Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 382: Sea of ​​bugs

Lin Ming didn't react at first.

This idea of ​​him can be said to be quite bold.

After all, all the mutant creatures that have been encountered before, or the mutant creatures that have been sensed, are basically all kinds of animals, birds, aquatic creatures, insects, etc., after absorbing the aura, through continuous upgrading The existence that becomes after the realm.

However, this situation now makes him have to rebuild the ideas he had solidified before from the ground up.

The huge and incomparable things in these small lakes or ponds, which look like tapeworms that have been magnified tens of thousands of times, really exude the aura of the second order.

They were indeed the mutant creatures he had sensed before.

If the judgment is correct, these things are really disgusting mutant creatures that were originally parasites after absorbing the aura...

Parasite mutant creatures are okay.

Lin Ming suddenly felt a great sense of disgust, which suddenly flooded his mind.


Mutant creatures other than those bugs can't be accepted by him.

Moreover, if these parasites can live in harmony with those humans, then it means one thing, almost certain.

Especially, Lin Ming felt even more of this feeling when he perceives human beings who are like walking corpses.

These people have been parasitized!

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be the case.

Lin Ming perceives those who can't speak at all, and do not have normal human manifestations. After discovering that they have been repeating something mechanically, he felt that this kind of guess should be almost correct. .

This parasite mutant creature, using its own ability, should be to infect these humans with parasites, and at the same time control the parasites on these humans, to completely change the thinking and behavior patterns of these humans, turning them into The real host!

What a terrifying and disgusting way of living...

Lin Ming really didn't expect such a mutant creature to exist above this blue star.

He carefully sensed the humans again, and found that there was indeed a very small amount of aura in their heads and abdomen.

And these auras should be the things transmitted by the larval parasites controlled by those parasites, right?

Lin Ming once again felt towards the direction of the neon country.

He discovered that the mutant creatures he had previously perceived had almost the same shape, and almost all "lived" in some small ponds or lakes.

And that monster with Tier 3, even though it looks a bit different from the appearance of standard parasites like these other Tier 2 monsters, and even looks like a very alien creature, there is no doubt that it should be exactly the same as these parasites!

So, it seems understandable that the humans in these neon countries should have been completely controlled by these parasite mutant creatures, so that they completely cut all ties with humans in other places?

Lin Ming is not completely sure now, but basically, he thinks that should be the case.

The kingdom of mankind completely destroyed by parasite mutant creatures...

Speaking of it, really the first one?

Lin Ming thought that when he arrived here, maybe when he attacked those mutant creatures, he would accidentally clean up everyone in this neon country.

But what I didn't expect was that there seemed to be no way to realize his idea.

These humans have been taken care of by these parasite mutant creatures.

It's really disappointing.


It has nothing to do with those humans.

At this moment, Lin Ming already wanted his subordinates to take action.

Kill all the parasite mutant creatures in this archipelago!

Since they have not extinguished the ardent emotional flames that want to fight, let them come and completely wipe out the parasite mutant creatures in this archipelago!

Thinking of this, Lin Ming also controlled the bamboo root ball, and used other bamboo roots to pull all his subordinates out of it, and put them on different islands.

"Master! It's coming over!" As soon as the Flame Wolf Yan Shou reached the shore, the master Lin Ming's bamboo roots let it go, and immediately discovered that a group of human strangers rushed towards it at this time!

"Burn everything on this island." Lin Ming gave orders to his eager subordinate.

Although it is said that killing ordinary humans will not have any spiritual income, nor will it have any meaning, the humans on these islands can no longer call them "humans".

After being lodged by parasites and then becoming their nests and puppets, and even after their heads are eaten up, these humans may be more suitable to be called "the walking dead".

"Yes! Master!" Yan Kuan roared, suddenly bursting into a fiery explosion of flames from himself and several meters around him!

And on other islands, the thunder, venom, wind blade, etc. caused the noise, and continued to destroy the walking dead, as well as the parasite mutant creatures in the ponds or small lakes!

Panda Pangda, Feng Xiao, and Feng Yan did not follow them to attack, and the white mouse Xueya also stayed beside them.

Pangdahe Fengxiao and Fengyan are because these second-order mutant creatures do not need them to take action, while the white rat Xuefang is because there is no use for it here.

"Master, I can't feel the existence of any rodents, it's really..." Xueya was a little depressed.

Its ability is certainly powerful, it can control thousands, or even tens of thousands of mice or mutated mice, and let them be used by it.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, if you encounter a kind of opponent that rats or mutant rats cannot defeat even if they pile up a large number of them, this trick will be very useless.

Just like the black worm we encountered before, its ability will be of no use at all. On the contrary, the rats controlled by it will become food for the black worm because of this, which will strengthen the enemy’s strength. .

Now this situation makes it completely unable to use its own abilities.

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, not to mention that there is no mouse that can be controlled by Snowfang, and its abilities are therefore useless.

"Your ability is nothing more?"

Lin Ming understood the power of this subordinate's abilities.

It is not that he has never seen Xuefang control the rat group, and easily destroy the invincible fortified city, Xiahu City, which is full of aura shielding devices.

However, he was also very aware of the bottleneck faced by the White Rat, which has reached the second order.

If there were no mice, Xuefang would not be able to display his strength.

An enemy whose number of rats cannot be shaken will also lose its ability.

"Master..." Xueya wanted to shake his head very much, but he knew that his lack of strength had become his biggest weakness at the moment.

It is well aware that it is surrounded by companions with extremely high levels and superior strength. Now it has been a long time since it joined, but its strength is the existence of all the rankings and even the inverse of it.

Moreover, in terms of Lingzhi, it also found that it was slowly catching up, or even surpassing it directly.

Frustration is very strong.

It already has a highly evolved intelligence, and it also has this kind of complicated emotions.

Lin Ming suddenly placed it on an island.

"Xueya, prove that I don't have a useless subordinate, now!"

Lin Ming knew that he had to force this little guy once.

Unlike other subordinates, Xuefang's ability itself is extremely special.

But this does not mean that it can hesitate because of this!

Among his subordinates, there is no need for incompetent people.

If an unimaginable level of battle really occurs, and these battles, when subordinates have to participate, then subordinates like Xuefang will become the first type to be eliminated. !

Lin Ming didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

But he also knows that if he wants to cross this threshold, he must let these subordinates like Xueya break through this bottleneck and imprisonment by himself, instead of relying on the assistance and help of his master.

Otherwise, you can't move forward one step!

If it really doesn't work, then this era of aura recovery will give Xuefang a position of repeated marginalization. Temporary flukes and self-pity are enough to kill it.

This island, because of Pang Da, Feng Xiao and Feng Yan, did not go there before, and it happened to be the only one left without any subordinates.

And here, naturally, like other human islands, there are also parasites and a large number of walking corpses controlled by it.

This happens to be the most suitable test field for Snowfang!

If it can show some strength and pass this test, then Lin Ming will naturally be very happy.

But if not...

Then, Xueya will completely lose all status from the group of these subordinates that he has always valued.

Perhaps, in the future, I can only go to Qifeng Mountain or Wanzhuhai Spirit Realm to guard it.

"Master, master..."

Compared with the huge size of the companions, Xuefang, who appeared too small and too small, had also made a good sense of consciousness.

It is very clear, what to do!

The ability of the "piper", even though it has been used on mice all the time, makes it as if this ability can only be used on this mouse.

But in fact, as long as this ability is a mutant creature weaker than itself, it can control it!

And the closer the mutant creature is to its own level realm, the more difficult it is to control it. On the contrary, if it is the lower the level realm, the easier it can be controlled, and the greater the number!

However, judging from the information disclosed to it by the owner before, the only thing to be eliminated on this island is actually the only second-order mutant creature-a giant parasite located in a small lake in a human gathering area. !

If you run by yourself, you don't even need the parasites, just these walking corpses can make it impossible to move forward at all.

But what if you control these walking corpses?

Xuefang's ability is actually almost a kind of ability similar to "long-distance mental power manipulation". Even if the heads of these walking dead are eaten by the parasites, it can completely control them!

"Master, please take a look. Even me can be active on the battlefield!"

Xueya, the little mouse, instantly rushed into the humans who had discovered it and attacked it!

At the same time, it immediately used its abilities!

Suddenly, almost all the walking corpses on this island seemed to be petrified, completely motionless!

And this huge number of nearly 30,000 suddenly changed direction and went directly to the small lake in the center of the island!

"Very good, next..."

Xueya found one thing.

If this huge parasite monster was really strong, it would be impossible to just stay in the small lake in the center of the island.

Instead, it should follow the flow of the ocean and invade further away.

However, even the walking corpses it is controlling, it doesn't dare to step into the sea at all!

This proves that the weakness of this huge parasite can be various elements or the sea water itself!

Xueya's intelligence allows it to fully analyze various situations and various intelligence during the battle, and provide help for the battle itself.

Their combat literacy is even more refined and strategic than Pangda.

So, almost instantly after entering this battlefield, it already knew exactly what it should do!

Controlling the walking dead, the white rat Xuefang did not approach them.

After all, according to the owner, these guys who look like humans have actually been controlled by a mutant creature called parasites, and their bodies are all these things.

Xueya knew that what it had to do next was to control these walking corpses, let them drag the huge parasite mutant creature out of the water, and then throw it into the sea!

It didn't take long for all the walking dead on this small island to gather around the small lake.

The number of them really surprised Xueya!


Xueya knew that it was time for a good show!

Tens of thousands of walking corpses entered the small lake together, filling it up completely in an instant!

And at the moment they poured into the lake, almost all the lake water was squeezed out by the walking dead!

Xueya knows that this is not the end.

It was by the lake, seeing that huge monster insect, which had been caught and lifted by the many walking corpses it controlled. Later, it was discovered that the guy actually spit out countless white things to its place!

"A larva?" Xueya had anticipated this move a long time ago, and at the same time, it also discovered that an unimaginable number of bugs had crawled out of the mouths, eyes, etc. of the walking dead!

These worms, under the command of the giant worm, have gathered into a stream. Converged into a big river again!

They are like they will never stop, rushing directly at it!

And those walking corpses fell to the ground one by one, like corpses one by one.

However, Xueya didn't care about it at all.

Since you can control the larger and more walking corpses, like this kind of bug, it is even more so!

It used its power instantly, and at the same time, the river of worms that rushed towards it also instantly reversed the river course, instead rushing towards the giant worm!

Countless small insects lifted the giant insect again, like a river, flowing straight to the sea.

With the constant struggle of the giant worm, the little worms also continued to subdue it with Xuefang's control.

After a short while, the bugs brought the giant worm to the beach, and in the sea with it, it became a mass of inanimate objects!