Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 143: Soldiers approach the city

The inverted fluorite glows with cool fluorescence, giving a little light to the vast underground space, and the underground plants appear dim and mysterious in the dark.

   On the edge of the dark area with lush plants, a small solitary outpost is built on the stone wall.

In the post of   , a dark-skinned drow soldier stood in front of the observation window, gazing at the dark tunnel obliquely below, with a vigilant light flashing in his black eyes.

   "Angela! Don't stand stupid! Come on! Play cards with us!" On the side, Luke, who had gathered with many of his friends for entertainment, turned back and called his friends.

   "Luke, our task is to guard the passage and guard against alien invasion," Angela did not look back, responding calmly to his friend's call.

   "Please! This is the rear of Darkmoon City. What kind of aliens dare to come, those degenerate murlocs, or those ignorant jackals?!"

   "It's good if we don't trouble them, come, come and join us, don't be suspicious all day long, really, you finally get rid of those stinky women, can't you relax!"

  Angela frowned slightly, his friend said he would be unclear about it.

   If it was in the past, even if he did not respond to a friend's call to join the crowd's gambling game, he would wipe his precious scimitar or go to the yard to hone his martial arts skills.

   But today, somehow, his heartbeat rhythm is chaotic, he feels uneasy, and always feels something is going to happen.

   At the gambling table, Luke, who looked back, saw his friend standing by the window indifferent, opened his mouth and was about to speak, but was straightened by the powerful hand on the side.

   "Leave him alone, since Angela likes it, let him stand alone, let's continue!"

   "Place a bet! Place a bet!"

   "Buy it!"

   "Open! Open! Open!"


   There was too much noise behind him, Angela's pointed ears trembled, and his brows were slightly frowned. Then he stretched out, and continued to stare at the tunnel entrance below, which was connected to another dark area.

   The dark region where Dark Moon City is located is a large dark region, which is connected with six dark regions in total.

  Due to the different dark areas connected, the garrison force at each tunnel entrance is also different.

  For example, the Yakou Fort, which connects the tunnel entrance in the direction of the Red Nest Crypt, has built a small war fortress. In the fortress, three hundred drow elites are stationed, and a master-class powerhouse is stationed there.

   Another example is the Silver Flash Outpost stationed by Angela. Because it is in the rear and there are no threatening enemies in the connected dark area, only fifteen people are stationed, and the strongest are only three mid-level professionals.

   The sparrow is small, but it has all the internal organs.

The defensive facilities of the Silver Flash Post are also designed according to the standards of war. Outside the tunnel is a semi-circular city wall with a height of eight meters. The guarding soldiers only need to stand on the city wall and shoot to block the enemy several times their own. .

   It is precisely because of the improvement of defense measures and the safety of many years that have caused the slack of the guards at the Silver Flash Post.

   stood in front of the window dedicated to observing the tunnel for more than half an hour. As a mid-range ranger, Angela also felt a little tired, walking back and forth in front of the window with sore legs and feet.


   He took a long breath, his eyes were dim and dim, and he was puzzled.

   Is it really that I worry too much?

   was thinking so, suddenly, Angela's ears trembled, and he heard a slight knock from the roof, which was the sound of a creature's claw on the rock.

   His heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, and a deadly chill came in, cold into the bone marrow.

   Turning his toes slightly, Angela whirled to hide behind the thick wall, and at the same time he shouted: "There are enemies! Ready to fight!"

  While Angela shouted, there was a sound of heavy objects falling outside. Someone jumped off the roof and was outside the door.

   The drow guards around the gaming table suddenly woke up, shot up, and ran towards the weapon hung on the wall and placed on the table.


   kicked heavily on the door, and the concealed door was kicked open.

   Angela didn't even think about it, and instinctively released the fingers holding the bowstring. The arrow shot out instantly, leaving the bowstring trembling back and forth.

When    shot the arrow, Angela's heart was cold, because he could see the scene outside the door clearly, and there was no one.

   False move!


   The sound of arrows breaking through the air sounded, and a dozen arrows swished in from the window and shot at the drow guard who was flustered taking up his weapon.


Five drow guards were hit by arrows, two of them lost their lives. Among the two unlucky ones was his friend-Luke. Luke was unfortunately shot in the neck by an arrow and lay wide-eyed. The ground convulsed, and the blood in his mouth went out.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Angela was too late to worry about his friends, and while shooting arrows, the enemies who tricked him into the arrows rushed in from the door.

The head was a jackal man with a half-faced face. He had a dagger in one hand and a dagger in one hand. He stomped on the ground and rushed into the house with both feet. Guard.

  Dall guard only felt a pain in his abdomen, and lowered his head to see a blood-red wound.

   In Angela’s eyes, only the wolves were tumbling around with a short sword flashing, and then rushed to the next target, and the previous target had steaming internal organs flowing out of his stomach.


   Angela's heart trembled, the movement that was so fast that it was almost invisible, the ghostly figure, must be a strong person above the middle level.

   Turning his head to see the enemy pouring out of the passage, Angela hurried to the window. At this time, there was only one thought in his mind.


  While the wolves were killing them, the people who rushed in with them were not idle. They fought with the rebelling drow guards, and the sound of weapon collisions and battle roars were noisy.

   At this time, there are only five raiders in the room, and the number of drow guards is temporarily dominant.

   Amidst the chaos, Angela jumped out of the narrow window like diving, and rolled around on the ground towards the grass outside the outpost.

   Not only Angela escaped, but also two other drow guards. The three looked at each other and ran toward the lush wilderness without looking back.


   Behind him came the sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air. It was an arrow shot by an attacker standing on the city wall. Judging from the continuous sound, there were no fewer than 20 arrows.

   The two drows were too late to react and were killed by the dense arrows.

  Angela rolled around on the ground, dodging most of the arrows, but was shot in the arm by an arrow.

   He slashed the arrow, gritted his teeth and drilled into the lush plant.

Inside    Outpost, under the leadership of three high-ranking thieves, the battle ended in just twenty seconds.

   The high-ranking thief leader was standing at the window, and he happened to see Angela's back in the plant. He turned his head and looked at the middle-ranking partner on the side with cold eyes. The jackal looked a little embarrassed and looked down at his feet.

  Like all raiders, his feet were wrapped in a cloth, but unlike the others, a sharp toenail of this jackal pierced the cloth and exposed it.

   "The leader! I'll go after him!"

   Another high-ranking jackal thief volunteered and rushed to the window, but a hand stopped in front of him.

   "No, someone will take care of him."

   On the other side, Angela ran quickly among the underground plants above his head.

   If it were in the past, he would never dare to enter such a lush wilderness, who knows if a poisonous snake will suddenly appear.

   But at this time, in order to escape, I can't control that much.

   ran for more than ten seconds, and found that no one was chasing him. As he ran, he stretched his hand behind him and took off the flare around his waist.

   Suddenly, a deadly chill fell from the sky.

   Before Angela could react, he was pierced through his head by an arrow of ice falling from the sky, and fell to the ground at once.

   In the sky, Luna Bloodfeather, the family member of the Harpy, withdrew from the invisibility state, glanced at the drow elves who were throwing a glance at the street, and saw the signal flare in his hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up in disdain.

   "I still want to ruin the master, there is no door~"


   Silver Flash Post, the reduced size Jose stood on the wall of the drow, looking at the grayish distance.

   On both sides of the red dragon stood the kobolds—Xinggou and the jackals—Hogg Riverclaw. Behind them stood the main force who had just assaulted the Silver Flash Post, a group of professional thieves standing obediently and quietly.

  Behind, a neatly lined army of monsters walked through the tunnel, passed through the outpost through the small city gate, and walked up the gravel path leading to Darkmoon City.

   "Go forward at full speed! Take down Darkmoon City before the enemy reacts!"

   Hearing the order of the red dragon, the army of heavily armed monsters was getting closer again.

   After looking at him for a moment, Jose turned his head to look at the masked jackal thieves standing behind him with his hands, and the many other thieves behind the jackal thieves.

they are.

   was established seven years ago. It is an assassination organization planned and established by Red Dragon himself. The organization currently has 63 members, led by three high-level thieves, and the rest are all mid-level members.

   "This action, you guys did a great job!"

   After affirming the actions of his family members, Jose turned to the kobold on the side: "Xinggou, give them credit."

   Hearing the words, everyone was excited and overjoyed.

   "But don't be proud, there are more challenges waiting for you," the red dragon said loudly: "Understand?!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Understand!"

   "Very good, go, keep up with the team, and carry out your mission."


   The thieves jumped directly from the city wall and ran past the edge of the monster army.

  As a special unit of thieves, in addition to being proficient in assassinations, they are also excellent scouts, taking on the task of detecting traps outside the Shadow City.

   After everyone was gone, Jose once again cast his gaze to the gray distance, which was the direction of Dark Moon City.

   Darkmoon City was built on the plain and has a history of thousands of years. The main leader is the ten big drow families. As for the ten big families, Jose didn't bother to understand.

   Because in his heart, the drow in Darkmoon City is already a corpse.

However, he remembered the Fabis family, one of the top ten families, for no reason. The only legendary powerhouse in Darkmoon City was the mistress of the Fabis family-Napasha Fei. Bess.

   "Xing Gou, the command task of this siege is left to you."

   Aside, the kobold family members bowed slightly: "I will not insult my life, my master."

   "This attack must be fast, without giving the enemy reaction time, take down the Darkmoon city wall in a short time, and put pressure on the legendary priests in the city."

   Jose continued: "Of course, if the enemy legendary priest takes action, I will deal with her."

   "However, if you fail to force the enemy legend, let me expose first, I will be disappointed, understand!"


   "Well," Jose nodded.

   In a battle at the legendary level, when the strength of both parties is unknown, the party who is exposed later has the advantage. The difference is the difference between the assailant and the assaulted.

   Therefore, Jose plans to let his dependents attack the city first, force out the enemy legendary priest, find his position, and then immediately take action to solve the enemy.

   "Say it again! Be fast! The Black Dragon site is only an hour away from here! We must resolve the battle within an hour after exposure!"

   "Yes!" Xie Gou replied loudly.

   Jose turned to Hogg Riverclaw, a family member of the Jackal.

   "Hogg, you don't have to participate in the siege mission. You take two thousand wolf cavalry straight to the Yakou Fort. You must take the Yakou Fort. There is the main road to the Black Dragon site."


Seeing that the two family members looked like death, Jose said with relief: "But you don't have to worry too much. The black blood tyrant is at war with Blue Fang, and our allies promised to hold him back. Let's do it! !"

   "Yes!" x2

   Yinggou rode a salamander, Hogg rode the jackals and left with their respective teams, leaving Jose Yilong alone on the wall. He looked into the darkness in the distance, with a flash of worry in his eyes.

  Yes, the blue tooth did promise to hold the black dragon-O' but whether it can be done is a question. The green dragon-the poisonous emerald, however, made it clear to help O'Neal deal with the blue dragon.

   Jose has to prepare for the worst.


   Three hours later, Darkmoon City.

   In a magnificent temple, the queen of spiders, Napasha Febis, knelt in front of the idol and closed her eyes and prayed silently, muttering words.

   Suddenly, a temple guard pushed open the door of the temple, walked in quickly, and saw Napasha kneeling on the ground, the temple guard couldn't help but shudder.

  The history of drow elves is a textbook about conspiracy and struggle between women, which is full of violence and blood.

   Any master drow has at least hundreds of lives in her hands, including her own brothers and sisters.

   The guards of the temple kept a distance, and said softly: "My lord, the attacking group of enemies that suddenly appeared is very fierce, and the city wall is almost unable to withstand it."

   Napasha remained unmoved, still closed her eyes and prayed.

   After a long silence, the king of Darkmoon City notified the king of Darkmoon City with absolute force to stop praying, opened his eyes, and said lightly: "Did you figure it out? The identity of the enemy!"

   The guard of the temple swallowed his saliva: "Not yet. I only know that the racial composition of the enemy army is very complicated. There are goblins, jackals, ogres, kobolds, and a small amount of harpies."

   "According to the calculations of other mistresses, the enemy has a high probability of being the five-color dragon of the evil camp, or the mind-catcher or beholder who controls the mind, otherwise..."

   "A bunch of trash!" Napasha interrupted the temple guard.