Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 561: To seek peace through struggle is to liv

Charles said calmly: "I haven't given up on my goals. I still think that mutants and humans can coexist well, but some people who go astray always bring unnecessary harm to both sides."

"Charles, what are you trying to say?"

"Don't worry, I'll finish it right away. The current situation, on the surface, looks very harmonious, but in fact we don't see the crisis hidden in the deeper layers. I believe that after many battles in the past, some people will not Give up the idea of ​​exterminating us, they have been lurking in the dark, and after they get the results they want, we will only be attacked without any preparation, it is not that this kind of thing happened, I still can't forget it to this day In 1973 they forcibly took my teachers and students and sent them to the battlefield like a meat grinder.

We won before, but I don't know if we can keep winning forever. If we fail one day, what will greet us? More importantly, as time goes by, they know more and more about us, and everything about us is familiar day by day. Relatively, we can't understand them any deeper.

So what I want to say is that the crisis of mutants may never break out suddenly, but accumulate slowly over time.

And its prototype may have come a long time ago. "

After this sentence was finished, the room fell into a long silence.

As a result, Charles rarely speaks such heavy words publicly to everyone. Once, even if the facts are more serious, he always upholds the spirit of a leader and resists all the pressure on himself, and will not directly say such orders to others. worrying reality.

Second, what Charles said was obviously deviated from, or even contrary to, the philosophy he had adhered to in the past. Didn't he and everyone know what he said in the past? It's just that he always insisted on guiding the bad guys in a good direction before, but what does he mean when he suddenly says this?

Magneto was probably the most surprised of all.

People who know themselves best are often their own enemies.

Magneto and Professor X are both enemies and friends, but the years of getting along and fighting have made them understand each other unparalleled.

He knows too much how stubborn Professor X is, as stubborn as he is.

It can even be said that he has been persuading and influencing Charles in the past, hoping that he can change his mind and stand on a united front with him.

It's just that he failed every time before, so that later he persuaded Charles to become a habit, and Charles' rejection became a fixed procedure.

Could it be that because he died once, Charles finally came to his senses and realized that only according to my thoughts can mutants exist forever?

Thinking like this in his heart, Magneto's eyes became more and more energetic without him even realizing it.

If Charles really changes his direction, then there is no need for Charles to take action personally, as long as he does not stop him again and again in the process, Magneto can subvert the world pattern by himself and the Brotherhood alone!

In the past, the actions of Magneto and the Brotherhood have never been disrupted by the targeted humans.

Every time, it was Professor X and the X-Men who got in the way and obstructed him, which made him fail many times.

So, Charles Xavier is the best friend of mankind forever.

As for the others except Magneto, their state is indeed not so positive and passionate.

They feel uncomfortable because the reality violates the peace they thought before, and they are confused because of the change of Professor X.

Hank the Beast was the first to speak.

"Professor, I understand your concerns, but we have finally achieved phased results now. No one in the past history of mutants has ever stood before the stage as openly as today. I will promote relevant protection in the United Nations organization. Multiple international conventions on the rights of mutants, restricting certain people..."

"Wait a minute." Hong Fei suddenly stopped him from continuing, he shook his head and sighed: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your statement, it's just that what you said is what he said. It's obviously not the same thing."

Hank frowned immediately: "Why isn't it one thing, aren't we talking about the survival and safety of mutants?"

"Yes, but this is in the general direction. What we are saying is that for mutants now, the crisis has existed and cannot be eliminated, and what you are talking about is to restrict the other party with something like a contract, which is incompatible with Our discussions are going in opposite directions, they are contradictory, you know?"

Hank looked at Professor X: "Professor, I don't think the contradiction between us and human beings cannot be eliminated. If this is the case, then what is the point of our past efforts?"

Without waiting for Professor X to speak, Hong Fei took a step forward: "The efforts in the past are to buy time for your survival, and at the same time to buy time for mankind to further research things that are aimed at you."

"I don't think what you said is correct, even the vaccine that has just appeared is not a permanent effective thing, otherwise Mr. Magneto will not recover in such a fast time, and I believe that as long as you give me enough time , I will definitely formulate an antidote for it. So, the crisis you mentioned may be there, but they cannot deal a fatal blow to us."

Hong Fei said lightly: "You are too optimistic, Doctor. Do you know all the research that humans have done to deal with the mutant side? Can you guarantee that the final results of some of these projects will not be lethal?"

Hank's blue forehead was tightly wrinkled, he paused to think for a few seconds, and then slowly shook his head: "I don't know, and I can't guarantee it. But we ourselves can't explore how much preparation humans have made, if According to what you said, the contradictions between us and human beings cannot be reconciled at all. But the reality is that even human countries have projects aimed at each other, and even they are more naked. This itself is an unavoidable problem. We You can't fight for something that didn't happen, and if humans were thinking like you, then I think World War 3 would have broken out long ago."

After he finished speaking, Hong Fei did not refute in time, but turned to look at Charles.

So, Professor X took over: "Hank, your statement cannot be considered wrong, but you have overlooked a problem."

Facing Charles, Hank's attitude became more respectful: "Professor, you said."

"The struggle between human states is first limited to the concept of ordinary human beings, and second, it is between states and states. But even some of the states we knew back then have disappeared in the long river of history now? You may say that although the regime has changed, those people still exist, but you must know that they are all the same ordinary human beings, not mutants. We cannot arbitrarily say that human beings will definitely exterminate mutants, but we cannot either It's possible that it could happen without thinking about it."

Magneto raised the corners of his mouth when he heard it.

He was glad that Professor X could think of this, and even more glad that he would say it in front of these X-Men.

At this point, Charles' cognition is very similar to that of the Brotherhood.

The entanglement on Hank's face still existed, but in the face of Professor X, he had to consider his answer.

But on this question, the more you think about it, the less you have an answer.

Just like what Hank said just now, no one can be sure of what did not happen.

In this room, only Hong Fei knew for sure that it would happen, of course, without him.

In the silence, Hong Fei stood up.

"Okay, everyone, I understand your confusion very well. It is nothing more than a sudden change in the idea that I have insisted on for a long time, and the results I have just captured suddenly become worthless. But the reality is so cruel. In other words, the survival of mutants cannot be hoped for in others.

To give another example, the security between countries can never be hoped that others will not attack me, but to strengthen myself as much as possible, so that the other party cannot bear the price that may be paid after attacking me, so as to deter the other party. dare not act.

I would like to say one last thing about the knowledge I have learned from my motherland. If there are still people who oppose it, then I will not be able to continue to waste time with We love peace, but if we seek peace through struggle, we will live in peace. To seek peace through compromise is to perish. "

After all, Hong Fei walked directly to the window and looked at the lush lawn and the quiet forest in the distance, waiting for their decision.

And when they heard Hong Fei's last words, everyone present was moved.

It's not because they don't understand the truth. On the contrary, whether it's the X-Men or the Brotherhood, they're all working hard to achieve this goal, but sometimes they're not thorough enough, or they're just too reckless.

Now, for the first time, someone has summed up the direction of their efforts and the program of action in one sentence.

The scene people may be the most excited.

At this time, he was always muttering these words in his mouth, as if he wanted to immediately turn him into the slogan of the Brotherhood, and immediately convey it to every mutant and even human beings in the world.

Hank, Orolo, and Katie all fell into deep thought.

Logan blinked thoughtfully, and then suddenly realized that he seemed to have heard this sentence somewhere a long time ago.

Charles was the quickest to figure it out. Judging from his eyes, he should have known the source of this sentence, but now he is more concerned about Hong Fei's other sentence.

If anyone still refutes, then he won't wait to waste time here.

But if he leaves, is it time to take action against the X-Men and the Brotherhood?

Can he join forces with Magneto, who is currently in poor condition?

In other words, he has even passed his own hurdle, is it really necessary to go to that step?