Reign of the Hunters

v4 Chapter 63: Rejuvenation

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Chapter 63—The Returning Soul

Ye Zi feels that his brain at this moment is definitely not working. Otherwise, how could she react for a long time but what is the situation, and who is in front of him?

"Are you awake?" The voice was still anxiously asking, but listening to his tone seemed to be much better than before. He even extended his arm and lifted her up.

After a while, the leaf words were relieved, and the head was still dizzy. She sat on the ground and closed her eyes for a while before she recovered. This situation is rare, at least in the game life of the leaf word for so long.

When the leaf word opened his eyes again, the first thing that was printed in his eyes was a long yellow sand. She rubbed her eyes and could even see the wind blowing through the thin yellow sand in the distance, forming a very strange scene. Wherever the eyes see, there is no green. Occasionally, a few grasses can be seen, and they are squatting and half-dead. On this piece of yellow sand, the leaf words can't see a trace of vitality, and there is no export.

Everything seems to have suddenly turned upside down. Just now she was clearly in the ground below, and there was a clear lake at the end of her life. Now that she has reached such a situation, people have to sigh that this world is volatile.

"Alaun, how long have we been here?" Ye Zi did not confirm how long she had been in that stupid situation, so after she recalled all the time, the first thing was to ask Ala Take, obviously this guy is older than she is awake, perhaps, he did not faint.

"It didn't take long, it was a little meeting." Araun was obviously not affected by the white light, and his thinking was very clear.

Ye Zi looked at Alaun, and then opened the map, but got the system information prompt: "You have no power to view this map." Actually no power? The leaf word provokes one side of the eyebrows and looks a bit of a taste. The phrase “the power to not explore this map” generally only appears in several situations. The first one, this map belongs to a hidden map that has not been opened yet, and requires the player to resolve the various conditions in the map. A map before you can view this map freely. Second, the identity of the player and the snobbery worshipped in the map are opposite hatred, so it is not allowed to view. If you must check it, you can only defeat the maximum b in this map before you can get the power of map viewing. Finally, the last one is that the position of this map is too high in the game. For example, the super maps such as the temple of the gods and the demon domain of the devil do not allow the player to view it unless they have the approval of n. Use the map here,

What is the situation now? It is impossible to be the third case, it is only the first case and the second case.

"White Elf, where are we now?" When he thought about the problem, Aaron took a careful question, although he didn't know exactly where it was, but in the faint, he already felt an unprecedented The danger is silently lurking somewhere in this sand sea.

"Saga Temple." Ye Zi stood up and continued to sit down here. It doesn't matter if I think these questions have no meaning. The most important question now is that she will confirm as soon as possible without a map. Place your position in this location map and the direction you are going.

"Saga Temple?" Aaron took a stay, but saw that the word has stood up, and quickly stood up and followed her footsteps toward the distance: "Who is Saga? It is a Is it a god?"

Saga is not actually a god. He is only a lower minion of the demon king Naga, but after the war, the entire Malang continent has become chaotic. All races seem to have forgotten the respect for the gods, leading to various kinds of The evil spirits have increased, not only that, they began to recruit believers for themselves, to build a temple for themselves, in an attempt to become a hero in such a chaotic era. And Saga is just a small devil in this chaos, and it is nothing compared to the strength of the demon naga. However, if it is more than the current leaf, Saga is also an insurmountable height.

Before the leaf word is reborn, Saga is only a copy of the b in the copy group. You must kill it before you can finally see the Naga Devil. However, in this map, the existence of Saga may be equal to The same difficulty as God.

It seems that no one in the last world found this map of the temple of Saga, so there is nothing about this map. There is nothing to use in the leaf words. The leaf words can only be inferred according to their own understanding of Saga. The main monsters and difficulty in this map.

Saga is a deserted devil, but this map is in the desert, so it is also confirmed that the monsters that the leaf words mainly deal with are deserted monsters. However, it seems that there is no end to it. Ye Ye does not know where the so-called temple is, and I don’t know when it will appear.

The leaf words are not guessed. In the map of the temple of Saga, the most common is to kill monsters. They are usually hidden under the long yellow sand. They only climb out when they are in danger. Their level is mostly Eighty or so, although it is very difficult for a person to deal with it, but with Aarona and the fourth, killing a killing monster is still very easy. Moreover, most of these killing monsters appear alone, and they rarely live in groups, which makes the process of leaf word cleaning easier.

Ye Ye does not know how much his experience value has accumulated. However, Alaun has already risen to the 82nd level on this map. Whether it is blood or blue, it is almost twice as fast as the leaf. He also It became the main force of the entire team. Araun has a certain amount of wisdom, but in actual combat, this wisdom seems to be somewhat useless, so often the command of the leaf word is needed. The leaf words gradually retired from the position of the main combat team members and became the commander to manipulate the battles of Aarona and the fourth, and they attacked from time to time, although the experience they had gained was slower. However, she can greatly liberate her own energy and give her more time to study this map and her own direction.

The experience of these sand monsters can be quite a lot, and the drop is very good. Although the equipment production is very small, the skill book yield is very high. It is a pity that most of them are skill books for the production of legal systems. There are very few skill books in the physics department. In this map, it has been mixed for so long, and the leaf words have smashed a thief. The double-knife Eviscerate and the warrior's assault. Other physics professions are nothing, as for her hunter's book is gone.

Ye Ye took another shaman's group attack skills and handed it to Arauna without hesitation. Now he is a big monster to kill monsters. As long as his ability is enough, the gains of leaf words will be greater. What's more, Ye Ye also wants to bring Alaun to the Doro tribe, and it is necessary to cultivate a lot of nature.

I don't know how long I have gone, and I feel that I have penetrated the hinterland of the desert.

It is no longer full of long sands. From time to time, she can see some broken walls. It is not difficult to see from the broken cornerstones and wall hangings. There have been bustling pasts here, but now all are left with desolate.

After walking through a huge and broken courtyard, Ye Ci found himself standing on a large ruin. From the layout and the broken walls, it should have been a very prosperous courtyard. The wind blew through the broken window on the wall, and it made a whimpering sound, which sounded like a low-pitched wolf. The leaf word stood around in the ruins and suddenly found that there was a faint brilliance flashing behind a broken wall. She quickly walked a few steps up and looked at the wall carefully. It was really wrong. of.

There is a golden treasure chest there. Although the delicate pattern on the box has been blurred after long-term wind and sand, the box is still bright and dazzling, and it is not a product at first glance. In the map, the locked box that appears in the concentration of monsters of this level is at least eight or more, so the proportion of good things that can be produced is very high.

It turned out that Ye Zi saw the box as a direct detour. Anyway, she couldn't open it, so there was no thought, but now it is different. She has a master key in her hand. Naturally, I have to try it anyway. It’s gone.

However, wouldn't there be a guarded monster around this treasure chest? Absolutely impossible.

According to Ye's understanding of the game, generally around the treasure chest of the fourth grade or above, there will be an elite guard who is one or two layers higher than the average monster strength of the map. Therefore, there must be a monster guard around this high-grade treasure chest. However, where is the monster?

The leaf words looked around, but there was no discovery.

Just as she hesitated to open the box, Arauer suddenly said, "Wow, big bird!"

The leaf word suddenly looked up, and it was not so sure. Two large vultures were flying in the sky above the box. Their wings spread out seven or eight yards long, and the sharp cockroaches seemed to carry blood. The eyes are more closely staring at the leaf words. It seems that as long as the leaf words are close to the box, they will swoop down without hesitation, press the leaf words to the ground, dig their hearts, and eat them directly and then quickly.

The leaf word lost a reconnaissance to the two vultures, hehe! Actually both are elites of the 85th level! ! If you are stared at by two monsters at the same time, I am afraid that the leaf words will be killed by a single blow. Although these monsters are fierce, they have a problem, that is, they will only circle around the treasure chest. As long as they are not close to the fixed range of the box, they will not attack. This explains why the leaf is standing on the edge of the wall so drooling about the box, and people just watched her not attack her.

go away?

How can it be. The fat that is placed in the mouth does not take a bite to leave, so how to see is not the style of leaf words. What's more, the more difficult to get the spoils, the more delicious it is to enjoy it, right?

From the distance between the two vultures, as long as one of them is attacked, the other one will pounce. Now, it is absolutely impossible for Ye Zi to want one person to deal with two. But with Arauna, this is not a difficult thing. She brought Arora, and told Arauna about how she planned to deal with the two vultures.

Aaron took a little nod and said that he knew very well. Now that Aarona is different from the beginning of Araun, he has not only improved his rank, but also improved his combat ability, and he has a certain IQ, as long as the words will tell her the tactics. After a while, he will be able to understand what he is going to do.

"You won't be in danger? You will deal with a vulture with the fourth." Although Ye Ye and Arauna clearly explained how the other side is vulture, it does not mean that the leaf can be completely assured, no matter how Yale Take just a n, in the presence of the reaction is still not as good as the real player.

"Don't worry, I have just learned to recover, I can heal myself." Aaron took a smile on the leaf. If it is not the word of the leaf, how do you think that the shaman is a professional bull, this occupation is exactly the same as the paladin. It can fight against it, and it can add blood to the state. If necessary, it can also be the same as the Master, the real Wanjin oil. However, this kind of profession also has a bad place, that is, everything will be, but nothing specializes. This is why Ye Ye is not too worried about Alaun. She is afraid that the vulture will kill him. Your own plans are all gone.

It’s just that I’m afraid that Ala’s will not hang out, so I’m still assigning the fourth to playing a strange with him. In this case, the fourth will play the role of a meat shield, which can greatly reduce the Asian The burden of work. As for herself, although the vulture is higher than her, it is still very simple if it is a kite.

After the blame, Ye Zi and Aarona led a vulture to walk. As the leaves said, Alaun’s performance on the spot was not particularly good. This is related to his current normality. If he can upgrade To the elite n or the legendary n, it is very different. Fortunately, the fourth child quickly put on the vulture, and several big skills came out and immediately attracted the full attention of the vulture. Although the fourth child is only 60, but it is an epic creature, blood thick and high, as long as there is Alauna in the back to add blood, it is not difficult to resist this vulture. And the level of Aarona has reached eighty-five levels this time, just like the level of vultures, so it is also handy to play it.

The buff, the totem, and the attack power of Aarona itself, it took five or six minutes to deal with this vulture, and let it scream and die on the ground. At this time, the leaf words immediately led another vulture to the front of Arauna, and gave him all the heavy responsibility of attacking the monster. In the course of the kite, the words used in the process of the continuous damage have been made. The blood of the vultures has dropped a lot, so this time did not take much time to end the battle.

The leaf word touched the body. In addition to a few gold coins, the two vultures did not leave any equipment for her. They only left a few feathers, and they didn’t know what to do, but the edges of the feathers were faint. There is a line of silver flashing, it is not a special thing at first glance, let alone this is something that falls from two eighty-five elite monsters. Although it is only a white item, it can not be let off. . The leaf word thinks that this stuff should be what it is, so it has not been lost, but it has been put into its own package and kept safe.

The so-called rare materials are like this. It is entirely due to the usual accumulation, in order to reach the tower, otherwise, how can it be obtained when needed?

After receiving the two feathers, the leaf words immediately passed toward the golden box. On the side of the box, I read the words again and again, and determined that there would be no more monsters here, then I squatted down and pulled out the master key on my body and inserted it into the keyhole.

The leaf word is really no guess. This treasure chest is a nine-level treasure chest. Obviously, the metal parts are made of gold. Despite the wind and sand, this gold is gold, still brilliance, only those originally set on the treasure chest. Wood carving is not so good. Or is it ruined, or it is cracked into pieces, which can only be carefully identified to see the pattern above.

This master key is also a strange thing.

In the fate, there are so many boxes, 90% of them are locked, and each lock is not the same. The upper perforations are different, big and small. However, this master key can adapt to all the locks, adapt to all the perforations, just after the leaf word holds the master key than the perforation of the box, when she can't help but worry, she will move the master key toward the perforation. Plugged in, but did not expect that this master key and the perforation in the moment exactly fit together, it seems that it is born to be created together.

Subsequently, the system prompts: the treasure chest is open, 3% ... 7% ... 39% ...

The higher the level of the treasure chest, the longer it takes to open the box. This is not only applicable to the unlocking of thieves, but also practical for this master key. Because there are no monsters around, the leaf words are put down and waiting for the opening of the treasure chest.

As long as the game players actually like to open the treasure chest, in addition to the treasure chest there will be a lot of treasures, probably more like the kind of excitement brought by the tightening nerve when opening the treasure chest. In fact, everyone is a gambler, nothing more than the difference in the size of your play.

It took about three minutes or so before I heard a "click" and the lock on the treasure chest fell. The leaf word pulled out the master key, and the lock was immediately abolished, and it became gray and sudden, and people really didn't want to take a look.

The leaf word opened the treasure chest, which was filled with yellow sand, and there was something in it. The leaf words had to be explored and reached into the soft yellow sand. After a while, it was finally I touched three things. She also refused to see what these things were, first put them into the parcel, then dumped all the yellow sand in the treasure chest, and fiddled around, sure that there was really nothing in it, and that was the case. And that treasure chest disappeared because there was nothing inside.

It was not until this time that Ye Ye took out the three things that had just been put into the parcel and looked at it.

Two of these three items are equipped, one with a necklace and the other with a wristband, but none of them have been identified. The equipment that can be found in the treasure chest of this kind of map must not be a common item. Since there is no way to identify the leaf word now, it has to be taken back for identification.

And the last thing is a book. This book is not complete, it has only the first half, and the second half has been torn off. The cover of the book is wrapped in dark red leather, and there are a few words of wrong gold on it, written in the resurrection.

The words in the heart of the word, the return to the soul, this is a very rare skill in the last world, but do not want, she can meet in this world.

So she quickly began to look at the properties of the book.

Remnant of the Resurrection: Can be resurrected n, because the book is incomplete, the n after the resurrection will become weak, and maintain the weak state for 24 hours, randomly reducing some loyalty values. Applicable to all occupations, five grades.

Although it is just a broken page, seeing the attributes of this book is still a matter of thought. In the last world, since the mercenary and slavery system was opened later, many players will take the form of humans to help them fight or produce something. However, the IQ of n, especially ordinary n, is generally not high. If you don't pay special attention, it is very easy to die. The human form n is not easy to get, so the player also cherish these n points.

However, people are not counted as days, even if the player pays attention, there are also when the ship is overturned, it is difficult to guarantee when it will hang. At that time, the resurrection of the soul was born, it really solved the regrets of countless players.

However, it is said that the returning soul is one of the few skills that the gods have occasionally left on the mainland. Therefore, it is extremely precious and not all players can learn. This skill book can't be obtained from n, it can only be obtained through missions or treasure chests. It really is a coincidence. And under the universal sky, how many people can have such a coincidence?

Rejuvenation can be used to resurrect n, without d, without restrictions, and without lowering the attributes of n, itself is a skill against the sky. The most anti-day setting is that Rejuvenation can resurrect all n, whether it is your own n.

It is because of this anti-sky property that the first player to get Rejuvenation will earn a pot full of resurrection.

It is a pity that the book that Ye Zi is getting now is a remnant, and there are still many restrictions. However, Ye Ye has been very pleasantly surprised and satisfied. I have to know that she is worried about how to do the death of Arauna! Even if there is a 24-hour weak time, even if it will randomly reduce some loyalty and goodwill, it is definitely better than death and can't be resurrected.

The leaf word did not hesitate to learn this part directly.

This is probably the best spoils that Ye Zi got after entering this map.

This embarrassment really made Aaron take a lot of physical strength. He sat alone on the ground and took out the words that the original word for him had started to eat. Although the leaf words did not cost much, but after a long time, the stomach was still a little hungry, and the fourth child looked at it with one eye, and the leaf words could not be said regardless. So sit down, ignite cooking, and for a while, the meat on the bonfire will have a sizzling sound. Don't say the scent first, just say the sound, it sounds like a big finger.

Arauna also looked at the oily steak, and it was seen that the freshly baked steak was more mouth-watering than the already chilly barbecue.

The leaf word looked at Yalau and smiled: "I will wait until I haven't cooked it yet."

Araun took some embarrassed grasping of the head and bowed his head to continue to lick his own barbecue. He took another two, and he suddenly remembered something. He threw the barbecue in his hand to the fourth child. The fourth child opened his mouth and then opened it. Then he realized what he was, and immediately spit out the barbecue. Angry yelling at Arauna. It seems that the fourth is very dissatisfied with this unfair treatment. If it is not for the sake of the inner leaf, he is estimated to clean up the little boy and let him guide who is the boss.

For the "interactive" leaf between the fourth and Aarona, it seems indifferent, pretending nothing to see, which makes the fourth is very wronged, squatting through the huge head and licking the leaf, it seems to be Spoiled. And Arauna ridiculed it very rudely: "You look at you so big, what is still weak, not at all!"

The fourth child immediately yelled at Aaron's fangs, and Aarona continued to provoke it. In Ye Zi's words, this is just a slap in the face of two children. She looks at them while roasting, and smiles slightly. Just when they smiled happily, Ye Zi only felt that something was close to himself. The thing came so fast and fast, even quietly, that the leaf words were unprepared until they felt it. The presence. In the heart of the leaf, the body has already subconsciously evaded, and her wrist has turned over, and the short sword has appeared in her hand, pushing the door of the thing away!

It’s too late, it’s fast, at this time, the thing shouted loudly: “Ah, don’t hit me!”

This voice can be said to be quite clever, and the leaf word actually took over the short sword in his hand. Looking at it, I saw a short sword from my hand, but it was a thin man. At this moment, I was widening my eyes and looking at the leaf words, a look of horror, as if he was not an elf in the name of goodness, but a fierce and sinister soul!

The leaf word also clearly sees the man's appearance. He can't see the age, because he is really black enough and thin, and the skin wrinkles on his face are on the bones. It seems that the age is very big, and There is no meat on his body. A dry skin is weakly wrapped around the skeleton. A few rags are still hanging on the body. If you can become a clothes, you are naked and you are kneeling in the long sand. Above. One of his hands was bent and the other hand was stretching towards the leaf!

"Who are you!" Ye Zi did not scream, but her present expression is not necessarily amiable. After all, the guy who can be so close under the perception of Ye Ci, even if he is a n, can't be underestimated. What's more, this person seems to have no difference with the corpse, and the weakness is at the extreme. This kind of person can actually escape her feelings, it is really amazing!

"I am just a passing businessman, I am really thirsty, I want to find you to drink saliva." The man was speechless and looked like he was not far from death.

Arauer had already stood up. He looked at the man with vigilance. Although he was just a normal n, he stayed with the leaf for a long time, and made him somewhat wary of these outside things. Not to mention the fourth, but even standing behind the leaf words, looking at the man fiercely, as if it is the most dangerous creature, just wait for the leaf to rush to tear him apart.

“The businessman passing by?” Ye Ye blinked and apparently did not believe his words: “Is there a business trip here?”

"There are some." The man nodded again and again, but the hoarse voice made him unable to support for a long time, coughing up again and again, it seems that there is no water to break.

I thought about it for a while, and took a bag of spring water from the parcel and put it in front of this man. "I can give you water, but you have to tell me everything you know, otherwise..." The short sword in the light is placed on the water bag: "This water, you don't want to drink a drop."

"Okay!" When the leaf smashed out the water bag, the man’s eyes seemed to see the world’s largest diamond, and there was no way to remove it. When the water bag was on the side, he showed a desperate look. "No, don't, as long as you give me water, I will tell you whatever you ask!"

The leaf word looked at the man's appearance as if it was natural. He didn't pretend at all. After thinking about it for a while, he threw the water bag to him. Just now she has lost a reconnaissance technique to this man and found that this is just a ten-level ordinary n, called Mark. The IQ of this kind of n is not high, and it is impossible to have a acting skill comparable to that of a movie, so most of the words are actually I already believe this man’s statement.

Mark quickly picked up the water bag from the sand, twisted the water bag with a flustered and trembling hand, and directly poured the bag's water into his mouth. He was so anxious and fast that he didn't seem to be willing to drink all the bags of water.

Looking at Mark, Arauer quietly approached the leaf and whispered with a little nervousness: "White elf, he, is he not in danger?"

The leaf word shook his head and said that he was not clear. However, there is a feeling in her heart that is faint, and suddenly such a n appears in this map, which is absolutely directly related to getting out of this map. However, it is up to the individual to find out where to find relevant information. Not only that, but there is also a feeling in Ye Zi. In this map, there must be more than one such as Mark. They must be staying in various places, waiting for the arrival of players to explore.

"Give you." Ye Zi looked at Mark drinking water, thought for a while, cut a small piece of meat and handed it to him.

Mark looked very excited, and he was so flattered that he didn't dare to reach out to pick up the steak, but watched the leaves nervously.

"Eat, drink plenty of water, drink something, eat something." Ye Yu's tone and a lot of gas, but the light hidden in the scorpion did not dissipate at all.

"Thank you, thank you!" Mark saw the leaf words and said that he was no longer polite to her. He directly grabbed the piece of meat and began to stuff it into his mouth.

This move immediately caused dissatisfaction with the fourth child. He snorted low and scared Mark back a few steps. Ye Ye extended his hand and took a shot of the fourth, and then began to divide the meat with him and Aaron. Although the fourth child is also very dissatisfied with Mark's meat steak, but the leaf is given to its large piece of meat, still let it be a little quieter.

Mark ate some meat and drank some water. It seemed to be a little spirited. This was very polite and grateful to the leaf: "Thank you very much for your help, thank you."

"No, talk about it, where do you come from? Where do you go?" Ye said that Mark is so weak, and he can't run, so he simply doesn't pay attention to Let him relax and be alert, not too nervous, maybe even more to ask something.

"I am a businessman from the mainland of Majia, going to Emerald Island." Mark exhaled: "I plan to go there to get some rare goods and then transport them back to Majia."

“Emerald Island?” The leaf words slightly wrinkled their eyebrows and looked a little surprised. In the last world, Emerald Island has always existed in the official propaganda and history books of Malang, but it seems that no player has found his entrance, making this place one of the most mysterious maps of fate.

"Yes, Emerald Island." Mark didn't seem to have any interest in explaining the words of Emerald Island to the leaf words. He just sat there with a bitter face and looked very tired and sad.

"You are the first time to go this way?"

"No, no, this road has been gone many times, but there has never been such a terrible situation!!" Mark’s face suddenly showed a terrified expression, which seemed to indicate that he was How unacceptable and horrible the situation was.

The leaf word looked at his expression, and he thought quietly in his heart. I was afraid that the situation that Mark met would give her a lasting relationship with the direction to go. So she asked quietly: "How? In the rolling yellow sand, what did you meet?"

Mark covered his face with his thin hands, then burst into tears, and the sad look made the leaf words a little helpless. RO

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