Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 20: Magical awakening

   One day two years after he settled down at home, Jose woke up leisurely at home. When he woke up, he felt a strange feeling that the whole world was different.

He stared at the air. The empty air was now full of energy particles of various colors, red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, gold... and he had the most fiery red particles around him. This is the air. Elements.

   "Elemental vision is indeed different."

   He stretched out the dragon's claws with dense scales, and exhaled two weird syllables.


   A cluster of flames rose from the heart of the dragon's claws. The intensity of the flame was not high, but he created it by his own ability.


  Although it is only the most basic trick—to start a fire, it also makes Jose very excited.

Since the journey, the powerful power of magic has left deep nicks in his heart, burning meteorites falling from the sky, ice and flames spewing out of his hands, the strong fighting in the air, the collision of magic, stirring the wind and clouds to crush the young dragons. Dare to lift off...

   The battlefield dominance demonstrated by magic makes him look forward to his own awakening, but he never expected this day to come so fast.

  According to the growth law of dragons, he will gradually awaken his ability to cast spells in the juvenile stage, and he is still two years away from the juvenile dragon stage.

   There is no doubt that this is the credit of Jin Kela.

   He observed his body again, the body did not change much from before he woke up, and the length was still in the category of young dragons.

"For dragons, the awakening of spell-casting ability is a manifestation of mental strength that is strong enough to control the elements. It seems that Jin Kela promotes the spirit more than it promotes the body. It is wrong! It may also be due to the crossing, my mental power Better than young dragons of the same age, or both."

   Regardless of the specific reason, it is a fact to awaken the ability to cast spells in advance, and Jose is very happy.

   The early awakening of the ability to cast spells is like the opening of the floodgate in advance. From now on, he will continue to obtain more and more powerful magic from the dragon's inheritance, which will allow him to gain an advantage in the competition with dragons of the same age.

   Also awakened together with the ability to cast spells is a key ability that affects the life of the dragon-the family contract. The family contract is the most important method for the dragon to maintain the power system, and there is no one.

   It can be said that as long as a creature signs a contract with a dragon, then it is an extension of the dragon's will. Visual sharing, mental connection, and access to memory are only within the mind of the dragon owner.

  Of course, the contract is only a contract and cannot change the personal will of the dependents. The dependents still have independent personalities and thoughts, and may even betray, but the betrayal of the dependents will be backfired by the contract.

   Jose disagrees with this small flaw.

   If it happens that the dependents would rather not die but betray, then his master would have failed too much.

   "But, am I a juvenile dragon now? Or a young dragon?"

   He muttered to himself, thinking about the age division of the dragon clan and what each age group should do.

0 to 3 years old is the wyvern stage: the newly born wyvern lives under the protection of the dragon mother if there is no accident. Following the instructions of the evil dragon **** Tiamat, the dragon mother will take care of the wyvern to a certain extent. Survivability, and then expel the children from the nest.

3 to 10 years old is the young dragon stage: almost all five-color dragons are expelled by the mother dragon during the young dragon stage, and lose the protection of the mother. The young dragons are easily hunted in the wilderness, so the young dragon stage becomes the five-color dragon. In the stage with the highest mortality rate, young dragons from the same dragon nest tend to live in groups.

10-25 years old is the young dragon stage: Although young dragons are not strong, they also have a certain degree of self-preservation. The hard experience of the young dragon stage makes them cautious. They dormant in the shadows and grow up secretly. Another big event will happen during this stage, and that is the emergence of magical abilities.

The age of 25-50 is the juvenile dragon stage: at this stage, dragons become more mature both in magical abilities and in their bodies, and their guts also increase. They gradually expand their range of activities and initially awaken their territorial consciousness. The five-color dragons that live in a group will be here. At a certain point in the stage, the metal dragons of the good camp will leave their parents to travel.

  50 to 100 years old is the young dragon stage: the five-color dragon in the youth stage often swells in self-confidence, begins to consciously gather relatives and occupy the territory, sometimes because of too much stride, attracting the attention of interested people and being hunted.

100 to 700 years old is the stage of adult dragon: adult dragons are undoubtedly the existence at the top of the food chain. They have a fixed residence or territory and dare to appear in front of the world in an open manner. Under normal circumstances, as long as they don’t do things too extreme, no one wants to provoke them. An adult dragon, because once let them escape the consequences will be serious.

The age of 700 to 1300 is the stage of the primeval dragon: the primeval dragon has reached the peak of the dragon's life in the body, and the powerful dragon species (red dragon, golden dragon) generally enter the field of legend at this stage, becoming the top existence in the world, and you will not die if you don't die. Talking about the middle-aged dragon.

The age of 1300 to 1800 is the stage of the old dragon: the body of the old dragon begins to decline, but the magical attainments become more profound. They will mate as many as possible and leave their offspring; most dragons have entered the legendary realm in the old dragon stage. Pass, then this life may not be passed.

Above 1800 is the very old dragon stage: the very old dragon has almost reached the end of life, the mating ability has been lost, and the magical attainments have reached the peak; how long the extremely old dragon can live is related to its own dragon species, the longest lifespan Red dragons and golden dragons can live up to 3,500 years, and the shortest lifespan of white dragons is 2,300 years.

Like canines, dragons also have the ability to foresee death. When they foresee that their life is about to reach the end, the very old dragon will start looking for the cemetery, and transfer the wealth accumulated throughout his life to the cemetery, and then seal the entrance to the cemetery, and his beloved Sleep together with his treasure.

  Only a very small number of giant dragons with outstanding talents can break through the limits of life, enter the stage of ancient dragons, and obtain a longer lifespan.

   From Jose's point of view, the ancient dragon stage is a level of strength, not a life course.

  Theoretically speaking, the dragons can break through the limit of life and enter the ancient dragon stage at any stage. For example, the Red Nest Mother-Shawana, she directly jumped from the prime of life to the ancient dragon stage.

  The ancient dragon is already the ceiling of the world powerhouse of Taidanor. According to the strength of human beings, they belong to the level of demigods.

  If you want to move further into the ancient dragon stage, the ancient dragon must leave Teldanor and go to the astral world or other planes with higher power limits.

   As for the ancient dragon on top of the ancient dragon, there are not many records in the dragon's inheritance. Jose only knows that they are comparable to the true gods.

   "I don't know where I can go," Dong**'s young red dragon fell into endless reverie.

   After thinking about it, he froze.

   In the process of growing up, "I" often competed with Barron and Dragon Sisters of the same age. From the results of the discussions, my physical talent was only at a normal level.

   He thought of the mysterious Galaxy Plaza again, and he felt more confident in his heart.

   No matter how bad you are, you can’t stand it!