Reign of the Hunters

v4 Chapter 26: Flash bomb

Chapter 26 Flash Bomb

Chapter 26 Flash Bomb

The old black dwarf said this, suddenly stopped, gasping for a big mouth, gasping is not finished, and even began to cough up, the cough is very large, it seems to be to cough the lungs Out. Ye Zi looked at him like this, and even felt that his lungs were hurting.

"Oh, I can't do it. I can't do it. I am sick. I need medicine. I need medicine." The old black iron dwarf suddenly widened his eyes, his eyes were red and bloody, one hand clutching his chest, one I took the leaf word: "Good elf, go to the nearby Black Wind Mountain and bring me some cloud grass back, otherwise I can't say anything late."

In this case, the old black iron dwarf turned his eyes and fell on the head of the leaf.

It won't be dead... Ye Ye extended his hand under the nose of the old black iron dwarf and found a faint breath, confirming that he just passed out instead of dying. So he placed him in the crack of the stone, carefully covered with some straw, which is ready to go to which black wind mountain to collect some cloud grass back.

This black iron dwarf, obviously had so much strength to say so many words, actually did not directly tell her clues, but also dominated her to do a collection task, these plans are really embarrassing.

In the heart of the leaf, I had to whisper a few words, and then recruited the fourth to run toward the Black Wind Mountain.

Because at this time everyone's level has not come up, and the inferior habitat is an insignificant small map that belongs to the eastern continent and is closer to the hinterland, so neither the eastern mainland players nor other mainland players are here. The leaf word ran on the hot plain in the inferior devil's habitat, and the hot air in the air was screaming in the air. From time to time, there were magic bombs thrown by the inferior demon, which added a lot to her. The feeling of bleakness.

Although the leaf word is basically a person after entering the game, but whenever this time, she always has a sense of solitude that can't get rid of, as if she is a person in the game from beginning to end, repeating maybe and Things that don't make sense are more or less burned.

Just as he was about to step into the boundary of the Black Wind Mountain, Ye Zi stopped his footsteps, bent down and patted the neck of the fourth child. He said lowly: "The fourth child has always been you alone. You don't feel it. Feeling alone?"

The old man looked at the leaf on his body with his head in his head, and a strange squeaky voice in his throat. The golden eyes also became a little gentle. He stood in the same place and moved a little. The whisper of the whispered. In fact, it does not understand what the leaf word is saying, but the strong negative feeling that comes out of the owner makes it feel a little low.

The low-pitched screams of the old four seemed to be comforting the leaves.

It is simply that the leaf word is not a person with a lot of sensation. The gaffe of her today is mostly related to the desolateness of the map here. Therefore, I have to say that fate is really good. Like this kind of map, if you open the background music, in addition to hearing the realistic sound effects in this map, you can hear more people who can't help but cry. When Ye Zi just entered the game in the last world, I didn't know that the background music could be turned off, and I didn't care much.

However, with the improvement of the level, as the technology became more and more sophisticated, she gradually discovered that these background music can affect people's mood. As a result, normal technology is affected, so the background music of the leaf words has never been opened since then.

I took another shot of Laozi’s neck, and the leaf words were thrown out of the parcel and several high-ranking barbecues were thrown to the fourth. Now with her level improving, the level of the fourth child has also improved, and the taste of this guy has been improved. The general food has not been able to attract its interest. Even if it is fed, it can not improve its mood. Sensitivity.

The Black Wind Mountain is a small mountain range located in the northwest of the Bad Devil's Habitat. The situation here is completely different from the inferior habitat. Not only is the light gray, but even those trees and trees are very annoying. Although the light of the inferior habitat is not necessarily bright, at least it gives people a feeling of high visibility, but the smoke is relatively heavy. It is not like here. If the night vision is not good, the player walks here. This is a pitted road that can make people drop a lot of blood.

The night vision of the elves is not bad, but the words of the black wind mountain leaf jumped from the back of the fourth, and began to walk carefully. There is not much complicated terrain here. There is only a narrow path to enter and exit. There are large and small gravel and potholes everywhere. If you are not careful, it will easily fall into the pothole. Although the value of life is not much. However, the pain that comes with it will last for a long time. In the holographic game, the DPS their weapon is their body, so no master will let his body suffer any damage before the battle. To know that pain can be accumulated, the accumulated pain will directly affect the speed and consistency of the attack in the battle, which directly affects the outcome of the battle.

This one is the same for both DPS and other professions, but it is more prominent for DPS.

In the last world, because the leaf words rarely came to the inferior habitat, the chances of coming to the Black Wind Mountain were few and far between. Therefore, there is no way to walk the leaf words in the Black Wind Mountain like a map, and she needs to move forward while comparing the map. However, despite this, Ye Zi still has the most basic understanding of the Black Wind Mountain.

The Black Wind Mountain used to be a waste mine, and the environment is worse than the inferior habitat. Therefore, after the inferior devil's habitat was occupied by the inferior army, the young, strong and inferior demons exiled the devils who were old or weak and born with disabilities in the harsh environment of the Black Wind Mountain, letting them fend for themselves. However, life is fragile, and at the same time, life is tough, which is the same for any race.

The inferior demons who were swayed in the Black Wind Mountain did not die. After generations of evolution and growth, they became the inferior demon of the inferior demon in the inferior devil's habitat—the dark and the devil. This kind of bad devil not only has stronger attack power, higher defense power, but also stealth skills.

They often hide in the corners of the Black Wind Mountain with a hidden gesture, waiting quietly for the arrival of prey.

It is for this reason that the leaf word jumped from the fourth. She was afraid that the old four would be too far away and suddenly entered the encirclement of the inferior, so I am afraid I would hang here.

Although the devils are only fifty-five to fifty-eight, they are a kind of creature that is used to living in groups. In addition, the dark and the devil are more fierce than the ordinary devils, which makes the leaf words have to be careful.

Although the leaf words at this time have reached the 60th level, there are still many skills not to learn. This is related to her having not brushed the copy and playing BOSS for a long time, so she has not seen the skill book for a long time.

The skill of this kind of thing, in fact, not more, the better, only the more efficient integration, the more powerful skills behind the skills. But if the skill

The more you master, the better you can find the skills that best suit you. However, if you meet a rookie, I am afraid that the more skills, the less I know how to use it will be wasted these skills.

Sometimes, masters and rookies can be seen in one stroke.

There is only a narrow passage in the Black Wind Mountain, and all the front, back, left and right sides of the mountain are plains. Therefore, there are winds all the time in all seasons. It is not a violent wind, and it has been poured into the Black Wind Mountain. After a narrow passage, it became sharp and sharp, and there was a sharp pain on the human skin.

The leaf word stands on the edge of the mountain and quietly looks at the narrow passage, because there are plains on the front, back, left and right, so there is smoke in the passage of the black wind mountain, and the smoke is hidden under the dim light. In fact, it is not obvious. If there is no night vision ability or careful observation, it is impossible to find that the wind blown out from the passageway is actually colored.

The leaf word was just found on the side of the face when trying to pass the passage. Actually, the wind was drawn by the wind. After the blood was kept falling, I noticed that the wind was different. Otherwise, I would not be careful.

The passage here is like a gourd waist, especially in the middle, so many times the fourth child has no way to walk through, and Ye Zi has to recruit him back to call out the third. Compared with the huge body of the fourth, the third child is actually more suitable to fight in this place. Although the fourth is an epic creature, even an epic creature is no more useful than an ordinary creature in an environment where no skill can be applied. The third child hasn't come out for a long time. This time, he was summoned. It was obviously very happy. It stretched out with the leaf words, and a low voice in his throat, venting his bloodthirsty excitement.

From entering the Black Wind Mountain to the present, the leaf word has gone through about five minutes, but until now, the leaf word has not even seen a strange. This has to be said to be a very abnormal situation. Of course, it is impossible to think that the leaf word is suddenly not strange here. It can only be judged that she has not yet penetrated into the monster area.

The dark and the devil are more quiet than the general inferior. The general inferior devil will make a squeaky sound at any time. As long as you hear this sound, you can basically judge how much distance you have from the inferior demon. However, the dark and inferior in the Black Wind Mountain is quiet. It is the same as dying.

The leaf word calculates the time of passing through the gourd mouth. If you kneel down and lower your center of gravity, it should take only one or two seconds to pass in the stealth state. The height of the old three or four feet is only a little more than the knee of the leaf. When arriving at the middle of the thigh, it should not encounter the lethal air, so it is relatively simple for them to pass. However, the leaf word is considering one thing. This vent is very strange. It seems to indicate that the road in the future will not be as flat as the front. If most of the dark evils are hidden behind the vent, how can she take off? Is it convenient to walk through this air outlet?

Standing on the side of the mountain and thinking for a few seconds, Ye Ye decided not to hesitate any more. Sometimes the problem can only find the best solution after meeting. If it has been stuck, it will not be able to move forward for a lifetime.

With the idea fixed, the leaf words immediately lowered the center of gravity, fixed the third place in place, and entered the stealth state, wanting to look through the wind.

The hunter is not a thief, and there is no detective skill. Therefore, in the moment of encountering such dangerous lurking, he can only rely on his own experience and the quality of the body to increase his ability to perceive danger and the ability to judge the enemy hidden in the dark. .

The leaf word is engrossed. From the moment of the wind vent, the muscles of her body are all tightened, and she is randomly divided into an explosive state at any time.

"Oh..." Suddenly a sharp and hoarse voice rang against the leaf, and the leaf was scared by this fierce voice, and the body was slightly stunned. In the battle, sometimes the outcome is between this moment, because the leaf word body is so a meal, she immediately saw a dark evil demon appeared in front of her. Not only that, but, as soon as it appeared, it immediately put a shuddering DBUFF on the leaf.


Trembling: It can make the hitter unable to move, unable to release the skill, and the whole body trembles.

In destiny, there are many similar control skills, such as dizziness, such as fear, such as tremors, such as squatting, such as freezing. However, as a pure DPS professional like a hunter, it has few control skills and no skills at all. This is also the reason why hunters have eight yards in the game.

Eight yards is a very strange distance. This is the minimum attack distance of the hunter's bow and arrow, and is also the farthest skill control range for some control skill occupations. In other words, if the opponent does not enter the eight yards, the hunter will basically not control the skills, but once entered eight yards, the hunter can only rely on his strong dodge chance to evade the other's control skills. If faced with a strong opponent, once the dodge fails, the hunter will simply give up the opportunity to survive.

Now, for Ye Zi, it is probably the worst situation. Because the last life was a mage and had a lot of control skills, it was not as difficult as it is now when dealing with these dark and inferior demons. Now, she is directly on the side of the inferior demon in the absence of her own investigative ability. I haven't noticed that this is already shameful. I didn't think of it. I also directly covered the hot pot.

Although the leaf word is now 60, but her luck is not very good, the first dark and bad demon that I met today is actually a small captain-level monster, although only fifty-eight, but directly The advantages of the two levels of leaf words are ignored.

The time of shudder is 6 seconds. Really long enough

The darkness of the squad leader's level is very high, and the attacking leaf can also kill her 12,000 blood, which is already very bad for the leaf words that are not too much blood. But this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that the dark and the devil are not the living creatures of the single life. They prefer the group...

Ye Zi believes that even if there is only this dark and inferior in front of him, but after he makes a scream, there will be more dark and evil devils coming over to help him, if it is really bad under that situation.

Calm, be calm.

The more you encounter such a situation, the more you need to be calm.

Although the dark and devils have begun to attack the leaf words in the tremors, the leaf words immediately glanced at all their skills and equipment. Suddenly, her eyes are bright, this is this

Darkness dispels

Can dispel all negative states, including tremors of course

The skills attached to Bruce's ring, although it takes three minutes to launch, but in such a situation, it is absolutely unfortunate to use it.

In an instant, Ye Ye resumed her mobility. She lowered her body, made a roll on the ground, and then turned and rushed toward the edge of the third station. It all happened too fast, that is, 1 second and 2 seconds. The dark and inferior captain did not react at all, and found that the prey in front of him disappeared. It sighed a little and then screamed immediately. because

Living in the dark for a long time, the night vision ability of the dark and inferior is much stronger than that of the elves. Even if a leaf smashes his escape and slams into the air, it makes it clear, so It immediately rushed in the direction of the leaf.

The vent of the leaf word is very concealed. It is not only concealed, but also very narrow. It is close to the vent, and forms a 30-degree narrow corner with the mountain. It is very safe to be stuck here. The dark and inferior captain found that the leaf word rushed toward her, regardless of whether his body would be exposed to the wind. The only thing he wants now is that he must not let the food in his mouth It was so escaping to escape.

The leaf word poured a bottle of red into the mouth while pulling out the short sword and waiting quietly for the arrival of the dark and demon.

Cards have the advantage of being in this position, that is, you can expose your opponent to the wind, according to the height of the dark and the devil, the sharp wind will hurt it, although it is not very high, but it is better than nothing, and the opponent The chance of your own damage is only 50. However, the card has a disadvantage in this position, that is, it is too close to the opponent, lost the advantage of eight yards, she can only use the short sword and the third attack to kill the monster.

This kind of attack naturally cannot be as refreshing as shooting with a bow and arrow, but it can also kill each other alive.

This card position attack is actually not uncommon in the game. As long as it is used well, it is very capable of improving the speed of killing the enemy. Especially for hunters, if you don’t use the card to kill monsters in such a narrow place, you want to use bows and arrows, basically you can’t play much damage.




Fail again

Wrestling is a rare control skill that hunters have when they are in melee. They can drop the enemy on the ground and can't get up within 6 seconds. However, because the leaf word rarely attacks close, the success rate of her wrestling is very low, only 30. Now in the face of the dark and inferior captain, five seconds of a wrestling, the leaf word used several times to fail, which makes the leaf word a bit gnashing.

How are all bad luck?

The skill has cooled down.



Finally succeeded, Ye Zi immediately released a raptor. This skill is the most effective skill for a hunter's melee attack. The 3 second cooldown, in addition to 200 melee damage, comes with 150 damage bonus. And because the dark and inferior captain was thrown to the ground, the raptor of the leaf word got a damage crit bonus, and the ribs on both sides of the back pulled out two deep wounds and took away a lot of it. The value of life. The third child is also unceremonious, but also biting and bleeding, taking away the last life value of the dark and inferior captain who was already bloodless.

The captain screamed sadly and then turned into a cold body. The whole battle lasted less than twenty-five seconds, although it was longer for the leaf word, but after all, it was her close combat, although it was awkward, but it was not too ugly. It’s a pity that when she attacked the inferior captain, the dark and inferior that was later brought in was already on the way. As they ran and screamed, they made a strange squeaking noise and were blocked behind the captain.

Inferior demons, dark and inferior devils are actually the lowest creatures of the Mozu, not many IQs, only knowing that the coveted attacks on coveted foods never consider tactics. The vents close to the leaf words are so narrow that they can only pass one dark and demon at a time. They are waiting to wait in line to be slaughtered. One is dead and the other is followed.

Seven or eight inferior devils came to full, and they were all killed by the melee.

After all these inferior demons have died, the leaf words are exhaled, which is too tired. If she had more potions on her body, I am afraid that she could not hold such a wheel battle. Sit down and rest for a while, and by the way, the blood will be full, and the leaves will begin to touch the body.

I don't know if she has been very dark recently. The computer thinks she is pitiful. Actually, these inferior devils have given her something. And all of them are of low quality, blue and green, although there are no hunters to use, but these 50 levels of equipment are lost in the trading house, and will soon be able to afford the price. Although the grasshopper is small but it is also meat, for the leaf words that are now lacking money everywhere, it will definitely not disregard any one that gives her the opportunity to make money.

The position of the tuyere is narrow, and the bodies of these dark and inferior demons are piled up together, causing no small trouble for the leaf words to touch the body. She can only start from the top, touch one, push the body to the side of the pit, touch one, and push the body to the side of the pit. I have been touched by the poor captain who was overwhelmed by the bottom.

This squad leader did not equip the leaf words, but the leaf words touched a thick book, and the familiar touch made Ye Zhong’s heart tremble. It was a skill book.

Can be a hunter's skill book

She thought so in her heart, and then pulled out the skill book, and looked at the dim light, only to read: flash bomb.


Sure enough, it is a hunter's skill book.

Flash bomb: launch a flash bomb to any position, can illuminate 20 yards distance, all stealth and hidden in the range of illumination will have nowhere to hide, no hate attraction, lasting 20 seconds, cooling time 30 seconds.

This is a hunter's few investigation skills books, which can be said to be very useful in actual combat. When there is no open piece of information, the monsters on the four continents in the southeast and northwest are low-level creatures of various races. There is no comparative ability, so it is not too difficult for the players to deal with, but after the expansion of the expansion. The monsters behind are getting more and more advanced, and more and more skills are mastered. For example, stealth and stealth are advanced skills for now, and at that time they have become a common skill.

Therefore, at that time, whether it is leveling or doing tasks or playing a copy, you must bring a thief, the stronger the thief, the stronger the survivability of this team. However, if you meet yourself when you are blaming, or if you are a hunter, you must have some investigative skills.

A flash bomb is a scouting skill tailored specifically for hunters.

This flash bomb is fired with a bow and arrow, so it can reach the hunter's longest range. In this case, it is very helpful for the hunter to judge how to use the terrain according to the enemy's enemies.

It’s really good. She is having a headache. How can she continue to fight these invisible dark and evil devils? It’s great to drop such a book.

Without hesitation, I learned this skill. The leaf words opened the bow and arrow, and the detection distance of the flash bomb was placed near the captain that I had just encountered.

The flash pop-up sheath flies past the direction specified by the leaf with a very strange sound. It aired a very beautiful arc in the air, and finally landed in the designated position, emitting a dim light. Although the fire is not very bright, but the fire can illuminate a full 20-foot distance. In the distance of 20 yards, all the invisible dark and inferior monsters can't hide all the explicit.


Not how monsters are monsters, there is never a way to fight with players? If a player is illuminated by such fire, I am afraid that it will start attacking the leaf words at the fastest speed, but those dark and inferior that are illuminated are still stupid and stay in place, motionless, fundamentally There is no response.

Twenty seconds is enough for the leaf words to see all the dark and inferior in that range. There are always seven, but they are not tied together, but are divided into two two three, such three piles, the distance between the middle is more than five yards, the leaf words only need to hit one, at most only Go to the other team of the same team without affecting the other two.

In this way, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

The leaf word first strengthened the hunter's imprint to the nearest demon, and then shot a shocking arrow toward the other inferior of his team.

The oscillating arrow can give the opponent 12 seconds of dizziness, and the movement speed will be reduced by 80, but as soon as it is attacked, it will wake up immediately. The dark and inferior who was hit by the shocking arrow immediately stood up, fainting and screaming toward the leaf. The other dark and inferior with the intensive hunter's mark is screaming toward the leaf.

The third child immediately rushed over to it, and the leaf words stood in the same place, all the single skills were arranged in one word, and they were used again. The bad devils did not rush to the front of the leaf and suddenly fell. On the ground. The rest of the dark and inferior has not recovered from the vertigo at this time. The intensive hunter's mark has been placed on his head, and the third child is close to it. Its fall will be a story without a suspense.

The next two squad leaf words are also processed in the same way. Just when playing the team of three dark and inferior devils, the leaf words need to continuously oscillate two dark and inferior devils, which invisibly loses a second of combat time. Time is just right enough for the inferior demons to wake up, but for Ye Zi, this is not a difficult thing, just pay attention to make up the shock arrow.

Because of the flash bomb, the leaf words are a lot easier when you walk into the Black Wind Mountain. The dark and inferior spirits here are higher than the ordinary bad spirits outside, so the refresh is not fast, the leaf words all the way to kill, but it is 捡A lot of equipment. Soon she walked to the end of the Black Wind Mountain, where there was a one-person high hole, and the screaming cold wind screaming outside, and the broken track and the few cars that had already been rusted were still seen. Mine car.

It seems that this was once a mine.

A few faint purple herbs were grown on the edge of the mine. The leaf words looked at the cloud grass that the black iron dwarf needed. She quickly squatted and took several plants. I just wanted to leave, and suddenly I heard a shout from the mine. The voice was sharp and sharp, and it was very embarrassing. In such a stormy environment, if you change to a small courage, the player is estimated to be scared and sweaty. However, Ye Zi seems to have become accustomed to this kind of environment. She heard the call and subconsciously turned to the hole. one look.

I am afraid that there is something weird inside.

They all came here, and if it was a confession, it was really not the character of the leaf. She turned and wanted to go to the hole, but at this time she heard the system prompts ringing.

“Clouds and grasses have left the environment in which they grow, and there seems to be signs of withering.”

The leaf word quickly looked at the top left corner of his screen, and sure enough, there was a time to count down.

Actually have time limit

Forget it, in this case, the leaf words can only temporarily put this mine hole, and then quickly return to the black iron old dwarf to pay the task, after all, this task is related to the life and death of the Mithril vein. Compared with this mine that doesn't know what it is, Ye Ye certainly does not hesitate to choose the Mithril vein with the powerful potential value.

The dark and inferior spirits have not been completely brushed out. The leaf words recruited the fourth, jumped on his back, and rushed all the way out, even though the rock was scraped on the fourth, but the fourth was really rough. The flesh is thick, especially the hard scales, which have not caused any damage to these rocks.

Out of the Black Wind Mountain, the leaf word ran all the way, and soon returned to the hiding place of the old black iron dwarf. She opened the straw and stuffed the cloud grass into his mouth. Soon, the black iron old dwarf The face of the dead gray became gentle, although it was still dark and dark, but it was already the skin color of the black iron dwarf itself.

"Oh, elf, my good elf. I didn't think you really brought me back the cloud grass." The old black iron dwarf exhaled a long breath: "You got the trust of Hal, you got the black iron dwarf Trust."

It turned out that this black iron old dwarf was called Hal, and as he said this, the leaf word heard a hint from the system.

"Your reputation in the Black Iron Dwarf has been friendly."

Hey, directly reach friendship? It turned out that her and the black iron dwarf's reputation was only neutral. She did not expect to save a Hal. Her reputation rose directly to friendship. It seems that this Hal has a low status among the Black Iron Dwarves, otherwise she is so Selling life to Jasmine for a long time did not achieve such a fast reputation, actually reached him in an instant.

The black iron dwarves are the most passionate races for the veins. If they can improve their reputation, it is equivalent to getting inexhaustible information about the veins. Although the Mithril vein is very tight now, there will be more advanced veins in the later stages of fate. Now, as long as she has a good relationship with these black iron wild people, she will not be able to do anything about the future.

As a result, Ye’s words are more respectful to Hal’s attitude.

"You are a hero, Hal, can do something for the hero to do what I can, is my glory." Ye words looking at Hal is very sincerely flattering. Ye Xiang thought, such a sloppy flattering is only facing the NPC. If you change a player, no matter how good it can bring her, it is estimated that she can't say it.

"Hero, you said that I am a hero" Hal is obviously very useful for the word of the leaf His eyes immediately lit up: "Elves, why praise me as a hero? I am just an ordinary miner."

"The one who left the hometown alone to find the baby veins here must be more than one of you." Nonsense, this game prompt has been said clearly enough. Ye Ye smiled: "But it seems that you can only persist, and the person who can hold his life for his dream is a hero."

"Oh, oh oh, good elf, you are a good friend of Hal." Hal said, he was moved to cry: "Everyone says that Hal is a fool, but only you understand Hal, Hal. Too much moved."

“Hal’s affection for you is intimate.”

"Your reputation in the Black Iron Dwarf has increased by 1000."

In addition, the two system prompts, let the spirit of the leaf word shock, it seems that this Hal can not help but look for the important NPC of the vein, or a live baby that can enhance the life of the black iron dwarf.

The leaf word comforted Hal for a while, and Hal only slammed his head and said, "Ah, Hal actually forgot the most important thing I have drawn."


Is the map

The spirit of the leaf word is also followed by a shock, yes, she

It is for this map.

Chapter 26 Flash Bomb

Chapter 26: Flash Bomb, to the URL