Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 486: plan preparation

【Red Dead Dawn】【】

Marston has thick limbs and a very strong figure, but it is not Arthur's overall strong body, but a bit like the body after the trunk muscles are compressed.

But this kind of figure makes Marston explosive and flexible.

He strode up to the fat man on the second floor and introduced himself, "My name is Marston, can I have a word with you?"

Fatty smiled and let the subordinates around him move away, and then said, "Of course ~ Hawkins, the owner of this tavern."

"This tavern belongs to you?" Marston didn't react much, he walked to Hawkins and sat down.

"Yes, I thought you were going to fight just now." Hawkins said cheerfully.

"I felt the same way just now, but luckily he hasn't drunk himself to death."

"Hahaha~ It seems to be true. What are you doing in this small town, you big man? You two don't look like travelers." Hawkins picked up his glass and took a sip.

"Actually, we are here to investigate some things, maybe you can tell me some clues." Marston said very bluntly.

"Ah~ Your companion does look like a bounty hunter, but I don't think you are~" Hawkins looked Marston up and down.

"What do I look like?" Marston also wondered what he looked like to him.

"Your demeanor resembles those gang **** who came to the town to burn, kill and loot. Maybe you have done similar things before?" Hawkins said uncertainly.

"You're right, I was a gang member for a while." Marston said approvingly.

"It seems that my feeling is right, so, are you helping her hunt someone?" Sikins became more interested in Marston, who was honestly very interesting.

"We are investigating a robbery. About three days ago, a group of fifteen robbers robbed three trucks of furs at Don Julio Lake. We are investigating them. Can you tell me anything?" Ma Stein asked seriously.

"A robber gang of fifteen, that's quite a gang, three carts of furs~I think~ It seems that a group of people did come here two days ago. They were drunk in my tavern, and they really did Some topics related to fur were discussed." Hawkins said to Marston after thinking for a while.

"and then?"

"Then? Well~" Skins showed an inexplicable expression, then looked at Marston again and said, "Maybe you can do something for me, and then I will tell you their whereabouts."

"What's the matter?" Marston asked casually.

"Well, there is a group of robbers who came here about a few years ago. They are on the side of Xiaolang River Rock. They specialize in robbing passing travelers and carriages. They are not considered good people. Because they are closer to our town , so the targets of their robbery are basically people who come here, and their behavior has affected the business in the town, so I would like to ask you to encircle and suppress them." Hawkins said.

"Could it be them who robbed the fur?" Marston had this idea.

"I don't know. As far as I know, there are only a dozen or so of them. It's not as good as the number of people who robbed you. Of course, this possibility is not ruled out." Hawkins scratched his head and said.

"Isn't there a sheriff in this town?" asked Marston.

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【Red Dead Dawn】【】

"The sheriff of this town only protects people within the town. They are not willing to let them go out to suppress bandits. They are too threatening. They are all cowards. We have organized gunmen in the town to go past several times before, but they all failed. Well, those gunmen didn't come back. After that we got revenge during that time, they came to us at night and burned a lot of houses, so are you willing to help me? Except for the news of the gang, I can even pay A bounty for suppressing bandits."

Hawkins said.

"I need to think about it with my partner." Marston did not respond immediately.

"Of course, come to me anytime after you think about it." Hawkins said with a smile.

Without delay, Marston got up and walked out of the tavern towards the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Marston told Hawkins the truth.

"Have you gained anything?" Marston asked the others after he finished speaking.

The two people in the other group shook their heads, apparently getting nothing useful.

But the bald-headed Corden said inexplicably, "Did he tell you that he is the richest man in the town? One-third of the shops in the town belong to him?"

"It does look rich." Marston shrugged.

"What did you investigate?" Sadie asked Corden.

"This guy Hawkins has only been here for four years. He built the best tavern in town, and then opened a few more shops. He also has a dozen or so men, and he is the biggest gangster in town. If anyone knows He must be the one who knows the most about any gangs around here," Corden said.

"Then shall we promise him?" Joe said after thinking for a while.

"I think there's something wrong with this guy," Marston said suddenly.

Several people looked at him, and Marston continued, "He saw that I used to be a gangster, and he also saw that Shadi might be a bounty hunter."

"Captain, what are we doing now?" Joe looked at Sadie and asked.

Shadi looked at Klein habitually.

Klein frowned and said, "We're here to track down that group of robbers. Since he knows that, we can only agree to him, but be careful. Marston is right. There may be something wrong with this guy, and it's impossible for a normal businessman to tell the difference." Bounty hunters and~" Speaking of this, Klein glanced at Marston "the difference from gang members."

"Then promise him first, Corden, Daryl, Klein, the three of you will split up tomorrow and investigate this careful."

"Get here first tonight, and Marston will follow me to take up this task tomorrow."

Several people nodded and then returned to their rooms.


Our eyes go to the other side.

In the camp of the Van der Linde Gang, Dach was discussing with everyone the plan before robbing the Morine National Bank.

"Hosea~ Take Arthur to see the layout around the bank tomorrow. It's best to go inside to see how their guards are."

"No problem, what about you, Arthur?" Hosea said casually.

"Of course I'm fine." Arthur didn't object either.

"Very good," Daqi turned his head and said to Mika and the three people he recruited, "Mika~ you go to investigate how many people are there in the nearest police station to the bank, inquire about their situation, and make sure how long it takes for them to assemble All hands."

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【Red Dead Dawn】【】

"No problem, boss." Micah nodded in response.

Then Dutch said to Javier, "Javier, you and Lenny go get some explosives and guns and ammunition back."

Finally Dutch said to Bill, "Bill, you and Charles, Pete and Rick take care of the camp, and you can buy whatever ingredients Pete needs."

"No problem." Bill nodded in response.

"If you all have no problems, rest now and start action tomorrow. Charles, you will watch the first half of the night tonight, and Bill you will watch the second midnight." Dutch announced the end of the meeting after finishing speaking.