Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 72: Hidden value

   early morning.

   It is drizzle, like mist and yarn.

   Raindrops dripped gently from the tips of the emerald green leaves, and fell on the thick dead leaves under the trees.

   The bleak autumn breeze has blown, giving this rain that nourishes everything, with a trace of sadness.

   Wanzhuhai everything is the same, in the vast forest and sea, from time to time there are long roars of wild animals; among the murky streams, fish and shrimps occasionally jump out of the water.

   Compared to this vigorous Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm, the Lingxiao Peak Spirit Realm, which is now braving a huge black plume of smoke, is more like hell.

   The fire burned all night.

   The huge sound of rolling and collapse of mountains and rocks came from the direction of Lingxiao Peak after a while, echoing for a long time between the valleys.

   This time, I learned a lot.

   From the cave of the Lingxiao Peak Spirit Realm, he absorbed all the cave walls and the spiritual stones on the ground that he could touch, and directly brought it nearly 20,000 points of evolution!

  The bounty hunters who invaded from the side of the valley received too much less spirit stones, and he finally only had less than a thousand points of evolution to be accounted for.

   Now, the total number of evolution points on the attribute panel has reached the number of 20,339.

   is quite large, Lin Ming did not use it immediately, but temporarily stored it.

   However, relative to these evolutionary points, Lin Ming felt that he had gained the most from intelligence.

   Whether it is Ling Xiaofeng’s legion plus the extraordinary squad, or those bounty hunters, they have brought him a lot of valuable human intelligence.


   This thing occupies the most central position among all events.

   Everything is unfolding around it.

   Since the Silver Poison Heavenly Dragon was defeated by himself, the human side has been impatiently sending heavy troops and a large number of extraordinary people to the Lingxiao Peak spiritual realm to search for the spirit stone.

   Spirit stones are magical things that allow transcendents to absorb the aura and improve their realm cultivation. However, because high-level spiritual stones exist in the spiritual realm where high-level demon spirits are located, mining becomes extremely difficult.

   This also caused the human side in this era of aura recovery, the speed of improvement in strength is far behind the mutant creatures.

  Different from them, mutant creatures can absorb the aura from the sun, the air, the water, and even the leaves, flowers, fruits, etc., and their realm rises extremely fast.

   And, as the concentration of aura deepens, this speed becomes faster and faster.

   To give an example, this is the Myriad Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm.

   It took only a short time from the beginning to be "mutated creatures" over and over again to the emergence of "step-in-class" spirit creatures.

   And it took only a short time from the emergence of "advanced level 1" spiritual things to the level of advanced spiritual things everywhere.

   Recently, mutated creatures of the eighth level and the ninth level also appeared from time to time.

   Especially those creatures that look inconspicuous, like ants, flying insects, and so on. There are a lot of people who have entered the fifth and sixth ranks.

   However, no matter how close they are to "first-order", Lin Ming will never allow them to successfully improve their realm, and use various methods to let them get a lot of evolution points.

  The spirit stone is a very important element for human beings to make strides to catch up with mutant creatures.

   Although they have not yet obtained a sufficient amount of spirit stones above Grade E, the day when they finally obtain a large amount of spirit stone veins should not be too far away.

   After all, mankind has a very powerful weapon: technology.

   The science and technology of the era of aura recovery, the status of mankind is threatened, and they will devote all their energy to scientific research in this area.

   It is not impossible to create a machine that can quickly lock the spirit stones of C-level, B-level, and so on, and then obtain them through various technologies. This kind of thing is really not impossible.

  If there is such a day, will human beings provide superior resources to a handful of transcendents, and cultivate some transcendents capable of rivaling mutant creatures such as B?

   The answer, Lin Ming thinks it is yes.

   And he, during this period of time, how to raise himself to a height that human beings can't reach even if he piles up a strongest transcendent, he should think about it.

   Another important piece of information is the aura concentration detection satellite.

   Lin Ming still remembered that the first time Captain Zheng led a transcendent to the Ten Thousand Bamboo Sea Spirit Realm, his mission was to detect the concentration of aura in this Spirit Realm.

   The aura concentration detection device in their hands is still a "big box".

   When they came for the second time in a few months, the big box became a much smaller "small box".

   This time, on the Lingxiao Peak, humans heard the "Aura Concentration Detection Satellite" far away in space.

  Although the function of this satellite is still extremely limited, it can only show some hot spots and data, and can not even generate specific images, but its existence is an epoch-making invention.

   In the months before and after, human technology has evolved to such an extent, which really surprised Lin Ming.

Not only that.

   Above Lin Ming's bamboo branches, there is a silver-gray gadget that looks like a watch.

   This thing only has an LCD screen, and what is displayed on it is just a string of numbers.

   But Lin Ming knew very well that this thing was the "miniature aura concentration detector" in the mouth of those bounty hunters.

   This thing has completely replaced the previous large box, and has evolved to such an extent that it is convenient to carry. According to those hunters, the accuracy of this thing is much more accurate than before.

   It can not only measure the concentration of aura in the spiritual realm, but also the strength of the aura in the mutant creatures.

   can be easily reached by just switching by the button.

   Now, what is displayed on the LCD screen is the number 66516, which should be the aura concentration value of the entire spiritual realm.

   According to the classification of humans, this belongs to the spiritual realm where mutant creatures such as C inhabit.

   switched, the display changed to 1755 again.

   This is the approximate value of the aura concentration of the nearest mutant creature, the normal number of demon spirits such as C ~ ~ Lin Ming knows it.

   He now has the ability to "conceal aura", and his strength is now only 15% of his original strength.

   So simple calculation, his current real value, got the number 11700.

   This number represents a B-level demon spirit that is a medium-sized demon spirit, and its combat effectiveness is close to incomprehensible. It requires a large-scale army or a shock-level weapon to destroy it!

   Lin Ming's realm at this moment is the second level and fifth level.

   After a series of incidents, he actually rose a lot, which surprised him.

   He noticed that the increase in this level seemed to be related to the absorption of a lot of spiritual energy.

   is like a spirit stone. When he absorbs the aura in it, the system only reminds him that he has obtained an evolution point, but the system has never reminded him of the acquisition of aura.

   This aura is actually more like an "experience value". There is no specific number to display, but it always exists.

   When this "experience value" is accumulated to a certain level, the realm will also be improved and upgrades will be carried out, and the system still does not display on this.

  , you can see the changes from the properties panel.

   It seems that if you want to further upgrade to the level of "Tier 3", you must continue to absorb more auras.

   And the spirit stones that provide a lot of spiritual energy are things that he must pay attention to later.

   Looking up, Ling Xiaofeng still smoked.

   It seems that in addition to wanting to completely wipe out the mutant creatures that have been humiliated by them, human beings also seem to use this missile to completely destroy the spirit stone in this place not to be worried by anything else.

   "Ling stone..." Lin Ming whispered, looking at the subordinates.