Reign of the Hunters

v6 Chapter 17: PVP contest

Chapter 17 PVP Competition

Leaf words sitting cross-legged on the lakeside of Red Lake City, using a soft cotton cloth to gently wipe the 110-level smashing machine she had just received. She looked calm, as if the most important thing in the world is now wiping this downtime. She lifted the opportunity, looked at it, then took a sigh of relief in the corner that was not noticeable, and then wiped it with a cotton cloth.

On the surface of the Red Lake, the smog of smoke has gradually risen. At first glance, it looks like a traditional Chinese ink painting, and it is beautiful.

"Is it already registered?" I don't know when Bai Mo stood behind the leaf word. I don't know if Ye Ye found out that he didn't or didn't find him. She has already maintained her original position and continues to wipe the holy. Flame, seems to concentrate on the gesture of forgetting me.

After the words of Bai Mo fell, the leaf words did not seem to be heard immediately, but only after a long time she returned: "Well."

"Do you think you can get to the first few?" Bai Mo leaned on the big tree behind the leaf, and smiled and looked at the leaf of the machine.

Ye Ye shook his head: "I didn't think about it."

Bai Mo is not talking. He still leans on the tree, but his eyes are cast on the Red Lake. There are many boats in the mist slowly, and from time to time, the singer is leaning on the boat. The incomprehensible language sings beautiful songs, everything looks beautiful like a painting. After a long time, Bai Mo squatted down, extended his hand, gently patted the shoulder of the leaf, and then said softly and lowly: "Come on."

The leaf word returned to the half of the head, looking at the white stranger, the lips curled up: "Of course."

Bai Mo no longer said anything, stood up, turned and left here, leaving only the leaf words to sit quietly here, to sort out their own thoughts.

Ye Ye listened to the white footsteps of the footsteps, and went farther, farther away, until she could no longer hear, she completely recovered her spirit and continued to wipe the machine. At this time, her thoughts have drifted far away.

That was the last time. At that time, she was still a mage. At that time, she was not called a son. It is also such a PVP competition, many of the same places, but there are also many different places. At that time, no one will stand behind him and encourage himself, and there will be no established opponents. At that time, I was so lonely and selfish, but I was so sad that I could not have my own place under the whole world. However, she is so proud, she does not care about everything.

In fact, in recent years, the words about the last life have gradually forgotten a lot. In the past, the impressed past has now seemed to be only a fraction of the stars, and there are few fragments to be missed. It’s one piece, then, then... jumping off the building is one.

It seems that, besides that, there is no more impressive thing. However, according to the current development of life, perhaps, it will not take long before it can be used for a long time, she can not remember these things. Ye Ye exhaled a breath, took the opportunity to the back, and then took out a jug of wine from the parcel, raised his head and poured a bite, and picked up his eyes and looked at the mist in the distance from the lake. The thought seemed to be all at once. Back to her only time in the last generation, but there is a time of intersection.

That was the final stage of the first PVP Individual Athletics Competition. She thought that the situation of winning must be reversed in the final. The flow of the year seems to have changed one person at a time, so fierce operation, so accurate skills, so fast moving , then a deadly attack, as if everything was arranged by the computer, and the pieces coincided as if they were not scientifically explained. She has always been a top mage. In fact, she is indeed a top mage, but her top mage has become so fragile in the face of the flow of the year, she is not vulnerable, she can't even survive his attack like a storm. More than three minutes, with so many unwillingness, with so much resentment fell to the finals. It was also that battle, and the flow of the year finally sealed the gods.

She blinked and didn't know how long it took to stare at the lake so quietly that she felt a little tired. She closed her eyes again, and it seemed that there was another fight in her mind. Every move of the passing year was like a slow motion of the movie, and it was played back in front of her own eyes. Then she quietly remembered the memory of her. The operation was compared with the current operation of the current year. I was surprised to find that the current year seems to be more fierce than the memory of the memory. Is it because of the opponent? Or because the Siberian butterfly has changed too much.

And later, and later. Just when he wants to challenge him again, the hunting of the gods seems to be the wind that has disappeared without a trace. It disappears from the fate and disappears, making this a regret forever in her heart. She suddenly remembered that Bai Mo had asked herself, and she wanted to get a few. She smiled. Her pursuit of this fame and fortune has really been very light. In fact, the first few don’t matter, even if it lost the east. The title of the mainland SOLO king is also indifferent, as long as, as long as ... can beat the flow of years.

Yes, although Bai Mo advised himself, he must give himself a goal to keep an enemy. After all, the height is not cold, but her heart can not restrain the desire to overcome the flow of the year, not for anything else, just for the round The luxury of the two worlds, although she knows that it is very difficult, but who knows without trying?

She admits that the Lunar New Year is a very strong opponent. It is hard to see that she sometimes has no power to fight, but what about this? She still has to fight once. Fighting, this is a wonderful thing. Only when fighting, the muscles and blood of the body and the mind will condense into the most unified one. There is no other idea, only fighting, fighting, non-stop fighting, until The battle is dead.

Ye Zi once asked why she wanted to leave the e-sports world. Although she knew the reason, she still asked him because she wanted to hear him answer this question. At that time, the flow year gave the answer she had already known. He said: "Because there are no enemies. Because there is no passion for fighting."

She thinks that she is actually the same person as the Lunar New Year. If there is no enemy and no target, then the battle becomes a luxury. If even the battle becomes a luxury, how boring life will be.

She just sat there and wanted to come to God. Suddenly, the set reminder time rang. Ye Ye’s return to the gods, she looked at the present time, this is the time for her to explore Zhuogu Shengshan once again, and she will pick up her thoughts and luggage and go to Zhuogu Shengshan. .

When it came to the sacred mountain, the leaf couldn't help but fight a chill, although her map now has no blood loss in the map of Zhuogu Shengshan, but the coldness of the bones still has no way to resist it. She pulled out the cold fur clothes and put them on her body, rushing to the place where she had a good time with her. When I arrived at the appointment, far away, the leaf words had already seen a warm and flaming bonfire burning under the leeward rock in the whiteness of the ice and snow, and a large stone nest under the rock with a black fur coat. people.

Ye Ye went to the side of Shiwozi, sat down, extended his hand and approached the bonfire to pick up the heat, and then she asked the Lunar New Year: "When did you arrive?"

"The time is not long, just just igniting the bonfire." The year of the year looked up at the leaf words, and the slender phoenix eyes squinted slightly, revealing a soft light from the inside, which looked very warm. Even more warm than the bonfire in the snow and ice.

"I remember that you have always been on time, how come today so early?" Ye Ye pulled the fur coat that had some hospitality, she was too thin, and the fur coat made according to the standard model was somewhat empty, if not tightened A little can't really keep warm.

When I heard the leaf words, I didn’t answer the question. I just took out a jar from the campfire, opened it, took a tin pot from it, and handed it a leaf: “I’m a good wine, drink it, though There won't be blood loss here, but the wind is too cold, it hurts the bones, and it is comfortable to drink."

The leaf words are also welcome. I took the jug directly. When I twisted it, I poured a few mouthfuls into my mouth, and then gave it to the year of the flow: "You drink too, you have the same level as ~ Not necessarily how much cold can resist."

The flow year is just a smile. After taking the pot, I took a few mouthfuls and said: "Is the PVP contest registered?"

"Yeah." Ye Zi looked at the flow of one year, and pulled the clothes again. Although the wine was warmer, it seemed to be superfluous in any weather. "What about you?"

"I also reported." The year of the stream looked at the leaf words and patted the stone around him: "Sit down, let's talk."

Ye Zi looked at him and did not refuse. He sat around him. The year of the flow extended his arm and took the word into his arms. Although the leaf still felt so intimate and somewhat awkward, it was much better than the beginning. She found a comfortable position and leaned on the chest of the year. Listen to him and make another powerful heartbeat. "Are you reporting the quota for the Western continent?"

"Yeah." The year of the year tightened his arm a little, letting the leaf word lean closer to himself. In such ice and snow, it is still the best to warm up like this.

"It seems that we have to meet in the finals." Ye Yu blinked and his lips smacked: "This time, I will definitely win you."

The Year of the Flow did not immediately answer her, but she lowered her head and dropped a warm kiss on her hairline, then smiled softly: "I will not let the water go."


Yesterday's chapter chapter number is wrong, it should be the sixteenth chapter, but the starting point VIP can not change the number of chapters, then I only have this chapter corrected, everyone forgive me ~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, Welcome to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)