Reign of the Hunters

v5 Chapter 75: Nether Dragon

Chapter 75—The Dragon of the Nether

The leaf word stood on the back of the sixth, stopped in midair, and looked at the plane in the air for a few laps and then hit the rocky mountain. Then, he heard a loud bang, the value The expensive mechanical aircraft turned into a thick smoke, and the players in the plane did not know whether they fled before the plane exploded or disappeared with the plane. In short, the scene looked very fierce.

However, looking at such a scene, the heart of Ye Zi is inevitably a little heavy. It is not for the sake of the loss of the world. It is just that the Shengshi has never been a good lord. This confrontation is only going to be up every day. Inviting endless troubles.

Recently, because of the output of the Mithril vein, a lot of secret silver has been sold, and every day, I have earned a huge sum in the whole fate. Bai Mo used this money to develop the guild greatly, and the number has also increased. less. The last time the leaf asked him the number of people who went up every day, he said that there were nearly 400,000. However, there are still not many people who can actually kill the enemy. According to Bai Mo, these players are training a month. If the equipment is almost accumulated, you can participate in various guild activities. However, loyalty needs further accumulation.

Today's prosperous strikes, many of these newcomers have sharpened their knives, and they have won some opportunities to play. In time, they will also encourage more newcomers to participate in the guild activities according to the new DKP of newcomers today. It’s a pity that there are still a few people who participate in it. Otherwise, it won’t be so embarrassing.

The leaves turned and flew toward the fortress on the sixth, and there were still wars. The players who were transported into the world were elites. They were very good at fighting the streets. They fell into the fortress as if they had entered the dark underground. I can't find it anymore. Even if I have a large number of players moving up every day, it takes a lot of energy to get them caught, and the fighting power against the siege car is greatly dispersed. Outside the fortress, six siege cars were lined up and the fire was kept open to the fortress.

This siege car is very light, the firepower is not too weak, the shell preparation time is short, the biggest advantage is that only three players can move, the randomness is very strong, so the price is very expensive. However, such a large guild in Shengshi should have its own engineering players, and it would not cost too much money to come.

Although the magical artillery shells that are erected on the wall every day are fierce and strong, they are against the natural enemies of the catapult. But when dealing with this kind of lightweight siege car, there are many shortcomings exposed. The first time the shells are loaded The preparation time is also long. The speed of adjusting the crosshair is slightly slower. It is often aligned with the siege car. I have not waited for the shells to be released. The other party has already pushed the car for a place. This wastes a shell. .

It is also for this reason that although the two sides fought for several hours, but the other side of the siege car did not lose a single, it can be seen that Shengshi in order to attack this fortress is not blindly throwing money, but has done a very detailed understanding. So, we have developed the most effective combat plan for the battle against the sky. Moreover, this program has indeed played a very powerful role, but the leaf words are a bit unclear. Sheng Shiming knows that there is such a holy dragon every day, which is extremely lethal. How can he calculate himself?

If they only attack every day and only attack the fortress, without their own words, their tactics can be described as too powerful. As long as they do not appear, it will take a long time to drag down every day. However, they should know that they will definitely appear, so why design such a tactic?

The leaf is a bit confusing, and there is a bit of uneasiness in this doubt. She always feels that the prosperity cannot be so stupid. However, the siege players, when they saw themselves riding the sixth, actually turned around and ran, and quickly retreated, not at all. The more the leaves, the more they feel that they are not right, even if they are afraid of their own holy dragon, they will not be so arrogant. Is it because they are trying to lure the enemy into deep tricks?

The more I don't understand, the more irritable, the leaf words directly manipulated the old six to fly to the top of the retreating player. The old six-six-bit dragon spurted out, and a red damage in the ground emerged, which looked spectacular. Suddenly, Ye Zi only felt that there was a kind of cool danger not far behind her. She jerked back and did not see what it was. She found that a sharp arrow had already flown towards her.

The speed of the arrow is too fast, and the distance is close. Although the leaf has already used the micro-flash, it still has not escaped. Although it has avoided the key, the arrow is still deeply inserted into her right. Immediately below the collarbone, a bitter pain passed over her limbs. Not only that, but the arrow also carried a huge impulse, and when she was nailed into the body of the leaf, she even rushed out her unprepared.

The body of the leaf word turned a little in the air, and immediately whistled a whistle toward the old six. The sixth child had already screamed and flew toward her, letting her fall firmly on his back. However, the word leaves have not stood up yet, and the arrows that have been successively shot have come to her again. Not only that, but I don’t know what, huge smoke will cover her. In the smoke, she and the blood of the sixth child are both It keeps falling.

Ye Ye did not have time to find the enemy, first poured a few bottles of blood on himself, and during this period is another huge impulse to shoot her and the sixth, this leaf has already been prepared, strong in that When the wind blows toward herself, she has already pulled the old sixth in the thick fog and turned a 90-degree bend. Although she has escaped most of the impulse attacks, she has also suffered great damage. The health value is almost zero. She quickly manipulated the sixth to fly toward the path of the "8" in the sky.

Along the way, she kept pouring red bottles into her mouth, while letting the old six flew in a curve. There was a cold arrow behind him, and the leaf was almost shot in the skill of the arrow. The blood was regained, and the old sixth was stopped. Then the sixth child was disbanded. The whole body of the leaf is falling rapidly toward the ground.

The person who was originally chasing the leaf words obviously did not expect the leaf words to do so. The original skill of chasing the leaf words also lost all traces when she fell. The leaf words looked up and tracked themselves in the process of falling. The player looked and saw only a huge figure in the sky. The player on the figure seemed to be looking for her everywhere. She finally found her position. With the huge figure, she quickly chased in the direction of her fall. Come over.

Seeing that she was about to fall on the ground, Ye Ye blew a whistle, and the sixth child was born, and she caught her at once. Ye Ye took the old sixth and immediately ran toward the figure. This time she finally saw it clearly. The other party is also a remote profession. It is not a hunter or a ranger. Of course, this is not the place that attracts her attention. The place is his riding pet. That turned out to be a dragon, and it is an extremely rare dragon of the void!

The Dragon of the Nether is a relatively small race in the Dragon and the Holy Dragon. However, the Dragon of the Nether is not as strong as the Dragon. Its attack ability is only moderate in the Dragon. However, its moving speed is The fastest of the dragons can't help but, and it has a very strong racial skill - stealth! This sneak is similar to the player's sneak. When entering the stealth state, the movement speed is reduced by 50%. Once the dragons use the skill opportunity to emerge from the sneak.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of the Dragon of the Nether, it has always been the task of assaults, assassinations, and vanguards like thieves in the Dragon War. However, as a mount, the dragon of the void is the first quickest.

Shengshi actually got a dragon of the Nether... It’s not a surprise to say that it’s fake, even if the leaf is a born-again player, but in the last life, she has never seen a few Nether Dragons, but she did not expect her current opponent. Actually it is a dragon of the void The sixth child has not advanced to the highest level, the dragon of the Nether is not advanced to the highest level from the body shape, but, nevertheless, the speed of the sixth child is still There will be no dragons in the void. The biggest difference between air combat, naval warfare and land warfare is that the air combat naval war is a 360-degree full-angle war, and the battle on the ground is only a hundred and eighty-degree plane war. This means that in air combat and naval battles, players need to be more predictive if they want to judge the opponent's movements.

Although on the land, the words on the land feel that her ability to predict is very strong, but in the sky, she is not so confident, she carefully observed the opponent's movements, but she has taken the initiative.

The opponent's level is not high, and the maximum is no more than seventy, which makes the leaf word slightly superior in level. However, the other party is obviously more familiar with the various operations in the air battle than her, so that her That advantage has become completely gone.

The leaf word continuously released a few skills, but they both avoided it because of the rapid movement of the dragon of the other party, and the other side released a few skills to them, but one directly hit her, although the damage is not high, but the leaves The word also shows that it is definitely not energy-consuming with the opponent.

She can't afford the war of consumption. If she doesn't talk about the speed, she will say that the red bottle on her body is not much left, and the other party has just appeared, which means that his supply is not a problem. The leaf suddenly realized one thing. This is her first battle in the air. This battle will bring the most direct and best experience to her operation in the air battle. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)