Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 133: Class B demon spirit in the sea

The deep blue water surging up with waves from time to time.

The surging waves hit the huge reef, and there was a roar.

Nearly 50,000 members of the Nine-storied Pagoda and nearly 100,000 soldiers from almost the whole country have gathered at the southeast coast, on the edge of a coastline about fifty kilometers long.

They are all fighters who rushed over here from all over the place to stop the B-class demon spirits who are about to attack!

Facing the deserted beach with a width of nearly 500 meters in front of them, everyone was ready to attack.

At the same time, dozens of meters behind them, there are hundreds of rocket cars, and more than two hundred howitzers filled with various shells, etc., are also arranged here!

Dozens of bombers are ready to take off at any time!

At the rear, even just in case, even the nuclear bombs were completely aimed at the coastline, ready to be launched at all times.

If you can't resist the landing of this B-class demon spirit and let it spur the ocean to form an extremely terrifying tsunami, then the nuclear bomb will really become the last resort.

The strength of a B-class supernatural being is far from the same as the strength of a B-class demon spirit.

Limited by the size of the body, the extent of the use of aura, and various reasons, when an extraordinary person such as B faces a demon spirit such as B alone, there is no chance of winning at all.

Although humans have gradually caught up with the evolutionary speed of mutant creatures in terms of aura concentration, their strength is not even a little bit worse.

Unless very few extraordinary people such as B have the ability to amplify the body's defensive limit, they all have to rely on flesh and blood and mutant creatures to fight.

Especially when dealing with some mutant creatures with extremely thick defenses, carapace or even rocks, it will be extremely tricky.

What's more, when facing a demon spirit that can kill in one piece or face to face, it's good that they can support it.

Therefore, in general battles against demon spirits, many transcendents use multiple enchantments to trap each other, and then the strongest transcendents carry out snipers.

But despite this, everyone on the coastline is now anxiously waiting for the arrival of the B-class supernatural beings of the two nine-story towers!

Only the two of them can bring a glimmer of victory to this battle!

Whether it is Xing Yue or Fei Jun, the abilities of these two towers are among the best among all transcendents.

The abilities they possess are far more powerful than those of C and other supernatural beings present.

In the face of those invulnerable terrorist creatures who hardly fear heat weapons other than nuclear bombs, extraordinary people such as B are the ones who create miracles.

Otherwise, they really can only rely on the power of nuclear bombs.

Since the aura concentration detection satellite went to the sky, one of their extremely important tasks is to constantly monitor the movements of those B-class demon spirits in the vast ocean.

They will speculate and track the movements of these B-class demon spirits based on the constant changes in the value of the aura.

Before, when several B-class demon spirits collectively approached the neon, relying on the early warning of the aura concentration detection satellite, many people also escaped this catastrophe.

But more people could not know the arrival of the disaster, and were swept away by the sudden tsunami and were buried in the sea.

Now, after constant reconnaissance and calculations, humans have learned that there are three B-class demon spirits that are about to approach the fifty-kilometer-long coastline of Tang State!

Although the human side did not have any challenge to the ocean-the huge spiritual realm of these B-class monsters, these monsters with extremely terrifying strength and amazing combat effectiveness are still here!

"Two hundred nautical miles away at one o'clock, a huge shadow has been found!! All combat units are ready for battle!!"

The high-pitched horn sounded again. Both the extraordinary and the ordinary soldiers grasped their weapons, and the troops began to move strategically.

They both looked nervously at the direction of the sea, while wondering at the same time.

Why haven’t those Nine-Cold Heavenly Pagodas who have gone to Shu Province come back? It has been five hours since the warning was issued, and even if it is slow, there should be news.

At the speed of those B-class demon spirits, it would take less than two hours to get here from two hundred nautical miles away. If they can’t keep up...

Then, their combat effectiveness is not that strong, so they have to face those B-class demon spirits.

"Prepare for the enchantment group! Prepare for the special ability group! Prepare after the elemental group stands in the enchantment group!" As the ninth day tower of the nine-layered sky tower, Cheng Yu was naturally extremely anxious.

As an extraordinary person such as C, his abilities are far from the fur of Xing Yue and Fei Jun.

Even if the difference between C and B is only one letter, the gap between strengths can be described as a huge difference!

But the scene is among the nine-layered sky towers here, and he is the only one of the sky tower level, and this battle has to be carried out under his command.

Except for Zheng Guodong of the seventh day pagoda who went crazy, and Xue Yucheng of the third day pagoda who unfortunately died in dealing with the alien beasts, the rest of the pagodas are now continuing to search for the presence and deeds of the alien beasts in Shu Province.

Cheng Yu looked at the vast sea.

At the end of the line of sight, amidst the boundless waves, there was no alien beast.

Whether it is these extraordinary people, or the soldiers present, even those rocket cars and howitzers.

The most that can be done is to get rid of the mutant creatures of C, D, etc. and even weaker ones in the various oceans that rushed to the shore along with B and other demon spirits.

As for those B and so on, the most they can do is to build a defensive enchantment and trap them in it.

Then, wait for the more powerful B and other transcendents to come for reinforcements!

If they don’t come, then they really can only use nuclear bombs as a last But once nuclear bombs are used, they may also be affected, not to mention, they are just under three kilometers behind them. The human gathering place-Xiahu City!

Since the era of aura recovery, Xiahu City has grown from a megacity to a super megacity with a large number of people moving in.

Whether it was the impact of B or other demon spirits or the impact of a nuclear bomb, it would be an unbearable disaster for all mankind.

In just five hours, not all the residents of Xiahu City can be moved to a safer place.

And when they are extraordinary, they can only use the enchantment ability and the consumption of a large amount of spirit stones to resist them from going ashore when they are really unable to deal with B and other demon spirits.

Once they really get ashore, they will immediately use that terrifying ability-tsunami call!

Those things can never be allowed to happen!

Time passed, and gradually, everyone saw the huge black shadows emerging from the end of the sea level!

"Attention all combat units! Get ready to fight!!" The tweeter shouted. The soldiers who had been preparing for a long time were also fully prepared at this time!

"There are five kilometers! Four kilometers! Three kilometers..."

The sound of the bomber also rose from a distance at this time, resounding through the entire sky!

The howitzer barrel has been adjusted, and the rocket car is ready to launch at any time!

However, as the huge black shadows approached, everyone who had been extremely nervous couldn't help but rub their eyes.

"Then, what is on the heads of those B and other demon spirits?"