Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 341: Ready to go! abyss!

The battle lasted all day, and ended in the defeat of the legendary squad of witches and headhunters.

As the winning side, Cassie and his entourage teleported back in full view, returned to the Red Fort, and returned to their respective positions after making a business with the Emperor.

The legendary war is over, but the impact of the war is far from over.

The Battle of Pocket Fortress was the first battle to the outside world after the establishment of the Fosse Empire. In this battle, Prince Cassie and his entourage demonstrated superb fighting power in line with the image of the empire.

Not only are the legendary powerhouses outstanding in their own combat power, but they also show the civilization of the empire.

The [Imperial Howling] used by Cassie, the special magic potions that everyone took, and the magic equipment that was later revealed, all show that the Fosse Empire is not a super giant tribe like the Red Nest, and it is truly worthy of the "Empire". Name.

This time, the Fosse Empire frightened the mainland with its strength, causing a far-reaching impact.

On the other side, on the secular level.

The Pocket Fortress was affected by the [Imperial Howling], and there were no defenders in the fortress. The army of the Kingdom of Taylor took the opportunity to invade, took over the fortress, and immediately launched a full-scale offensive.

In just a few days, most of the Li'an Principality ignited the flames of war.

When the victory is in sight, he has always supported the Principality of Li'an, and the Kingdom of Fera, which has consumed the power of the Kingdom of Tyler, personally ends up sending troops to intervene in the battle.

The two kingdoms fought on the land of Li'an Principality.

The two sides in the battle are the Kingdom of Taylor and the Kingdom of Fira, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a big force behind the two countries. The Fosse Empire supports the Kingdom of Taylor and the trading city-state supports the Kingdom of Fira.

The two dominant powers of Taidanor used the battlefields of the Kingdom of Taylor and the Kingdom of Fira to compete against each other in the air.

The battle was anxious and lasted for a year.

During this period, the Fosse Empire and the trading city-states maintained restraint, and none of them sent more than legendary combat power. Most of the time, they provided material support.

Without direct confrontation, there is still room for peace talks, which paves the way for future negotiations between the two parties.

In the end, the battle for the mainland medicine market came to an end two years after the empire ceremony.

Both the Fosse Empire and the trading city-state had seen each other's strength on the battlefield. In addition, after two years of research, they had not found a clue to mass-produce the medicine. The trading city-state took the initiative to send envoys to the city of Oka to negotiate peace.

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement to divide the scope of their respective markets.

The empire gave the trading city-state the sole agency rights. The trading city-state sold medicines in the southern part of the mainland, and the profits were divided between the two parties.

The conclusion of the agreement marked the end of the battle for the Tedanor medicine market. The Fuse Empire was given the largest piece of cake due to its technical strength and strong combat power. The trading city-states were powerful and ate the second largest piece of cake after the Fuse Empire. .

The three chess pieces, the Kingdom of Taylor, the Principality of Li'an, and the Kingdom of Fera each have their own endings. The Principality of Li'an has since been removed from the mainland. The Kingdom of Taylor and the Kingdom of Fera each occupy half of the land of the Principality of Li'an. Newly acquired territory.

Whether the period was tortuous or not, the historian who recorded the history booed.

History has once again verified the truth that "weakness is the greatest original sin".


Two more years passed.

The imperial calendar is 4 years old.

The magic tower in the depths of the city of Oka, the magic tower is seven floors underground, in the prison where dangerous creatures are held.

The legendary six-armed snake demon that has changed the color of countless people shrank in the corner of the magic cage, trembling like a chick in the cold wind, all because she was shrouded in a huge dragon-shaped shadow.

Jose smiled sternly: "My dear, come here and let the master get a shot."

"What to hide, don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

"What's the use of calling, even if you call your throat broken, no one will come to rescue you, just follow me, hehehe..."


After struggling, the six-armed snake demon finally lost to the evil dragon, his body was hollowed out, and Sheng Wu Ke was paralyzed on the cold floor in the prison.

Outside the prison, Jose looked at the two long syringes in his hands with satisfaction. The syringes were filled with devil's blood. He sealed the devil's blood in a prepared test tube.

After preparing the raw materials, he immediately continued to experiment.

In the past two years, Red Dragon has shifted the focus of research to the Abyss Demon. He is preparing to go to the Abyss and obtain a special career inheritance.

Another half a year has passed since the preparation.

One day, Jose was lying in a chair reading a book about the abyss, and his heart moved.

"It's time," Jose muttered to himself, put down the classics in his hand, and notified all the family members to go to the Throne Hall through the spiritual link.

An hour later, Jose was sitting high on the throne, and under the civilian generals stood a hundred officials of the empire.

Condescendingly glanced at everyone, no one dared to look at each other.

"Everyone, this time we are calling together, there is one thing to announce."

Jose continued: "I will leave Tedanor for a while."

After hearing this, everyone was puzzled. In the past, the red dragon had also left Taidanor, such as the plane plundering battle, searching for the core of the tower, both times were explaining how to bring everyone together deliberately this time.

Among the hundreds of officials, only Ying Gou understood the Red Dragon's mind and realized the key points. He stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, how long are you going to leave?"

Honglong said lightly: "At least half a year, the longest, I don't know."



Everyone in the hall immediately exploded. The Red Dragon had never left Tedanor for such a long time, and the departure of the Red Dragon left everyone's hearts empty, as if they had lost their backbone.

No matter what the family members think, Jose will never change his mind, because the inheritance of the mage profession is a big opportunity not to be missed.

He explained the matters after he left according to the plan: "During my absence, if you have something to do, you should directly contact Ergou, and if you are unsure about something, you will discuss it with Prince Cassie."

"Also, every once in a while, everyone will go to the Throne Hall to hold a rally to make the illusion that I am still in Tedanor in order to confuse the outside world."

"...If someone asks to see you, all shirk it, I don't need to teach you the reason!"

"Yes!" Ying Gou nodded.

If it is an ordinary country, the emperor will not be seen for a few years, it will definitely cause trouble, and the Fosse Empire is different.

Within the empire, the ministers are all dependents of the Red Dragon, and there is no possibility of rebellion.

Externally, the dragon slept for several months, but that was normal.

What's more, Jose is a mage dragon who is well-known in the world for his house. It is common to spend several months doing magic experiments. After doing magic experiments, he goes to sleep and wakes up to continue experiments. It also happened that he did not show up for two consecutive years. Past things.

After explaining the family's attention, Jose left the Red Fort and inspected the territory for the last time before leaving.

The boundless mountains, endless forests, boundless seas, cities with towering mage towers, and all living beings on the earth...

Jose is proud of the country he has created.

In order to protect this country, he must become stronger.

After showing up, he directly teleported back to the magic tower and came to the magic tower prison.

Six-armed Snake Demon-Bi Angsha was once again shrouded in a dragon-shaped shadow, shivering in the corner of the prison, the floor of the cage was cold, and it was colder than her cold heart.

Bi Angsha has been imprisoned for nearly ten years. The previous years were nothing. Apart from her lack of freedom, the red dragon kept her delicious and delicious.

But in the past two years, the six-armed snake demon has seen the terrible red dragon. A series of magic experiments, blood draws, testing..., it is more devil than the devil.

"Bi Angsha, I give you two choices."

Jose is straight to the point: "One is to surrender and take me to the abyss to do one thing, and the other is to die."

"I choose the second one!"

The six-armed snake demon's eyes lit up, and he rushed forward, clutching the iron railings of the cage, and the forbidden demon shackles on his arms creaked: "Kill me! Kill me! I don't want to live anymore!"


"Very well, you think you have a choice, but you don't have one."

Jose was expressionless, and took out a bead from the dimension bag he carried with him. The bead was the size of a ping-pong ball, and the color was an unknown deep dark red, seeming to be dried up blood.

In fact, this round bead is made of the demon blood of the six-armed snake demon as the main material.

The red dragon didn't hesitate, and used the Devil's Root Technique to hold down the unresisting six-armed snake demon, and immediately pinched her mouth in the snake demon's horrified eyes, and stuffed the ball into the snake devil's mouth.

The bead made of demon blood melts at the entrance, transforms into demon blood again, merges into the blood of the six-armed snake demon, and blends with the original blood in the body of the snake demon, regardless of each other.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The fixation technique has expired, and Bi Angsha coughed violently, her whole body was hot, itchy and stinging, and it seemed that there were tens of thousands of ants biting.

"Dragon! What did you do to me?!"

"Nothing, it's just to control you."

Jose’s voice sounded directly in the mind of the six-armed snake demon: "The blood bead you just swallowed is the product of my research this year. It is named Dragon Qi Blood Bead, tailored for you, mixed with my scales. The powder, and a lot of magic prohibition, you can regard it as a more perfect contract than the dragon contract."

"It can not only transform your body, but also your mind."

While the red dragon was talking, the six-armed snake demon fell to the ground in pain, convulsing all over. This was because the blood of the dragon contained in the blood bead was transforming the body of the six-armed snake demon, but...

Jose looked at the six-armed snake demon, frowning slightly.

The progress of the matter was similar to what he expected, and the effect of the dragon vein transformation on the six-armed snake monster was not very obvious.

This is the limitation of the dragon vein transformation.

The dragon vein modification that comes with the dragon family contract has more obvious effects on the lower creatures, but the effect is not good for the higher creatures.

This is very understandable. The transformation of dragon veins is a reincarnation of the blood for lower creatures such as jackals. It is like a billionaire throwing one million to the poor, and the situation of the poor is immediately improved.

And the power of the blood of the higher and transcendent species itself is very strong, and some are not even weaker than the giant dragon, and the same billionaire as the giant dragon, the effect of one million is naturally not as good as the former.

Fortunately, Jose's two years of hard work were not in vain. Although the physical transformation was not effective, the spiritual transformation was very successful.

The eyes of the six-armed snake demon looking at him no longer had fear and hatred, but turned into meticulous obedience and awe.

Jose saw the changes of the six-armed snake monster in his eyes, and he was satisfied, but also regretful: "Dragon Qi blood orbs are easy to use, but the price is too high and the conditions for use are too harsh."

First of all, the prerequisite for making Dragon Deed Blood Orbs is to grasp the target, continuously draw blood, and accumulate raw materials for production.

Secondly, with dragon scales and essence blood as auxiliary materials, magic rituals are held, and great efforts are made to make dragon deed blood beads.

The last step is to subdue the Dragon Deed Blood Orb to the target.

I have to say that this Dragon Qi blood bead is a bit tasteless.

The one who can be caught alive by the red dragon is definitely far weaker than that of the red dragon.

Having said that, it is more appropriate to use Dragon Qi Blood Orbs in a situation where the target hates himself right now.

Bi Angsha stood up from the ground with a respectful look in her eyes: "Master, Bi Angsha would like to help you."

"very good."

Jose was satisfied. He tested Bi Angsa's obedience according to his plan: "Bi Angsa, tell me your real name."

"David Dvina George, Dora Harris, Flora Catkala,...Beckernelli Campbell, Beth Baker, Jacqueline."

Jose wrote down a long list of dizzying real names of demons. The real names of the demons are different from the real names of the dragons. Knowing the real names of the dragons is at most communicating with the dragons by their real names, and knowing the real names of the demons. , It means that the demon can be controlled by the real name.

Bi Angsha didn't hesitate to say her real name, which has proved that the Dragon Contract Blood Orb is effective and the effect is not bad.

To be cautious, Honglong tested the authenticity of his real name again, and the verification results showed that it was true.

Until then, Jose was completely relieved.

"Biangsha, tell me your past."

"..." The six-armed snake demon detailed his own growth experience Like most demons, Bi Angsha was born in the sea of ​​blood, and the devil's eggs were washed ashore by the blood wave and hatched on the shore.

When it broke its shell, it was a demon maggot. After a series of fighting and devouring, Bi Angsha stood out and successfully evolved into a middle-level demon, a snake demon, followed by a high-level demon, a four-armed snake demon, and then became a legendary level demon. Six-armed snake demon.

After becoming a six-armed snake demon, Bi Angsha participated in the **** battlefield and tried to win the favor of the will of the abyss by performing meritorious services on the **** battlefield. However, she was unlucky. Not long after she came to the **** battlefield, she met the Queen of the Githyankees and was demigod. The queen of the level is caught alive.

Finally fell into the claws of the red dragon and became what it is now.


The experience told by the witnesses can give people a better understanding of the abyss situation than books. Through Biansha's narration, Jose has a more intuitive understanding of the abyss society.

To put it simply, the abyss society is a chaotic society where the power is like a cloud and intrigues. There is no morality or feelings between the devil and the devil. Either you kill me or I kill you. Even if it is peaceful coexistence, it is also forced Stronger the pressure of the devil.