Reign of the Hunters

v4 Chapter 88: Unexpected

Chapter 88 is unexpected

"Is it?" Bai Mo made it clear that he didn't believe the word at all. Jokes, if it was really a fight, would the Lunar New Year release the kind of information on the channel? Bai Mo suddenly felt that he had been mixing with the jelly group for a long time, and actually began to become a three-eighth and gossip.

However, his mood is really very exciting.

The goal of others gossip is the great god, the top player, but for him, the center of gossip is his sister. That feeling is really weird. On the one hand, it feels very strange. On the other hand, I am excited and hope to get some news from her mouth that others don't know.

This kind of tangled little mood is not something that the senior gossip people can't understand.

Bai Mo wiped his face and felt that he was too competent. On the other hand, he had to worry about whether his sister would go astray. On the other hand, he was burning with the fire of the little gossip. Hey, he really should build a monument for himself.

"Yeah." Ye Ci took a breath and answered a little lack of confidence. However, all the words passed by the homing pigeons are words. Bai Mo can't see his own expressions and can't hear his own tone, and he can't see any details. Therefore, Ye Ye is not afraid of what Bai Mo can know.

Bai Mo looked at the two monotonous words and smiled. He obviously didn't believe it. Maybe she didn't even discover the leaf words. She started from a young age. As long as she lie, she has a guilty conscience and her words are very small. They are usually two or two. As long as they know a little about her, It is possible to know from her reaction whether she has fully presented the facts.

This kind of little secret can't help but white, but he didn't wear the leaf, just oh oh, nodded, haha, and then transferred the topic: "You have now the upper limit has been opened, when will you come back? ?"

"After a while, I am going to buy something. I found a very good shop in the hero city." Ye said this is true, she saw the white stranger transferred the topic, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, it was finally flickering.

"Well, then go, let's go to the first copy of the hot gorge this evening. Can you come or not?" This is the most important purpose of Bai Mo's search for leaves.

I thought for a while: "Come."

"Well, then you can solve the problem there quickly, then come back, we will see you in Red Lake City." After the white stranger finished this sentence, he did not send any more information. And the leaf words are not in the virtual, and go directly to the small shop hidden in the depths of the hero city.

Located in the heart of the intricate streets of the North End of Hero City, this store is known for selling a variety of rare and rare consumables. Not a week, the things here will be refreshed once, and the consumables sold are only twenty-one. If you buy this time, you can only buy it again and wait for the next time. In the last world, there were often high-level sourcing of the Grand Council. Whenever things were refreshed, they were crazy when they snapped up. At that time, it was faster than anyone’s hand, who’s eyes were fast, and even who’s Good product.

However, in this world, this small shop still belongs to the wine and is afraid of the deep alley. In such a place, no one knows except the leaf words.

Hero City is a map that has just been opened, and most of the players are still exploring this map. At this stage, players rarely come to this hidden place to visit, more places they go to the lively business district, as well as a variety of remarkable buildings, or beautiful places.

For Ye Zi, those places obviously have no appeal to her. She just wants to take a shot before everyone can find it.

Although this small shop in the last world was surrounded by many large guilds, there is no chance for her such a casual player to grab something from them, but it does not mean that Ye Zi is not familiar with it. You know, she is also the kind of person who often comes to the ointment. Sometimes, if you are lucky, maybe you can mix one or two good consumables, then it would be better.

The leaf stalked into a small alley, and in the depths of the alley there was a small shop called David's grocery store.

The facade of this small shop is not big, the door panels are very old, and the guy sitting in the counter is drowsy with his hands on his head, which is very boring. The items displayed behind him are some ordinary things. If anyone who sees them at first sight, they will not have any interest in the store. After all, this kind of small grocery store can be described as arrogant in a big city. It is not so much better to sell things. It is not worthy of attention.

However, if the player can go deeper and look at it, it will be dazzled by the things here.

However, taking people by appearance has always been a major drawback of human beings. For these small shops, it is no exception.

Ye Ye entered the store, the guy was still dozing off, and she gently tapped the table with her hand, and the guy opened his fascinated eyes and looked at the leaf. It was estimated that he was already asleep. After reading the leaf words for a while, the buddy yawned and asked: "What are you doing?"

"I want to buy something."

"Oh, when you go out to the right and walk all the way, you will see a street sign and follow the signs to the business district. There are more grocery stores than I have." The guy said that he yawned again and looked very vocal. Not sure.

If you meet other players, you might just go out. Originally, a store that didn't have confidence in the things in his store, an opening would let you find another store. Are you interested in dealing with him? Ye Ye even thought, if he did not regenerate, even if he found the store first, he might turn around and go away with this guy.

"I want to buy something from you." Ye words smiled and shook his head, refused the man's proposal, and said his purpose.

The words of the leaf made the buddy somewhat surprised. After he looked at the leaf words up and down, he muttered a low voice: "It’s a weirdo." He said standing up and said to the leaf: "You will wait, I went to call the boss." He turned and walked behind the small shop. After a while, he walked out of the back room with a gnome. He wore a pair of thick glasses, and his dress was rather embarrassing. On the street, such an NPC must not attract any attention from players. And he is the boss of this store - David.

"You want to buy something?"


The gnome David grabbed the bald scoop that had become the Mediterranean and said: "I don't sell general groceries here."

"I know." Ye smiled, he just knew that he came. If he didn't know, maybe she wouldn't come.

"Well, look at what you insist on, I will let you see what we sell, but if you don't need it, you will get out of the way, I don't have any leisure time to accompany you." David's The temper is obviously not very good, and there is no good tone for the first customer of Ye Ci. After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for the leaf words to react. I turned to the buddy and said, “Give her a list of items. I am very busy. If there is nothing big, don’t bother me!”

The guy nodded again and again, and after seeing the boss leave, he opened the list of items for Ye Zi.

The things inside are not cheap. Fortunately, the leaf words are still affordable. Most of them are rare engineering items, but they are not so fine things as the goblin engineering. They are more of a vandal weapon in general engineering items. For example, deep-water torpedoes, power grids, small time bombs, and the like.

There are no more than twenty items for each item. If you buy this time, you can only buy it at this time of the next week.

Ye Zi looked at his own money and then did not hesitate to buy a group of deep-water torpedoes, a set of grids, a medium-sized time bomb, and a large set of time bombs. After purchasing these four groups of things, the money on her body immediately left only a single digit. It seems that when she is looking for the white money, she has a problem with the minimum supply.

The leaf word bought so many things at once, and the buddy was very surprised. He ignored the warning from David and ran into the inside, and said this to David who worked inside. . After a short while, David ran out again, carrying his glasses up and down and looked at the leaves, and he was very polite: "Elves, you know the goods!"

Ye Zi nodded and agreed with David's praise: "I don't know the goods, it's your stuff, not afraid of the alley."

The high hat of Ye Ye apparently made David very useful. He smiled a few times and expressed his welcome to the leaf to come again next time. This made the leaf word somewhat disappointing. She also thought that as the first customer, she was a very wealthy client. David had to give her at least a discount on the future, but she didn’t think that this guy had nothing to say. The gnome is the smallest race in fate. This sentence is not wrong at all.

Out of the David grocery store, Ye Ye recruited the fourth, rushing in the city, to find the flying stone of the hero city, as long as the flying stone is opened, there is no need to sit in the lion, but if it is transmitted through the flying stone, The price is twice as expensive as the sitting lion. Therefore, the flight manager's business will not fade because the players open the flying stone, maybe it will get better and better.

The leaf word came to the vicinity of the flying stone. I carefully looked around and didn't find a special player wearing the cloak. Then I went down to the fourth and walked toward the flying stone.

She had just opened the flying stone and was preparing to return to the city stone to return to Red Lake City. The shoulder was gently patted, and then the voice that made the leaf words dizzy and upset, the ghosts were not scattered. Come over: "Hey, little son, we met again."

The leaf screamed subconsciously, then immediately jumped away, and the reading of the stone back was interrupted. He raised his head and stared at the shameless person who just greeted her: "How do you live?" Will be in this place!"

"I will be in this place of course because you will be here, so I am here." Liu Nian squinted at the leaf and smiled.

"You..." Ye Ye screamed at the beginning of the year, and did not know what to say at the moment.

Unexpectedly, the flow of the year brought a hood, bent down, close to the ear of the leaf words gently said: "You don't look at me like this, it is dangerous."

He took the hood and the voice was very light. For a moment, the players around him didn't find any undercurrent between the two players wearing the cloak.

"Rogue!" The leaf word gnashed his teeth, but his face burned. She thought she could forget what happened in the Wisteria Garden, but it turns out that it is not easy to have a stinking swearing even if she wants to deceive herself. Do things.

"Rogue?" The flow year is not angry at all. Instead, he smiles very happy. After he has indulged, he said, "I don't think I said anything too much. If the little son said that I am because of these words. Rogue, I can't help but guess, Xiaogongzi just thought of something..." He said and smiled twice.

"You are looking for death!" Ye Zi is really angry this time, whether it is anger or something, she is angry anyway. How can there be such a rogue man in the world! Losing her, she still felt that she had a good cooperation with him in the western mainland. The impression on him changed a little. I didn’t think that this shameless, it collapsed so It’s not enough to kill Civilian anger! Her voice was like ice, cold enough to make the surrounding air solidify, and the dagger in her hand was also angry and stunned, but with a blink of an eye, the dagger was so immersed in the chest of the year.

The body of the leaf word has already remembered all the fighting processes. Even if she doesn't want it in her mind, it is enough for her body to judge where the other person's vitality is. For example, now, the word leaves his hand to raise the knife, but the blink of an eye, the cold dagger has been inserted straight into the left chest of the flow.

That is the biggest point in the player's body - the heart.

After being stabbed in the heart, it can basically be equal to spike.

However, when the dagger was inserted into the heart of the flow year, he did not dodge, which made the leaf word greatly unexpected. According to the influence of Ye Ci on the flow year, in the face of such a near danger, he will certainly avoid it, and he must have avoided it, but did not expect it to be the result.

The leaf word lingered for a while, then said: "Why don't you hide?"

This is really the key to getting into the air. I look at the 90% of the blood that I have disappeared in an instant, and the blood strip that is constantly falling because of the bleeding damage, just smiles, just whispering the ear of the leaf: "As long as You want to kill me, I definitely don't fight back."

"You idiot..." The words of Ye Ye did not fall, only to see the flow of years fell in front of themselves. The system prompts that it sounds in a timely manner: "Because you slaughtered innocent people in the non-war zone of Hero City, you will be wanted by the Hero City Guards. Please let your hands go, don't do unnecessary resistance!"

The leaf word twitched at the corner of the mouth. Nani? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)