Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 234: Legendary Psion

On the burning city wall, Yize sneered and tossed aside the drow who had just claimed to be the commander and was now turned into a mass of minced meat.

He did not forget that Presta Green told him that the ruler of Farallon was the council formed by the nine great families, and the mistress of the first family in the legend was the real controller of the city.

This big warrior who was just slapped to death by him is obviously not.

Several tall shadows appeared in the flames, and several constructed golems broke through the flame blockade, raised their big swords and slashed towards the red dragon.

This is a steel golem, the whole body is made of fine gold.

These tool people are all seven or eight meters high, and some even have four or five arms, which can destroy creatures with one punch, and their sonorous and powerful steps can shock the earth, and their strength is stronger than ordinary flesh and blood golems. where to go.

As the basic characteristics of steel golems, they are almost immune to various spells, spell-like, or supernatural abilities, and the hardness of the adamantine material is enough to be immune to most physical attacks.

When three or four steel golems join forces, they can almost be equivalent to hellfire.

But now there are more than a dozen people who have launched a sneak attack on Yize. This guy even began to wonder if this group of drow elves who had gone completely crazy began to target him desperately?

But this is also good, the pressure of the Red Dragon Army on the frontal battlefield will be greatly reduced.

He slapped a few times with one paw, and still a lot of big swords fell heavily on his scales, but were bounced off.

In order to break the tortoise shell, Yize picked up the legendary weapon Storm Hammer, and it took a long time to knock the green dragon over.

The steel golem is not him, nor is the great sword in his hand a legendary weapon, the results are obvious.

Even if Ize stood still and slashed at the steel golem, he would be unscathed, while the steel golem had to endure the rebound effect of double the damage.

The ability wrapped around the dragon's claws, and the fine gold, which is harder than Mithril, can't stop the tearing attack of the legendary axe.

Instead, a powerful steel golem became a toy that Ize held in his hands, and his limbs were torn off and thrown aside casually.

Ize pursed his mouth, and the huge Farren, but there was not a single one who could beat him.

Before, I thought that the mistresses of those families could be so powerful, but it turned out to be a little more powerful than the drow priest of Garan Nord, and just "accidentally" killed two of them.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Now the faces of many drows are full of despair, and fierce battles have occurred in and outside the city of Farren, and there is no mystery. Protection, the drow army has begun to show signs of defeat.

And this abominable red dragon also occupied the head of the city, and most of the defense equipment was destroyed, and the garrison did not know how many died.

If you want to win this war, the only possibility is to defeat the red dragon, regain the high ground, and fight back against the red dragon army!

However, this legendary ancient red dragon is immune to both magic and physics, so who can be its opponent?

Yize was still sighing about his current strength, and a throbbing in his heart suddenly made him vigilant.

The instinctual warning of any powerful creature will not come out of nowhere, it can make him vigilant, and something big must happen.

The thought just flashed, and a mental storm without warning suddenly swept the entire battlefield. The spiritual energy of the legendary level was combined, as if the sky and the earth collided!


The attack, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, suddenly made the battlefield that screamed and killed the sky quiet, and the needles could be heard.

Invisible mental shock waves raged past, and this strange picture appeared on the battlefield.

- The Red Dragon Army stopped charging, and the Sky Clan stopped flapping its wings and fell to the ground weakly.

Both the monster and the drow twitched nervously. They opened their mouths, their tongues drooped aside, dripping with sour and sticky saliva, incontinence, and no consciousness.

The two extremely old green dragons crashed into the inner city with a dizzy head, and the huge dragon body smashed into an unknown number of buildings.

It might take a little while to wake up if he was hit with a Legendary Mind Blast.

Eze just felt as if a big bell kept shaking in his mind, and his headache was splitting.

The amulet he wore that could resist the impact of spiritual energy had long since shattered under this terrifying spiritual storm.

Eze was caught off guard. He had little research on the mysterious spiritual energy, which is a kind of idealistic energy, which has nothing to do with magical talent, but has the same effect.

Mistress Elise has already entered the legend 1,500 years ago. She is a fanatical believer of the spider **** queen. Every time the deadline is approaching, the goddess Rose will give life.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}In the long years, Mother Elise spent her energy on spiritual energy, she is the master of spiritual energy.

Even a mind flayer who is naturally proficient in psychic energy, very few people can surpass her in achievement.

I don't know if it was a few seconds or a few centuries, Ize shook his head and woke up from the dizziness, his eyes slowly fell on a The chariot was covered with silver stars. , he knew, the legendary psion was inside.

But now he dare not act rashly.

This huge cave seems to usher in a severe winter, and countless silver stellar light spots flicker in the air.

The light spots converged, plasticized, rotated, and finally condensed into a huge psionic crystal crossbow!

Above Ize's head hung hundreds of huge, sharp crossbow arrows, and the darkness was illuminated by a silver stellar light.

An invisible ripple spread out from the chariot, and the crystal crossbow arrow fell down immediately!

Legendary Psion, every move contains great power, and Eze is not sure if his scales can resist it.

He had never fought a Psion before, and the half-bucket of water from Galanord didn't count.

Every conscious creature generates the psychic energy from which autonomous consciousness is born. This spiritual energy includes many aspects.

Intelligence, perception, and charisma are direct components of self-awareness, as are strength, agility, and physique. Spiritual energy contains these elements, just as colored light is separated from pure white light.

Thoughts and dreams are rendered inconspicuous by the grey borders in the brains of ordinary creatures, but the mental will of psionic creatures is clearly visible.

The psionic profession directly utilizes the full energy of consciousness, and uses this inherent ability to affect changes in the real world. Simply put, it is a manifestation of spiritual energy.

A dragon roar roared, and the chaotic magical energy in the air quickly condensed beside him, and the fireballs burst through the sky from bottom to top and collided with the crystal energy arrows.