Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 124: Take the initiative to fight against S.H


Hong Fei's arm turned, and the long sword instantly pierced the wall beside him.

Then, he pushed the sword body forward, as if to tear down the wall directly.

With his movements, a series of sword collisions and screams suddenly sounded in the wall.

Three steps later, the wall suddenly crackled, and the tightly-sealed wall suddenly opened a series of secret doors. A group of ninjas suddenly jumped out in front of Hong Fei, and a group of corpses fell behind him, blood steaming on the blade.

Toad marries a frog - ugly and fun!

This is a mezzanine wall, no more than sixty centimeters wide.

The so-called disappearance is a secret door that is attached to the wall and suddenly hides.

The magician wanted to hit someone.

Hong Fei raised his eyes and met the gazes of the ninjas. His eyes narrowed, the sword in his hand turned slightly, and the ninjas clenched their hands tightly.

However, the next moment, Hong Fei suddenly turned his hand and pulled out a grenade from his lower back. He pulled out the pull ring and threw it directly into the crowd. He himself ran out the door against the wall to avoid it.


After a loud explosion, Hong Fei entered the door to make up for the knife one by one, of course, it was unnecessary for some of them to be bombed beyond recognition.

All the way down, the sound of gunfire on Frank's side rumbled, attracting a large number of gunmen to Hong Fei. This was an unexpected good thing, but soon Hong Fei's downward speed surpassed that of Frank's end, when he After jumping down from the circular staircase and learning the superhero's three-point landing, there was a sudden click behind him.

Without any thought or hesitation, he instantly drew his sword.

When he stood and turned around, the fastest bullet had come to him.


With a sharp sound, the back of the knife slashed the neutron bullet and knocked it flying, and then his hands quickly turned, and the afterimage of the sword instantly bloomed perfectly in front of him.

clang! clang! clang!

There was a continuous sound of rapid tilting like a shower, and the chopped bullets fell to both sides of the side, smashing all the furniture and office items into pieces.

The dust and paper dust rose up in waves, covering Hong Fei in a blink of an eye.

"I'm familiar with this scene!"

Tony, who had just arrived at the Rand Building and observed this scene outside the building, couldn't help but think so.

But this time is slightly different.

Hong Fei pushed forward while blocking.

When the bullets finally ran out, when the first wave of gunmen emptied their magazines, the number of bullets in front of Hong Fei dropped sharply.

The sword qi burst out suddenly, and the light and shadow flashed in his eyes.

A sharp sword mark extended from the ground to the far wall, killing the gunmen immediately!

Tony was horrified.

The next moment, Hong Fei suddenly turned his head and waved at him.

Tony smashed through the glass and rushed into it, his flying speed increased unabated, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to take Hong Fei.

However, Hong Fei did not dodge but charged towards him.

The moment the two were about to touch, Hong Fei jumped up suddenly, stepped on the back of Tony's head, and then rolled lightly and landed steadily.

Passing by, Tony didn't say a word. When he turned around, not only did the pulse cannon in his palm fire quickly, but all the hidden weapons on his shoulders, arm armors, etc. were all opened and locked onto Hong Fei.

Bullets can be chopped with a sword, but not enough energy, let alone a micro-missile, which explodes when touched.

But he has other options now.

In the blink of an eye, a round shield made of "qi" was opened in front of him, and energy and missiles exploded in front of Hong Fei, but all the shocks and flames were blocked.

Tony fires faster.

Hong Fei took big strides forward, and the air shield pushed all the attacks in front of him and quickly approached Tony, three meters apart, Hong Fei instantly vacated, his waist twisted, and the long sword slashed across a semicircle and charged down.

Tony didn't make a hard connection, his hands and feet sprayed ion current, and his body quickly retreated.

Unexpectedly, at the same time, Hong Fei let go, and the long sword suddenly broke through the air.

Tony didn't have time to think, and the energy in his chest was immediately fired at the long sword.

The long sword was knocked into the air and inserted into the ceiling more than three meters high.

The steel armor immediately rose into the air.

But immediately, Hong Fei clearly did not make any preparations before jumping, but his body also rose into the air.

The pulsing cannon continued to fire, and Hong Fei quickly completed dodging again and again in the air, the speed seemed to be three points faster than on the ground!

The distance is shortened instantly!

Tony didn't care about fighting any more, he hurriedly turned over and flew out of the building.

"Want to run?!"

At the same time as the sound entered his ears, Tony instantly felt as if his back had been hit by a cannonball, and the stability of the armor's flight was instantly broken, and it hit the ground with a few bangs.

Just now, Hong Fei suddenly raised his flying height and slapped his palm diagonally downward. The powerful Qi directly knocked Tony and the armor down.

Tony was dazzled and didn't have time to analyze the situation in front of him. Jarvis took over instantly. He quickly adjusted the balance of the armor, and then continued to explode with thrust and fly outward.

However, Hong Fei had already arrived directly above him.

Control the body to fly down, and at the same time cast a heavy weight, and step on the back of the steel armor with both feet.


The armor slammed into the ground deeply, and Tony's back was also rattling.

Tony still didn't take the initiative to react at this time, but fortunately Jarvis was not affected. He lay on the ground and released a pulse cannon with his backhand to force Hong Fei back. Then he didn't leave in a hurry, but turned to face him, and crossed his arms at the same time. .


The sparks splashed, and Hong Fei's knife just slashed on the arm of the armor.

"Yo, it's suddenly faster. Jarvis, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Jarvis replied politely, without the slightest pause in his hands. He turned his hands to grab the blade, and before Hong Fei had time to make the next move, he directly confronted him. Release the pulse cannon from the hilt.

Hong Fei immediately stopped and stepped back.

Jarvis turned and threw the knife out of the building.

"Tony, your butler is much quicker than you."

Tony: "I didn't expect to meet you **** again today."

Hong Fei: "I thought you would miss me a lot, at least I think you should want to seek revenge on me."

Of course Tony wants revenge, even thinking about it all the time, but he is not sure so far, and the improved Anti-Flood Master Armor 2.0 has not been completely completed.

Tony thought for a while, and silently handed over the control to Jarvis, who was only responsible for speaking: "Come on! Although you seem to be wearing a weirder outfit today, I'll beat you to the ground!"

Immediately, the armor rushed to attack first.

The straight fist smashed out, Hong Fei dodged, a large hole was punched out of the sturdy pillar behind him, and the gravel flew at an extreme speed.

As soon as the armour of the armor turned, the palm erupted with energy, and the back of the hand suddenly rushed towards Hong Fei.

Hong Fei avoid it again!

Tony: "You can't do it today!"

After Hong Fei improved and pushed the armor away, he smiled and said, "Jarvis, you are very smart, are you interested in learning two tricks from me?"

Jarvis didn't speak, and stormed up again.

Immediately, the continuous sound of the collision of fists and arms was heard, echoing endlessly.

Tony: "Jarvis, come on! You can do it!"

The analysis and judgment speed of artificial intelligence is very fast, and Hong Fei relies on the eye of death to slow down time, uses qi to improve the power of his moves, and has his own fighting instinct formed after thousands of tempering, so that he can fight with its superior defensive power. A comparison.

At this time, Hong Fei can completely use the power of the mind to break the weak anti-psychic attack component of the steel armor. As long as he controls Tony, Jarvis can only be obedient.

But he doesn't want to do it now.

First, he didn't want Tony to know that the so-called anti-psychic attack thing was actually useless. To show the enemy's weakness was to strengthen himself in disguise, because maybe he would need to take advantage of this in the future.

The second reason is much simpler, he just wants to turn Tony and Jarvis head-on!

Luck started, the speed increased again, the double fists were chained, the arms and elbows were swayed, and the force burst out in the air during the collision.

Hong Fei immediately stepped on the foot and seized the position that belonged to the steel armor.

Step on it with one foot, like a giant hammer shaking the ground, the cracks quickly opened from the foot and spread to the distance, the whole ground, and even the entire room seemed to tremble in this foot.

Dust rustled down around the blade that was inserted into the ceiling.

At the same time, Hong Fei staggered his hands, grasping the armor inside and outside and moving his arms to the right. His upper body followed the power of the armor's fist to the right, but at this time he also curled his upper body as much as possible.

Under the feet, the violent reaction force is immediately fed back into the body through the soles of the feet.

Strength starts from the ground!

The muscles of his legs were agitated one after another from bottom to top, and when they came to his waist, Hong Fei let go of his armour, and his right fist quickly retracted to his chest. It is like a long stick that is full of toughness but has been bent, and the speed and power brought by instant recovery are far beyond imagination.

When he was upright, the fist locked in his chest suddenly slammed out at an unbelievable speed. The battle suit that had space outside his entire arm suddenly bulged tightly as if it was inflated, as if it had suddenly turned into a tight suit. . The lines of Hong Fei's arm muscles can be clearly distinguished through the tightly stretched fabric.

The heavy punch was like a cannonball blasting out, as if you could see an invisible wave of air spinning outside the arm, which pushed the battle suit forward and taut!


When Hong Fei's fist and Tony's armor came into contact, the power contained in the fist itself and the qi covering the fist burst out at the same time! Even with the naked eye, a shock wave that quickly swings away can be seen!

Such is the explosive power without a doubt!

Hit hard, hit hard, be invincible! Shells bombard, sledgehammer smashes! Plus only one move in and one move, there is more to say. If you look at it from stomping the ground, it is once again standing on the ground, then reaching the sky, and rising to immortality with one shot!

With the addition of "Qi", the cannon's meaning has a real cannon, and in terms of effect, it is even more ferocious than the cannon!

I saw that the metal of the steel armor's neck instantly made a sour twisting sound, the entire armor rose into the air, a cluster of sparks erupted from the neck, and the light of the eyes of the armor instantly dimmed.

There was a loud quake, as if the morning bell was ringing.

The steel armor no longer moved, and only the reactor in the chest was still operating autonomously.

A clear concave fist mark appeared on the neck of the armor, and several bursting lines were exposed at the cracked gap.

With a the long sword fell from the ceiling, and Hong Fei took it in his hand. He lifted the steel armor's ankle and dragged it along. Not long after he left, the ground fell down one piece after another.

No loot can be more intimidating than Iron Man, who is still beaten to death in steel armor.

After going down two floors, Hong Fei saw God... the people from the Snake Shield Bureau.

Crossbones, Rumlow.

The Snake Shield team's attack power is very strong, and the cooperation is more organized. Except for being slightly suppressed by the hand of the defender at the beginning, when both sides enter the state, the advantage of the hand will disappear.

Rumlow led the team behind him to quickly clean up the members of the hand union. After a while, the battle was over. He didn't stay for a long time.

rush out the door.

He and the members behind him who didn't know whether it was Aegis or Serpent Shield saw Hong Fei dragging the apparently unconscious Iron Man, rubbing the ground and walking towards them.

Everyone stopped in unison.