Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 302: Superpower Foundation

Hong Fei didn't want to do anything to them.

At least not recently.

So in front of this group of trembling heroes, Hong Fei just smiled, and his smile was very friendly.

But this seems to have made the Avengers a little scared.

Tony felt the unusual atmosphere, but this time he learned a lot, and he didn't say anything when his teammates didn't say anything.

When the crowd stood in front of him in a row, Hong Fei pretended not to see anything unusual about them, narrowed his eyes and said, "I have something to tell you today."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"In view of the great devastation caused by the previous war to the two cities of London and New York, there are millions of people who are now displaced and in urgent need of assistance, so I decided to make some adjustments to the Super Paradise program."

Hearing this, a group of people looked excited and their eyes were burning.

Hong Fei continued: "The essence of Super Paradise is to use the popularity value of the superhero itself as the main business output, to help and adjust some difficulties that superheroes may face in their daily life in a profitable way, and to avoid these difficulties. The worries of power users guide them to gradually join the team of maintaining and building a peaceful world, and at the same time, it can also prevent some mutant power users from going astray, causing serious consequences that everyone is unwilling to see."

Everyone nodded silently.

"But, after this incident, I think maybe we can do more. First of all, where does the operating profit of Super Paradise come from?" Hong Fei suddenly stopped, and everyone was silent.

When his eyes swept over, Steve took the initiative to answer: "It should be ordinary people who like us."

"Yes." Hong Fei nodded: "Some people like it, some people admire it, and some people yearn for it. This may not be your original intention as a superhero, but this is the true value of Super Paradise. If no one likes you, then Super Paradise We can't do it, and we can't talk about the benefits. There is a saying, 'take it from the people, and use it for the people', where it comes from, we'd better use it where."

"I don't want my share!" Tony fully understood when he heard this, so he directly gave up his share of the proceeds.

However, as soon as he said these words, not only Hong Fei, but even Steve and others turned to look at him.

Upon seeing this, Tony said complacently: "You don't have to look at me with such adoring eyes. You all know that I am not short of money. Even I have donated a lot of money, and I can donate more in the future."

Hong Fei raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Seeing that others were not willing to say anything, Steve shook his head and said, "Tony, you are wrong."

Tony suddenly looked back at him in astonishment: "What's wrong?"

Steve sighed: "Alas, you weren't here before, and I haven't heard the two stories that Hong told us. These two stories have very far-reaching educational significance and have a great impact on us."

Tony stared slightly, turned his head and saw that the rest of the people nodded. Even his good friend Rhode looked at him with regret, or he felt a little bit unsatisfactory...

Tony swears that he has never been seen with such eyes in his life, and now even Rhodes and even the captain see him this way.

"You...what did I do wrong?" Tony was puzzled.

Steve glanced at Hong Fei, Hong Fei nodded, and he told Tony the two stories in his own language and method.

Tony quickly fell into contemplation, and Hong Fei's eyes twitched beside him.

The story of Zilu Shou Niu and Zi Gong's refusal of gold was told in Steve's mouth, but at least it was a complete story.

Seeing that Tony was still thinking, Hong Fei didn't bother to wait for him, and continued directly: "This time I'm not going to plan for your share of the Dynamic Super Paradise plan, because everyone gets the net profit after all costs are deducted, so, My method is actually very simple. I take 20% of the remaining 50% of the profits and set up a foundation to carry out aid work around the world.”

Steve frowned and said, "Super Paradise hasn't officially started, but now..."

"I know, so I have prepared the initial funds in the past few days. The registration of the Super Power Foundation has been completed, and I will inject the first funds in everyone's name. Seven Avengers, ten people on my side, each Individual billion, a total of 17 billion funds have been put in place, they will make four or six cuts and invest in London and New York respectively.”

Immediately, someone started to take a breath.

"I know some of you are rich, but most of you are just middle class and even poor, so I don't want anyone to refuse. This is not to give you money, but to do aid in your name. Don't tell me you have money, because that has nothing to do with me, I just want to do it."

Tony suddenly came back to his senses at this time, and he pouted when he heard the words, but he didn't raise any objection.

If he gave up his share, would anyone else have the nerve to take it? If he insists on paying for it himself, wouldn't other people have to search their own small vaults to find out the loan, and it's not enough?

"In addition, there are a few key points that I want to make clear to you in advance.

First, the Super Power Foundation is a non-profit organization. I do not need or accept any individual or organization to point fingers at it in any name. I will announce it when it should be announced. You as a member can find all the information, but it is forbidden to leak it. Once found, the Super Paradise plan will be kicked out.

Second, the money of the Super Energy Foundation can not help the poor, and first of all, for the losses caused by the activities of the super energy team, the amount of assistance or compensation is independently assessed by the Foundation. You can make comments, but no outsiders are allowed to comment.

Third, the scope of aid is the whole world, not some specific countries, so the allocation of funds is summarized every year and adjusted in the following year. But wars caused by force majeure can be treated specially, such as this time.

Fourth, the foundation has the right to give up aid for disasters that often occur or even caused by local individuals or organizations, and do charity instead of wiping the **** of some governments.

Fifth, the foundation does not accept any external donations.

Sixth, the foundation has the right to stop assistance at any time. "

At this point, Hong Fei made a slightly longer pause.

The expressions of the Avengers are also varied.

In the end, Hong Fei said at the end: "The Super Power Foundation is indeed doing charity, but it is not purely charity. Now you are all members, so I am not afraid to tell you that its more responsibility is to give You include those who have mutated or inherited in the future, and all kinds of people who can barely be called superheroes. The extra damage caused by your actions will be compensated by the Super Energy Foundation. Of course, the premise is to join .

After I finish speaking, who approves and who opposes? "


After a long time, Tony raised his hand and said, "I want to know how the amount of aid and whether to stop it are decided?"

"Good question, both of which can be discussed and voted on, but I can veto them by one vote."

Not only Tony, but everyone else had such an expression as expected.

Of course, Hong Fei will not be polite and has no reason to be polite to them. He made the plan, and he also made the operation of the future. It is okay to help others, but I have the right to decide how I help or whether to help. If I lose this right, Then Master Hong might as well just flip the table and quit.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Hong Fei said again: "As for the Super Energy Foundation, my idea is to build it into a large organization on a global scale. Rather than fighting each other, it is better to unify. Ideas, how to implement them, you can think about it for yourself, and then give me a report, if you don't know how to write it, put your ideas out and let Coulson help you sort them out. This year will end soon, tomorrow 2 Give it to me before the month. Goodbye, heroes."

After all, Hong Fei left without looking back.

However, although he left, the last sentence made everyone present stunned.

The six regulations for the Super Energy Foundation before the intersection, and the purpose and thoughts expressed by Hong Fei in the end are the real Wang Zhuang.

For a time, all kinds of questions flooded into everyone's mind.

But Master Hong doesn't care what they think at this time. Anyway, whether they want it or not, since this matter has been brought up, Hong Fei will definitely do it, and he will definitely do it well.

The foundation's aid is undoubtedly a primer.

The serious consequences of this war have been vividly experienced. It is an opportunity to make everyone, regardless of skin color, nationality, gender, team affiliation, etc., in a way that is more easily accepted by the parties and the world. , to create an overall platform.


Leaving the temporary base of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hong Fei went straight back to Sokovia.

A day later, the big head came up with Bast's leopard skin to ask for credit.

He peeled it completely, and it could be seen that he did a lot of work, and he didn't waste his big brain.

That night, Hong Fei opened the door, pierced through it with a big head, and brought back a panicked white man in a short time.

Throwing it to the ground, the other party grinned in pain, and then raised his head to speak.

Hong Fei closed his mouth with a wave of his hand.

"I've started to do good things. But your presence makes me feel awkward, even uncomfortable. I thought about it for a long time and decided that I need to get comfortable first, so that I can devote myself to the project of doing good. So, I brought you here. To say how much hatred we have, it's not really, but your attitude at that time, and your tone of voice, make me very unhappy until now. You can blame me, or you can Hate me, don't let me go even if you're a ghost.

Anyway, now I'll have someone take you on your way. "

After all, Hong Fei waved his hand and dragged the person down with his big head.

He was originally very interested to see how the so-called scalp cutting should be, but after seeing this person, he suddenly lost such desire.

After a while, he walked in with his big head carrying a **** thing.

"You dare to walk in the door with it and I'll strip you now."

Datou immediately stopped outside the door and smiled, matching the things in his hand, which looked a little terrifying.

Hong Fei glanced and looked away: "Yes, the kung fu is good."

"Hey, I specifically asked hunters to learn it."

"Very good, next time if there is another low-level mistake that makes people feel intellectual, you can operate it yourself in front of the mirror."

The big smile disappeared instantly.

"Hang it up and scare the kids and throw it on that president's desk."


Get up and go to the balcony, the sky is cloudless.

The white dragon hasn't come out these days, Hong Fei has given it too much dragon power, and now it is lying quietly at the bottom of the lake.

The main battleship of the dark elf has returned, and now Su Rui is conducting a comprehensive and large-scale inspection and testing on it. Return to a dark elf for torture.

Hong Fei will not leave Earth for the time being until he has fully mastered and mastered the main battleship.

And during this time, he also went to Kunlun to fight dragons.

But the new year is approaching, and it's time to give out red envelopes once a This time, Hong Fei not only prepared no less horses than before, but also prepared to give them a big incentive.

The endowment function of the fusion card has long been available, and now the [Dark Curse] fusion card can help a person quickly improve their strength.

The problem is that after this incentive is given out, I don’t know if the next one will be available for quite some time in the future.

After all, he needed one main card, two supplementary cards, and a total of three fusion cards to do it once, and now he only has four fusion cards in total.

Thinking of this, Hong Fei shook his head involuntarily.

At the end of the day, good things and bad things have to be done consistently.

Learning from each other should not be slack.

After getting the power of the dragon, his demand for skill cards decreased, so he couldn't help but start to slack off.

It's time for everyone to feel the warmth of Master Hong again.