone else.

And the people who were surprised naturally included, Mrs. Eliza.

She was woken up from her dream by the sound of the explosion, and the housekeeper and the head guard took control of the entire manor for the first time.

Then the housekeeper also entered her room under Alisha's call.

"Madam~ We are safe here, you don't have to worry. The explosion came from the north direction. I'm arranging to check where it is." The housekeeper assured Alisha of the stability of the villa as soon as she came in.

Alyssa also regained her sanity under the housekeeper's explanation.

After regaining her senses, Alyssa got up and took the coffee handed by the housekeeper, and then walked to the balcony. The cold wind was blowing. I don't know if it was an illusion. She felt that the wind tonight had a smell of gunpowder.

Then she walked into the room and began to wait for information about the attack.

Mo about twenty minutes later.

The housekeeper came to Alyssa again and reported to her, "Madam, I have checked it out. Bronte's Forest of Clear Water Manor was attacked. There were heavy casualties in the manor, and Bronte's whereabouts are unknown."

Alicia was very surprised and asked, "Is it really Bronte's Forest of Clear Water Manor?"

The housekeeper said calmly, "I was very surprised when I found out for the first time. Mr. Wick's ability needs to be re-evaluated. I don't recommend my wife to have too much contact with him, and Miss Yinsela too. Mr. Wick is very dangerous!"

Alyssa did not respond. She was stunned for a while when she heard that the Forest of Clear Water was attacked. After the butler finished speaking, she responded, but she did not respond to the butler's question, but said with a little surprise and a little surprise. "Really shocking strength."

On the other side, on the boat carrying Bronte, Dutch reached out with a proud face and patted Bronte, who was stunned by Marston's punch.

"Hey~ wake up~"

Brontë shook his dazed head when he woke up, and then saw Dutch's smug face.

"Hey Mr. Bronte, do you think we should blackmail you or do something else to you?"

Brontë looked at Dutch, who was a smug person in front of him. Instead, he calmed down and regained his identity and bearing as the head of the Italian party.

He adjusted his position and said softly to Dutch, "You are so pathetic."

Dutch was unhappy when he saw his expression, but he still said with some pride, "Oh~ I'm sad?"

Dutch took his seat first and then said to him, "No~ friend, in my opinion, you are the one who needs to be pitied now. My friend."

"Your power, your well-equipped subordinates, and your countless money have not been able to deal with our group of rural village elders."

"Haha~" Bill cooperated very well and let out a smug laughter from the back of the boat.

Brontë looked at Dutch, still with a look of contempt, and said to Dutch softly and seriously, "You are nothing, you are nothing, you are insignificant, you are nothing."

Brontë's contemptuous expression and his soft, serious tone made Dutch instantly angry, and his expression changed from smug to gloomy.

But Bronte didn't realize the consequences of his words. He raised his voice and said to Dutch, "You are nothing, I~ the whole city is my territory! Hehe~ When the police catch you, It's pointless that you're going to die, this is my territory, and you-you and you-you're something that a bunch of people can't avoid, you're only worth dying for."

Dutch said with a gloomy expression, "I'm in control of things you'll never understand."

"Hehe~ You can't control anything, you can't even control your subordinates." Bronte's expression was still contemptuous, and then he said to everyone behind Dutch, "Whoever kills him, let me go~ I'll give you one Wanmei Knife!"

Bronte is confident that no robber can defend against this number, and Bronte is right that no robber can defend against this amount. But as soon as Bronte's words came out, Dutch had a more contemptuous expression on his face. He followed Bronte's expectant gaze with confidence and looked at Bill, Javier, Lenny, Marston, Arthur.

What Bronte couldn't understand was that everyone looked at him like a fool again.

This scene shakes Bronte's life values.

Dutch looked at him gloomily and asked, "My friend, how much more do you have to say now?"

Bronte's steadfast composure gradually collapsed, and the contemptuous expression on his face turned to puzzlement and surprise. "They're dumber than you."

"That's right." A flicker of anger flashed on Dutch's face.

Brontë looked at Dutch, and panic began to appear on his face: "The police will find you, and the police dog must be on the way." The tone of his speech was also full of unknown fear.

"Oh~ yeah, you're right, you're so right," Dutch said as he approached Bronte.

Then he reached out and grabbed Bronte's head, ready to press his head into the river. "They're good at smelling dirty filth, aren't they."

Bronte straightened his neck in horror, trying to keep his head from sinking into the river.

Dutch's face was full of hostility, and he forced Bronte's head into the water. He also gritted his teeth and said, "So we need to get rid of the filth now!"

Bronte's survival instinct got him up after his first dip.

Dutch continued to curse in his ear, "Now let your police friends come to save you! Did they save it?!"

Dutch pressed Bronte's head into the water again, and the dirty river water kept pouring into Bronte's throat. He even seemed to see the figures of those mutilated by him constantly moving towards him underwater. pounce. He whimpered and raised his head again.

But as soon as he raised his head to save him, he saw Dutch's cruel face full of rage, and he kept cursing at him, "You disgusting maggot! Tell me! Does it make sense for you to die now? ?!"

Before Bronte could answer, Dutch pressed his head into the dirty river again.

Bronte's bound limbs kept shaking on the boat, showing that he was in his final struggle.

And Dutch was still constantly cursing, "Go and call your friends! Go and call them! You useless bastard!"

As time went by, Bronte's shaking limbs began to stop.

Apparently Bronte had passed out again from the drowning.

Just when Marston and Arthur thought Dutch was taking him to camp to blackmail him.

Dutch, however, panted heavily and looked like a crocodile attracted by the water splash not far away.

Then Dutch expressionlessly pushed the fainted Bronte off the boat with his hands, while the crocodile slowly swam to the food that came down from the boat.

"Oh~ Fake! Dutch, when the **** did you teach us, when did you say that you would throw a person in the river to feed the crocodile?" Marston was surprised by Dutch's brutal behavior, and he went straight to the point. His character made him throw out the doubts in his heart.

Dutch glanced at him breathlessly, then said, "The part about the weakness (weakness), that part."

"I don't know!" Marston was still chasing after him, and Marston showed considerable dissatisfaction with Dutch's brutal performance.

"I know." Dutch shouted at Marston with an arrogant expression, "I know it's not good! But I know! Either he's dead or we're dead!"

Then he walked to the pier and turned around to whisper to Arthur and Marston who were still watching on the boat, "So I think it's better for him to die." Bronte bitten by a crocodile.

Fortunately, the crocodile bit Bronte's neck in one bite and then fell twice, making Bronte, who was dizzy, die without pain.