Reign of the Hunters

v3 Chapter 38: Enemy

Chapter 38—The Enemy

As soon as I heard the name, the leaf word smashed, and then narrowed my eyes and did something she might not do. I asked again a little unconfirmed: "Who are you talking about?"

"Year of the Year." Yang Yuhong dust is not really understanding of the leaf words, their encounter is a bit accidental, and there is no conflict of interest between the two sides, coupled with the character is still right, so it is good. However, for the various habits of the leaf words, Yang Yuhong dust knows very little.

Therefore, under the question of the leaf words, Yang Yuhong did not doubt that he repeated it again.

In the game of fate, there is no possibility of duplicate accounts. In fact, it is impossible to have such a problem in any game. Therefore, after listening to the words of the feathers, the leaf words will be closed. Did not speak again.

Yang Yuhong did not know what thoughts were in Ye’s heart, and thought about something in her mind. She just thought she was afraid of trouble and didn’t plan to help herself. So she had to let go of her body and continue to be soft. Please ask her: “The son, actually I know My request is a bit unreasonable. You were not a member of our guild, but also have your own guild, and your guild seems to be rushing. I am now unable to trouble because of the guild’s personal affairs. However, I really don’t have it. Method."

The leaf word heard Yang Yuhong said so, and did not immediately express his attitude, just once again picked up his eyes and looked at him, quietly waiting for him to continue.

"Our guild is also one of the best guilds in the southern continent, but there are not many first kills. Although this has little effect on the development of our entire guild, it is inevitable that people living in this world will care about some. Outside comments, I don't want the guild to be too difficult to do in the southern continent. This time, I thought it would be easy to pass the copy. After all, the strength of the world is still a certain gap compared with us. None of them counted that they would actually ask for foreign aid."

Speaking of this, Yang Yuhong sighed deeply and looked at the leaf, hoping to find some different expressions on her calm, watery face, but he was somewhat disappointed. There seems to be no extra emotion in the face of Ye Zi. "And, I didn't even think that they asked for foreign aid to be a lover."

In fact, when Yang Yuhong said that the leaf words have been able to understand the ins and outs of things. Although the operation is very good, it is even better than himself, but it is a person who is more low-key than himself. He is low-key to never show up, so that few people can know that he is a very powerful hunter, and no one even thinks that this person is the person who was called "hunting god" in the last life.

Perhaps he can be scolded by Yang Yuhong, except that they have already played against each other, and more importantly, they have played against him at the New Year event.

Although she has not been interested in fame and fortune now, her first-time first-time experience has made her famous in the East China and even the whole game. And for the guy who can basically be regarded as a hunter's operation model, the guy who can barely tie his hands, has become a new character in the game.

No matter whether two people are willing or not, after the war, the name of the son of the son and the year of the rogue is a common relationship between all players - a enemy.

It’s no wonder that Yang Yu’s red dust found himself in the world’s famous world, and he immediately found his own help.

Looking at the feathers and red dust, there are some eager and helpless faces that have their own plans. Although she always hopes to win over the passing years, after the last matchup, she does not think that she can easily defeat this low-key and powerful opponent with her current strength, not to mention that the last time was only a friendly showdown, but this time it was only It is the actual combat of the two camps.

Not afraid of God's opponents, I am afraid of pig-like comrades.

This is a famous saying that has been circulated in the online game industry. It can be seen that in online games, a perfect team is important to a player.

Ye Ye has never cooperated with the people of Heimei family, let alone challenged an absolutely powerful opponent in the process of playing this, so she is hesitant. Ye Ye is not afraid of losing, but she does not like to lose unclear, and the cooperation with the family of Hemei is equivalent to placing herself in such an unclear environment, which makes her have to hesitate.

Although, the black plum family may not want to think so badly, it will be very powerful, but the leaf word is always a person who likes to make the worst plan, because only then, you can cope with everything you are about to encounter. .

Is it going or not?

Ye Ye leaned on the back of the chair, quietly looking at the feathers of the feathers, watching his lips open and close, but did not listen to what he was talking about, just immersed in his own considerations. After pondering for a while, she felt that she did not want to give up this opportunity.

So she slowly opened her mouth.

"Go can, but..." After the leaf promised to go to the copy, the expression of Yang Yuhong's red dust swept away the melancholy and became very excited, but the next turning point of the leaf words made his heart tremble slightly. I quickly followed.

"but what."

"But, I just want to fight against the current year, can you get the first kill... I can't guarantee it." Ye Ci feels that it is still not a big deal, it is good to be cautious.

Although this answer is still a certain distance away from the expected value of Yang Yuhong, he is still very happy. After all, as long as the son of the son can promise him to play, it is equivalent to telling him that someone is restrained, as long as their own team can be more coordinated and radical. The first kill of this copy is equal to the hand.

"Nothing, son, you can help us to contain the flow of the year, we can do other things." Yang Yu's gaze in the eyes of the delighted look.

The leaf nodded.

In fact, she feels that she is also somewhat reluctant. She never feels how strong she is. It is even more impossible to distract her from the other players when she is facing a strong enemy like Liu Nian.

Since the agreement was reached, the two agreed to bid farewell to the time and place of the next copy.

Out of the pub, along the lively street, Ye Zi has been walking outside the city to stand still.

In the distance, it is the time when the sun rises.

I saw a round of fire-like red days rising slowly from below the horizon. The warm light spread on the body, dispelling the coldness of the cold night, and a kind of warmth that leaked out of the bones climbed out and let The whole person has become more relaxed.

Ye Ye’s eyes narrowed and he looked at the red sun, but he couldn’t help but began to jump.

Flowing years, flowing years!

You know, I don't know, I can challenge you again!

This time, I will defeat you!

The time for the next copy is set after four days of real time. It was just Friday, and after class, Ye Ci and Bai Mo went home early by bus.

Because it was too early to come back, there was no one in the house, only a bunch of snacks were placed on the coffee table. The two people who are doing nothing are driving the television and making a dung machine in the living room.

Not much longer, the door locks a squeaking sound, then Tan broke the waves and pushed in. He looked at the happy smiles of the two people, but when he fell to the snack pocket of a table, he turned to grief and indignation. !

"When you are broken, are you coming back? Do you want to be potato chips?" Ye Zi rushed to Tan Binglang and raised only a few pockets to ask.

Tan broken waves called a hate! He closed the door and rushed to two people, reached out and snatched up a handful of snacks, shouting: "You two shameless guys! Give me my snacks!"

The two people are calmly hiding from the left and do not give up on snacks.

In the end, the two people finally sat down on the sofa and drank the tea that was soaked, and Tan Dalang waved silently in a pile of empty snack pockets, and cursed the two shameless robbers by the way.

"This is my snack for a week. Aunt bought it for me at noon. You two are awkward! I hate you!" Tan Xiaolang muttered, tears would come out.

However, the two adults of this underage boy did not care at all, let him cry.

A flash of news suddenly flashed on the TV, attracting the attention of Ye Zi.

"The annual e-sports event, the International E-sports Gold Cup, will officially open in China's D city today. This high-profile competition has attracted the attention and registration of many internationally renowned players at the beginning of the registration. This year's number of participants has reached an unprecedented scale, and has reached 5,000. However, according to the organizer, this year's contest, as the mysterious player king who left this event in China for five consecutive years, did not participate. It also caused the industry to speculate on this year's championship, and the most advantageous player to become the champion of this year's competition is..."

"Wow, this year, Wang did not participate in the national competition (short for the International E-sports Gold Cup)!" Bai Mo sighed with a teacup: "This is a pity! It is said that he is rare in China for decades. If you don’t participate in this year’s God class, I don’t think it’s necessary to hold a national competition next year in China.”

The leaf words don't mean it: "He has won five years in a row and won five years. I think he is not a good choice to participate this Why do you say that?"

"The current situation, but the future is awesome, talented people come out, his game habits have long been studied badly. This year, if he participates in the lucky win, it will not be a faceless. Halo, reputation, status, and swearing. I will not participate if he and I don’t participate this year."

"There is nothing wrong with this." Bai Mo nodded.

"Hey! King is not the kind of person you think!" Tan Tanlang, who had never been snoring, suddenly began.


After a month of rest, I finally resumed the update today. Thank you for your patient waiting for a month and the fireworks and the book.

The pregnancy reaction of fireworks probably belongs to that kind of person, so I have to wait for a month to get fake. In this month, it’s really faint, and all day is eating spit, spitting and eating, people are fast. No shape. At this point, I also deeply understand that it is not easy to be a mother. I want to thank my mother for the hard work.

The baby has been 104 days old, but it seems to be restless, especially after five o'clock every day, basically spent on the side of the toilet, but much better than the previous months. Therefore, after the fireworks are restored and updated today, we will try our best to ensure the day.

Please also continue to support the fireworks! For the future milk powder money and diaper money, please subscribe a lot~~Thank you all~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support, is My biggest motivation.)