Reign of the Hunters

v2 Chapter 95: Half eye Garrison

The leaf words suddenly felt that all the ten thousand pores in the body were open, and all the hairs were erected. Every cell was constantly squatting, dangerous and dangerous!

The third child obviously felt the danger. The hind legs were slightly arched, the front legs were straight, the buttocks were slightly tilted up, and the eyes were round and the low throat in the throat. I can see that As long as the leaf word issues any commands, it will immediately rush to attack.

The other party didn't move, just hiding behind the layers of leaves, motionless, only one and a half of the golden scorpion looked at the leaves. That's right, it's one and a half, because there are still half of them who don't know how to be blocked.

That scorpion is not small, at least according to the distance of the leaf word now, that one eye has a basketball size, just a random conversion, can also come out how big the game. The leaf word wants to point out the other party, and then throws a recognition technique to see what the other party is and how many levels.

However, because the other side hides too much, it is not at all. The two sides are so deadlocked.

Although the leaf word is a rebirth, although it is very bullish compared to other players, but she is only a 29-level hunter. Online games are not fantasy, not self-cultivation. They are based on the perfect combination of technology, skills and equipment. It is impossible to suddenly change the body, or the metamorphosis after sudden sudden robbery.

Online games are the kind of rigid things. Even if you can play with the 29th level, you can only play the 29th grade. You want to play the 30th grade, sorry, can't do it.

In fate, the level penalty of the game is 20, that is to say, a player of 29, as long as you can use all your own conditions and even BUFF, the most advanced monster can deal with only 49, and to 50, basic It was just ignored. Not only can you not kill him, but even his defense can't be broken.

When you encounter this kind of situation, don't think about what will happen in the mysterious comprehension novels. The only way out is to flash quickly. Otherwise, you will wait for the corpse to experience the equipment.

The leaf words are less than the other party, a little nervous. In this case, the point is not enough. In addition to the terrain, it is very important that the other party is too big to be at all. She calculated the distance between herself and the other party. I feel that it is unwise to fight hard now. It is far from the distance between the two sides. It is the most sensible to withdraw at this time.

She moved a little toward the back and it seemed that the hair was not moving, but the body had already withdrawn from the back by about 2 yards.

The cold golden braids, the pupils contracted a bit.

In destiny, it is an unprecedented holographic game, and his details are in place. For example, monsters in the beasts, you can see the luster of their hair, touch different degrees of softness, and their pupils will change with the surrounding environment.

If the leaf word is not mistaken, the sudden contraction of the pupil is generally a harbinger before being angry or ready to go.

The leaf words don't dare to move. Now the enemy is dark and I know that it is irrational to act rashly.

A trembling whisper came from behind the leaves, and the leaves moved, and the leaves saw each other's faces.

It was a huge face, the skin was dark, and the unevenness seemed to be rough rock. A half-golden scorpion was embedded on both sides of the huge face, and it was more frightening than that one half-scorpion. Yes - that huge mouth, and the most white teeth like the sword! This face is really familiar, because Ye Zi just killed a few similar guys, but those guys are a little smaller than this one.

That's right, this is the face of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. And it is the face of a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex.

What is Tyrannosaurus Rex? Introduced in the animal world, this is a fierce carnivorous animal, a natural enemy of all dinosaurs. Although it is a game now, this thing can't go up and hold a dinosaur bite, then open your mouth and say that the taste is really good, but you can definitely kill the leaf word.

The other party has already exposed his face, and Ye Ye took a deep breath, and this time he finally chose it. Lost a recognition technique, it can be recognized, it seems that this dinosaur level does not exceed the leaf level 20, the heart of the leaf word is put down, it seems that as long as she can find a suitable place, she can be put down.

However, this idea only lasted until the leaf words looked at its attributes, and after reading the attributes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the decision made by Ye Zi immediately was to retreat.

Half-eye Garrison.

Race: Dinosaur

Rating: 48

Category: Epic creatures

Skills: biting, sweeping, colliding, shattering

Blood volume:? ? ? ?

An epic creature cannot be compared to a normal creature. The strength of an epic creature is generally three to four times its own level, which means that the strength of this first half of Garrison is 150 to 200. Don't say that the word is a person, and now it is estimated that the player who calls the entire Eastern continent may not be able to push it down.

In the face of this kind of creature who wants to force heroism, it is a fool.

It’s just that the leaf is strange. She never remembers that there is an epic creature in this map. The epic creature has the most place in the central continent, but it is now a forbidden zone and can’t get in. The other four continents, even before the leaf reborn, I heard that there are no news of epic creatures. And that's all after the 80th level.

How did she let her meet now?

This question leaves no time to go deeper, because she immediately turned around and ran after seeing Garrison's attributes. And half of the eyes, Garrison, followed in the back of the tropical rain forest and screamed. The leaf word made the third child rush to entangle Garrison, although it was in vain, but at this moment, even if she stayed for a second, she would have more hope for survival.

The third pair of Garrison, no different from the stone, Garrison just bowed his head and screamed at the huge mouth that grew up. The blood of the third child fell down and fell directly to the ground, and the body disappeared. It is.

The pet can't resurrect the pet in the running, the leaf word can't stop now to resurrect the third child, and then let the third child go to the main Garrison, the only thing she can do now is the fast running. Skills, accelerated potions, and acceleration reels, as long as they can make their legs faster, Ye Zi also refuses to price, and desperately loses to his body.

However, Garrison was still chasing after him, and he was about to catch up. The word's charge skill cooled down. She immediately opened it, and the man rushed 20 meters toward the front. Garrison saw the food in his mouth ran again, and the angry stopped.

It raised his head and screamed, then saw that it lifted the thick right hind leg and squatted on the ground. Epic skills shatter! ! Suddenly the whole earth immediately trembled, with Garrison's place as the center of the circle, and numerous cracked cracks spread in all directions, with a radius of 30 yards!

Fortunately, the leaf words are not within the scope of the crack, and there is no injury. However, the shattering brings not only the damage but also the violent vibration of the earth, which makes the leaf word have no way to escape, directly in the middle. The BUFF that fell fell to the ground.

This is not an epic skill, not only has super-killing power, super-large range, but also skill influence, and it is the best of the enemy!

Garrison saw the prey fall and immediately ran towards the leaf. The leaf word has already climbed up and immediately buried an ice trap.

It takes 1.5 seconds to fall and climb, and it takes 5 seconds to bury the trap, which adds up to 6.5 seconds. Garrison has just released an epic skill, with a 2.5-second speed of action. From Garrison to the current position of the leaf, it takes 4.5 seconds to run at a speed of 7 seconds.

The leaf words have been calculated. Her skills, potions, and reels are all in the air, and they have fallen. This is a must-have if they continue to run. It is better to bury a cold trap in the sword. Garrison and the leaf word are only 18 levels. Although it is an epic creature, it can only explain the ability of the fork, but it is not willing to go beyond the rules of the level penalty. Between the two levels, the success rate of the ice trap is 5%.

Anyway, running is also dead. If you don’t freeze the trap, you will die. If you are dead, it’s better to fight. If she is lucky, will she freeze it?

The time of 0.5 seconds is very fast. However, the time you blinked is simply too short to be ignored. What can I do in 0.5 seconds? Maybe I can't do anything. You didn't even finish a sneeze, and it passed.

It was just such a short time, letting Garrison run to the tiny gap around the leaf, she went to the side and rolled to the side.

It’s too late to look back, and there’s already a huge ice cube on the side!

Actually... successful!

The ice trap will only freeze the enemy and there is no harm to us. The leaf word actually didn't roll out too much distance, still only under Garrison's thigh, so this ice is really a bit strange.

There is a small hollow below the huge ice cube, and the inside of the hollow is just the leaf that has not been frozen.

I didn’t think about the leaf words, I immediately climbed out of the hollow, and rushed toward the edge of the map! Just now she has been thinking about where to go, now she finally thought of it. Go to burn cracks!

On the edge of the humid rainforest is a giant deep valley that is not at the bottom. There is a safe area, at least at this stage is safe, the purpose of Ye Zi is now there!


I want to share one thing with you. It was updated very late today, there is no other excuse, because the fireworks have just been written. I went to the hospital in the morning, and the doctor told me that after 36 weeks, my identity will be upgraded. For this result, I am still in the state of accepting incompetence... one day.

The mood is now... very messy, so I plan to continue to code. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in, chapter more, support the author, support genuine reading!)