Reign of the Hunters

v5 Chapter 37: Ready to work

Chapter 37—Preparation

When did this thing come to your package? I thought about it for a while, and thought it might be that I had just entered the package when I was licking the body, but I didn’t find it. She opened the book and wanted to see what Bob had recorded in the diary.

However, it is clear that it is actually a departure from the idea of ​​Ye Zi.

After the book was opened, the yellowed paper was filled with dense words, but none of these words were recognized. At this time, Ye Ci heard a systematic reminder: "This is an obscure language, and you feel that you can't understand what it means with current knowledge."

Ye Ye blinked and felt that the system was bullying again. It was so subtle. Isn’t it really a meaning, saying that he is illiterate?

Although I still want to know what is recorded in Bob’s diary, after all, she always thinks that this should be a hidden task, but she is not in a hurry. When she finds the language Bob uses, she will slowly do it. This task is not impossible. The most important thing now is to take this approval to go back and prepare for the construction of the city defense on the Mithril vein.

Ye Ye went from the second floor to the first floor. He saw that White was still standing on the stairs, with a mechanical, emotional-free smile unique to NPC. Although he was also a high-intelligence NPC, he did not know why. However, I always feel that these NPCs, regardless of their high IQ or lack of some real emotional appeals, are always unable to treat them as one person.

This may be because there are too many NPCs to watch, or it is too long to spend in the game. It has not been completely fresh and moved to the game. I have to say that this is actually a kind of sadness.

Looking at White again, White was just looking at the leaf words. The eyes of the two collided in the air. White had a mechanical smile. I don’t know why it suddenly brought a bit of popularity. He rushed. The leaf word smiled slightly. The words of the leaves are smashed and the smiles are separated. But he didn't think that White came over to her. After walking to her side, he smiled. "How? Is it approved?"

The leaf nodded: "Yes, got it."

"The process must be very hard." White's answer to the leaf word is not surprising, as if he had known that the white elf in front of him would be able to get the instrument.

"The process is actually very interesting." Hard work is inevitable, but for Ye Zi, the hard work of this land-opening copy is more interesting than a leaf, but this kind of fun is the feeling that these NPCs can't understand for a lifetime.

Sure enough, White's performance was a bit strange, but he did not evaluate anything, just looked at the leaf words with a sigh of relief, and then moved the topic quietly and said: "If you get the approval document, you can build a building in the wild map. However, building a building in a wild map can be dangerous."

"Danger?" The leaf is a bit strange. She is just a city defense. What danger is there? The architectural system leaf words are the first contact, and some of the doorways are not understood at all. Now it seems that White has the meaning to explain to her, then she will politely take out all the problems that she does not understand and ask clearly. It is. “What monsters will be attracted to building buildings in the wild?”

White shook his head: "Of course not. You just build a building. Of course, you won't attract any monsters. If you build a building in the wild, it's not like protecting the guards in the city. You have to find a way to ensure that you don't build it. The safety of the building. We must know that no matter how strong the city defense is, it will be very fragile before it is built. If it is slightly attacked, it may fall short." White does not have any skills, and he will tell the leaves directly. word.

The leaf word frowned, thinking that this guy wouldn’t mean...

"What you mean by White is that... even if building a city defense will not attract a monster attack, but there will be other people to attack it?" Although White just avoided this problem, it does not mean that the word has not been heard, but she I didn't get the exact answer. So, with the purpose of dying all the hidden dangers in the cradle, Ye Zi asked again.

"This depends on how your popularity is? If the popularity is not very good, it is quite troublesome." White still did not answer the leaf words directly, but this answer has basically confirmed the speculation of the leaf words. It’s just that White finished this and seemed to find that what he said was a bit unpleasant, so he added: “Although I don’t have much to deal with adventurers, I know that you are not in the wild, you are not in the city. It looks so peaceful."

Is not this nonsensical? In the city, if PK is to be arrested and jailed, there is nothing remarkable about killing the mainland in the wild.

"Then, can you minimize this danger?" Ye thought for a while, feeling that since White raised this question, there must be a solution to the problem, so she simply asked him if he wanted to. Go on.

White shrugged his shoulders and said, "There is no way, but it may not be so effective."


"I can improve the speed of the building. If you decide to build a building, you can rent some construction workers in the building guild to build the building for you. As long as the materials can be guaranteed, they are still very fast. If you can improve the building. The speed of construction of the object, then even if there is danger, it can be reduced a lot." White smiled and then said: "Of course, construction is not rented in vain."

Speaking of this, just someone came to find White, he politely nodded toward the leaf, and then bid farewell.

The leaf word looked at his back, and a few black lines slowly appeared on his head. In fact, this White is not really trying to help her find a solution. In fact, this White is specially prepared for the construction guild to expand its business. Let's pimp you all. It must be like this, it must be!

Although she knew that this rented construction must be slaughtered by the system, she thought that if she really started to build a city defense in the inferior habitat, it would be impossible to be silent. After all, there are a lot of players there, plus a while ago, it has been the focus of many guilds. Now if you suddenly start building buildings, you will definitely have a lot of guilds.

Each guild's method of life is different, some are sneaky explorations, and some are afraid that they will not be so jealous, and they may attack directly. Not to mention that there is a guild like the sacred world, if she does not speed up The progress of the project, I don't know what will happen in the end.

I think about it, it seems that this knife is also awkward, and it doesn't matter if it is.

Of course, if you must lick this knife, Ye Ci would rather go to the construction guild of Red Lake City, and will not find it in the championship city. After all, Honghu City is its own site, and its reputation is also high in Honghu City, where Maybe you can talk to the other party about the price and get an acquaintance.

Now is the most difficult time for the guild, but also to develop the guild, but also to open up a copy of the wasteland, but also to raise a variety of life players, but also to withdraw money to build a city defense for the output of the Mithril mine, this money, although It's not omnipotent, but there is no money but it can't be done. Therefore, Ye Zi has to take into account the cost of the guild, and the places where it can be saved must not be big.

Since White didn't take care of himself, the leaf words were no longer a problem. She pulled up her cloak and covered her face deeper. Then she walked out of the building guild's assembly and walked directly toward the stone. In a twinkling of an eye, I arrived at Red Lake City.

Sure enough, it was not wrong. According to the reputation of Ye Ci in Honghu City, she got a positive reply in the Construction Association of Honghu City. If she wants to rent a construction worker, she can really get a good discount, although The discount is very high, and the cost of renting a construction worker is also very high. However, this does not affect the good mood of the leaf words. After all, the grasshopper is also a meat, and one point is one point.

With the approval of the instrument, with the architectural drawings, as well as the support of construction workers and trade union players, the construction of the city defense is really nothing but the wind. The only thing left to do is to prepare a variety of building materials as suggested by the drawings.

In fact, the preparation of building materials is the easiest thing to say, but it is also the most difficult. The simple thing is, if you have money, then you can buy what you need on the market. The hardest part is that sometimes some buildings need some special materials that are not available in the market, and you will be one or two. There is nothing that can be done with a variety of materials. This is one thing that makes people extremely depressed.

Fortunately, Ye Hao’s luck this time is really good. Although there are a lot of materials on the drawings, there are one or two rare materials, but the guilds that are up every day are actually bought from the market. Of course, in order to avoid the purchase of materials in large quantities, it will attract the attention of the major guilds. Therefore, it takes about ten days to prepare these materials every day. The materials bought every day will definitely not affect the market, and it is even more impossible. The turmoil, the real thing is that God does not know how to use all the materials to be used.

In the ten days, the leaf words are still in the misty forest, desperately leveling. It is strange to say that during the ten days, she never met the killing group of the prosperous world. Even the players of a prosperous world did not meet, and there were no people in the world who spoke at the Shengshi Association. They seemed to be quiet. .

However, the more so quiet, the more ambiguous and uneasy the heart of Ye Ye, she definitely does not believe that the Shengshi will be willing to eat this dumb-deficiency guild, they must now be brewing to bring a big reshuffle to the whole destiny. The method, just wait for the opportunity to come, let go, let the whole fate shake again.

Of course, the leaf does not know what it will be, and she can't confirm that she guessed it right, but it is not important for now. What is important is that after the ten days of precipitation, she finally rushed to the 70th level. In fact, it is very difficult to reach the 70th level from the 69th. Fortunately, Ye Zi has found several refresh points. After a few days of brushlessness, he climbed to the 70th level. This is a gratifying thing, and it is a little bit regrettable in the gratification.

For example, the sixth is still in the advanced stage, and can't see the progress of the progress. The leaf does not know when the holy dragon will appear in front of himself in a new attitude. Bring a huge surprise to yourself.

When the leaf word reached the 70th level, she just received the message from Bai Mo and told her that all the materials were ready. The leaf words immediately rushed back to Red Lake City, and then quietly waited for the day and night to alternate in the game. When the whole destiny was covered by darkness, they immediately walked toward the construction meeting of Red Lake City.

The cost of a construction day is 100,000 gold coins, even if she can discount, the cost of a construction is as high as 80,000 gold coins. And to build a city defense on the Mithril vein that can enclose all the Mithril veins, I am afraid that it is not a dozen construction workers can solve Although Ye Zi would like to rent a few hundred buildings at a time. Workers came to build the city defense, but she didn't have that much money. What's more, the construction workers also have regulations on the number of one-time rental workers.

“Can you only have a maximum of fifty?” The leaf word frowned. The fifty construction days cost four million gold coins. Although it is very high, the previous investment is very much compared with the later output. It’s worthwhile, but only 50 can be rented. Isn’t this invisibly slowing down the building?

"Yes, according to the drawings you provided, you can only rent up to 50, and can only rent for four days." The reception of the Red Lake City Construction Workers NPC is very reliable.

“Can it be built in four days? This city defense.” Ye words pointed to the drawing in front of him.

"If there is no external harassment, it is okay." NPC smiled and replied.

The leaf word turned over and turned, relying on, this answer is not equal to no answer? She couldn't help but get the NPC. She had to pay for the construction of fifty construction workers for four days and got a caller like Apple. It is said that as long as you get the place to be built and press the button directly, there will be construction workers, and the time for construction work is calculated from the player's summoning construction.

Ye Zi looked at the summoner in his hand and took a deep breath. Now he can only pray during the four-day construction period. Don’t show any moths slowing her progress. Otherwise, the guild’s last fund is guaranteed. I’m afraid I’m going to fight... (If you like this piece, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)