Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 472: mutual condition


The Forest of Clear Water Manor is very large, with more than fifty servants alone.

After Bronte's death, the manor became Mattley's villa. Although he was still in the room on the first floor of the villa, everyone in the manor knew that this place would basically belong to him in the future.

The manor is really big. This manor in the city is not like his manor around the city. John guesses that this may be the largest and best manor in Saint-Denis.

He came to the manor in a carriage and took him in politely without notifying the guards.

"Guido, what made you invite me once in such an anxious day." John entered the living room and joked with a smile.

"I need help, my friend." Mattley stood up and shook hands with him enthusiastically.

"Then tell me, and see what I can do for you." John took the cigar that the servant handed him.

"I don't like Henry. I don't deny that I once wanted someone to kill him, but these days I found that if any of us had an accident, it would actually be bad for us." Mattley said his views on Henry .

John nodded when he heard it.

"And what do you think I can do for you, my friend."

Mattley still had a smile on his face, and he asked someone to bring some materials over.

Then handed it to John, who took a look at it. It was all evidence of Henry's personal business corruption and some tax evasion for Bronte.

John looked at it for a while, and then said, "Well, it's really greedy. Are you going to report him?"

"Yesterday I tried to get my friends in politics to use these things to get Henry out of the race, but unfortunately they didn't have the slightest interest in it, and they even treated me a little unexpectedly coldly," Mattley said. Looking at his political setback yesterday.

"Well, maybe they were in a bad mood because of the recent robbery at the tram station and the murder of Mr. Polart. After all, this city is known as the most civilized and safe city in the west." John generously speculated about Mattley's cold situation. reason.

"No ~ John, it's definitely not the reason, maybe there is, but it's definitely not the main reason." Mattley shook his head and said his own judgment.

"That's because of Henry?" John said again.

"That's even more impossible. Henry may know one or two directors in charge of the tax bureau, some officials who are not high or low, but he can't get in touch with too high a level, because Mr. Bronte and I have direct contact with each other. The interviewer and the person in charge of handling (Bronte is in charge of interviewing and Mattley is in charge of handling) Henry doesn't have the ability, I'm sure of that~John." Mattley said confidently.

"Then I don't know, I'm just a bootlegger after all." John spread his hands helplessly.

"I think they want to talk to me about the conditions, and I'm ready to accept the conditions." Mattley said with an inexplicable expression.

John said playfully, "Then what can I do for you this time?"

Mattley looked at him inexplicably and then said, "John, can you use your political contacts to help me?"

"My connections?" John asked a little surprised.

"Yes~ your connections." Mattley nodded seriously.

"Hehe, I've only been here not long ago, what contacts can I have?" John responded with a slight smile.

"John, I have a concern for my friends. I know that you have a good relationship with Mrs. Alisa of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Alisa has very deep political connections. John, we are friends, and it is a kind of friendship between friends to help each other. It's a very beautiful thing, I think you will help me, won't you?" Mattley said lightly about John and Mrs. Alisa.

"Ah~ I do have business dealings with Alisa, and I still have some fur business that I need to contact with the Chamber of Commerce." John was a little surprised on the surface, but he was very calm in his heart. Mattley knew that he had something to do with politics. It's just a matter of time.

"Mrs. Alisa and I didn't have much communication before, because the businessman didn't have much to do with my business. Let's not talk about this, John, let's talk about something practical. If you can help me use political means to exclude Get rid of Henry, after I go up, things between us and them will be easy to talk about." Mattley asked seriously.

"Well~ so~ Guido, those friends of mine do have some appeals, and they mentioned to me that they are not satisfied with ~ Mr. Bronte's actions in certain matters." John said seriously and cautiously.

After hearing this, Mattley thought for a while. He looked at John and said, "Mr. Bronte has indeed been a little frivolous with these political friends in recent years, but I can't stop him from doing what he wants to do. However, from now on, this The organization will definitely treat these friends more rationally and respect them more."

"Ah~ Then they must be very happy to hear the news." John said with a smile, smoking a cigar.

"John~ mind if I ask what it is? Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that I might accidentally touch their bottom line that day." Mattley asked sincerely.

"Well~ Actually, they are indifferent to our business. Who will do it? But Mr. Bronte, after having enough money, seems to like to express some unreasonable opinions on this city." John told those Politicians complain about things.

"That's too simple. I've never been interested in politics personally. I don't think our business will have any impact on politics in the future. Politics is the business of politicians. We will not have any relative sense of the city in the future. Suggestions. Even if there are, opinions are expressed with their approval. What do you think of this condition?" Mattley was not interested in politics at first, and he didn't plan to dictate to the city like Bronte in the future.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, before Bronte died, Mattley knew that everyone in this city didn't like Bronte, and the reason was because Bronte liked to point fingers at everyone. But he is not qualified to tell Bronte what to do, and Bronte also knows this situation, even he and Dach said, "Everyone in this city hates me ~ and fears me." '

So Mattley didn't want himself and his people to be hated by everyone in the city, but he also planned to use the handles in Bronte's hands to achieve some of his goals.

But alas, those in politics are down on him after getting advice from some people.

He couldn't use these things to threaten those politicians when Henry had the upper hand. This would make those politicians take the initiative to go to Henry, who was not particularly familiar with them. He seemed to be making some deals, but the attitude of the other party was sluggish.

Yesterday he still couldn't figure out why, but now he knows that politicians don't want to passively accept, but want to control and actively talk to him.

And the one who came forward to represent them was the young and powerful bootlegger in front of him.

"Okay~ very good~ I believe they are very satisfied with this condition, but they don't want to become an obstacle in the future between you and them because of some things they have done. Do you understand what that means? Kui How much?" John was very happy to say that this condition was almost sincere enough, but there were still some flaws.

"What did you do?" Guido didn't understand for a while.

"It's the ones that Bronte used to point fingers at them with the things they had done~ those things or things, you should be the clearest, aren't you?" John said succinctly.

"Oh~ That's it, I understand. Those things will hinder our communication in the future. It's no problem, it's no problem. Those things shouldn't exist in the first place, right? It will affect our relationship, you That's right~John." Mattley nodded knowingly.

"What about you, John?" Mattley asked afterward.


"Yes, what do you need?" Mattley asked seriously.

"Me? What can I need? I'm a bootlegger." John laughed at himself about his profession.

"So~ John, in the future, your bootleg wine will not require any handling fee, and your products can enter the city of Saint-Denis freely, and I don't care how much you can eat, even if the entire city of Saint-Denis is your wine. What do you think of this condition?" Mattley said about his condition.

John nodded, and then said, "Very well, thank you for your generosity, Guido."

"We are friends, let's talk now, is there anything we want to talk about?"

"Don't we keep talking?" John asked.

"I don't want Henry to have an accident, UU reading After all, there are many things, but I do need you to help me ~ Let him and his men have some troubles that he can't handle, you understand what I mean." After making his pledge, Turley also made his demands.

"But these are not enough." John said, pointing to the bills for tax evasion. "These can only allow him to be investigated and pay a fine. Is he short of money?"

"This is your problem. If you agree, I will destroy all the things that hinder our future communication the next day. I guarantee that they will disappear forever in the flames. Even anyone who knows these things, I will start Clean it up. I think this condition is quite fair, what do you think? John~" Mattley looked at John and said.

John considered the possibilities, and then said, "I need to talk to my friends, but I think they will definitely agree to your terms, but I still need to go to them, who knows what they think."

"Of course, politicians are so unpredictable." Mattley also chuckled lightly.

After John confirmed some details with him, John got up and left the manor.

He didn't go back to his rented villa, but went to Mrs. Alyssa's manor. He wanted to have a good talk with Alyssa, the conditions given by Mattley.