Reign of the Hunters

v4 Chapter 68: The struggle of the Doro tribe

Chapter 68—The Struggle of the Doro Tribe

The battle with Norbert was unexpected and unexpected.

Unexpectedly, Norbert would have surrounded Darfur's tent so quickly and then attacked the three. Unexpectedly, Nobel has tangled all the soldiers in the entire tribe.

Darufal stood in front of his tent and looked at the Nobel warrior, who had thousands of people, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes. Everything was smooth as usual. The leaf word stands behind the mainland Farr. He carefully observes this hand-held artifact, up to the 260-level BOSS-class senior NPC. He is calm, solemn, and rational. It seems that there is nothing in his world. Appeared, no matter what happened, in his eyes, it was just like a cloud of smoke.

"Norbo, is there anything that you have with so many people gathered in my tent?" Daru Farna’s wise eyes gently looked at all the people in the entire field, and finally fell to the ground. Norbert’s body. He spoke as usual, without tension or uneasiness, and without the high disdain. He was like an old man talking to a naughty young man.

There was a greedy and vicious light in Nobel’s eyes. He stared at Darurfar closely, and then he performed a ceremony. Although the ceremony was still quite satisfactory, in the words of Ye, this ceremony was somewhat challenging. meaning. He looked at Darufal and smiled slightly: "I am the most respected Darufar, I am here to express my highest respect to you."

"Yes? Then I have already felt your respect, you can leave with your hand." For Nobel's remarks, Darufal did not show any special look.

"I really want to leave, but the distinguished Darufar adults, my brothers are not willing to leave. Nobel raised his hand and pointed to all the Norberts who surrounded the Dharafar tent. warrior.

"Yes? Then why are they not willing to leave?" In the face of Nobel's provocative words, Darufal was calm and waveless, just standing outside the tent and quietly looking at the group of Norber fighters.

Ye Ye also looked at these Nobel fighters. She roughly estimated that these Norberts were elite soldiers in the entire tribe. There are not many people in the Doro people's tribe, but there are at most five or six thousand people. These people are a big part of the elderly, children, and women. There are also some men who are injured in the battle. They have no battles. The ability, the last remaining is the strong and powerful man in the Doro people tribe. These men joined Nobel's guards without exception and became Nobel's minions. Now Nobel has brought them all here, and it is already known to Sima Yi.

Ye Ye absolutely does not believe that Darufar is not aware of the actions of these people, but why has he kept moving? Or why does he know that the tribe has been pretending to be dumb in such a bad situation? The leaf word is not a system. She has no way to think about the problem with systematic thinking. All she can do now is to stand on the side of Darufar and wait until the NPC issues a command or task.

As a player, sometimes there are some feelings and thoughts about the battles and stories of NPCs, but they are just feelings and thoughts, because for the players, their feelings and thoughts are for the whole task or the whole battle. The influence is minimal. More often, the system requires the player to be a bystander and a listener.

Just like now.

"Because they have been treated unfairly!" Norbert's lips showed a sneer, and he raised his finger to Aarona: "Darufar, I never doubt your wisdom, even in my In the heart, you are the most intelligent and kind person in the world. From the time I was a child, I felt like this, until the emergence of this guy!"

"Alaunau? What happened to him?" Darufal's expression did not change at all, just looking at Nobel as usual. His calm look is in stark contrast to the face that Nobel’s distorted by anger. The words of the leaves were silent and they lost a reconnaissance to Norbert. They found that the level of Nobel was only one hundred and eighty. Although it was also a BOSS creature, it was much lower than Darufar. If there is a war, there is no suspense in the battle between the two, just...

The eyes of Ye Ye looked at the more than a thousand Nobel guards, and there were some hidden concerns in my heart. Once the battle began, Nobel and Darufal must be the first to start fighting. Although the two of them were disparate in strength, Darurfar must be weak against other guards when dealing with Nobel, and so many If the guards all attack Darufar, I am afraid that even the high-level NPC with Darfur's hand-held artifacts can't stand it. After all, the ants are biting dead.

Since the NPCs of the two sides have begun to confront each other, it means that the whole battle will start right away. At that time, the leaf words must not stand by, otherwise she may still not take Aaron. She began to observe the situation of your entire site and made the worst plan. Once I started the battle, where would she be the best to participate in the battle? Looked at the two remaining bombs in my pocket, the leaves began to think, and I will not use this thing for a while...

She sneaked a sneak peek at Darufal and sighed. If she throws this out, will she be killed by Darufal? After all, here is his hard work. These people are his people. For themselves, maybe they are just experiences, but for Darufar, they must not be hurting casually... If so... Ye Zi Wang Tian Well, forget it, take a step and take a step, and then make a decision at the most critical juncture.

"This is the bottom of the small waste, you actually let him into my guard, this is no problem. But, Darukal, why do you want to teach his shaman skills privately! Do you not know that he is not at all Is it qualified to study the shaman?” Nobel pointed at Araun, and his eyes were full of red light. It seems that Alaun’s learning of the shaman was actually known to Nobel. This is really the world. There is no wall that is not airtight.

"Not Darur Far's adult..." When Arora heard the words of Nobel, he immediately rushed forward to defend Darufar. In the heart of Aaron, Darufar is probably his most sacred and fearful. Naturally, it is natural that everyone is not allowed to have a trace of slanders and doubts about him.

But Arora was just talking. Darufar, who hadn’t done anything before, raised his staff and stood in front of Aarona. He said in a calm tone: "Alaun, retreat."

"But..." Aaron took up his eyes and looked at the sacred and inviolable face of Darufal, and there were grievances and unwillingness in his eyes.

"I let you back." Darufal put down his cane, still quietly looking at Nobel, and Aarona could only silently retreat behind Darufal, standing there quietly no longer. Say one more sentence.

"What is the qualification?" Darufar looked at Nobel's slight smile: "If I remember correctly, my brother Taku and I were once the children of the lowest level in the Doro tribe. We are not rich. It is not a person with status, but we also learn the shaman and become a shaman."

Nobel was slightly stunned by Darufal, and then he showed a bit of disdain: "Because of this, after you became the leader of the tribe, our tribes became so absurd! The children of the poor are The children of the poor, the children of the rich are the children of the rich, the children of the rich are the noble children, how can they be confused? You are doing this now, let us these precious things have no original power, you are despising the whole Tribe?"

Darufal did not say a word: "What is wrong with this?"

"What's good!" Norbert expressed great anger at the indifference of Darufal! "I am a nobleman in the Doro tribe, but in the end I have to obey your arrangements! Let me manage some guards! For these people, but for yourself, but you are high! Is this fair?"

The leaf word couldn't help but curl up the corner of the mouth. The front said that it was so grand, and it was finally revealed here. However, because of the embarrassment and imbalance, it was finally said that it was a tribal class struggle. People, no matter how good the cover is, in fact, the heart is extremely spoiled.

"Everyone is living to protect the tribe. No matter whether it is a noble or a poor, they can contribute to protecting their own people. I think this is the best thing. Do you face the danger of your compatriots? What kind of privilege do you have for the life of the tribe?” Darufal raised his eyebrows, which is probably the first expression of his face in the face of Nobel.

"Hey! What do the poor people's life and death have to do with our nobles! We are born to be destined to be poor. They are born to serve us! Why do we fight for their lives and safety? This is simply paradox!"

"So?" Although Darufal’s expression changed slightly, the leaf words could feel that he was not happy.

"So, you can't stay in that position anymore. You can stay on top and only bring destruction to our tribe! I want to lead our tribes to prosperity, and only I can lead our tribes to prosperity!" Norbert’s eyes looked a little crazy. It can be seen that he has been in the position of Darurfar for a long time. The words he said are not even logical, and they are all powerful, but even this is the case. Someone still follows, I really have to say that this is a game, this is the setting of the task.

"Then you want to lead these people to where? Go to sacrifice to the devil?" Darufal finally got angry. He tapped the ground with his staff and made a squeaky voice.

Nobel’s face changed slightly. He immediately looked back and saw that several Nobel guards shook their heads immediately and then lowered their heads. The leaf word is recognized. Are these people not going to see the stone door and find it by themselves? Seeing the faces of the guards, Nobel narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Darufal. He said coldly: "It seems that you already know. Darufal, you know, don't know, In this world, if you know more things, the faster you die. It seems that you are impatient."

Darufal sneered: "How? You can do this kind of thing, can't you tell me?"

"Hey, you have been living for so long. Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for not giving you face..." Nobel raised his hand and waved gently toward the person behind him. The guard immediately held the weapon in his hand and shouted loudly: "Kill him! Kill him!"

In the dark, these guards seem crazy, but the leaves are unbelievable. After all, these guards are all good soldiers in the tribe, but not all of them are nobles. The comments of Nobel just now are normal. Thinking NPCs should jump out against it, but why are these NPCs not responding? Suddenly, Ye Zi found that the eyes of these NPCs are all red, and the color is like the eyes of Sith.

Not only that, she only felt that there was a flame burning on her finger. She looked down and saw the flame of hunting swaying in such a dark night, which seemed a bit enchanting. The leaf word quickly found a pair of gloves from the parcel and put it on the hand, blocking the flame. Now she still can't figure out what the ring works. So don't worry about it. Her movements are not big, and the current atmosphere is arrogant, and basically no one notices her wearing gloves.

However, through a series of attempts in the environment, the leaf word knows that as long as this ring of black flame appears, it basically represents the appearance of a demon. In the present case, the ring flashes red again. So is it representative that these soldiers have all been demonized?

When I thought of this, I couldn’t take care of it. I immediately said to Darufar: "Darufar, these soldiers are not normal, their eyes have turned red, they are no longer human, They are already demons!"

This sentence made Darufar shocked. The look on his face finally changed a little, but it was not a panic, but a distress. He screamed at Nobel and said, "Nerber! You What did you do to them!"

Norber sneered: "What did you do? I just let them get the most powerful power!" He looked in the direction of the leaf, and the cold eyes seemed to be a viper, licking the leaves. On the body of the word, the leaf word has a chilling feeling.

Novo, who is one hundred and eighty, is not terrible. After all, Nobel is a melee class. He should have suffered a lot when playing against the remote professional Darufar, but if Nobel is demon It’s not good to say it.

"You sold the soul to the devil!" Darufal found that Nobel's eyes had gradually turned red, and his skin gradually began to become more red, the muscles became stronger and stronger, and in the muscles. On the upper leaf, the gentleman saw a lot of meridians, and she shouted in her heart, not good!

"How about that!" Norbert's body continued to grow, his clothes began to tear, and behind him he slowly grew a pair of black flesh-winged wings, and a pair of horns appeared on his head. Come! "Darfafar, you know too much, you give me to die!"

"Norber!" Darufal saw that Nobel's son was shocked. Not only did Norbert have sold his soul to the devil, but he even turned himself into a demon! He was looking at the Norbert guards, all of them wielding weapons, and they looked at themselves and rushed over. He immediately said to the leaf: "White Elf! I will hand you Aaron and his family! You take them away!"

This is Darfur's order, but Ye said that I am afraid that this order is not so good. If Yalau is taken away so easily, she does not need to stand here now and Darufa. I am facing this messy situation together. She shook her head: "Darufar, please forgive me for not being able to promise you, because I am a warrior, I want to fight for justice and peace, I can't leave when my friends have trouble!"

"Alaun can't be!" Originally, I was afraid that Ye Ye really took away myself, but I didn't expect to hear the words of Ye Ye. He couldn't help but feel the spirit and stood on the edge of Darufal. Firmly said.

Darufar looked at the leaf around him and looked at Alaun, although his expression was as normal as usual, but the leaf word saw the moving light in his eyes, and she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that this decision is still correct. Although I don’t know what the final result of this task is, at least from the current situation, her approach has greatly improved Darfur’s goodwill towards him. A good harvest.

"Okay! Then the white elf, Aaron, I will have the power to deal with Nobel in a while, and the other people will be handed over to you!" Darufal nodded, his voice a little heavy.

The leaf words twitched at the corner of her mouth. She looked at so many Nobel guards, and all of them were handed over to her and Aarona. No mistakes, she is now sixty! There is no way to compare with Daphal’s 260-level metamorphosis! So many people, like the tides, don't need them to do it. They stepped on and trampled her to death. Then she thought of the bomb again, just wondering if Darurfar would allow it?

"Darufar adults, do these guys want to keep their lives?" Ye Ye still asked in a concealed question, otherwise she was forced to bomb the words directly, but she was finally blamed by Darufal. Then she is really worth the candle.

When he heard the question of the leaf words, Darufal’s look was slightly shocked. Suddenly he looked very old: “There is no way to save the soul to the devil’s end, even if I want to keep their lives, only I am afraid that they will never come back."

Although Darufal did not clearly answer the question of leaf words, but the meaning of the lines between his words has already told the leaf words, directly hit him, do not give me face. Since the big boss has spoken so much, isn’t it too bad to say that the leaf word is not radical?

She said to Arauna: "Hurry up the lightning totem, stun them all, and I will lead them into your encirclement."

"Master! What are you going to do?" Aaron was a bit strange, but soon understood: "You want to deal with those headless knights!"


There was a hint of hesitation in the eyes of Arauna, but looking up and looking at Darufar who had been fighting with Nobel, he nodded and said, "Okay, give it to me!"

The leaf word pulled out the arrow from behind and quickly ran around the entire field. These Norber guards were very depressed by the quick jump and rapid running of the leaf words. They could not help but raise the weapon in their hands. The word leaves rushed. The running of the leaf word is not only to blame, but more importantly, she is also prepared to release the arrow net.

After several consecutive rapid jumps and hops, Ye Ye released an arrow toward the sky. Then, the rain-like arrow fell and gave the Nobel guards a red bump on their heads. Damage, although because of the level of punishment, these injuries are not very high, but looking at the past is still very objective.

Just as Ye Zi took the more than a thousand Nobel guards to run fast, Aaron took on the side of several pieces of guards who were arrested, and he was too busy to lay the totem poles. Fortunately, all of these Norwegian guards are melee occupations, and none of them are remote. Even if their injuries are high, as long as they are not close to them, they are still very good.

In order to give Aaron the opportunity to lay a little more totem poles, Ye Ye ran a few laps with these guards and put a few arrows in the rain. Although the damage was not high, many soldiers were half-blooded and even It is bloody. Of course, this is not the merit of the leaf, but the result of making full use of the venue. These Norber soldiers are now completely demonized. They don’t have any IQ at all. They only know that they follow the hateful words. The leaf words run to the places where there are thick wooden pillar totems. These places are narrow. The guards were either crushed and fell, and were injured by the people behind them, or they were bruised by these pillars.

In short, the place where the leaf word walked was a mess, and there was no good building at all. The tent had collapsed almost, and the totem pillar was not much left. The leaf does not know if the NPC in the tent has escaped, but in such a situation, she really can't care too much.

Fortunately, there is no sacrifice in these guards, or a fixed body is on her own body, she will be directly killed by these guards.

"Master, I am ready!" Finally, Aaron's voice sounded, and Ye's heart was excited, and immediately with the big army behind him rushed toward Aaron. When Ye Zi took the demonized Nobel guards in the direction of Araun, Aarona was already singing skills, and of course he was not a thing compared to Darurfar’s skills, but It is not difficult to smash these guards with chain lightning.

Darufal is now entangled with Nobel, who has become a demon. Although at the beginning, Nobel’s level was only one hundred and eighty, and there was no comparability with Darufar, but now, Nobel. After being transformed into a demon, not only can he fly, but his defense, attack, and health have all been greatly improved, and Darfur is also a headache. But even so, Darufal still took the time to give the leaf and Aaron a blessing technique, so that the attributes of the two people immediately increased greatly!

Ye Zi looked at himself as a property that was almost doubled. He was almost excited and tearful. This is the blessing technique thrown by the high-level NPC holding the artifact. It is too enviable. If you can take Darufal, Whether it is a city war or a group battle, just let him throw a few big blessings behind the team, everything is properly.

The "satisfaction" current sounded a special sound in the cold cold night air. This sound mixed with the demonized Nobel guard's screams, and it formed a very strange voice, echoing in the Doro people. The sky above the tribe is creepy.

Ye Ye originally wanted to throw a bomb, but the only Guards that Araun could rigidly survive were the guards who entered the totem pole. There were only two or three hundred guards, and a large part continued to chase the leaves. Ye Ye couldn’t and didn’t dare to stop and drop the bomb. It seems that this situation can only be handed over to Aaron, and she apologizes to Arauna: “Alaun, I can’t lose the bomb now. Do you have a way to attack yourself."

"You can rest assured that I have group attacks and the power of totem poles. It is still very easy to deal with them."

Since there is Alalau's words, the leaf words are more reassuring, and they continue to run around with the remaining Nobel guards in a messy tribe. I don't know how long it took, her arrow rain thrown out a few times. Suddenly, the leaf word suddenly found a golden experience in front of his screen, oh, this is too fast! She looked up and looked in the direction of Araun. I saw that most of the Norwegian guards had fallen, and a few sporadic pieces were still entangled with Araun. Alaun’s movements were very sensitive. The sub-risk must be caught by them, but in the end it was lucky to escape. Without a moment of effort, the guards all fell.

Araun did not dare to stop, and immediately began to add totem poles, in preparation for the next guards who brought the words again.

Not much longer, the leaf words came with the guards. With the last break, the speed and timing of the leaves leading the guards into the totem poles is much more accurate, and the Yalaua release chain The timing of lightning was also much more appropriate. All of a sudden, in the encirclement of those totem poles, there were almost four or five hundred guards. The leaf word has already rushed to the side of Aarona, and the guards behind him want to rush to fight the leaf words, but there are too many guards in front of them, and they can only scream in the back.

This is the opportunity. This time, these monsters are very concentrated. If you don’t lose the bomb this time, there will be no chance! The leaf did not hesitate to take out a bomb from the parcel and threw it into the crowd. Then, pulling Araun to the ground.

"Darrufar, be careful!" Before he rushed to Aura, the leaf did not forget to pass the gas with Darufar, or he would blow him up, just by himself and Yalau. The power to take to kill Nobel is simply a dream.

Although Darufal did not know what Ye Ye and Aarona were doing, but after hearing this sentence, he neatly put a shield on himself. The golden shield shows the shape of the egg, which is protected by Darufal, and outside the shield is blazing lightning of various colors. The leaf word knows what it is at a glance. Isn't this the lightning shield? Shaman's most powerful self-protection function can not only absorb damage, but also attack people, really good things.

Nobel’s offensive against Darufal was even stronger. He opened his huge wings and kept fanning, and brought a hula hula in the night sky. It sounds like a feeling of demon.

A loud bang of "touch" suddenly rang in the middle of the noisy field, and the huge noise even shook the whole ground slightly. Sand, gravel, various building fragments, and the age-old pieces of armor weapons on Norbert Guardian are not everywhere!

Although the leaf words and Aarona found a safer place to hide, but the huge impact and all kinds of debris still let their blood strips brush down. The leaf quickly rushed out of a blood bottle and wanted to pour it into his mouth, only to find that he and Araun’s blood was suddenly full. She looked up and saw that it was Dharafal, actually in this situation. Under the blue can also be calmly placed on the egg shell to give himself and Ye Zi, Aaron took two sets of a rejuvenation.

NND, it is too abnormal, and it really is a high-level NPC of the 260-level BOSS level. It is simply a synonym for immortality.

Although the powerful shock wave has caused Darfur's egg shell to be affected to some extent, but the shaman is a million oils, and they are all proficient, so there is nothing to be surprised about throwing a rejuvenation. But Nobel was not so good. He was exposed to a huge bomb and was so embarrassed by the debris.

I don't know what the debris is very sharp. I actually cut off the half of his left wing, so that Nob is so screaming, and Darufar has never let go of such an opportunity. The skills were thrown away to Norbert. In the sky, Nobel could not continue to support it and fell to the ground. Losing the dexterous control in the air, Nobel’s combat power was almost halved. At this time, Darufal’s continued dealing with him was a piece of cake!

Although Darufar’s fight against Nobel’s battle was very exciting, the leaf words were not forgotten. I am now fighting. She looked at the place where the bomb exploded. Although there was a big hole in the ground, it also died. Most of the Norwegian guards have been lost, but some of the shrimps and crabs that have slipped through the net are struggling to get up from the ground and rushing toward the leaves. The final step of the Long March must be the most crucial. If you die at this time, then it is truly worth the loss. The leaf words immediately climbed up and down, and the leaping run bounced, completely ignoring that the equipment on his body had not been sustained by the impact of the previous one.

Arauer shook his head, looked up, looked at the scene, and quickly recovered. He jumped up and quickly added the totem pole that had been destroyed. He greeted the words with those left. The next hundred and eighty guards came over to their side.

There are only a few dozen monsters that are much simpler to play. The leaf word recruited the fourth, and with the totem pole of Arauna, the remaining half-blood and blood-stained guards were all put down without spending too much time.

The battle between Darufal and Nob is basically over at this time.

The words of the buddy and the fourth and Aarona rushed to make up a few times, and Norber screamed and fell on the ground, letting Ye and the fourth and Aaron take a lot of experience. The experience of the leaf and the fourth is stored, and it is gratifying to see that Aarona has already passed the level of more than 90.

Darufar put down the staff in his hand, and the robe that was blown in the magic just now has fallen, as if nothing happened. Darufar quietly Looking at the corpse of the mountain, the eyes suddenly closed, and he quickly turned his head and quickly walked into the tent.

"Darufar adults!" Araun wanted to follow up, but was dragged by the leaf words. She shook her head gently at Arajan, she thought, at this moment, Darufal must be I don't want anyone to bother him, even Aaron.

"What's wrong? Master?" Aaron took a look at the leaf words and some unknown.

Ye sighed a sigh of relief. She thought she could understand Darfur's mood. In the face of these dead bodies, all of them are his people. How can he not be sad, how can he not be sad.

"My child! Why do you want to sell your soul to the devil! Why do you want to start with our compatriots!" Suddenly, a screaming voice screamed fiercely, and it seemed so sad in the night sky. The leaves were fixed and I saw a strong Doro woman holding Norbert’s body crying. Then more and more women, old people and children walked out of the tent and kneeled on the ground or hugged. The bodies of their loved ones cried, or the relics of their loved ones cried, and the entire Doro tribe suddenly became a huge sad place.

Weeping everywhere, sad emotions spread to every corner like plague.

This kind of emotion affects Aura, who stands behind the leaf and sobbs, and the leaves are coldly watching the tribes of the Doro people, but the brain is another irrelevant question. .

So many people, where did they go when they just fought? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)