Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 287: Crisis

"Report! The Reiki Exploration Satellite No. 1 detected a large number of mutant creatures from the Daqin Mountain Spirit Realm!"

"Report! The Reiki Exploration Satellite II detected a large number of mutant creatures from the Shuxi Spirit Realm!"

"Report! Reiki..."

As soon as there was a report, almost everyone in the combat meeting room began to panic when they shouted from the liaison officers of the Reiki Detection Section who were a little panicked.

Yesterday, the reports that cities across the country were attacked and most of them were destroyed have already caused everyone's anxiety.

The number of casualties can no longer be counted, and the economic loss is astronomical.

Countless people have been displaced and countless people are homeless.

Even though that person had sent countless troops from Shangjing to rescue and guide these people to nearby cities, there were too many people who suffered in just one night.

Although the offensive of the A-class Demon King did not strike again after dawn yesterday, who knows when the next wave of attacks will come?

A-class Demon King, no, it is possible that the monster that has become the S-class Demon King will easily break through the city with several walls, the city with the aura shielding device, and even the six-gold square and The city of Xiahu where countless aura shielding devices were buried was destroyed...

Moreover, according to the sighting reports of various survivors, the mutant creatures that went to various places to attack cities were giant wolf type, panda type, flying bird, mouse, monkey, etc.

But whether that person or the person in the combat command room, everyone can guess based on the many previous information that these are just the dependents of the S-class Demon King.

The real one is still hidden behind the scenes and still hasn't appeared.

Although the S and other demon kings have not yet appeared, judging from the power that can destroy the Transcendent Research Center in hundreds of cities in an instant, it may now have the power to destroy the world...

The man frowned.

despair? Although humans know what despair is, they often forget this word at the moment of life and death.

On the contrary, the more mankind gets to this kind of time, the more they understand the meaning of the so-called "hope"!

After the fighting stopped completely, another night passed.

The continued attack did not come again.

No one dared to relax.

All people are constantly busy, in order to minimize the losses caused by this battle.

Everyone knows that nothing can be changed by "sit and wait to die".

On this day, the sun rose as usual, and the continued attack from the monster's side still did not come.

But no one dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

No one knows when there will be the next attack.

However, everyone did not wait long. This moment will come soon.

Moreover, it is more violent than before!

According to the report, all the mutant creatures in the entire Tang Dynasty are now attacking Beijing in extremely terrifying numbers!

"A nine-layer six-gold square array is built around the outer wall, and everyone is sent out to build more layers of aura shielding devices!"

"Students, young children and women are given priority. I will send people to maintain order and evacuate these people to Quancheng, Jidongcheng, and Huanghai City!"

"Call all troops from nearby cities to deploy outer defenses! Heavy weapon troops are the priority!"

One command after another was issued from that person's mouth.

In the combat command room, the rest of the people are also busy.

Everyone knows that even if one step is slow, even if a wrong step is conveyed, everything will be lost!

This Shangjing City can be said to be the most heavily defended city in the world!

Since the resurrection of spiritual energy, in the whole world, Tang Guo can be regarded as the most difficult place.

From the beginning of the rumors of the B and other demon spirits, to the suppression of the Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm, and then the appearance of the A and other demon kings, the Battle of Qingcheng, and the multiple attacks from the S and other demon kings in the early morning yesterday, more Regardless of the initial penetration of destiny, the smoky miasma of the Transcendents Association, the escape of the Nine Heaven Tower, the collectively transformed monsters of artificial transcendents researched by the Transcendent Center...

One by one, each one is suffering that is not found anywhere else in the world.

Therefore, the capital city has gradually become stronger and stronger.

Although he hadn't been attacked in the previous battle, that person would never feel that this place would never be attacked.

Therefore, after gathering almost all the six gold squares and aura shielding devices into this super huge city with a population of nearly 60 million, what that person has to do is to get out of this catastrophe as much as possible, Let Shangjing City still stand upright in the tide of mutant creatures!

The man's brow furrowed.

He hasn't slept for three days, and even if the people around him kept taking turns to rest and replace, that person still hadn't slept once.

The current form, even the slightest change, can affect the final result.

He dared not sleep.

Every decision he makes will determine the future direction of mankind.

Survive or destroy.

Humans may be defeated in this era of aura recovery, but they must not be defeated!

Even if the other party is the Demon King S, he would say so!

However, this time the attack of the mutant creature from the entire spirit realm, what is it? Why do you want to attack in the direction of Beijing?

Among these mutant creatures, is there that S-class Demon King, as well as its dependents?

In other words, all of this was done by the S and other Demon Emperor?

The man thought carefully.


This should not have been done by the Demon Emperor of the S class.

This is not the method that guy would use.

From the beginning to the present, no matter that person or others, everyone has figured out some of the behavior patterns of the S-class Demon King.

During the night operation, the dependents were used to disperse the attack, and almost every time they used the rain, even when the spiritual rain broke out, to cover.

I have never heard of it before, it will use all the mutant creatures in the whole spirit realm to command them to attack a certain city.

That S and other Demon King seems to always want to hide himself behind the scenes, and even his dependents keep a certain degree of mystery, not like they are now.

Instead of, it is better to send all the dependents to attack at night or when it rains. That's what the S and other Demon King will do.


"Send people to search the whole city to check for new things or abnormalities! Especially the downtown area!"

"Check all the cameras in the city and look for all suspicious people!"

"All the people related to the fate will be caught by me, don't let one run away!"

After giving the new order, the man stood up.

"The enemy is not the Demon Sovereign of S, but the destiny around us!"


Everyone started to get busy, and that person also approached a member of the Reiki Detection Section who had been busy checking various data.

"Where are the original Nine Heaven Towers in the direction of Bingcheng?"