Reign of the Hunters

v5 Chapter 24: aims! The son is quiet!

Chapter 24: Goals! The son is quiet!

When the fourth child crossed the forty level, Ye Ye gave it a super pet nucleus, hoping to stimulate the possibility of the sixth advanced. However, all these leaf words are not sure. After all, for Ye Zi, raising a dragon is a natural thing.

After eating the super pet nucleus, Lao Liu soon became drowsy, and the leaf words put it into the pet space and changed the fourth.

The fourth child has not come out recently, and the level is slightly lagging behind, but its cooperation with the leaf words is very high. It is not difficult to train the level.

Regarding the assassination, Ye Ci has been in close contact with Yueqingqi recently. After learning of the poisonous and prosperous world, Shengshi suffered a loss, so the number of assassinations sent below increased from ten to fifteen. In terms of the number of people, it has not been increased to twenty people according to the expected leaf words. This makes the leaf words somewhat strange. However, there are at least ten players who are besieging every day in the prosperous world. Their main forces are still Newcomers, so it is impossible to rule out too many assassins to deal with these top players.

In the battle against fifteen assassins, it is said that he played very hard. He was almost killed in several years, but he was very good in the flow of the year, and he took it after he learned that the poison was attacked. A lot of potions, so, tied with fifteen assassins. He solved the other four players and found a secret cloak. Although he almost hanged, he finally escaped. This result is not the best in the past years of fighting, but it is the biggest victory without being besieged for forced resurrection.

After the loss of the two times, Shengshi was divided into the meaning of the autumn water. However, the autumn water is not the dust of the three masters, the attacking skills and control skills are the same, plus a lot of drugs on this person. There are also a lot of strange scrolls. Although they have always been solitary, they have made the assassins of the prosperous world feel helpless. Finally, under the siege of fifteen people, the autumn water is still running away. This is better than before. Two battles were even more devastating.

However, for Shengshi, although he did not kill him in the battle against the autumn water, he did not damage one soldier, and did not drop the hidden cloak. This is the biggest victory.

As for, in the end, their goal is to be quiet.

On the previous day, Ye Ye received a lot of potions from the autumn water, and this guy and her connected the secret language, the characteristics of the assassins of the flourishing are described in detail. Such information is more intuitive and vivid than the information provided by Yueqingqiu. Of course, Ye Ye will not let Qiu Shui not return to empty hands, she knows that Qiu Shui is not very dusty, but in this case she still sent so many high-grade drugs to her, so her heart is very touched. Therefore, the generous support for a lot of money for the autumn water is not dust.

Autumn water does not dye the dust to resign, see the leaf word insisted on doing this, and there is no more customer, it will be accepted.

In the syrup that is not dyed by the autumn water and sent to the leaf words, one of the most important words is the leaf word. It is a kind of potion called “perceive enhancer”. The name of this potion is purple, which is very different from the general potion. Just look at the color of the name to know that this is not an ordinary mass goods, but a rare potion. Since it is a rare potion, the property is naturally very good. The perceptron enhancer does not increase the perceived number of points, but increases the player's own perception of 50%. This means that if the player's own perception is higher, drink the bottle of potion. Can produce more powerful effects.

The duration of the perceptron enhancer is one hour, but the cooling time is two hours, so be sure to control the opportunity when using it, otherwise it will be wasted. The loss of money is nothing, but it is a big pity if you miss the opportunity.

There are a lot of places in the foggy forest that are suitable for one person to level up, but the word Ye has not planned to stay in the station for too long because of the assassin in recent days, so she has been wandering in this map with the fourth. Here is a high-level map, and there are no players who have come to explore, so many treasure chests are hidden in the middle of the map. The leaf word is leveled while using the treasure chest, but it also gains a lot.

The reason why the misty forest is called the misty forest is because the forest is dense and the sunlight is rarely exposed to the forest. Therefore, the forest is often wet and filled with fog. Fortunately, there is no swamp here, so there is no toxin in the fog here, just that people can't see the distance.

After destroying a few monsters, Ye Ye took the fourth to go to a rocky nest to rest. It is extremely concealed, consisting of several huge rocks, forming a depression in the middle that can accommodate leaf words and the fourth, and there are several dense shrubs outside the rocky nest. Very subtly concealed. The leaf words are also found in this rocky nest after a few days of sloshing around here. If the first time I came here, I am afraid that it is not so easy to find.

She sat in the rocky nest and threw it to the old four pieces of meat, and she began to recover. However, the leaf words did not dare to completely relax. She took a break and saw through the branches and leaves of the shrub plants, carefully observing the surroundings.

It has been four days since Moon Qingqi provided his information to Shengshi. According to their habits on weekdays, they should have taken the information for three days and then started, but how can they drag themselves for a day? Is it intentional? Or is it that the failure of the first three times allowed the assassination team of Shengshi to simply give up the assassination of themselves?

It is impossible to think about it.

According to Ye's understanding of Shengshi's previous life, one of the biggest characteristics of this guild is that it never gives up. If there is no special reason, to chase a person, it must be chased until the other party falls to zero. Now they are only assassinating the SOLO kings of the four continents, instead of chasing them to zero level. It can be seen that their main purpose is to combat the arrogance of the old players of the four continents, to announce to all players that our prosperity will not only allow The life of your masters in the comprehensive strength rankings is also not in the eyes of your so-called top players. Therefore, they did not kill them, but they immediately stopped after the failure.

After all, this kind of thing is basically not going to be said by four people. Since this has no effect on the prestige of the prosperous world, they can do it as if they have not happened. This kind of abacus, the prosperous nature is naturally clan.

It turns out that after the assassination of the poisonous, dying, and autumn waters, the accident did not publicize the matter. Only a few people knew about these things, and the number of these people is negligible among the entire fate players. Not counting. What's more, the secrets they made made the three people not grasp the handle, even if they knew the names of several people, but these people did not calculate their names. It is very difficult to find out what guilds or organizations they are.

Therefore, Shengshi can not only collect high-profile people on the one hand, but also pick up opponents who are threatening to themselves on the other hand.

Will the proletariat let go of the leaf? It is impossible to think of a heel.

Of course, the people of the prosperous world are not grass bags. The reason why they did not move for four days, in addition to tracking the most accurate position of the leaf words, is still analyzing the strength of the leaf words. After all, the flow year is a hunter, and the leaf words are also hunters. They have the experience of fighting against the flow of the year, and the probability of success in the battle against the words is much higher.

After a large dissection of the ability, operation, and skills of the leaf words, the silent flower buds pointed to the leaf words and the image data left by the last PK in the flow year: "From this video, the flow year and the son are actually I didn’t do my best, not to mention the son of the prince and the current year, and the current year and the son of the son are definitely not a level. First of all, their ranks have increased. Although the 15 people we sent to deal with the flow of the year are all six. Tenth However, there is still a level penalty, that is to say, the flow year is at least 65 or above, and the level of the son is not high, we are not clear now. Secondly, when shooting video Gongzi You and Liu Nian are mainly doing close combat, they do not use the long-range attack that the hunter is best at. If you use a long-range attack, what is the proportion of the two sides winning? Finally, we are fighting against the flow of the year, completely because of us. There are so many people, and it’s too ugly to cooperate with the tacit understanding. The means of cooperation with us is that we have seen it, and now the world is in the legendary flow. Secluded and son relationship a great deal, this time to go to Fu Gongzai quiet, our data would not have been known by the son quiet? These are the questions we have to consider. "

The flower bud is one of the best thieves in the world, and it has nothing to do with the identity of her witty wife. Her operation is very sharp, and in the past games, all PVP battles basically maintained the probability of eight wins in ten games, which is a difficult to reach. Can't help but do this, Shengshi's assassination team was also built under the organization of Huayuan. In the original game, it has not been used much, but this time in the fate, it has greatly made the first shot in the fate of Shengshi. Excellent contribution.

The members of the assassination group are not only for the only relatives. The members who can enter the assassination group are all very strict selection players in the prosperous world. They are absolutely obedient to the flower garden and absolutely obey the Shengshi, so no matter From what place to see, the assassination group of the Shengshi is definitely a peerless sword that is unsatisfactory! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)