Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 423: The hard-working farmer Uncle Hong usher

One hundred and seven white skill cards.

Six green skill cards.

Eight fusion cards.

The content is all related to **** demons.

This time, Hong Fei really believed that **** is a fertile land, and the devil is the leeks in the field, one crop after another.

However, the probability of falling is not particularly high.

More than 100 cards, from more than 20,000 demons.

nearly one percent chance.

But the number of demons who can't stand **** is particularly large.

This is just a "reflection" similar to a city on Earth, and there are more than 20,000 demons hidden, so the entire dimension of **** should at least be about the same as the land surface area of ​​the earth. If you can keep brushing it...

The result was unimaginable.

To be honest, it was the first time that Hong Fei was so lavish since he played Time Travel.

After collecting all the cards, first, 100 of the 107 white skill cards are merged into ten green skill cards, and the remaining seven are merged with the original white skill class into a green one.

So far, there are a total of 20 green skill cards, and 9 new cards are selected to be merged with [Affinity Smile] and upgraded to blue. .

The operation ends.

There are six white skill cards, ten green cards, eighteen blue cards, four purple cards, two orange cards, and twelve fusion cards.

The biggest gain is not that the [Affinity Smile], one of the three-piece MLM master sets, is also upgraded to blue, but that the current twelve fusion cards are enough for Hong Fei to perform many operations to give others his fusion ability.

Judging from the example of Gabriel, after Hong Fei currently grants the fusion card ability to others, he will simultaneously obtain a connection from his soul. This connection allows Hong Fei to choose to erase the ability given to others at any time.

That's enough.

Moreover, it can be regarded as a direct convenience for Hong Fei's operation, and he can make decisions at any time across the barriers of space.

Even if there is no such connection, Hong Fei has the confidence to directly kill the person who revolted after obtaining the empowerment, but it is always good to have a quicker method.

After calming down, Hong Fei rose to the sky, he was flying, and he shouted loudly while pulling his neck.

A loud voice resounded through the sky like thunder.

"Mamen!!! Come out and play!!!"


Los Angeles.

After Hong Fei entered hell, Gabriel, who lost contact with him, panicked for a while. She really forgot to tell Hong Fei how to return. She didn't want to take this opportunity to keep Hong Fei in hell.

However, looking at the space in front of him without any movement for a while, Gabriel could only give up temporarily with a sigh.

At this time, she can only hope that Hong Fei can find a way to return in hell.

However, she was also ready to be reprimanded or even punished.

Looking back, Constantine had rushed up and hugged Angela and kept calling, and occasionally asked Gabriel angrily: "What did you do to her?!"

Gabriel's temper seems to be much better than Hong Fei's, or maybe it's because she was abandoned by her own god, but she quickly gained strength that was obviously beyond her previous strength, so she was very calm in the face of Constantine's questioning , and even his face is full of gentleness and calmness.

"Child, she's still alive. I didn't pierce her chest as planned." She also deliberately stretched out her foot and kicked Longinus on the ground.

This scene obviously made Constantine a little suspicious, and he frowned instantly: "Gabriel, is this how you treat the so-called holy artifact?"

Hearing this, Gabriel did not know whether it was out of show or habit. She spread her wings and shook, and the snow-like white light flashed, as if the six wings were covered with white stars.

"Constantine, I know who you are, and you shouldn't look at me with the same old eyes now." She opened her arms, her wings did not move, but her body was slowly floating. "You don't have to worry about her safety now. Although she is possessed by mammon, her soul is not damaged or affected. She is only mentally weak now. You only need to let her sleep until she wakes up naturally. I can guarantee that she will absolutely There won't be any sicknesses."

"you sure?"


Constantine's expression softened slightly, but he still hugged Angela and refused to let go.

Gabriel looked at Constantine from a condescending perspective, and continued: "I am no longer the original Gabriel, the current me is far stronger than the past. However, these are only superficial, Do you know what my deeper change is?"

Constantine looked at her carefully, "You have three pairs of six wings now?"

"Do not."

Although Constantine made a mistake, Gabriel didn't seem to be angry at all. She kept her smile very well and said slowly, "It's freedom."

"Freedom?" Konstantin frowned, and then smiled sarcastically: "So, you think your past self was not free? Are you sure your former boss won't be angry when you say that?"

"Whether he will be angry or not has nothing to do with me. After all, I have nothing to do with him, right? And, of course, I did not feel that I was not free in the past, my body and even my soul were completely bound, I lost It is the most absurd thing in the world until now I understand that it is the most absurd thing in the world. Believe me, I have never felt my real existence as much as I do now, I, The first taste of freedom."

Gabriel's remarks were not impassioned, but anyone could hear the indescribable excitement in her apparently calm tone.

Even inevitably with a strong religious atmosphere.

Constantine, even if he was a scum who tried to accumulate virtue and do good deeds and wanted to go to heaven, could not help but be a little silent when he heard this.

"Gabriel, do you know what you're doing?"

"Certainly, I'm clearer than ever."

"You betrayed him."

Hearing a certain keyword, Gabriel narrowed his eyes, surrounded by the holy light outside his body, "He betrayed me first."

"Okay, let's give up talking about this meaningless conversation, you say you're free, right? But why do I feel like you're just jumping from one person to another now, your so-called freedom is really Exist? Or jump from one pit to another?"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

This sentence made Gabriel fall into silence.

For a while.

She opened her mouth with a smile: "I'll pass on your words to my boss."

Constantine's face twitched, his knees and face aching.

"However, I can still answer your question. The freedom I said is of course real. Compared with the complicated rules before, although I also have a boss now, my soul tells me that under him, I will welcome you. From the experience of freedom that he has never had since his birth. He is absolutely the most unique person in this world."

"Ha, are you joking? Is he human?"

Gabriel looked at Constantine with a contemptuous smile: "Of course he is human, and he is definitely a very pure human being compared to you, who has something to do with all kinds of messy things. The same is true of you. Compared to the scum, he's a saint."

"Fuck! I'm fine with you complimenting him, but do you need to belittle me?"

"Hehe, I didn't mean to belittle you. I swear everything I said just now came from the heart. Don't you think you're a scumbag?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm not fucking, I'm a good person, I sent so many evil demons to hell!"

"You just want to go to heaven."

"But I did."

"If that's all it takes to get you to heaven, then there won't be so many demons in hell, and there won't be so many demigods in the world, right? Constantine." said Then, Gabriel turned his eyes slightly to look behind Constantine: "...And, little angel Chas?"

"What?!" Constantine was startled and turned to look behind him.

A wing behind Gabriel flickered lightly, and the void space swayed through layers of waves like the surface of water, and an angel dressed in white with a pair of wings on his back revealed his tracks.

Chas Kramer, Constantine's assistant.

Now, of course, he is an angel, and not the usual half-angel on Earth.

Constantine's eyes widened: "Chase?"

The little angel Chas didn't have the innocence and innocence on his face at this, and he didn't show the essence of chattering, his face was very serious, looking at Gabriel and said: "Archangel, you betrayed. God."

Gabriel stared at him with interest: "Then what?"

"You don't have to fall."

"Degenerate?" Gabriel floated in the air and spun around gently, and his six wings drove his graceful figure to draw a beautiful arc, and the white light did not stain a variegated color.

"Where do you see that I have fallen? My power is closer to the legendary flawless brilliance than ever."

Angel Chase's pupils trembled slightly when he saw this.

Gabriel continued: "Do you want to take them away? No problem, you don't need to be invisible at all. Your actions just now don't look like an angel to me, but like a sneaky thief in the world."

With a sarcastic sentence, Gabriel waved his hand and said, "Take them away, looking at the past friendship, I will give you one last piece of advice. Don't come to me again, I may remember the old relationship and let you go, but my boss, He is a decisive person, unless you ask him to come over in person, otherwise, hehe..."

Chas took a deep look at Gabriel, then stepped forward noncommittally, first picked up Constantine, and then placed Angela on the other side, his wings fluttered, and took the two directly into the air away.

Gabriel didn't watch him, she didn't care or cared about Constantine at this time, she just turned her head left and right to look at her wings, and the smile on her face never disappeared for a second.

Hell, Hong Fei shouted in flight like no one else.

Mammon with two eagle heads curled up in an unknown corner and shivered.

423 Hardworking Farmer Uncle Hong Ushers in a Great Harvest (1/3)